Research Field

Research Field: Experimental Nuclear Physics

Subjects: Reactions around the barrier (Sub-barrier fusion and Multi-nucleon Transfer Reactions)

Research Experience: I have been working in experimental nuclear physics and closely involved in the national Accelerator Centres (IUAC and TIFR). I performed an experiment with my collaborators at Inter-University Accelerator Centre (IUAC) to measure the sub-barrier fusion cross-sections of 35,37Cl+130Te systems to understand the effect of coupling and neutron transfer using the recoil mass separator, HIRA (Heavy-Ion Reaction Analyzer) to bind off my thesis. I have participated in many experiments, performed at IUAC and TIFR to measure the incomplete fusion cross-section, sub-barrier fusion cross-sections, quasi-elastic scattering, break-up fusion and cross-section for different transfer channels. I have hands-on experience on different electronics modules like pre-amplifier, spectroscopic amplifier, TFA, CFD, GDG, co-incidence unit, FIFO, ADC, TDC etc. We are developing low background detection systems at IIT Ropar in which four HPGe detectors with GO4 data acquisition systems will be used, where I am actively involved. Along with the above research activities, sometimes, I guide the Master students; those are doing/completed project in our lab, and clarify the doubts of newly joined PhD scholars in our group.