Have you ever given a gift or sent a card to a member of the royal family?


We would love to hear your views!   

We are a research team from the University of Stirling and Nottingham Trent University seeking to understand how consumers engage in gift giving to the Royal family and the gift giving process. 

For this study we need people who:

1) Have given a gift to a member of the Royal family or are thinking about doing it and,

2) Would be willing to take part in an interview  (In person, over the phone, or any videochat platforms such as Skype) with one of the members of the research team,

If you meet these requirements, please complete the short questionnaire below.  

If you are selected, we will invite you to take part in an interview with one of the colleagues of our team. The interview will last approximately around 1 hour. After you participate in the interview, we will give you a £20 JOHN LEWIS gift card as a small thank you for your help.

You can find further information about the research team in the links below:

Dr Ines Branco-Illodo (University of Stirling)

Dr Mona Moufahim (University of Stirling)

Dr Chris Pich (Nottingham Trent University)


If you cannot see the form below, you can access our short questionnaire here: ROYAL GIFTS SHORT QUESTIONNAIRE

If you cannot see the questionnaire below, you can click in the following link:

Royal gifts questionnaire

If you would like to receive more information about this research, you can email the research team: