If the new Ruby version is from a different stable branch, then please use a new target directory for installation.That is to say, a previous RubyInstaller-3.1.x installation should not be updated by installing RubyInstaller-3.2.x into the same directory.This is because gems with C extensions are not compatible between ruby-3.1 and 3.2.Find out more in the FAQ.

RubyInstaller versions 3.2.2-1, 3.1.4-1, 3.0.6-1 and 2.7.8-1 are released. These are maintenance releases with bug and security fixes.See the ruby-3.2.2 release post, ruby-3.1.4 release post, ruby-3.0.6 release post and ruby-2.7.8 release post for more details about the ruby core update.

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RubyInstaller-3.2.0-1 has been released!It features a whole bunch of great new features and improvements.See the ruby-3.2.0 release post for more details.A noticeable addition to Ruby on Windows is the support of UNIXSocket.

RubyInstaller versions 3.1.3-1, 3.0.5-1 and 2.7.7-1 are released. These are maintenance releases with bug and security fixes.See the ruby-3.1.3 release post, ruby-3.0.5 release post and ruby-2.7.7 release post for more details about the ruby core update.

RubyGems is the code-packaging system for the Ruby community. Started as a project in 2004 by the directors of Ruby Central and friends, RubyGems has grown into an invaluable and wide-ranging resource for the sharing of code among all members of the community. With hosting support by Ruby Central, more information can be found at rubygems.org.

"Ruby" are short runs of text alongside the base text, typically used inEast Asian documents to indicate pronunciation or to provide a shortannotation. This specification defines markup for ruby, in the form of anXHTML module [XHTMLMOD].

Information related to this document can be found on the public ruby page( -HTML-ruby). This includes translationsof this specification as well as potential errata. A listof current W3C Recommendations and othertechnical documents can be found at

This document presents an overview of ruby annotation and defines themarkup for it. Several examples are provided. However, this document does notspecify any mechanisms for presentation or styling of ruby annotation; thisis part of the respective style sheet languages.

Ruby text is usually presented alongside the base text, using a smallertypeface. The name "ruby" in fact originated from the name of the 5.5pt font size in British printing, which is about halfthe 10pt font size commonly used for normal text.Figure 1.1 shows an example, with three ideographs(kanji) as base text, and six hiragana giving the reading (shinkansen -Japanese bullet train).

East Asian typography has developed various features that do not appear inwestern typography. Most of these can be addressed appropriately with stylesheet languages such as CSSor XSL. However,additional markup is required to define the association between base text andruby text.

This specification defines such markup, designed to be usable withXHTML, sothat ruby text is available on the Web without using special workarounds orgraphics. Although this specification gives examples of actual rendering tomake it easier for most readers to understand the markup, all such examplesare informational only. This document does not specify any mechanisms forpresentation or styling; this is part of the respective style sheetlanguages.

Sometimes more than one ruby text is associated with the same base text. Atypical example is to indicate both meaning as well as reading for the samebase text. In such cases, ruby texts may appear on both sides of the basetext. Ruby text before the base text is often used to indicate reading; rubytext after the base text is often used to indicate meaning. Figure 1.2 shows an example of base text with two rubytexts, giving reading using hiragana and Latin letters.

In this example, the base text is the date "10 31 2002". One ruby text isthe phrase "Expiration Date". This ruby text is associated with the entirebase text. The other ruby text has 3 parts: "Month", "Day" and "Year". Eachpart is associated with a different part of the base text. "Month" isassociated with "10", "Day" is associated with "31", and "Year" is associatedwith "2002".

The markup defined in this specification is designed to cover all theabove cases, namely markup for one or two ruby texts associated with the samebase text and markup for associations of substrings of the ruby text(s) withcomponents of the base text.

There are two variants of ruby markup, called simple ruby markupand complex ruby markup. Simple ruby markup associates a single rubytext with a run of base text. Simple ruby markup can also specify a fallbackmechanism to allow display of ruby text by (older) browsers that do not knowabout ruby markup. Complex ruby markup can associate two ruby texts with onebase text, and can define a more fine-grained association between componentsof the ruby text and the base text. However, complex ruby markup does notprovide a fallback mechanism for browsers that do not understand rubymarkup.

