Info for Contributed Talks

Complete and up-to-date information for contributed talks can be found here.

Video Presentation and Q&A

  • Record a 3 min video following the instructions provided in the "Video Recording" section below. These 3 min pre-recorded videos will be played online during the day of the workshop with 2 min of live Q&A after each video.

  • Upload the video to this google drive folder before Friday, July 10, 2020 GMT 23:59.

Use the following naming convention for the video file:

hh:mm_FirstnameSecondname.mp4 (time of presentation and the name/s of the author/authors who will attend the Zoom meeting and Q&A session)

For instance, if Taylor Reynolds and Mehran Mesbahi are responsible for the 2 min Q&A session of the the contributed talk at 9am, the video file should be named as 09:00_TaylorReynolds_MehranMesbahi.mp4

Please identify at least one person who will attend the Zoom meeting so that we can spotlight you during the video and unmute you for Q&A.

  • If there are any issues playing the video, we will contact you by Saturday evening.

  • After you register for RSS, you should be able to access the Zoom link for our workshop through the Pheedloop portal by going to "Sessions" and then searching for "WS2-2: 2nd RSS Workshop on Robust Autonomy". The Zoom link is not active right now but it should be active once the conference starts.

  • On the workshop day, we will play your 3 min pre-recorded video. Right after the video, we will take questions from the audience . We will unmute the identified author/s for the Q&A session. Please be prepared to answer the questions from the audience.

Video Recording

The requirements for the video are:

  • Duration 3 min

  • MP4 format

  • File size max. 100 MB

  • 16:9 aspect ratio (strongly preferred)

  • 1920x1080 resolution (strongly preferred, at least 720 height)

Presenters should ideally have an inset with a video of the speaker. One of the easiest software to self-record a presentation with the speaker's face, while satisfying the above requirements, is Zoom. More information about several other software tools for recording and editing videos can be found at the RSS conference website.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact the organizers:

  • Ransalu Senanayake (Stanford University) -- ransalu at

  • Andrea Bajcsy (UC Berkeley) -- abajcsy at