研究方向 Research Interests
Research Direction :
Marine carbon sequestration/sink (biological pump) ; Micro-/Nano Plastics ; Oil Spill ;
Microbial Exopolymeric Substances ; Pollutants ; Airway Mucus ; Air-water exchange
New insights into the role of marine plastic-gels in microplastic transfer from water to the atmosphere via bubble bursting
首次提出海洋塑膠雪花對微塑膠通過氣泡破裂從水轉移到大氣中的作用的新見解 (Shiu et al., 2022. Water Research 222, 118856)
Distribution and transport of microplastics in the Kuroshio region (Northwest Pacific Ocean)
塑膠微粒在西北太平洋(黑潮)的傳輸與分布 (Shiu et al., 2021. Marine Pollution Bulletin 172, 112808)
Nano- and microplastics trigger secretion of protein-rich extracellular polymeric substances from marine phytoplankton (奈米/微米及塑膠顆粒對海洋浮游植物分泌包外聚合物的影響和其生態效應) (Shiu et al., 2020. Science of the Total Environment 748, 141469)
Shiu et al., 2018. Water Research 131, 161-166
Shiu et al., 2017. Marine Pollution Bulletin 117 (1-2), 156-160
Shiu et al., 2020. Science of the Total Environment 706, 135681
■ Marine dissolved organic matter --> particulate organic matter (microgel formation or biofilm) (人為及自然物質對海洋有機顆粒的形成)
We observed the effects of different types of emerging contaminants (plastics, surfactants and nanoparticles) and natural materials on the microgel formation that, in turn, affects the global carbon cycle, climate change, and the marine ecosystem; these publications open up a wide range of scientific themes and provide useful information for marine ecosystem assessment of different types of emerging materials and raise warnings about anthropogenic substances applications.
我們研究成果已證明極端氣候造成大量的陸源性有機物質(如腐植酸、黃酸等)及人為污染物(塑膠微粒、洗滌劑、人為奈米顆粒、漏油)進入海洋環境後不僅能讓有機碳以溶解相穩定存在,阻斷海洋微膠體(大顆粒)的形成,同時尚能分散原本存在微膠態的有機碳顆粒,減少有機碳顆粒的粒徑,進而降低有機物從表水傳輸至深海機會,阻斷海洋生物泵的循環,對有機碳和海洋微系統產生長期的影響 (Shiu et al., 2014; 2017a, b; 2018, 2020)
Shiu et al., 2020. Marine Chemistry 223, 103789
■ Developed the protein to carbohydrate (P/C) ratio as a key factor for assessing bio-toxicity (發展一新興毒性指標)
The P/C ratio of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) has been successfully used for assessing the effects of toxic materials on marine microbes. Microbes can actively modify their EPS release and chemical composition (higher protein content) in responses to adverse stressful environments, thereby affecting environmental processes such as marine snow formation and the characteristic of marine organic matter.
微生物胞外聚合物(EPS)的蛋白質與碳水化合物的比值已成功應用於評估水體環境中有毒物質(海洋漏油、化油劑、塑膠微粒)對海洋微生物的影響。研究發現微生物存在於不利生長或有毒性之環境會藉由分泌不同成份的EPS保護細胞本體,較高的蛋白質比值可增加EPS黏性可減緩毒物質擴散至細胞內。而EPS的組成受環境變化後可能會產生後續的環境效應如海洋雪(marine snow)的形成或是改變海洋有機物的特性。
Shiu et al., 2019. Chemosphere 225, 9-18
■ Using pollutants as multi-chemical tracers for identifying the possible sources (使用污染物指紋技術判斷潛在污染源)
Alkylphenol ethoxylate metabolites in coastal sediments off southwestern Taiwan: Spatiotemporal variations, possible sources, and ecological risk.
應用了多環芳香烴(PAH)和新興污染物(界面活性劑、塑膠微粒)作為化學示踪劑以確定污染物、水體或底泥可能的來源並了解其命運和運輸。如,台灣西南沿海底泥中內分泌干擾物質(烷基酚聚氧乙烯醚 、壬基苯酚等)時空分佈以確定污染物可能來源並評估生態風險 (Lai et al., 2017; Shiu et al., 2019)。
Shiu et al., 2018. Chemosphere 207, 110-117
■ Nanomaterials Application for Pollution Removal & Marine microplastics analysis and characterization (應用新穎奈米材料處理海洋污染物)
My works have expanded to include a link between environmental science and material field, for example, nanomaterials application for pollution removal and characteristic analysis of marine micro-plastic. I successfully used a 3D superhydrophobic graphene-based sponge as a novel sorbent for crude oil removal.
我的工作已經擴展到環境科學和材料領域之間的聯繫,例如,奈米材料在去除環境中污染的應用以及海洋微塑膠的特性分析。 我們已經成功地使用了3D結構超疏水石墨烯海綿作為去除洩漏原油的新型吸附劑 (Shiu et al., 2018)
Our works were supported by grants from