Rubinoff & His Violin

David Rubinoff was a popular Russian violinist who was very popular in the 1930’s and 40’s, appearing nationwide on radio shows and in movies. He had a radio show with Eddie Cantor in the mid 1930’s.

Later in his career, he made it his mission to tour schools around the country to instill a love and enthusiasm for the violin, playing his $100,000 Stradivarius.

On January 8, 1960, Rubinoff came to Washington for two concerts. During the day he performed for approximately 600 school children from Washington Grade, Lincoln, St, Pat’s, and WCHS.

In the evening, over 500 adults attended his concert, where he played an encore of the Star-Spangled Banner after a joking remark that after driving around town, there was no place else to go.

Profits from the concert totaling $400 went to the Town & Country Gardeners to be put toward the beautification of the square, which had recently lost its trees and bandstand and was completely bare.

Organizations sponsoring the event were the Association of Commerce, Rotary, Women’s Club, Civic Club, Mothers’ club, and the four Home Bureau units.

Pictured below is Rubinoff and his violin with accompanist Edwin Deveny playing in Washington.