Jordan Peterson tells income

Jordan Peterson, a guru for frustrated men, recently revealed how much he is making as a public speaker. This is apart and beyond the money he is making as a professor, so hold your breath: Interviewer: “What if I told you that you are playing on young men’s distress to make that money.” Peterson: “That accusation has been leveled at me before, I don’t know how I’m playing on their distress -exploiting it or helping it? Look, I’ve said right at the beginning that I’m an evil capitalist. I don’t make any bones about it. I’m not ashamed of making money. It’s very hard to make money.” Interviewer: “Can I ask you bluntly how much you make?” Peterson: “Em, I make $80,000 a month on Patreon. My book is selling about 20,000 copies a week. I have royalties that are probably amounting to $1.5 on each of those. The tours garner about $35,000 to $50,000 an evening. I have a business that is generating, I don’t know, something in the neighborhood of $200,000 a month for me personally. There are some other smaller sources of income than that.” Interviewer: “You are making a lot of money out of this.” Peterson: “Yes. I certainly am. And so are a lot of other people.”

SPIEGEL's Anti-Chinese propaganda

The SPIEGEL, Germany’s crap news, starts off 2019 with a hateful cover story: “Knife to the throat,” “America’s nightmare” and “menacing.” The propaganda war is almost unbearable. No, China is not a nightmare. No, there is no China menace. No, there is no knife to America’s throat. This is SPIEGEL regime propaganda to agitate the populace. The choice of hateful words, the racism against the Chinese, the invoking of fear and horror. With “journalism” like this, we have unelected criminals –PRESS SOLDIERS– subverting global goodwill. They are selling their shit paper filled with doomsday stories, calls to violence, and fake news to a gullible audience that has little alternative choice of information in print.

Trump taunts Germany by visiting Ramstein

Show the Merkel regime its place in the world? US President Donald Trump visited two US military bases during the Christmas season, one in Iraq, the other in Germany. It is not an exaggeration to say that this was the metaphorical stomp into Merkel’s face. Thanks to propaganda, most Germans are unaware that their country is occupied. Few know about Ramstein. However, under Merkel’s reign, Anti-Americanism is rampant. The media HATE Donald Trump. Meanwhile, Trump used his trip to Ramstein to remind Germany of its true position in the world: a US satellite state under US military imperialism. In May 2017, Merkel boasted that “We Europeans must take our faith into our own hands;” and in October 2018, she said that “It is no longer such that the United States simply protects us, but Europe must take its destiny in its own hands.” How is she going to do that with US soldiers on her territory? At home, Trump is criticized for skullduggery, meaning his actions were provocative and of bad taste. Germany is economically and culturally colonized by the USA since World War II. You don’t rub it into their face. The US has over 40,000 soldiers stationed in Germany, including a drone fleet, and an arsenal of atomic bombs. Germany has no military base in the USA. [...]

Halloween in Shibuya turned into Sex Party and Camera Porn

Japan is the land of maid cafes, voyeur videos, school girl porn, and strange Halloween parties. Halloween is insanely popular in Japan largely because of two cultural predispositions: a) a rich ghost and spirits folklore and b) cosplay.

There are no limits to creativity, and the sexist exploitations of that freedom are visible, sadly, even in Shibuya, Tokyo–Japan’s largest open-air Halloween party. This is clearly adult content [at least: Youtube advises so]. The streets of Shibuya, the city’s most popular district with youths, are easily filled with 100,000 Halloween fans (and I will explain to you in 20 seconds why). The mega party also draws A LOT of male foreign expats, but not to watch and film cute minion and princess costumes. No, male locals and tourists have done their research on Halloween in Shibuya. They will come for, excuse the language: boobs, ass, and slutty Japanese girls wearing nothing but their underwear. Of course, some of them are professional model girls. It’s a real feast for the male gaze, and Western feminists really must hate it–even though the rest 99% of the costumes are cute and not sexually explicit. Anyways, over the years, Shibuya, Tokyo’s main Halloween event, has gradually turned into a peep and porn show, and the following video clips give testimony. We also threw in some clips from Roppongi, Tokyo, and Shinsaibashi, Osaka. Happy belated Halloween! [...]

SPIEGEL’s self-denunciation: When a fake news media sacrifices a pawn

SPIEGEL’s self-denunciation: When a fake news media sacrifices a pawn. The fake news media SPIEGEL self-reported its yet biggest fraud, Claas Relotius. The award-winning “journalist” fabricated news stories and invented characters and interviews. The media is pounding him as exceptionally villainous, a misfit of “high criminal energy.” Yet, what media are we talking about when we talk about this so-called “4th pillar of democracy” that is, last time I checked, its own courtroom, jury, and judge? I call this a kangaroo court. A crook. A corrupt crocodile. Listen, this is not normal: The SPIEGEL is the source of the news about its own fake news, pillorying itself, absolving itself. Self-denunciation. You would expect this from a totalitarian regime in which every now and then some chicken is killed to deter the monkeys. There is no real check and balance, or consequences for our media. They believe mere self-critique is justice served. They are so embarrassed of their unelected authority that they fabricate their own fake rules of conduct, one of them which is to exclude the public and censor the comment sections, and another which is to present itself as self-governed sovereign over our news.

