Docker provides a convenience script at _in_new to install Docker intodevelopment environments non-interactively. The convenience script isn'trecommended for production environments, but it's useful for creating aprovisioning script tailored to your needs. Also refer to theinstall using the repository steps to learnabout installation steps to install using the package repository. The source codefor the script is open source, and you can find it in thedocker-install repository on GitHubopen_in_new.

The installation script requires root or sudo privileges to install anduse Docker. If you want to grant non-root users access to Docker, refer to thepost-installation steps for Linux.You can also install Docker without root privileges, or configured to run inrootless mode. For instructions on running Docker in rootless mode, refer torun the Docker daemon as a non-root user (rootless mode).

Run Sh Script Ubuntu

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Docker also provides a convenience script at _in_new to install pre-releases ofDocker on Linux. This script is equal to the script at, butconfigures your package manager to use the test channel of the Docker packagerepository. The test channel includes both stable and pre-releases (betaversions, release-candidates) of Docker. Use this script to get early access tonew releases, and to evaluate them in a testing environment before they'rereleased as stable.

If you installed Docker using the convenience script, you should upgrade Dockerusing your package manager directly. There's no advantage to re-running theconvenience script. Re-running it can cause issues if it attempts to re-installrepositories which already exist on the host machine.

I've written (a basic "hello world" program) and would like to be able to quickly run it on my Ubuntu machine by pressing the Win key to open Dash, then type the name of the script (or something similar to that).

Is there a way to run a Python script by typing its name into Dash? Or is there another easy way to run an arbitrary Python script? Essentially, what I want is something like the Windows Run Dialog Box that appears when you press Win-R, which can run any program on the system PATH.

Launch the item edit script. You'll need to put the .desktop file in either ~/.local/share/applications or in /usr/share/applications. Keep in mind that /usr/share will be accessible to all system users.

Now I put my programs and scripts in /home/xbello/bin, chmod them to +x, and they are always available from a terminal or an Alt+F2. You don't need the extension if you add the shebang #!/bin/env python. The problem is that the output of a print("Hello world") executed from an Alt+F2 is gonna be lost. You need some code like this:

Make sure the script you want to run is executable. Run chmod +x scriptname to do that. Also make sure the script starts with the correct shebang (#!/bin/bash for shell scripts). Lastly, use all full paths when executing it, e.g., /usr/bin/echo instead of echo just incase the environment that your script will execute in is not identical to the one you are used to.

Unfortunately, scripts can't be setuid. (Well you can, but it's ignored). The reason for this is that the first line of the script tells the OS what interpreter to run the script under. For example if you had a script with:

There is an alternative that doesn't require sudo in the command, which requires creating a small setuided binary that execs your script, but every additional setuid binary adds another potential security problem.

There is no security problem allowing a script to be run as root as long as the script does a well determined, harmless, allowed action and, if values for any parameters cannot cause the script to misbehave.

Always use full paths in command and file names.If you write something like echo Hello world! in myrootscript,someone might write a ~/bin/echo script and myrootscript would execute as root whatever is in it.

However, this can be VERY dangerous with something like a bash scripts, because a user finds a way to change it, they can easily gain a root shell. Make sure that it can't be written to by anyone except root.

I have tried adding exit to the end of my script however that does not close the terminal. I did try to search online for an answer to my question but I couldn't find any proper one, I would really appreciate it if you guys could help.

If you're opening just one file, you don't really need to use a script, because a script is meant to be an easy way to run multiple commands in a row, while here you just need to run two commands (including exit).

This will send a SIGKILL signal to the to the script's parent process (the bash instance linked to the Terminal). If only one bash instance is linked to the Terminal, that being killed will cause Terminal to close itself. If multiple bash instances are linked to the Terminal, that being killed won't cause Terminal to close itself.

If you are already in a terminal and the only thing you want to do before quitting that terminal is to run a particular script (or program), then this means you no longer really need the shell that's running in it anymore. Thus you can use the shell's exec builtin to make the shell replace itself with the process created by your command.