In the simplest case, ruby markup defines a ruby elementwhich contains one rb element for the base text and onert element for the ruby text. This ruby elementtherefore creates an association between the base text and the ruby text, andis sufficient for most cases. Here is an exampleof simple ruby markup:

Some user agents might not understand ruby markup, or may not be able torender ruby text appropriately. In either situation, it is generallypreferable to render ruby text, so that information is not lost. A generallyacceptable fallback is to place the ruby text immediately after the basetext, and to enclose the ruby text in parentheses. The parentheses reduce thepotential for confusing the ruby text with other text. (It should be notedthat text in parentheses in Japanese typography is never called "ruby".)

For compatibility with older user agents that do not understand rubymarkup and simply render the content of elements they do not understand,rp elements can be added to simple ruby markup to distinguishruby text.

The element name rp stands for "ruby parenthesis". Therp elements and the parentheses (or other characters) insidethem are provided as a fallback mechanism only. User agents that ignoreunknown elements, but render their contents, will display the contents ofeach rp element. Therefore the rp element can beused to denote both the beginning and end of ruby text.

User agents that do know about ruby markup, and that have moresophisticated presentation styles for ruby text, will choose to not renderthe parentheses. For example, the markup of figure 1.6can be rendered as shown in the next figure.

Complex ruby markup provides for multiple rb andrt elements. This specification defines container elements thatmake the association between the individual elements clear. The ruby basecontainer element, rbc, encloses rb elements. Therecan be one or two ruby text container elements, rtc, thatenclose rt elements. This allows association of two ruby textcontainers with the same base text. With complex ruby markup it is alsopossible to associate parts of the base text with parts of a ruby text byusing a number of rb elements, and a corresponding number ofrt elements. In addition, the rt element may usethe rbspan attribute to indicate that a single rtelement spans (is associated with) multiple rb elements. This issimilar to the colspanattribute of the th and td elements in tables ([HTML4], section 11.2.6).

In this example, the first ruby text container encloses 3 components("Month", "Day", "Year"). Each of these components is associated with acorresponding component in the base text ("10", "31", "2002"). The secondruby text container ("Expiration Date") consists of a single ruby text, andis associated with the entire base text ("10 31 2002"). It may be rendered as shown in figure 1.10.

More fine-grained associations can also be made when the relationships areknown. For these situations, an improved rendering can therefore be provided.For example, a person's name can be decomposed into family name and givenname, or a kanji compound or phrase can be decomposedinto semantic subparts or individual characters. With either fine or coursegranularity, the spans of the ruby text can be set with the correspondingspacing in the base text, and better readability and a more balanced layoutmay be achieved.

The rp element is not available in the case of complex rubymarkup. There are two reasons for this. First, the rp element isonly a fallback mechanism, and it was considered that this is much moreimportant for the more frequent simple case. Second, for the more complexcases, it is difficult to come up with a reasonable fallback display, andconstructing markup for such cases can be even more difficult if notimpossible.

This section contains the formal syntax definition and the specificationof the functionality of the ruby markup. Some familiarity with the XHTML Modularizationframework, in particular the "Modularization of XHTML" [XHTMLMOD] specification, is assumed.

The following is the abstract definition of the elements for ruby markup,which is consistent with the XHTML Modularizationframework [XHTMLMOD]. Further definitions of XHTML abstract modulescan be found in [XHTMLMOD].

The ruby element is an inline (or text-level) element thatserves as an overall container. It contains either the rb, rt andoptional rp elements (simple ruby markup) orthe rbc and rtc elements (complex ruby markup).

In the case of simple ruby markup, the ruby element containseither an rb element followed by an rt element, or a sequence of an rb element, an rpelement, an rt element and another rp element. The content of the rt element is taken as ruby text and associatedwith the content of the rbelement as the base text. The content of the rp elements, if present, is ignored.

In the case of complex ruby markup, the ruby element containsan rbc element followed by one or two rtc elements. The content of the subelements ofeach rtc element is taken as ruby text andassociated with the content of the subelements of the rbc element as the base text. 17dc91bb1f


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