I'm new to Ruby On Rails and I want to know which is better to use for work with it. Windows or Linux. I've never worked with Linux before but I heard It's better to work with it. Is it necessary for someone like me to install linux or I can use windows and the results will be same with linux?

If your current dev machine is running Windows, and you don't have access to a Linux environment right now, don't let that stop you from getting started with Rails. Definitely, definitely, definitely install the DevKit first thing (if it's not included in RubyInstaller yet). See -Kit for that.

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If you get deep into Rails development, or even start doing it for a living, you will inevitably drift towards using Linux on your dev machine. The problem is not Rails, but the many binary gems which are difficult or impossible to install on Windows.

The most popular Ruby library for manipulating images (ie. generating thumbnails) is RMagick, but trying to install it on Windows is enough to make a strong man cry. Paperclip is very nice for dealing with images and other attachments, but it is also a problem. Then there is a popular JSON parsing library which is also problematic on Windows. Unicorn (a popular Rails server) won't run at all on Windows, and Thin (my favorite) may also give you headaches. And so on, and so on.

Yes, this thread is an old thread but I am here to express how awfully you will encounter problems on windows platform while using Ruby on Rails. It may be 'OK' to build normal application however, as soon as you start scratching the surface of sqlite3, ASCII Characters, Internationalisation for an application, ... Your hair will start to fall off, I mean literally . Whereas if you stick with Mac or Linux (Ubuntu), You will feel invincible, take pride on projects, progress further without having to configure yourself manually with setting of (gems') native extensions library and it is horrendous.

Linux, without hesitation. You will find a lot of problems if you want to develop on windows with ruby on rails. I already tried with windows, at my beginning, and it's very difficult. Since I am with Linux, it works! It's hard in the beginning but it's very powerful.

It mostly depends on how comfortable you are in each environment. I have been developing on both Windows and Linux for 4 years (because I can't afford a Mac) and I have found Windows to be the easiest in setup, as of late. Engineyard has released an installer for Windows that is an all in one for Ruby, Rails, Git, Bundler, SQLite, and DevKit among others.

Linux provides much more support online for installing Ruby on Rails. There are minor differences with each distro of linux for installing it so I can't provide you with any links. You will also be able to find separate tutorials for installing Git, SQLite, and DevKit.

If you are much more comfortable working in the terminal, than I would suggest taking the plunge into Linux development. It can take a little longer to set up than Windows but you will find it much more command line friendly (and fulfilling).

My best possible suggestion would be to download VirtualBox, or some other VM, and try Linux. It is free and will only take up a day or so of your time to install and mess around in. If you don't like it, go back to Windows.

Linux or Mac. This is because many helpful Gems for Ruby on Rails haven't been ported over to Windows, and never will be (at least, that was the case when I last used Rails). If you do end up doing development on Windows, you may find yourself having to reinvent the wheel many times.

(Background info -- a Rails app is a bunch of server side code written in Ruby along with a public dir containing JavaScript, CSS, and maybe a little HTML. The public dir is mapped to an Apache vhost. Apache handles the Ruby code through a module called Passenger or mod_rails.)

Thanks for the help, all. I think I'm going to go with /opt/deployed_rails_apps. (I like long, expository directory names, and tab completion.) /var/... is also a good place, but I've gotten stern grumbling from I.T. when I tried to deploy stuff there. If it were my own machine I might go with /var or /srv.

I think /opt would be the place for an application like this. I agree with following the FHS as suggested by chmeee, but I don't agree that a Rails app is a service per se.

A package to be installed in /opt must locate its static files in a separate /opt/ or /opt/ directory tree, where is a name that describes the software package and is the provider's LANANA registered name.

This main purpose of specifying this is so that users may find the location of the data files for particular service, and so that services which require a single tree for readonly data, writable data and scripts (such as cgi scripts) can be reasonably placed.

On CentOS Linux distributions (and subsequently RedHat), when you install the httpd package (for Apache 2), it creates /var/www, and expects that your vhosts point to your web content here. The default vhost is typically dumped in /var/www/htdocs, and subsequent sites/apps should be put in /var/www/sitename.

