radioone - Selection of Pop Music

radiotwo - Selection of Country Music

eurovision2022 - All Eurovision 2022 Songs

usatop100 - Billboard Top 100 (Auto Updates Weekly)

uktop40 - UK Top 40 (Auto Updates Weekly)

Shortcut Guide (

General Prefix

! - Summons Rubik's Music Bot

General Commands

!p [song/yt url] - Plays content from YouTube. You may type in a name of a video, or a YouTube URL

!s - Voteskip a song using a ratio of members in the call

!np - Displays the song currently playing and the current progress of the song

!q - Displays current queue

!ly - Displays lyrics if available - See also !ly [song name] to get lyrics for any song

Playlist Commands

!pl [yt playlist url] - Plays any YouTube playlist

!pls - See available Rubik's Radio Stations

Radio Commands

!p pl [Radio Name] - Replace brackets with RadioOne, RadioTwo, UKtop40, eurovision2022, or USAtop100

@Helper Commands

!fs - Bypasses voteskip and skips song

!forceremove [user] - Removes all music added by a user

!movetrack [from] [to] - Moves track in queue

!pause - Pauses current song

!play - Unpauses current song

!repeat [off |all |single] - Re-adds music to the queue when finished

!skipto [position] - Skips to a specified song

!stop - Stops the song and clears queue

!volume [0-150] - sets or shows volume

@Nut! Commands

!prefix [prefix|NONE] - sets a server-specific prefix 

!setdj [rolename|NONE] - sets the DJ role for certain music commands 

!settc [channel|NONE] - sets the text channel for music commands 

!setvc [channel|NONE] - sets the voice channel for playing music

@mbrMC Commands

!autoplaylist [name|NONE] - sets the default playlist for the server 

!debug - shows debug info 

!playlist [append|delete|make|setdefault] - playlist management 

!setavatar [url] - sets the avatar of the bot 

!setgame [action] [game] - sets the game the bot is playing 

!setname [name] - sets the name of the bot 

!setstatus [status] - sets the status the bot displays 

!shutdown - safely shuts down