There are a lot of other completion scripts in /usr/share/bash-completion/completions, which led me to think that was the answer, but installing my completion script there hasn't had any effect. Is that location a red herring somehow? Or is there something I have to do to register the script other than just placing it there?

I created this script because I am the tutor of a ROOT course at my university (Laboraorio di Elettromagnetismo e Ottica [Modulo 3] at University of Bologna) and I have seen many people struggling with this installation. Therefore I thought it would be good to help newbies also indireclty. I also wrote some guides (on GitHub: JustWhit3 / useful-guides), trying to mention all the issues that may appear during installation, in order to help people installing it manually if they prefer.

@Wile_E_Coyote taking into account my experience with students, I automatically set the download of all this packages during the installation procedure with the script (in particular for Ubuntu and WSL). The problem has been solved thanks to this for many students.

@Wile_E_Coyote answering to your edit: yes, it is true, in fact as I wrote, this installer is supported for Ubuntu only Linux flavour (for now). For what regards the list of packages: it should be enough for any Ubuntu version (in fact it has been tested not only on Ubuntu 20, but also on older versions, you can try yourself if you want). The script ensures you also have the latest version of the package / compiler, otherwise it will upload it.

Is there a way to run a script when a computer "wakes up" (from sleeping)? I know it can be done on startup, obviously, but the issue in this case is that the backlight of my laptop seems to reset every time it wakes up from sleep, and I'd ideally like to have a script take care of turning it down to a reasonable level instead of having to type it in manually every time.

note: the Arch wiki link on the subject (systemd sleep hooks) states (incorrectly for 15.04) that you should place your scripts in /usr/lib/systemd/system-sleep/, but this is will not work in Ubuntu 15.04. Place your scripts in /lib/systemd/system-sleep/ if you're running 15.04.

pm-utils provides a bunch of scripts that run on sleep/resume, you could add your script there, but you'll need to be careful as screwing up will likely break resume. Look in /usr/lib/pm-utils/sleep.d, that's where the scripts are, you can look at the script called 95led as it's quite simple and will be a good model to start with.

Your script should probably run last, so make sure it shows up last in the directory, maybe name it 99ZZZ_myscript or something. Again, if you're not sure what you're doing here, I wouldn't mess with it. You may end up breaking suspend/resume. If that happens you can delete the script or fix it, but you'll have to do a hard power-cycle to get your system back up.

you'll need to be careful as screwing up will likely break resume. If the system crashes or freezes, you can delete the script or fix it, but you'll have to do a hard power-cycle to get your system back up.

Look the existing scripti in /usr/lib/pm-utils/sleep.d.The script called 95led is quite simple and will be a good model to start with. 95led provides cases for hibernate/suspend and thaw/resume, if you only want resume, you'd write your script like this:

Please note that the HOME and PATH (and quite possibly other environmental variables) will probably not be the same as your regular shell environment. I had problems with mfisch's solution not seeming to work for the scripts I needed to execute on resume but it turned out that it was my scripts at fault since they were expecting HOME to be set to my user directory (I'm a single user on my system) and for PATH to include /usr/local/bin, and at the point of resume, neither of this is guaranteed (and in the case of HOME, possibly inadvisable). So you may have to adapt your scripts/programs to not depend on those env-vars...

I was looking for a way to join Ubuntu 20.04 to my UCS domain without a dependency on Join Assistant, and make it a bit more generic for maybe other distros? I wrote a script today, based on this documentation:

I suspect that there might be a permission issue preventing the execution of scripts within Obsidian on Ubuntu. In an attempt to troubleshoot, I have already provided execution permissions to the relevant files, but the problem persists.

Installing the .deb package will automatically install the apt repository and signing key to enable auto-updating using the system's package manager. Alternatively, the repository and key can also be installed manually with the following script: ff782bc1db

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