(website + video + performance + text + fanzine)

THE TIME OF THE HUACAS is a collaborative project developed by Filipa Cordeiro and Rui Mourão, which seeks to create dialogue around the exhibition of the mummified bodies of two Chancay Amerindians at the Carmo Archaeological Museum, in Lisbon, by bringing together a plurality of perspectives from several artists, thinkers and museum professionals.

Video stills from "Indigenous Voices"(Alberto Álvares, Denilson Baniwa, Ibã Huni Kuin, Jaider Esbell, and Marilya Hinistroza)

Between internet and the museum, this collective project of ethical and aesthetic counter-power representations presents: video art (made by Amerindian contemporary artists with critical perspectives as Indigenous Voices); a non-authorized artivist (artistic + activist) performance in the museum; and an unofficial guide of the "Chancay Collection of the Carmo Archaeological Museum" (a fanzine with decolonial information, essays, and some images, specially drawings). All of this has been brought together in a website that connects art, human sciences, and politics. The project website is at the same time an exhibition space and an archive, a forum and a stage, a platform for reflection and engaged positioning.

THE TIME OF THE HUACAS project is available online at:

Artivist performance in Carmo Archaeological Museum. Photo: Susana Alface