The QA403 is our 4th generation audio analyzer. Since 2012 we've been providing audio test and measurement to companies around the world. And with each iteration, the capability and programmability of the analyzers continues to grow.

The QA403 won't deliver the performance of a $30,000 audio analyzer. But in 99% of cases, it doesn't need to. Whether you are working from home for a few days or setting up a manufacturing line, the QA403 delivers the performance you need--with margin--to test most products being developed today. And it does so quickly using the included software or with software you write.

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The no-calibration design means you are making common audio measurements in minutes. Gain, THD(+N), noise, frequency response. It's all there. Automated measurements let you create sophisticated swept plots of THD versus frequency and/or level, or frequency response versus level in seconds.

The analyzer is isolated, letting you avoid many of the "ground loop" problems commonly associated with sound cards. And the differential input and 8 input ranges means most of your power amp measurements can be made directly without needing an external attenuator.

If programming isn't your thing, it's easy to make swept tests from within the QA40x application. But if you can write code download a webpage in your favorite language, then you already know how to "talk" to the QA403. The programming is done using HTTP GETs and PUTs to "talk" to the analyzer. In Python, if you wanted to retrieve the left channel THD of an acquisition, you'd write:

From the original System One to our current APx platform, AP audio analyzers are known for their performance, reliability and versatility while our audio software is lauded for its ease-of-use and breadth of audio measurement. All are backed by our renowned technical support team.

Since our founding in 1984, Audio Precision (AP) has evolved into the worldwide leader for audio analyzers and audio testing. We maintain a singular focus: to help engineers worldwide design, validate, characterize, and manufacture audio components, products and systems.

Fast forward thirty-plus years and AP is the recognized global standard in audio tests. We provide elite audio analysis, audio measurement software, and a wide range of modules, options and accessories to support analog and digital audio measurement, as well as electro-acoustic testing, and much more.

Just wanted to let fellow users of the Analog Discovery module know that a member of the EEVBlog forum has written an excellent application which adds some additional audio related testing capabilities to the already multi-talented Analog Discovery device. The lengthy forum thread discussing the 'Audio Analyzer Suite' by forum member 'jaxbird' can be found here...

The above thread also contains quite a few screenshots of the software in action. New features were added to the application as the forum thread grew in length (reply #51 of the thread has a download link for the software). I've found it to be a really useful addition to my test bench since I mainly work on audio related projects/repairs.

Hi, anybody who knows where to retrieve this audio analyser suite? I've followed traces going back to april 2017, a version I've just purchased an AD 2 and I'm audio interested so it would be cool to play around with the suite.

An audio analyzer is a test and measurement instrument used to objectively quantify the audio performance of electronic and electro-acoustical devices. Audio quality metrics cover a wide variety of parameters, including level, gain, noise, harmonic and intermodulation distortion, frequency response, relative phase of signals, interchannel crosstalk, and more. In addition, many manufacturers have requirements for behavior and connectivity of audio devices that require specific tests and confirmations.

Audio analysis requires that the device under test receive a stimulus signal of known characteristics, with which the output signal (response) may be compared by the analyzer in order to determine differences expressed in the specific measurements. This signal may be generated or controlled by the analyzer itself or may come from another source (e.g., a recording) as long as characteristics relative to the desired measurement are defined.

Audio analyzers are used in both development and production of products. A design engineer will find it very useful when understanding and refining product performance, while a production engineer will wish to perform tests to rapidly confirm that units meet specifications. Very often audio analyzers are optimized for one of these two cases.

One of the earliest reliable sources used for audio test was the first product made by Hewlett-Packard in 1939, the HP200A audio oscillator. The clever and inexpensive design of the HP200A allowed testers to generate very high quality, low distortion sine waves that could be used for testing. This was followed by the company's introduction of the HP320A and HP320B Distortion Analyzers in 1941.

