
Kindergarten Zoom Meetings

Sundays, 9:00am - 9:45am

A new letter from Gail!!

Take a look to see what you'll be working on before class and during class on Sundays, and watch this space for new videos of Ms. Gail reading stories and demonstrating a craft!

Kindergarten - April 26th.pdf

Hello Kindergarten students and families,

Looking forward, this week the Religious School will be sending out a packet of materials with instructions for you to complete some activities. Once they are done please upload a photo of the project to the Google folder.

On this page there will soon be stories to listen to. I would love to hear from all of you.

I want all of you to know that I am thinking about you. I miss your energy and enthusiasm!

I hope to see you soon.


Sing along with Cantor

Hineh Mah

New packet instructional video

Take a look at what is in your packet and do it with Gail!

Second instructional video
yom haatzmaut 2020.pdf