Rui Yang

PhD student in Computational Biology

Hi, I am a PhD student in Computational Biology at Tri-Institutional CBM Program. My supervisor is Dr. Christina Leslie

My research interests are in developing interpretable deep learning models to predict and study the 3D chromatin structures, and to better understand the mechanisms of gene regulations. 

In the future, I hope to continue exploring

Before joining the PhD program, I was a computational associate at the Broad Institute, working on developing and applying statistical models to study gene expression and drug responses. 

Research Highlights


Predicting the Hi-C Contact Map from 1D Epigenomic Data 

[paper], [github]


Self-Supervised Hi-C Contact Map Denoising

[manuscript], [github in progress]


A Novel Statistical Method for Identification of Essential Genes in Bacteria from Tn-Seq data


Presentations and Publications

