general labels

these are main labels that describe at least part of my identity, its the closest i can get to describing some of it lol


Panromantic is a romantic orientation describing an individual who experiences romantic attraction to individuals where gender identity is not a factor. Since panromantic individuals experience attraction regardless of gender identity, they effectively experience attraction to all gender identities. 


Pansexual is a sexual orientation describing an individual who experiences sexual attraction to individuals where gender identity is not a factor. Since pansexual individuals experience attraction regardless of gender identity, they effectively experience attraction to all gender identities.


Questioning is the process of exploring, learning, or experimenting with what one's gender, sexual orientation, romantic orientation, or another part of one's identity is.

Nounself Pronouns

Nounself pronouns are type of neopronoun that are derived from an existing word. They are commonly, but not always, used by xenic individuals who may want to use a pronoun set that corresponds with their xenogender, or some other aspect of themself. For example, someone who is catgender may use nya/nyan pronouns.


Non-Binary or Nonbinary (sometimes shortened to NBY or N.B.) refers to someone whose gender does not fall strictly within the category of the binary genders (male or female) that are used in western society. 


Xenogender is an umbrella term for non-binary gender identities that cannot be fully described through their relation to concepts typically used to describe gender such as male, female, woman, man, masculinity, femininity, androgyny, neutrality, agenrinity, or outherinity. Instead, xenogenders can best be described through how they relate to things, beings, or concepts that most individuals don't think of as having to do with gender, such as animals, plants, things, or concepts.


Gendercollector is identity where someone collects genders. Also known as Genderhoarder. 


Demidoe is a gender which is partially static and partially fluid (demifluid). The fluid part of the gender is only fluid between identities which are not male, male-aligned, or masculine. The static part of the gender can be any gender of combination of genders.

Expression Fluid

Expression Fluid is a form of gender expression where ones gender expression changes, either rapidly or gradually, regardless of ones actual gender identity. 

Pronoun Collector

Pronoun Collector refers to an individual who uses many sets of pronouns. When one sees a new set of pronouns and feels like they fit, they will start using them. Also known as Pronoun Hoarder. 


Gendershopping is a gender that feels like constantly shopping around for new genders, picking up and incorporating that seem appealing and putting down as you see fit. 


Multinominal, also known as Polynominal, Plurinominal, or Pluronominal, refers to someone who goes by and identifies with multiple names. 


Almopronominal is the act of going by many or most, but not all pronouns. For example, using all pronouns except for she/her. 


Demigirl is a non-binary gender in which one is partially, but not fully, a girl/woman. They may or may not identify as another gender in addition to being partially a girl. The other part of one's gender can be any gender or combination of genders, including a lack of gender.


Agender, also known as genderless, is an identity to describe someone that entirely lacks a gender or with complete genderlessness. It falls under the non-binary umbrella in which one is not male, female, neutral, xenic, outherine, or any other gender. They may identify most strongly as just an individual, rather than as any given gender.

Agender individuals may also identify as non-binary, genderqueer, transgender or anonbinary, though some choose to avoid these terms, as they can imply that they identify as a gender, when they in fact do not. As it is a lack of gender, some feel that it should not be labelled with the term "gender" at all.


Genderqueer is an umbrella term describing individuals who feel that they have a queer or non-normative experience with gender, either through their gender identity, their gender presentation, or other experiences of gender.

Genderqueer includes anyone who "queers" their gender, regardless of gender identity. Because of this, genderqueer may be used to describe binary individuals (both cisgender and transgender) who have a non-normative experience with gender presentation or other aspects of gender.


Pangender is a form of multigender in which someone experiences all genders. It is a non-binary gender that refers to a vast and diverse amount of genders in the same individual that can extend infinitely. A pangender individual can experience these genders at the same time or they may be fluid between them. The intensity of their gender(s) may fluctuate.

Since the term pangender is very expansive and unspecific, it could mean several different things depending on the individual, including:


Polyplatonic is a form of non-monogamous relationship were one is capable of having queerplatonic relationships or other close platonic relationships with multiple people at once. Polyplatonic is identity is similar to polyamory but instead of having romantic or relationships with the other people involved, it's queerplatonic relationships.


* This is not a queer identity, but can be included for people who are queer in other ways (eg. straight trans people). 

Monoamorous is described as being (or having a desire to be) in an exclusive partnership with only one person. 


Quoigender is a gender that can have many different meanings. It is an umbrella term for anyone who doesn't quite understand their gender or doesn't want to define their gender. Some definitions of quoigender include: