Titles and abstracts

Thomas Creutzig

University of Alberta

Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences


Lecture 1: W-algebras are vertex algebras associated to affine Lie superalgebras via quantum Hamiltonian reduction. In this first lecture I want to introduce these objects, recall its history, importance and interesting basic properties.

Lecture 2: Trialities are isomorphisms between cosets of W-superalgebras. In this lecture I want to discuss more connections between different W-superalgebras and especially how their representation categories are related.

Du Pei

Harvard University

Department of Mathematics

TQFT from Coulomb branches

In this lecture series, we will study the geometry of Coulomb branches of 4d quantum field theories and identify hidden algebraic structures within them. In particular, we will discuss 1) how the geometric quantization of Hitchin moduli space is controlled by a 2d TQFT, and 2) how the moduli space of wild Higgs bundles encodes information of interesting modular tensor categories.

Andrew R. Linshaw

University of Denver,

Department of Mathematics


Lecture 1: Orbifolds and cosets of W-algebras

For a simple Lie superalgebra g and an even nilpotent element f in g, consider the W-algebra W^k(g,f). I will discuss the following results:

(1) For any reductive group G of automorphisms of W^k(g,f), the orbifold W^k(g,f)^G is strongly finitely generated for generic values of k.

(2) For any affine vertex subalgebra V^{k'}(b) of W^k(g,f) where b is a reductive Lie algebra, the coset of W^k(g,f) by V^{k'}(b) is strongly finitely generated for generic values of k.

These are analogues of Hilbert's theorem on the finite generation of classical invariant rings. The proof involves methods of invariant theory and can be made constructive in nice enough examples. This is a key ingredient in the proof of trialities between W-algebras.

Lecture 2: Trialities of W-algebras: sketch of proof

I will outline the proof of my recent result with Thomas Creutzig which gives trialities between families of W-superalgebras of type A, as well as a similar result involving trialities in types B, C, and D.

Victor Ostrik

University of Oregon,

Department of Mathematics

Tensor categories in Conformal Field Theory

I will give an overview of categorical notions and constructions

relevant to Rational Conformal Field Theory. The key concepts

that will be reviewed in these lectures are notions of the modular

tensor category, module categories and various algebras in tensor

categories. We will illustrate these notions in simple (but hopefully

illuminating) examples.