Good Citizens of Robotics Research

RSS Workshop | July 13 (PST), 2020


It is an exciting time to do robotics research across all spectrums: from the smallest insect robot to large fleets of autonomous vehicles. With an ever-growing interest and increasing number of researchers in this field, we are at an inflection point where we can look back and evaluate how we are doing as a community.

This workshop is intended to provide a forum for discussions and commentary on topics about research, dissemination, and community, by taking inspiration from Computer Vision research and this excellent CVPR workshop. We bring forward discourse on important questions like: How to incentivize and do good systems research? How to best disseminate results, code, and hardware? How to be a fair reviewer? How to be a good area chair? How to support a caring and inclusive community? How to bridge the gap between academia and industry and the role of ethics in their interplay? and in general how to go about being a good citizen of robotics research.

Our community and its culture play a central role in the research we conduct and the robots we deploy into the real world. These discussions will guide us to acknowledge what has worked, and review areas where we could be doing more with a hope to foster an ever improving, inclusive, and productive community.

Invited Speakers

Wolfram Burgard

UFreiburg / TRI

How to give a presentation

Stefanie Tellex

Brown University

Best Practices for Producing Honest Robot Videos


Good Practices for Good Writing

My Apology to Mr. Robert Williams

Building Diverse and Inclusive Communities

Fostering diversity of thought despite legacy expectations

Building an academic career

Peter Corke


What can we learn from computer vision research?

Anca Dragan

UBerkeley / Waymo

Intro to Experiment Design

Disasters, Robots, and Ethics

Why should anyone care about robotics?

What should I work on?

Live Schedule - July 13 (PST)

Submit and view questions here

Please use the following format to ask questions

@speaker1, <question>

@speaker1, @speaker2, <question>

@panel1, <question>

@all, <question>

Panel 1 | 30min

July 13 at 07:00am PST, 10:00am EST, 04:00pm CEST / July 14 at 12:00am AEST

Wolfram Burgard, Stefanie Tellex, Alberto Rodriguez

Panel 2 | 30min

July 13 at 07:30am PST, 10:30am EST, 04:30pm CEST / July 14 at 12:30am AEST

Chad Jenkins, Henny Admoni, Ella Atkins

Panel 3 | 30min

July 13 at 03:00pm PST, 06:00pm EST / July 14 at 12:00am CEST, 08:00am AEST

Danica Kragic, Peter Corke, Anca Dragan

Panel 4 | 30min

July 13 at 03:30pm PST, 06:30pm EST / July 14 at 12:30am CEST, 08:30am AEST

Robin Murphy, Sue Keay, Sidd Srinivasa






