許瑞峯 副教授 (Dr. Ruei-Feng Shiu)

國立臺灣海洋大學 海洋環境與生態研究所

Associate Professor, Institute of Marine Environment and Ecology

National Taiwan Ocean University

E-mail: rfshiu@mail.ntou.edu.tw 

Tel:  (02) 2462-2192 # 5711 

最新消息 News



2024/09/14  Research Paper Published 

文章被期刊 Science of The Total Environment (IF=8.2, 31/358=8.66% in Environmental Sciences)接受!

廢水處理廠 (WWTP) 排放的都市污水被認為是環境中奈米塑膠 (NPs) 和污水有機物 (dEfOM) 的主要來源。本研究模擬NPs對 dEfOM 在污水處理廠至海洋的水體特性變化下聚集行為和能力以及表面粒度之影響。模擬數據指出在高鹽度條件下NPs與有機物較容易團聚成微凝膠(microgels),其機制可能是由二價離子架橋和材料間疏水相互作用的協同效應所驅動的。值得注意的是,當NPs摻入微凝膠中會降低表面粒度,這可能會影響環境中microgels的沉降速度以及微生物附著之能力。

Our article entitled Impacts of polystyrene nanoplastics on microgel formation from effluent organic matter  has been published in Science of The Total Environment 954, 176209.[ Paper Link ]

2024/04/23-25  Ocean Meeting Presentation

實驗室參加 2024 年海洋科學年會暨國科會海洋學門成果發表篇研究


許瑞峯老師受邀TVBS T觀點電視節目錄影談微型塑膠污染 [連結]


賀 許瑞峯老師榮升副教授


菲律賓 Mindanao State University - Iligan Institute of Technology(MSU-IIT)Chancellor Alizedney M. Ditucalan 及 Professor Hernando P. Bacosa參訪海大並簽屬雙校合作備忘錄(MOU)

NTOU and MSU-IIT in the Philippines formalized their collaboration by signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on September 7th. Notably, scholars from both institutions, such as Assistant Professor Ruei-Feng Shiu from NTOU's Institute of Marine Environment and Ecology and Professor Hernando P. Bacosa from MSU-IIT, have already established long-term collaborations in areas like marine plastic micro-particles and marine waste-associated microorganisms. 


恭喜余泓睿取得碩士學位 Congratulations! HONG-RUEI received his master degree.

Thesis topic: 臺灣海域海洋雪花豐度與組成 (Abundance and Composition of Marine Snow in the Ocean around Taiwan)


協助國立臺北科技大學 塑膠粒大變身及應用實務職能課程 講題: 海洋微型塑膠與生活

2023/07/24-25   Professor Bacosa Visited Our Lab

Professor Hernando P. Bacosa, from Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of Technology (MSU-IIT), Philippines, arrived at IMEE/NTOU on July 24-25, 2023. He visited Dr. Shiu's lab and discussed collaborative research in the coming future.

菲律賓Professor Hernando P. Bacosa參訪許老師研究室並細談未來國際合作事項。


賀!許瑞峯老師指導暖暖高中高二王羽岑同學 獲旺宏科學獎佳作

研究題目: 「塑」「罩」危機


說明: 第二十二屆旺宏科學獎共有來自全國129所學校,592件作品參與競賽,歷經評審團嚴格評選與討論後,除入圍決賽的20件優秀作品外,亦另選78件佳作隊伍。此外該研究也獲大愛新聞報導。




榮獲國科會111年度大專生研究計畫創作獎 (College Student Research Creativity Award, NSTC)

2023/06/03 Invited Talk

海洋保育署於2023海洋保育面面觀研討會發表專題演講 講題: 「海水及生物體微型塑膠調查:現況及展望」 

2023/05/13  Invited Talk

受國立海洋科技博物館邀請演講 2023知海系列講座,講題: 海洋微塑膠的前世今生

2023/05/02-04  Ocean Meeting Presentation

實驗室參加 2023 年海洋科學年會暨國科會海洋學門成果發表兩篇研究

2023/05/01   Invited public Article-Fate and transport of microplastics



2023/04/29  Research Paper Published 

文章被期刊 Marine Pollution Bulletin (IF=7.001, 2/113=1.77% in Marine & Freshwater Biology )接受!

