Ruiming Guo, Research Fellow

Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Imperial College London, Google Scholar, LinkedIn

Supervisor: Ayush Bhandari

About me

I am a Postdoctoral Research Associate at EEE Department of Imperial College London (ICL), working with Prof. Ayush Bhandari on computational imaging and modulo sampling. Previously, I was a Postdoctoral fellow at EE Department at CUHK, advised by Prof. Thierry BLU. I obtained my Ph.D. degree from the Chinese University of Hong Kong where I had a wonderful time, in July 2021, supervised by Prof. Thierry BLU. I received my bachelor's degree in Electronic Engineering from Sichuan University (SCU) in 2017. My research includes sampling theory, computational imaging, and image & signal processing, with a special interest in non-conventional geometric visualization of 1D real data. I am fortune to cooperate with Prof. Christopher Gilliam and Prof. Jizhou Li. I was awarded CUHK EE Department's 2021 Postgraduate Student Research Excellence Awards

Research Interests


Supervisor: Prof. Thierry BLU

GPA: 3.93/4

Supervisor: Prof. Xiaohai He

GPA rank First Place for 4 consecutive years 


Journal papers (* denotes co-first author, ^ denotes correspondence author)

    Conference papers

Invited talks

Show-and-Tell Demos

Slected Honors&Awards


Professional Services

Reviewer for:


Room 805, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering 

Imperial College London

London, UK