Especially at the SPIEGEL you are met with a tone of arrogant superiority –the all-knowing lecturer and supreme voice of reason. The corrupt media needs a revolution, not from within but from without: The jury will be the people a fine body, not the journalists. It is time to dismantle the media mafia and place first the public. The media is supposed to watch the government, but who watches the media, nobody. So, the media colluded with the government, as is the case with the propaganda SPIEGEL. Together they cheat us mercilessly. And if the people bark back, they are labeled Nazis.

Lisa & Lena - Amidst refugee crisis Germany clones perfect blondes

Lisa & Lena are almost perfect. Kinetically speaking. We call them “influencers”. They can’t sing or song-write yet. They move their lips, they jump up and down. On a smartphone app! Now known as Tiktok app. The people love it! The creator, Oliver S., pacifies: This is only the beginning! They learn so fast! We created them to look 14 years of age. So we can fit a lot of clothes on them. The beta version, Lisa and Lena, got 6.1 million followers on Instagram, and 2.5 million views a day on Youtube. In just 4 months! Not everyone is pleased though. The Amadeu Antonio Foundation, a watchdog for political correctness, calls this mass fabrication of white, blond German Mädchen problematic. “It is offensive to people of color,” a spokeswoman said. “Stop it.” Oh sweet technology. [...]

Trumpheart - How Donald Trump won the Election

Remember when the global media mafia told us that the BREXIT, Britain leaving the EU dictatorship, was ridiculous and the people just plain stupid? And then the stupid people voted, tada: the BREXIT! Now the global media mafia tells us that Trump heart is ridiculous and that those who vote for him are a basket of deplorables. The mainstream media push Hillary Clinton to US presidency, come what may, while destroying Donald Trump, the champion of the downtrodden, the masses, the American hoi polloi. It’s the Empire vs. the People. If when they tell you whom to vote for (and intimidate you if you don’t listen) looks like a media dictatorship, it probably is a media dictatorship. It is the New York Times, the Washington Post, CNN, Hollywood, the entire corporate media establishment, that want to steal this election from the American people. It’s gotten so rotten, that even if brave Trump wins (against all the odds of this rigged election), the US regime will probably see to the destruction of the Donald, for Mr. Trump must never be able to "Drain the swamp", his other battle cry, for all the little beetles, leeches, and treacherous flies. Many of his Republican fellowmen have already betrayed him.

It is one thing to win one or two glorious battles against a ruthless empire and look great in the moment. To cleanse America of its deeply corrupt leadership class, however, Trump and the people would require a revolution, Mao-style. And nobody wants that.

The War against the Legacy Media

The democratically elected president of the United States called the legacy media “the enemy of the American people.” From a historical perspective, the president is a starfish. Not only does the legacy media lie to the American people and fabricate polls and write hit pieces against the president [calling him “racist,” “anti-Semitic,” and “women-hating”], but it also engages in a brutal crusade against its other ideological enemies: the nation states. Everyone who is freer than the next bleeding man is probably a fraud. The legacy media brags it must be absolutely and totally “free,” freer than all the governments themselves. In fact, nobody is freer than the “free press.” No human group or profession, not even diplomats and bankers, enjoy this total immunity from law and accountability than our so-called “free” media corporations. The president needs to get elected. And the media? Fuck you, Mr. President! The legacy media is desperate of course to tell you a fake story: How it is the media that is so oppressed, and oppressed everywhere in the world! In reality, the journalists are the most privileged, abusive and militant class on this planet: illegitimate, unlimited, and lawless.

