
The sensor suite

    • Stereo Thermal Camera

    • Stereo Camera

    • A single LiDAR

    • GPS

    • IMU

Data Format

    • Stereo Thermal camera

      • PNG Format

    • Stereo RGB

      • PNG Format

    • LiDAR

      • binary (same as KITTI)

    • IMU, GPS

      • CSV Format

Thermal Camera Data (Stereo)

      • Thermal stereo images were acquired at 10Hz frequency and saved in 14-bit PNG format to support various applications. Since the left and right timestamps are different due to the influence of NUC, stereo_thermal_14_left and stereo_thermal_14_right timestamps are specified in sensor_data/data_stamp.csv. When using a file player, the topic is configured to be published according to each timestamp.

RGB Camera Data (Stereo)

      • RGB stereo images were acquired at a frequency of 10Hz and saved as PNG files in RGGB format with an 8-bit Bayer pattern. When using a file player, it is configured to publish a topic with a 3-channel image, and an external trigger is used to synchronize the left and right images. The image was stored in the image/stereo_left, and image/stereo_right folders, respectively, and the timestamp was stored in sensor_data/data_stamp.csv.

LiDAR Data

    • LiDAR data was acquired at 10Hz frequency and stored as a bin file in the form of [x, y, z, intensity] in sensor_data/ouster. The name of each bin file is the timestamp when the data is acquired, and the timestamp is stored in sensor_data/ouster_stamp.csv and data_stamp.csv, respectively.

IMU Data

    • IMU data is [timestamp, quaternion x, quaternion y, quaternion z, quaternion w, Euler x, Euler y, Euler z, gyro x, gyro y, gyro z, acceleration x, acceleration y, acceleration z, magnetic-field x, magnetic-field y, magnetic-field z] in the order of sensor_data/xsens_imu.csv. When using the file player, the '/imu/data_raw' topic publishes [timestamp, orientation(quaternion), angular_velocity, linear_acceleration], and the '/xsens_imu_data' topic publishes [timestamp, quaternion, eular, gyro, acceleration, magneticfield].


    • GPS: GPS data was stored in sensor_data/gps.csv in the order of [timestamp, latitude, longitude, altitude, position_covariance].

    • INS: INS data was stored in sensor_data/inspva.csv in the order of [timestamp, latitude, longitude, height, north velocity, east velocity, up velocity, roll, pitch, azimuth, status].