(video | mini-dv transferred to digital file, 53’’ in loop, colour, sound)

This video was shown in a low window, at street level, in Berlin. The sound track was available through headphones hanging by the window. The installation established a relation between the steps of the artist in the video (in Lisbon) and the real steps of the spectators: the passers-by in a Berlin street.

This video shows 2 different sequences running consecutive and simultaneously over a black background, one on the left side and the other on the right side of the screen.

The sequence on the left shows 2 feet walking over a Portuguese cobblestone pavement with geometric designs. It is a high angle view taken by the walker – the artist himself – in a kind of introspection. On the right side, we see a contemporary dance performer executing a sign language interpretation of the dictionary definition of the word “silence”.

It appears that it is not necessary to be trained in sign language to understand that the performer pantomimes gestures of silence, of pause, and that she passes in her expression and movements, a calm yet intense energy.

The images are accompanied by the sound of a noisy street demonstration.

Therefore, 3 dissonant elements relate and conceptually interact in this work: the image of steps in an urban outdoors, silence as performed in images, and the noise of a street demonstration.