
Universidade Católica de Brasília

  • 2021.2 Public Policy (Policy Impact Evaluation) - Econ. Ph.D.: This course covers the main experimental and quasi-experimental methods used to measure the ex-post impact of public policies. In the course, I cover Randomized controlled trials, Instrumental Variables, Regression Discontinuity Design, Difference in Differences, and Synthetic Control Method. This course involves Stata and R programming.

  • 2021.1 and 2020.1 Microeconomics 2 (Game Theory) - Econ. Ph.D.: In this theoretical course, students are introduced to different concepts of strategic equilibrium arriving from static games of complete information, dynamic games of complete information, static games of incomplete information, and dynamic games of incomplete information. Along with each theoretical concept, students are also exposed to in-lab experimental evidence on the behavioral departures from these equilibria. We finish the course with an introduction to experimental economics to validate or refute the aforementioned theoretical predictions.

  • 2021.2 Research Methods II - Econ. Ph.D.: This course covers all the steps for the execution of a scientific article. I cover all the stages from the conception of a research question, the logistics of handling big data, obtaining results through observational methods, and writing the manuscript. Students are expected to finish the semester with preliminary results for a short paper and are also exposed to the process of submitting a manuscript, revising it after referee reports, and resubmission. This course involves Stata and R programming.

  • 2021.2, 2021.1, and 2020.1 Public Economics (Public finance and Political Econ.) - Econ. Undergrad.: This theoretical course covers topics such as externalities, public goods, cost-benefit analysis, political economy and public choice, and optimal taxation theory. Students are also presented to recent literature published in top journals of the field and are encouraged to explore Brazilian data on public finance and electoral outcomes of municipalities.

  • 2020.1 Time Series and Panel Data Methods - Public Policy Master: This course covers the main tools for time series analysis and panel data analysis. For time series, I cover autoregressive models, distributed lag models, exponential smoothing, and the main stationarity and unit root tests. The panel data part of the course covers fixed-effects models, random effects models, Haussman test, and difference in differences. This course involves Stata and R programming.

  • 2020.1 Corporate Finance 2 - Econ. Undergrad.: In this course, I cover the topics such as the efficient-market hypothesis, misconceptions about the efficient-market hypothesis, capital-structure, the Modigliani and Miller model, departures from the Modigliani and Miller model, valuation and capital budgeting for the levered firm, bankruptcy risk or bankruptcy cost, and long-term financing. Students are encouraged to work with financial data from Yahoo Finance using Excel.

* Syllabus, slides, and R/Stata scripts available upon request.