多氟烷基物質 (PFASs) 的運輸和最終歸宿通常被認為受水、懸浮顆粒物 (SPM) 和沈積物之間分配行為的影響。 本研究首次調查了淡水河PFAS 在淡水河-海系統中的水、SPM 和沈積物中的分佈。值得注意的是,SPM 上的 PFASs 與透明胞外聚合物顆粒 (TEP) 含量之間存在正相關關係,這提供了 TEP 可能在 SPM 上積累和集中更多 PFAS 的第一個證據。

Our article entitled Suspended particulate matter-bound per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in a river-coastal system: Possible correlation with transparent exopolymer particles   has been published in Marine Pollution Bulletin.[ Paper Link ]

2023/04/27   Invited Talk at National Taiwan Normal U


講題: 當海洋科學家遇到童書作家: 科學到科普的轉譯

2023/02/15  Group Dinner 


2023/02/08 Students (Senior High School) Visited our Lab  


2023/01/03   Professor Wei-Chun Chin Visited Our Lab

Professor Wei-Chun Chin, from University of California (Merced), USA, arrived at IMEE/NTOU on Jan 3, 2023. He visited Dr. Shiu's lab and discussed collaborative research.

美國加州大學Professor Wei-Chun Chin參訪許老師研究室並細談未來國際合作事項。

2022/11/17   Invited Talk

許瑞峯老師受邀參加第五屆GCSF全球企業永續論壇 (Taiwan ESG Forum) 

講題: 「臺灣微型塑膠當前研究及未來展望」。

2022/11/14  Research Paper Published  

新文章被期刊 Polymers 接受!

Chang H.M., Vazquez C. I., Shiu, R.-F.* & Chin, W.-C.* 2022 “Temperature effects on effluent microgel formation” Polymers 14(22), 4870 (SCI) (IF=4.967, 16/90=17.7% in Polymer Science)[ Paper Link ].


與美國德州農工大學(Texas A&M University) Peter H. Santschi 教授用餐 (Happy diner with Prof.Peter H. Santschi.....:)


許瑞峯老師最新研究獲科學月刊報導 [Link]



2022/07/28   Research Paper Published 

新文章被期刊 Chemosphere (IF=8.943, 33/279=11.83% in Environmental Sciences)接受!!!

Our article entitled An innovative reuse of bottom ash from municipal solid waste incinerators as substrates of constructed wetlands  has been accepted in Chemosphere.

本研究室與嘉南藥理大學錢紀銘副校長團隊共同合作之最新研究「以城市固體廢棄物焚燒爐底灰作為人工濕地基質的創新再利用」已發表於國際頂尖期刊 Chemosphere。人為污水經地表逕流輸入過量的營養鹽進入沿海環境,進而造成藻華和缺氧化,以對世界沿岸環境造成嚴重的衝擊。而人工濕地已被認為可作為一種具有環境友善性的營養鹽削減設施,該次研究創新的使用城市固體廢棄物焚燒爐底灰作人工濕地基質,結果顯示污染物去除效果略勝傳統鵝卵石床,該應用具備了循環經濟和污染物削減之意義。

Our article entitled An innovative reuse of bottom ash from municipal solid waste incinerators as substrates of constructed wetlands  has been accepted in Chemosphere. This study suggests a new selection of suitable alternative material for the substrate of horizontal subsurface flow (HSSF) constructed wetlands (CW). This reuse way also has the advantage both the reutilization of solid waste disposal and waste water clean-up.

Chyan, J.M., Lin, C.J., Yu, M.J., Shiu, R.-F.*, Huang, D.J., Lin, C.S. & Senoro D.B. 2022 “An innovative reuse of bottom ash from municipal solid waste incinerators as substrates of constructed wetlands” Chemosphere  307 (2), 135896 (SCI) (IF=8.943, 33/279=11.83% in Environmental Sciences)[ Paper Link ] .

2022/07/11   Research Paper Published 

新文章被頂尖期刊 Water Research (IF=13.4, 1/100=1% in Water Resources)接受!!!

