What do u guys think of the ability for us to rune forge change out weapons runes at anytime? Would be nice for arenas. With so many awesome new runes would be cool to swap them out depending on what comp or class your playing against.

You can already do this by having more than one weapon with whichever runeforge you want attached. I doubt they would like to make it even easier. Also with weapon swapping you can switch which runeforges you want in combat.

Runeforge Download

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The benefit of this is that a Deathknight would be able to change their Runeforge without having to Death Gate back to DK Class Hall, if you consider the fact that no other class really has to go back to their class hall for any relevant in game mechanism for Dragonflight. However, Deathknights who either need to put a Runeforge on a newly received weapon drop or change their Runeforge for certain mechanics etc. have to Death Gate out of their current location, change or put the runeforge on the weapon/s then Death Gate back.

Instead it would be much easier to have an ability which allows them to create a Runeforge at their current location that they can use to change or put runes on their weapons without having to go through the whole change of location etc. This would be very beneficial for things like PvP Area and being able to change your Runeforge in the preparation room based on enemy compositions. It could also be used in M+ Starting sections to change your Runeforge on a weapon and not have to carry multiple weapons with different runeforges depending on what is required.

In the runeforge, you can purchase runic items which can then be used to create a special item of your choice (only these items can be imbued with runes, not normal items from merchants). There are 4 kinds of items you can buy from the runesmith: Hand held weapons, ranged weapons, armour and banners (which need to be in the top left inventory square to work in battle).

Each item may have up to 3 runes and some runes can be added multiple times to increase effect. You can only ever buy 1 of each master rune, but you can apply several master runes to 1 item. You can only repurchase a master rune if the item gets looted or the runesmith destroys the item it is currently on (you will get some gold if you trade in your items). You can only give dwarf companions runic weapons.

A Dwarfhold will have countless forges and smelters within its endless halls, but a Runesmith will only deign to work at a runeforge. Such places have been properly prepared with runes of power and warding, blessed by priests of Valaya, and house a raging fire within - a flame that burns bright and pure.

Runeforge was created in -6355 AR4 by the runelords to overcome the obstacle inherent in Thassilonian mages' inability to access two out of the seven schools of magic. By creating Runeforge and appointing it with mages chosen to serve as agents and representatives of their interests, the runelords hoped to ensure collaboration with which to perform greater magic than each realm could on its own. To ensure a truly neutral environment free from the political machinations of Thassilonian society, the runelords bound themselves not to interfere with the working of Runeforge and sealed it away from the Material Plane: after its physical structure was carved out and completed, Runeforge and much of its surrounding rock were removed from the Material Plane and sealed into its current demiplane. The magic of Runeforge further ensured that its inhabitants did not require food or drink as long as they remained within it. The greater closeness of the Halls of Envy to the center of the structure was due to a demand by their associated runelord, Belimarius; as she was the least powerful of the seven runelords, the others found it safe to concede this demand.35

Runeforge, despite the runelords' inevitable attempts to control its workings despite their oaths, worked as intended: the mages working within it operated largely unaffected by the politics and wars of the external world, convening once a season to report their findings to the runelords and transport some of their creations to Thassilon. As Earthfall approached, the runelords instructed their agents within Runeforge to begin working on means with which to escape the catastrophe. The mages of Runeforge provided the runelords with magic and discoveries that greatly aided their survival in the coming catastrophe, but had by that point become so distanced from their former home that the destruction of Thassilon did not greatly affect them, and they simply continued their work.5

Over the ages, however, Runeforge's society began to decay, as its denizens gradually fell into madness and depression or were killed by their own experiments, erstwhile allies, or apprentices. Over time, Runeforge deteriorated into a grand ruin inhabited by a few maddened wizards and their former servants.5 Relatively recently, the natives of the Halls of Envy attempted to seize control of Runeforge's hub and the runeforge well within it. The inhabitants of the other wings retaliated violently, destroying the Halls of Envy and killing all within. The collapsed rooms were afterward absorbed back into the structure of the demiplane.3

A runeforge is a special type of forge used by death knights to emblazon their weapon with runes. A runeforge is required to modify any runes already in your weapon (done via runeforging). Runeforges are initially found in Acherus: The Ebon Hold, set around the upper chamber (accessable by teleporter). There are additional runeforges at the Shadow Vault and the fortress at Mord'Rethar: The Death Gate in Icecrown, but the buildings are inhabited by many hostile mobs. The Shadow Vault can later be captured in a small quest chain, transforming it into a quest hub for the Knights of the Ebon Blade and allowing ease of access to the Vault's runeforges. There is also a runeforge inside Icecrown Citadel, near where Darion Mograine stands in Light's Hammer. This runeforge is also used by warriors and paladins as well as death knights on the quest [83R] The Sacred and the Corrupt. 152ee80cbc

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