International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Fashion Industry

Submission and Paper Format:

All papers should be submitted using the EasyChair system, available in the following link:

and select the appropriate Workshop.

Submissions must be of one of two categories:

Full papers (max 10 pages): finished and consolidated R&D works.

Short papers (max. 7 pages): ongoing works with relevant preliminary results open to discussion.

Submitted papers must 1) comply with the format of Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing Series (see Instructions for Authors at Springer Website), 2) be written in English, 3) not have been published before, nor 4) be under review for any other conference, workshop or publication.

All papers will be subjected to a “double-blind review” by at least two/three members of the Program Committee of the workshop. Based on Program Committee evaluation, a paper can be rejected or accepted by the Workshop Chairs. In the latter case, it can be accepted as the type originally submitted or as another type. Thus, full papers can be accepted as short papers. Since the review process will be double blind, the submission of the version for evaluation by the Program Committee cannot include any information leading to the authors’ identification. Therefore, the authors’ names, affiliations and bibliographic references should not be included.

If the paper is accepted, authors should improve the paper taking into account the comments received from the reviewers, include the authors’ names, affiliations and bibliographic references and provide the camera ready version, which consists in both the source file (Word or Latex) and the PDF version. A ZIP file including the source, PDF and the Publication form filled should be uploaded at the conference management system (specific instructions will be provided in the e-mail of notification of acceptance).

The authors of accepted Full papers will have 15 minutes to present their work in a Conference Work Session specific for this workshop; approximately 5 minutes of discussion will follow each presentation. The authors of accepted Short papers will have 10 minutes to present their work in a Conference Work Session specific for this workshop; approximately 5 minutes of discussion will follow each presentation.

Publication and Indexing

Publication and indexing follows the policy of WorldCist'18. Thus, workshop papers will be published in the Springer Conference Proceedings. To ensure that a paper is published in the Proceedings, at least one of the authors must be fully registered by 7th of January 2018, and the paper must comply with the suggested layout and page-limit. Additionally, all recommended changes must be addressed by the authors before they submit the camera-ready version. No more than one paper per registration will be published in the Conference Proceedings. An extra fee must be paid for publication of additional papers, with a maximum of one additional paper per registration.

Full and short papers will be published in Proceedings by Springer, in Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing Series. Published full and short papers will be submitted for indexation by ISI, EI-Compendex, SCOPUS, DBLP and Google Scholar, among others, and will be available in the SpringerLink Digital Library.

The authors of the best selected papers will be invited to extend them for publication in international journals indexed by ISI/SCI, SCOPUS and DBLP (see full list at