本研究室最新研究「海洋塑膠雪花在微型塑膠通過氣泡破裂從水相轉移到大氣作用的新見解」已發表於國際頂尖期刊 Water Research。微型塑膠(MPs)在海洋環境中普遍存在,引起了人們對其對生態系統不利影響的擔憂。瞭解 MPs的傳輸機制對評估其宿命、通量和生態風險至關重要。我們的結果證實 MPs 在海氣相之間轉移的步驟。這項工作為海洋塑料凝膠在決定 MPs 宿命和運輸中的作用提供了獨特的見解。

Our paper with the title “New insights into the role of marine plastic-gels in microplastic transfer from water to the atmosphere via bubble bursting” has been accepted for publication in “Water Research”.

The pervasiveness of microplastics (MPs) in global oceans is raising concerns about their adverse impacts on ecosystems. Our results suggested three steps for MP transfer between air–sea phases. Collectively, this work offers unique insights into the role of marine plastic-gels in determining MP fate and transport, especially at air–sea interfaces. 

Shiu, R.-F.*, Chen, L.-Y., Lee, H.-J., Gong, G.-C. & Lee, C. 2022 “New insights into the role of marine plastic-gels in microplastic transfer from water to the atmosphere via bubble bursting” Water Research 222, 118856 (SCI) (IF=13.4, 1/100= Top 1% in Water Resources) [ Paper Link ].






【天下雜誌訪問】許瑞峯老師研究室鏈結學研能量與創新USR行動 打造海洋永續競爭力   [Link]


許瑞峯老師榮獲第七屆 中華民國海洋學會 海洋薪傳獎

許瑞峯老師於2022年海洋年會獲頒第七屆 中華民國海洋學會海洋薪傳獎,頒獎者為中華民國海洋學會理事長(國立臺灣大學海研所 詹 森 特聘教授)





許瑞峯老師邀擔任《SOS探險隊:拯救珊瑚大作戰》海洋生態顧問,期望科學轉化為科普大眾知識  [Link]


接受「Podcast歪瓜裂棗」侯阿丁專訪 (侯阿丁 feat. 許瑞峯)

 塑膠微粒恐吃下肚!海洋塑膠雪花是什麼 ?  [Link]


 10-day research cruise aboard the R/V “ New Ocean Researcher 1”


We collected marine aggregate and suspended particle  samples using marine snow catcher to investigate the fate of marine organic particles.


許瑞峯老師受邀擔任Gels 期刊之客座編輯 

-Special Issue "Advanced Research of Aquatic Gels and Their Applications"


Gels (IF=4.702, 14/88=15.91% in Polymer Science)

This Special Issue aims to inform the reader of advanced research of aquatic gels and their applications by inviting colleagues researching marine biogeochemistry, fresh water ecology, wastewater/sludge treatment, pollutant fate, and atmospheric science to report on advances in the study of:

1) Sources, characteristics, and release mechanisms of gel-like materials in aquatic systems including oceanic/fresh water and wastewater;

2) Aggregation and sedimentation of gel-like materials and their environmental implications;

3) Aquatic gel interactions with pollutants, including changing fate, partitioning, toxicity, mobility, etc.;

4) Novel measurement and observation technologies for the properties of aquatic gels;

5) Effect of gel-like substances on surface corrosion and biofouling/biofilm formation;

6) Studies on the role of gels in air–water interfacial physics and chemistry;

7) Application of engineered and natural gels for pollutant removal and remediation.

2021/07/31   Research Paper Published 


本研究室最新研究「“純淨的”黑潮水中的海洋塑膠微粒」已發表於國際頂尖期刊 Marine Pollution Bulletin該研究是文獻中第一次分析台灣貢獻多少塑膠微粒至黑潮環境。該地區的塑膠微粒(MPs)濃度從 N.D. - 0.15 items/m3。大多數 MP 是聚丙烯、聚乙烯、聚乙烯和對苯二甲酸酯。此外,我們在沿海地區附近發現了 MP 熱點。且在黑潮中亦發現了MP的熱點,該數據表明河流和當地洋流可能可將台灣釋出之MP傳輸或注入北太平洋環流。

Our paper with the title “Marine microplastics in the surface waters of “pristine” Kuroshio” has been accepted for publication in “Marine Pollution Bulletin”.

