Here's a list of the (weekly) events, where you are most likely to find social ruedas.
Join/watch this facebook group if you want up to date information about where and when we call social ruedas next time.
Tuesdays: Cosy Bailar at Kayak the Bar / Cosy Salseros Evenings (Danish facebook group)
The first hour is rueda de casino with Anders (not for beginners) followed by 2 hours of social dancing including a number of random social ruedas.Thursdays: Latin Social Dancing With 4Water
Typically one or two social ruedas during the night.Thursdays: Havana Nights at The Old Irish Pub Copenhagen
Smaller ruedas can occur during the night. They are small because the music is too loud to allow for larger ruedas - not even Anders can call a rueda with more that approx. 5 pairs. So keep an eye open!Fridays (during the summer 2024): Salsa Libre Outdoors Salsa in Fælledparken
Many ruedas are usually called during the night. Only the sound level and the voice capacity of the caller sets the limit of the size of the ruedas. The dance floor is very big and this social event is extremely popular when the Danish weather behaves.Sundays (during the winter time): Salsa Sundays at Kedelhallen
The first hour is rueda de casino with alternating callers from week to week. Later a few social ruedas may be called.