Differentiable physics for robotics

RSS Workshop, July 1, 2022

The ability to invert a simulator in order to perform system identification or control is an important tool in the development of any robot that interacts with the world. In the past, roboticists have often taken model-free approaches to problems such as system identification; while sometimes robust and efficient, such methods struggle with reasoning efficiently about the high sensitivity of contact. Further, although gradients have long been used for tasks such as optimal control (e.g. LQR and trajectory optimization), such approaches are often developed in isolation, without considering direct interplay or integration with complex learned models or algorithms.

More recently, there has been growing interest in designing differentiable simulators -- those that can compute ground-truth, analytical gradients of any quantity with respect to any other. These gradients allow direct application of modern numerical first-order (gradient descent) and second-order (Newton or quasi-Newton) optimizers, and thus allow one to solve complex robotics problems more efficiently. For example, differentiable simulation enables direct optimization of closed-loop feedback policies for robots navigating complex and contact-rich environments. As another canonical example, differentiable simulation has been used to match trajectories of corresponding physical and virtual robot models by efficiently searching for parameters that match the model to nature. These capabilities have resulted in breakthrough research results on both simulated and physical hardware.

The development of a differentiable simulator that can be leveraged by algorithms which consume its computed gradients to effectually solve difficult robotics problems is nontrivial. In order to be useful, a differentiable simulator must be fast in both evaluation and differentiation, generalizable across many different problem configurations, resilient to discrete-time events (such as contacts), and have non-vanishing and non-exploding gradients. Further, although the interplay between differentiable simulator and numerical optimization is obvious, direct optimization has its limits, being susceptible to suboptimal local minima. New algorithms which leverage gradients in non-obvious ways are needed to solve robotics' biggest problems in system identification, learning and control, and overcoming the sim-to-real gap.

This workshop seeks to look backward at the biggest successes over the last several years in differentiable simulation, as well as look forward to the biggest hurdles.

Invited SPeakers

Call For Contributions

We are soliciting calls for posters and oral presentations. Interested participants should submit a 1-2 page short paper on their research on differentiable simulation. Topics include, but are not limited to:

-New end-to-end differentiable simulators (especially in novel domains)

-Novel autodifferentiation methods

-Combining learned and analytical representations

-Differentiating through contact-rich scenarios

-Algorithmic applications to system identification, control, planning, and computational design

-Domain applications to manipulation, locomotion, and other tasks

-Sim-to-real transfer of robots in differentiable simulators

The submitted paper can be on recently published and to-be-published work or ongoing/late-breaking work with preliminary results.

Top submissions will be selected for ~15 minute oral presentations; other accepted submissions will be selected for poster presentations.

Please take note of the following timeline and deadlines:

May 9th - Deadline for full consideration for a speaking slot, with answer back by May 23th.

June 6th (10 days after ICRA) - Late deadline for posters, with answers back by June 10th (But poster applications are accepted on a rolling basis)

July 1st - Day of the workshop

Applicants should submit their paper on CMT: https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/RSSDIFFSIM2022/

Tentative Schedule

  • Intro & Welcome 8:45-9

  • Eric Heiden 9-9:30

  • Taylor Howell 9:30-9:45

  • William S Moses 9:45-10

  • Kun Wang 10-10:15

  • Ming C Lin 10:15-10:45

  • Morning Panel 10:45-11:15

  • LUNCH 11:15-12:45

  • Jeannette Bohg 12:45-1:15

  • Marc Toussaint 1:15-1:45

  • Bibit Bianchini 1:45-2

  • Danica Kragic 2-2:30

  • POSTERS/COFFEE 2:30-3:30

  • Russ Tedrake 3:30-4

  • Miles Macklin 4-4:30

  • Afternoon Panel 4:30-5

  • Closing remarks 5-5:15