Microplastics (MPs) are ubiquitous in oceans. Their transboundary transport and fate have aroused global attention. Taiwan is located close to the western boundary current-Kuroshio, is an excellent location to study of MP mobility in the global current and Pacific Garbage Patch. This study is the first investigation to understand the microplastic contamination from Taiwan to the Kuroshio. MP concentrations in the area varied from N.D. to 0.15 items m−3, with an average concentration of 0.05 ± 0.03 items m−3. The majority of MPs were polypropylene, polyethylene, polyethylene and terephthalate. We found two MP hotspots near the coastal zone. One additional hotspot was also identified in the “pristine” Kuroshio suggesting rivers and local currents may play critical roles in transporting or injecting MPs from Taiwan into the North Pacific Gyre. 

Shiu, R.-F., Gong, G.-C., Fan, M.-D., Chow, C.-H. & Chin, W.-C. 2021 “Marine microplastics in the surface waters of “pristine” Kuroshio” Marine Pollution Bulletin 172, 112808 (SCI) (IF=7.001, 2/113=1.77% in Marine & Freshwater Biology)  [ Paper Link ].

2021/07/13  榮獲科技部優青計畫獎助





(Excellent Young Scholar Award, Ministry of Science & Technology, Taiwan)

2021/07/06   新文章發表!!!

Research Paper Published 


Our paper with the title “Marine Gel Interactions with Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic Pollutants” has been accepted for publication in “Gel” .

Microgels play critical roles in a variety of processes in the ocean, including element cycling, particle interactions, microbial ecology, food web dynamics, air–sea exchange, and pollutant distribution and transport. Exopolymeric substances (EPS) from various marine microbes are one of the major sources for marine microgels. This review on marine gels focuses on the discussion of the interactions between gel-forming EPS and pollutants, such as oil and other hydrophobic pollutants, nanoparticles, and metal ions.

Santschi, P.H., Chin, W.-C., Quigg, A., Xu, C., Kamalanathan, M., Lin, P., Shiu, R.-F. 2021 “Marine gel interactions with hydrophilic and hydrophobic pollutants” Gels 7(3), 83 (SCI) (IF=4.432, 22/90=24.4% in Polymer Science)  (invited review article)  [ Paper Link ].

2021/06/28   新文章發表!!!

Research Paper Published 

本研究室與美國加州大學 (Merced) 合作研究「礦物粉塵顆粒對呼吸道分泌物黏度的影響」已發表於期刊 Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering。該論文為一跨環境醫學、生物工程和職業安全領域之研究,是以A549 epithelial cells 模擬當礦物粉塵顆粒進入呼吸系統後對細胞的毒性反應和呼吸道黏液的影響。研究證實粉塵顆粒的表面特性會影響呼吸道黏液的擴散係數與黏滯度,當黏液變稠的後果可能會引發多種呼吸道或肺臟疾病,如阻塞性肺病(Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, COPD)或氣喘等。該研究方法和溶脹動力學可進一步作為評估環境污染物(如PM2.5、塑膠微粒、有機/無機污染物等)對呼吸健康影響的利器。

Our paper with the title “Effects of rock dust particles on airway mucus viscosity” has been accepted for publication in “Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering” .

Tsai, Y.-Y.+, Vazquez C. I.+, Shiu, R.-F.+, Garcia A.K., Le C., Patel P., Sadqi M. & Chin, W.-C. 2021 “Effects of rock dust particles on airway mucus viscosity” Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering (SCI) (+Co-first authors) [ Paper Link ].

2020/12/14  公共電視「我們的島」報導本研究室海洋塑膠污染對海洋藻類影響的相關研究        [影片連結 ]

2020/11/20  海洋塑膠微粒研究,獲多家媒體報導!

本研究室成果「奈米/微米級塑膠顆粒觸發海洋浮游植物分泌富含蛋白質的胞外聚合物 (Nano- and microplastics trigger secretion of protein-rich extracellular polymeric substances from phytoplankton)」獲多家平面媒體轉載。

【研究摘要】塑膠微粒誘發微生物分泌高黏度胞外聚合物,SMC 新興科技媒體中心 (科技部計畫補助)[ Link ]

【新聞稿】 「看不見」的海洋風險: 塑膠微粒入海有助形成更大的聚合體,恐影響海洋生態,SMC 新興科技媒體中心[ Link ]

「塑膠微粒誘發微生物分泌高黏度胞外聚合物」專家意見,SMC 新興科技媒體中心[ Link ]

研究:塑膠微粒入海形成「海洋塑膠雪花」 恐危害海洋生態、進入食物鏈,國家地理 [ Link ]

看不見的風險 「海洋塑膠雪花」當心吃下肚,工商時報[ Link ]

研究來源: Shiu, R.-F. (許瑞峯) et al., 2020 “Nano- and microplastics trigger protein-rich microbial extracellular polymeric substance release” Science of the Total Environment 748, 141469  (SCI) (IF=10.753, 26/279=9.32% in Environmental Sciences) . [ Paper Link ]

2020/11/08   新文章發表!!!

