The Rocky Run/Warriner Student Exchange Program began in 2003 with an exchange between Stone Middle School in Centreville, VA and the Warriner School in Bloxham, United Kingdom, and ran successfully until 2017. The exchange program was introduced to the students, staff, and families at Rocky Run Middle School during the 2019-2020 school year.

The program gives 20-24 students from each school the opportunity to travel abroad, learn about another country, and attend a school very different from their own. Students learn about another culture, travel to new places, and make lasting friendships. This trip is an opportunity of a lifetime!

Travel for students from The Warriner School (UK) to Rocky Run (US) will take place from October 14-22, 2022. Travel for students from Rocky Run (US) to The Warriner School (UK) will take place during the FCPS spring break of 2023 (dates to be determined). If you are interested in participating, apply no later than January 10, 2022. APPLICATIONS FOR ROCKY RUN STUDENTS ARE NOT LONGER BEING ACCEPTED.

Learn more about The Warriner School by visiting their website.

2019 US Students at Dulles Airport

A Leisurely Afternoon in Oxford

Class Change at The Warriner

Aerial view of The Warriner School

How do I apply for this opportunity?

  1. Make a copy, complete, and share the Student Information Sheet, with Mrs. Sciabica at no later than January 10, 2022.

The formal application will become available after the first in-person interest meeting on November 16 from 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm in the school cafeteria.

If you have any additional questions, contact Mrs. Sciabica at or 703-802-7789.

Click on the interest brochure to learn more.

RRWX Interest Brochure 2022-2023.pdf

Rocky Run/Warriner Exchange Program 2022-2023.
All applications must be submitted no later than
January 10, 2022.