You tell a journalist: You went too far! And he will go even farther. Just out of spite. The legacy media is more truth-averse than the church ever was. It tells us what to think, whom to vote, and whom to go to war with. The legacy media decides winners and losers, just like the church decided good and evil. [The guys on the other side are evil of course.] And just like the church, the media wants to decide all those things forever. Fake news = fake history. The legacy media brags about ‘democracy’, yet it is the first censor. Just daring to suggest that the high priests should be dethroned was once considered an attack on freedom. It was not. It was a liberation! Just daring to suggest that the legacy media should be dethroned is considered an attack on freedom! It is not. It is a liberation! The legacy media brainwashed all of us into believing that it is the ‘Forth pillar’ of Civilization and that without it society would collapse. Not a fucking thing collapses without the legacy media, except its legacy! The legacy media is imperialist in character. It sends its press soldiers to foreign nations and demands complete access and submission. And if not granted, the press soldiers will subvert that nation, defame its current leaders, and install dissidents and trouble-makers as saints and next great leaders. Due to Empire, the legacy media spawned franchises and dependencies all over the world. Hence this globalists’ “media concert.” A world without the legacy media. The good American was like the good German: “I don’t care what our propaganda media does, as long as we are winning. Go and fuck over the world, divide and conquer, tell lies, so funny!” But what if the FAKE NEWS media achieved world domination and shows a dangerous contempt for the laid-back people, all the people, and now preys upon America? The legacy media is not oppressed! It is a global war machine and organized terror! The media will not tell you to fight the media. It will not offer you a solution, the ONLY solution: Liberation! The legacy media must be exposed. Make no mistake. The legacy media fights like the church once fought: censorship, inquisition, criminalization… everything it can maintain its monopoly and global narrative with. The media will call the people “undemocratic!” The reality is: The people are fighting the worst tyranny! A decade ago we had no voice, because the media was the only voice. We developed no people’s legacy, because we were never supposed to have a legacy. This is going to change.

Richard Dawkins, Phil Mason and Stefan Molyneux are on Sweden’s hate list!

Every time you thought the militant Left couldn’t get any more creative, they find some new ways of citizen terror. This one is truly disgusting: a ‘hate list‘ fabricated by Swedish social justice warriors to name and destroy the businesses of people who are believed to engage in incitement of hatred and threats against migrants, women and LGBTQ people! On that Sweden's hate list: Richard Dawkins, evolutionary biologist, best-selling author, atheist. Phil Mason (aka Thunderfoot), scientist, skeptic, internet guru. Stefan Molyneux, philosopher, political and social commentator. None of those is a Swedish national. However, they are public intellectuals who have at one time or another "offended" some radical feminists or rattled the cage of the ultra-politically correct red guards. Nobody knows for sure whether the Swedish government is invested in this list; condoning such lists it certainly does: We have seen massive counter-propaganda campaigns by the corrupt regime and its media cronies to cover-up and hush-over the ‘What-happened-last-night-in-Sweden‘ fiasco and the ‘rape-capital-of-Europe‘ memes. At this point, Sweden is on its way to ethnic, cultural, and national suicide, thanks to mass immigration and population replacement. And instead of fighting for the survival of its tribe, the authorities are persecuting, terrorizing even, their own citizens who cry for help. Sweden is a truly socialist and multicultural paradise where inconvenient opinions, let alone scientific facts, are banned, deleted or suppressed. Dissent does not officially exist in paradise. Reality is a racist and has no house in Stockholm. The hate list is just proof of that crippling mental illness: a self-loathing, a last attack on all those people out there who dared to speak truth to Sweden. Other prominent persons on that hate list include internet personalities Pewdiepie, Sargon of Akkad, and Jon Tron.

UNIQLO Sex Video - Porn or Global News?

CAUTION: SEXUALLY EXPLICIT CONTENT. BEIJING. It was in our Yahoo News feed, in The Guardian and The Independent, on CNN, so I guess it is HOT SUMMER and MAINSTREAM now. I'm talking about the UNIQLO Chinese Sex Tape. Some say the video is a clever marketing campaign (or was used as such). We are not buying it, sorry. There’s so much humping going on in Beijing in summer in parks, in dorms, in cinemas, in cars, on train toilets, even behind the trees in The Forbidden City (seen that), so why not in a clean and air-conditioned fashion store? The international media of matter picked up the story, so it’s now officially GLOBAL. No surprise, as the imagery of a sexually suppressed (communist) society prevails in the minds of Americans. Oh, if only they knew. There’s probably more fucking in Beijing’s Wudaokou than in entire Bangkok. Then, there’s also this white male and black male ‘Asian-fantasy’ thing going on in the Western internet. The girl in the video looks petite and slender (the guy doesn’t undress, and finishes in 15 seconds or so). So, there you have it. It’s a media gift from the Eastern porn gods. Needless to say, there are now, just a week later, mind you, T-shirts on sale, and lots of tourists are now visiting the store to take pictures. Some sites are getting very creative, using brands and emoticons to cover the private parts of the couple. Western media are driving heavy traffic to the issue. Bloomberg reported it. The New York Times reported it. We don’t mind. Pictures are removed or censored quickly by Google, Youtube, Reddit, Facebook etc., but some fringe sites still have them. It is still much easier to find the images on the Chinese Internet. Sorry, video couldn’t be linked here. Young woman thinks to herself: What if he uploads the video? Nah, he’s so sweet; would never do that.

