Selected Publications

Reinforcement learning:

R. Zhou, T. Liu, M. Cheng, D. Kalathil, P. R. Kumar, and C. Tian, “Natural Actor-Critic for Robust Reinforcement Learning with Function Approximation,” Neurips 2023.

R. Zhou, T. Liu, D, Kalathil. P.R., Kumar, and C. Tian, “Anchor-changing regularized natural policy gradient for multi-objective reinforcement learning,” Neurips 2022.

T. Liu, R. Zhou, D, Kalathil. P.R., Kumar, and C. Tian, “Learning policies with zero or bounded constraint violation for constrained MDPs,” Neurips 2021.

Generalization Error:

R. Zhou, C. Tian, T. Liu “Exactly Tight Information-Theoretic Generalization Error Bound for the Quadratic Gaussian Problem,” ISIT 2023.

R. Zhou, C. Tian, and T. Liu, “Individually conditional individual mutual information bound on generalization error,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 68(5), pp. 3304-3316, Jan. 2022.

R. Zhou, C. Tian, and T. Liu, “Stochastic Chaining and Strengthened Information-Theoretic Generalization Bounds,” ISIT 2022.

Information-theoretic Private Information Retrieval:

R. Zhou, C. Tian, H. Sun, and J. S. Plank, "Two-level private information retrieval," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Information Theory, Jun. 2022.

R. Zhou, C. Tian, H. Sun, and T. Liu, (2020). “Capacity-achieving private information retrieval codes from MDS-coded databases with minimum message size,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 66(8), pp. 4904-4916, Feb. 2020. (2020-2021 IEEE Data Storage Best Student Paper Award

Journal Publications

Conference Publications