Have writer's block? Hopefully this resource will help librarians identify publishing and presentation opportunities in library & information science, as well as other related fields. I will include calls for papers, presentations, participation, reviewers, and other relevant notices that I find on the web. If you find anything to be posted, please drop me a note. thanks -- Corey Seeman, University of Michigan(cseeman@umich.edu)

The Journal of Advancement, Communication, and Development in Academic Libraries (open access journal) publishes articles that offer strategies and case studies for practical application of strategic fundraising and communication in academic libraries. The journal seeks to represent the significant variances in advancement operations from small, single-staffed offices to more expansive and complex library advancement environments.

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I should say that I find Filehelpers restrictive in some scenarios, and instead use The Fast CSV Reader. In my experience, if you don't know the format of your CSV file or import mapping until runtime - this is the better library to use.

In Brief: This article offers a reflection on my pursuit to become a writer-librarian. In addition to participating in a professional writing program at my institution, in November of 2012 I participated in Academic Writing Month and Digital Writing Month. Through these immersive experiences I worked to figure out who is my writerly librarian self and discovered some tools and techniques to help me along the way. This article begins with an explanation of Academic Writing Month and Digital Writing Month, discusses writing in Library and Information Science, and then offers more reflection on my discoveries as I tried to become a writer-librarian. Among my discoveries, the most helpful were getting to know my writing barriers and making writing social. Finally, this article offers advice to others who may wish to incorporate writing into their professional lives.

Great question, Celia! There are a few ways that I find community. First, I am in some writing groups at my job. One is still with the Jumpstart Academic Writing program, where I have connected with some colleagues who can help me feel accountable for my writing goals. The other is organized within my library, but is really more of a research group. We talk about our research and writing and set bi-weekly goals.

Create an object which operates like a regular writer but maps dictionariesonto output rows. The fieldnames parameter is a sequence of keys that identify the order in which values in thedictionary passed to the writerow() method are written to filef. The optional restval parameter specifies the value to bewritten if the dictionary is missing a key in fieldnames. If thedictionary passed to the writerow() method contains a key not found infieldnames, the optional extrasaction parameter indicates what action totake.If it is set to 'raise', the default value, a ValueErroris raised.If it is set to 'ignore', extra values in the dictionary are ignored.Any other optional or keyword arguments are passed to the underlyingwriter instance.

The Dialect class is a container class whose attributes containinformation for how to handle doublequotes, whitespace, delimiters, etc.Due to the lack of a strict CSV specification, different applicationsproduce subtly different CSV data. Dialect instances define howreader and writer instances behave.

Instructs writer objects to never quote fields. When the currentdelimiter occurs in output data it is preceded by the current escapecharcharacter. If escapechar is not set, the writer will raise Error ifany characters that require escaping are encountered.

To make it easier to specify the format of input and output records, specificformatting parameters are grouped together into dialects. A dialect is asubclass of the Dialect class containing various attributesdescribing the format of the CSV file. When creating reader orwriter objects, the programmer can specify a string or a subclass ofthe Dialect class as the dialect parameter. In addition to, or insteadof, the dialect parameter, the programmer can also specify individualformatting parameters, which have the same names as the attributes defined belowfor the Dialect class.

A one-character string used by the writer to escape the delimiter if quotingis set to QUOTE_NONE and the quotechar if doublequote isFalse. On reading, the escapechar removes any special meaning fromthe following character. It defaults to None, which disables escaping.

writer objects (DictWriter instances and objects returned bythe writer() function) have the following public methods. A row must bean iterable of strings or numbers for writer objects and a dictionarymapping fieldnames to strings or numbers (by passing them through str()first) for DictWriter objects. Note that complex numbers are writtenout surrounded by parens. This may cause some problems for other programs whichread CSV files (assuming they support complex numbers at all).

The program began as a venue for local writers (including student authors) to read from their works. Over time, Writers in the Library evolved into a showcase for award-winning writers of national and international renown. Distinguished guest readers have included Pulitzer Prize winners, a U.S. Poet Laureate, and authors of New York Times bestsellers.

Well over ten thousand poets and writers maintain listings in this essential resource for writers interested in connecting with their peers, as well as editors, agents, and reading series coordinators looking for authors. Apply today to join the growing community of writers who stay in touch and informed using the Poets & Writers Directory.

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Each year the Readings & Workshops program provides support to hundreds of writers participating in literary readings and conducting writing workshops. Learn more about this program, our special events, projects, and supporters, and how to contact us.

Ads in Poets & Writers Magazine and on pw.org are the best ways to reach a readership of serious poets and literary prose writers. Our audience trusts our editorial content and looks to it, and to relevant advertising, for information and guidance.

The library is not on display, nor is it open to the public. But it is available for research, and can be searched through the online catalog. Salem was kind enough to lay out a representative sampling of the collection for me to peruse.

This program, generously funded by the Arizona State Library, is a favorite among local writers. Each has brought their own special talents to the program to help people with all aspects of the writing process. Writers are funded from February through July each year.

As a longtime editor and writing coach, Laura has helped hundreds of writers bring their ideas to the page, screen, stage, and airwaves. She will be available for one-on-one sessions to help with works in progress, project ideas, writing challenges, questions about traditional publishing, books proposals, agents, self-publishing, and more. She offers advice, feedback, and resources for writers of all genres as well as editors and multimedia producers.

Gregory McNamee is a writer, editor, photographer, and publisher. He is the author or title-page editor of more than 40 books and author of more than 6,000 periodical pieces, including articles, essays, reviews, interviews, editorials, poems, and short stories.

Margaret Regan is the author of the award-winning book, The Death of Josseline: Immigration Stories from the Arizona Borderlands, a 2010 Southwest Book of the Year and a Common Read for the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations. An editor and writer at the Tucson Weekly, Regan has won many regional and national prizes for her immigration reporting, including the 2013 Al Filipov Peace and Justice Award. 0852c4b9a8

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