These early analyzers could only determine total harmonic distortion and noise combined, and worked by employing a steep notch filter to remove the fundamental frequency of the stimulus signal from the output of the DUT. The remaining signal was measured as an AC voltage, and thus allowed for the manual calculation of total noise and distortion to approximately 0.1% minimum.

Subsequent products from HP, Wandell & Goltermann, Radford, Marconi, Sound Technology, and Amber continued to refine measurement capabilities from the 1950s through the 1970s, but the model of usage remained relatively constant; signal generators and analyzers were separate pieces of equipment, and testing involved careful tuning of each one by a person with high technical skills. This changed in 1980 with the introduction of the Tektronix AA501 Distortion Analyzer, which automated the processes of setting levels, frequency tuning and nulling. At this same time Hewlett-Packard introduced the popular HP8903B, which combined a high quality signal generator and analyzer in a single unit.

By the mid-eighties, Tektronix ceased production of audio test equipment, and in 1984 members of the team that had developed the AA501 started Audio Precision. The first Audio Precision product was the System One, which combined an integrated generator and analyzer with a connected PC to fully automate test procedures and provide a much higher degree of computational power than the simple microprocessors used in other products at the time. The novel use of a PC allowed for a high degree of custom automation and enabled a radically different visual presentation of results.

The combination of PC technology with audio analyzers was adopted by others, including Prism Sound (dScope), Rohde and Schwarz (UPL), and Stanford Research (SR1). As the power of available PCs increased, measurements themselves migrated from being performed internally by audio analyzers to applications running on connected PCs performing FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) calculations, greatly increasing the flexibility and resolution of many results.

In addition to analog, audio analyzers today are frequently capable of generating and measuring audio signals over several different types of digital I/O. For example, the Rohde and Schwarz UPP offers AES/EBU, S/PDIF, IS and HDMI options; the Audio Precision APx500 Series analyzers support AES/EBU, S/PDIF, IS, HDMI, PDM (Pulse Density Modulation), and Bluetooth radio, and are fully DSP based.

The signal analyzer can provide control to both the audio generator and the audio input stages, assuring that test conditions are met. This also permits precise time relationships between the stimulus and response of a DUT to be determined.

In an open-loop test, the signal analyzer has no control over the audio source driving the DUT, and thus the user must take care to ensure that the source is providing a signal of appropriate characteristics. Open loop tests are useful for measuring DUTs that have no direct signal input, such as a CD or MP3 player.

Electro-acoustic devices such as loudspeakers and microphones present special problems for analysis, as they must receive or transmit signals through air. In these cases, the DUT in the model shown above must be replaced with the complete electro-mechanical system, e.g., a power amplifier to drive a loudspeaker, a loudspeaker, a measurement microphone and microphone pre-amplifier. The actual device under test can be measured only when the other devices in this system are fully characterized, so that the contributions from these devices may be subtracted from the response. Many modern audio analyzers contain measurement sequences that automate this procedure, and the focus of recent developments has been on quasi-anechoic measurements. These techniques allow loudspeakers to be characterised in a non-ideal (noisy) environment, without the need for an anechoic chamber, which makes them ideally suited for use in high volume production line manufacturing. Most quasi-anechoic measurements are based around an impulse response created from a sine wave whose frequency is swept on a logarithmic scale, with a window function applied to remove any acoustic reflections. The log swept sine method increases signal-to-noise ratio and also allows measurement of individual distortion harmonics up to the Nyquist frequency, something which previously impossible with older analysis techniques such as MLS (Maximum Length Sequence).

Prior to the introduction of integrated audio analyzers, audio generators and audio analyzers were separate pieces of equipment. In this article, signal analyzer refers to the element of a modern audio analyzer that implements the actual measurements.

Results of these measurements are processed by the analyzer into readable data using a variety of standard units and formats, such as volts, dB, dBu, SPL, ohms, relative percentage, etc., depending upon the specific measurement being reported. Derived results are achieved by combining several primary results into a calculated result. 2351a5e196

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