(installation + video | glass display cabinet, small monitor fitted in a box, handwritten text on glass (black marker) | dimensions variable| mini-dv transferred to digital file, 57’ in loop, colour, no sound )

Choosing as his subject an institutional glass display cabinet of the Goethe Institute (normally used for books) the artist placed a small monitor in it, showing the video of a performance. At the same time that it establishes a dialogue with the adjacent library, this video reflects on the different ways and systems that have been created for organizing and categorizing knowledge.

The video shows in a loop a series of 10 repetitions of a performance. Each series starts with the image of one of the book dividers that are used to numerically identify the thematic fields on the shelves, according to the library’s system of cataloguing and storage (and in this way they can be said to reveal the institution’s ideological position. Each series of repetitions shows a performer lying down and getting up 10 times among the same library’s bookshelves. This action is a reference to the international standard decimal system used in libraries for organizing their stock, while the continuous rising and lowering movements of the human body are analogous to the concept of rise and fall. The artist establishes a relation between this concept and the library system.

The definition of the Portuguese word Capitular (see below) was copied out from a dictionary and handwritten with a marker onto the frontal glass pane of the showcase. This word is difficult to classify - it can be an adjective, a noun, a transitive or an intransitive verb, depending on the context.

Capitular1 adj. Regarding the ecclesiastical assembly (chapter) of the monks in a monastery or the canons of a church / A synonym for a capital letter / Capitulares: Royal edicts; legislative acts of the Merovingian and Carolingian kings.

Capitular2 i.v. To capitulate, surrender / To reach an agreement, to give in / - t.v. Classify, qualify, to brand or label someone (of) or something / To describe methodically (e.g. duty description of the crime scene).

Translation of the entry in the Dicionário enciclopédico Koogan Larousse.