In debian/ubuntu based system such applications are usually installed in /usr/share folder (i.e. /usr/share/ruby), since they are non-compiled files (which would go into /usr/lib). Since your application is not a standard application you would probably put it in /usr/local/share preventing it there being overwritten by any system updates.

This guide is designed for beginners who want to get started with a Railsapplication from scratch. It does not assume that you have any prior experiencewith Rails. However, to get the most out of it, you need to have someprerequisites installed:

Rails is a web application framework running on the Ruby programming language.If you have no prior experience with Ruby, you will find a very steep learningcurve diving straight into Rails. There are several curated lists of online resourcesfor learning Ruby:

Rails is a web application development framework written in the Ruby language.It is designed to make programming web applications easier by making assumptionsabout what every developer needs to get started. It allows you to write lesscode while accomplishing more than many other languages and frameworks.Experienced Rails developers also report that it makes web applicationdevelopment more fun.

Rails is opinionated software. It makes the assumption that there is a "best"way to do things, and it's designed to encourage that way - and in some cases todiscourage alternatives. If you learn "The Rails Way" you'll probably discover atremendous increase in productivity. If you persist in bringing old habits fromother languages to your Rails development, and trying to use patterns youlearned elsewhere, you may have a less happy experience.

By following along with this guide, you'll create a Rails project calledblog, a (very) simple weblog. Before you can start building the application,you need to make sure that you have Rails itself installed.

The examples below use $ to represent your terminal prompt in a UNIX-like OS,though it may have been customized to appear differently. If you are using Windows,your prompt will look something like c:\source_code>

Open up a command line prompt. On macOS open Terminal.app, on Windows choose"Run" from your Start menu and type 'cmd.exe'. Any commands prefaced with adollar sign $ should be run in the command line. Verify that you have acurrent version of Ruby installed:

A number of tools exist to help you quickly install Ruby and Rubyon Rails on your system. Windows users can use Rails Installer,while macOS users can use Tokaido.For more installation methods for most Operating Systems take a look atruby-lang.org.

Many popular UNIX-like OSes ship with an acceptable version of SQLite3.On Windows, if you installed Rails through Rails Installer, youalready have SQLite installed. Others can find installation instructionsat the SQLite3 website.Verify that it is correctly installed and in your PATH:

Rails comes with a number of scripts called generators that are designed to makeyour development life easier by creating everything that's necessary to startworking on a particular task. One of these is the new application generator,which will provide you with the foundation of a fresh Rails application so thatyou don't have to write it yourself.

If you're using Windows Subsystem for Linux then there are currently somelimitations on file system notifications that mean you should disable the springand listen gems which you can do by running rails new blog --skip-spring --skip-listen.

The blog directory has a number of auto-generated files and folders that makeup the structure of a Rails application. Most of the work in this tutorial willhappen in the app folder, but here's a basic rundown on the function of eachof the files and folders that Rails created by default:

Compiling CoffeeScript and JavaScript asset compression requires youhave a JavaScript runtime available on your system, in the absenceof a runtime you will see an execjs error during asset compilation.Usually macOS and Windows come with a JavaScript runtime installed.Rails adds the therubyracer gem to the generated Gemfile in acommented line for new apps and you can uncomment if you need it.therubyrhino is the recommended runtime for JRuby users and is added bydefault to the Gemfile in apps generated under JRuby. You can investigateall the supported runtimes at ExecJS.

This will fire up Puma, a web server distributed with Rails by default. To seeyour application in action, open a browser window and navigate to :3000. You should see the Rails default information page:

To stop the web server, hit Ctrl+C in the terminal window where it'srunning. To verify the server has stopped you should see your command promptcursor again. For most UNIX-like systems including macOS this will be adollar sign $. In development mode, Rails does not generally require you torestart the server; changes you make in files will be automatically picked up bythe server. 152ee80cbc

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