Research Paper Published 

本研究室與國立清華大學、美國加州大學 (Merced) 合作研究之「利用磁性鑷子平台測量在不同表面上胞外聚合物之粘性」已發表於頂尖期刊 Science of The Total Environment。粘性是海洋有機顆粒聚集和傳輸的主要影響因子,目前文獻中的預測顆粒聚集模式之粘度皆是粗略估算(無法實際測量),這粗估之粘度數值可能會造成顆粒聚集模式與海洋實際狀況產生較大的誤差。有鑑於此,本研究開發一新穎磁性鑷子直接測量胞外聚合物(EPS)粘性的平台,以增進我們對有機顆粒的聚集和沈降過程的理解,這些過程對於有機碳的聚集/垂直傳輸以及對海洋表面生物膜的形成和微生物定殖至關重要。[ Paper Link ]

Our paper with the title “Stickiness of Extracellular Polymeric Substances on Different Surfaces via Magnetic Tweezers” has been accepted for publication in Science of The Total Environment ” (IF=6.551, Ranking: 8.30% in Environmental Sciences ) . This newly developed system provides a platform to assess the relative  stickiness of EPS to advance our understanding of the aggregation and sedimentation process of organic particles that are critical for the fate of organic matter as well as for biofilm formation and microbial colonization of surfaces in the ocean. 

2020/10/30   接受公共電視「我們的島」節目訪問!!!


美國伍爾霍茲海洋科學研究院(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution,WHOI)研究員林穎聰博士來校參訪並發表演講「挑戰海洋最深淵–馬里亞納海溝 」,會後與林博士相談後續研究合作。

參考資料: https://ocean-news.ntou.edu.tw/p/404-1017-42316.php?Lang=zh-tw 

2020/08/03   新文章發表!!!

Research Paper Published 

本研究室成果「奈米/微米級塑膠顆粒觸發海洋浮游植物分泌富含蛋白質的胞外聚合物」發表於頂尖期刊 Science of The Total Environment。該研究證實塑膠微粒會造成海洋浮游植物存活率降低,並誘發分泌蛋白質濃度較高(較黏)的胞外聚合物,不僅改變塑膠微粒的特性(加速塑膠微粒表面附著生物膜),亦可讓海洋有機物與塑膠微粒形成更大的聚合體(海洋塑膠雪花“marine plastic snow”,為該研究首次提出的新名詞)  [ Paper Link ]

Our paper with the title “Nano- and microplastics trigger secretion of protein-rich extracellular polymeric substances from phytoplankton” has been accepted for publication in “Science of The Total Environment (IF=10.753, 26/279=9.32% in Environmental Sciences)  

2020/07/23 接受 TVBS 訪問 !

【十點不一樣】黑潮由台東流向宜蘭 海大:塑膠微粒暴增五倍 [ Link ]

2020/07/16  我們海廢塑膠微粒研究,獲多家媒體報導!

海廢恐增加全球病菌傳播風險 研究:黑潮流經台灣後,塑膠微粒多五倍,環境資訊中心 [ Link ]

海廢恐增加全球病菌傳播風險 研究:黑潮流經臺灣後,塑膠微粒多五倍國家地理 [ Link ]

研究指出「海洋塑膠生物圈」攜帶大腸桿菌等病菌 恐增疾病傳播風險中時新聞電子報 [ Link ]

海廢塑膠存在致病菌 95%墾丁魚類體內測出微塑膠,自由時報 [ Link ]

墾丁95%魚體內有微塑膠!海廢成「新細菌、抗病菌」傳播途徑ETtoday新聞雲 [ Link ]

海廢塑膠恐致病 學者籲重視,大紀元 [ Link ]