We stand with the Covington Catholic Boys

America is at the brink of a PC collapse again as one certain Nick Sandmann, a white kid of Covington Catholic High School in Kentucky of Cincinnati, appeared on video in an ‘eye staring contest’ with a Native American elder. Oh, and the elder is (allegedly!) also an army veteran who served in ‘Nam, which however is not part of the essential story here. The staring contest occurred during the ‘March for Life’ and the ‘Indigenous Peoples March’ at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C.. The boy wore a MAGA hat: ‘Make America Great Again’ as evident for his larcenous support of our very President, Donald Trump. The Native American, 64-years-old Nathan Philips, an Omaha elder, was playing his drum trying to sheer up the crowds and, according to himself, was singing a song of unity. This is it. Nothing more happened, yet this was all it takes to move this hysterical nation to the brink of psychological emergency.

“Crowd of teenagers wearing ‘Make America Great Again’ hats taunting a Native American elder, ” tweeted CNN, the Cincinnati News Network. “Could face expulsion” and “investigation” cried other lesser breeds. Within a day this was made global news in our doing-doing-plem-plem world of remorseless digital witch hunt. Hate and racism, the eternal re-occurrences of the Great American political discourse. What to do with the racist and hateful white boy who, after watching the video footage with an open mind, did nothing racist and hateful at all except being targeted, wrongly targeted!, by our leftist media outlets with an hate mob mentality that betrays all balance and proportion. A hashtag re-emerged: ‘Expose Christian Schools’. Hollywood celebrities who, as Hollywood celebrities do, have no clue what they are talking about spewed evil things onto the poor Catholic boys. Without naming the vain, let us call it a ‘Spark of Condemnation from Hollywood’. The leftist royal press defamed, slandered and doxxed the Covington lads. The school was made to apologize. The boy, Sandmann, didn’t apologize, good for him. It is true, some personalities realized how over-reacted they pro-acted and, like Robert P. George, Princeton Professor on Religious Freedom, peddled back: “I apologize to the Covington Catholic boys.” And: “I jumped the gun and that was stupid and unjust,” he writes. But what it helps? The damage to the boy and his school is done. And Nathan Philips? We guess he is a bit embarrassed too. A glorious day indeed for the media of the nutter saints that blew it all out of the sea and has long lost its measures over who could be smeared a hateful racist next, and especially some white Christian boy with that little red hat that shows his political support for the anti-Christ

The ECONOMIST checked out of World history’s master bedroom and moved into the shithouse

Deception, Lies, Fake Polls… TOTAL CRAP. The ECONOMIST is post-colonial diarrhea. Rancor of a shitty past. Hear this one out, in your calmest voice: There are tabloids (sensation), there is gonzo journalism (ridicule), there is the yellow press (gossip), and there is fake news (lies). And then, there is… THE ECONOMIST! That’s right, the ECONOMIST is its own category: The London-based ECONOMIST is Lost Empire and Failing Master Narrative. No Empire no more in London, and not enough British masters that go into journalism, but plenty of leftist, anonymous beta-males. The ECONOMIST moved out of World History’s ‘master-bedroom’ and checked right down into the back-alley’s shithouse. Everything those liberal inbreeds conspire to, stinks. They have stool on their fingers. They have poop under their feet. What they touch becomes feces. That is their brand now: CRAP. [And we don’t even talk this time about the ECONOMIST ‘s constant enemy propaganda against evil Russia, evil China, and evil alternative media!]

It is a mistake that the ECONOMIST ‘s gas and intellectual bampf is still sold at our airports. In hotels. In the former colonies such as Hong Kong and India. But that’s just adding to its embarrassment and total exposure, I suppose. During the age of oppression (in which nobody could talk back at the media, EVER), the lying racket could actually ENFORCE its corruption and political agenda onto the world. The corrupt journalists were in cahoots with powerful elites, expanding businesses, missionaries, and Her Majesty’s military. They wrote shit back then also, but it was actually sticky shit. But today the failing ECONOMIST sits down there in the shithole. It can’t enforce a thing! It farts and feebs and pfffts: Erdogan phhhhrt, Trump pfffffrrr, pfffr, Putin phhrrrr, End of world blamblam ppfft… Nothing it dumps onto its red pages the world now gives a flying fuck about! On the contrary: if the ECONOMIST supports a project—EU, Hillary Clinton, Angela Merkel, New World Order, Britain Remain—, you know that project is NOT going well! When a flush is needed… the flush just broke! The ECONOMIST is a sure formula for night soil. Total losers that will curse your campaign with bad luck and failure. As a rule, if the ECONOMIST supports ‘it’ too, you run for a shower! The ECONOMIST is a deterrent to reality. You don’t wanna have anything to do with whatever it currently promotes. It’s like the team that never wins. Remember when the ECONOMIST badly wanted a 1984-like “Colonial Uprising” in Tibet during the Beijing 2008 Olympics? Or when the ECONOMIST campaigned that India’s Modi “should not become prime minister“? Haha, so funny! [...]