Roxy Blog

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When you do everything for nothing.


I've decided to share with you one of my short stories, so here it is!

I was in this shop, shopping for some simple groceries and ingredients for my next cake. “Oooh, what’s this?” I was carefully inspecting the coffee machine like I always do. You never know, they can be very sneaky. Like the time I bought that garden hose with the huge “100% money-back guarantee” badge plastered over it. But I didn’t notice the tiny asterisk next to it in point-seven font size.

I came home with the garden hose, and walked outside, into my backyard. It was actually quite expensive, about $300! Okay, maybe I’m exaggerating, it was actually $83. Hey, that’s still expensive!

Anyways, please ignore those… (Hang on, let me count…) those last three sentences. So I was in my backyard, and after about five minutes of struggling to pull the hose out from the plastic, I finally managed to attach it to the tap outside.

But when I twisted the tap handle to it’s on position, it never turned on! And since the product holds a 100% money-back guarantee, I decided to go back to that shop and request a refund. Yes! I finally get to request a refund! Isn’t that something everyone wants to do? Request a refund? No? It’s just me then?

With excitement I hopped into my BMW, shoved in and turned my car key and drove precisely twelve kilometres over the speed limit. And I got a fine of $357 along with three demerit points, like you suspected would happen. Just kidding! I never got a fine! Ha! Take that everyone! Actually, don’t. Kids, don’t copy me! I’m being naughty, but also careful.

I walked into the shop with pride. I truly loved requesting refunds. (Terribly sorry if I sound lame.) “Now, where’s the refund cashier?” I pondered aloud. “Ah, there it is!” I ridiculously walked over.

“Hello, how can I help you?” the old lady behind the desk neutrally said. “I want a refund for my garden hose!” I kind of screamed that. Everyone around turned their heads to glare at me. Well that was embarrassing.

“Do you have it with you?” She was looking at me as if I was trying to teach a slug English. “Yes! It’s here!” I basically threw it at her. She was now looking as if she wished she didn’t come to work today.

“Sorry about that,” she randomly apologised. “Sorry about what?” I asked.

“Sorry, but this product doesn’t allow any refunds.”

“What?! But you can see the guarantee badge right there!”

“Yes, but there’s an asterisk.”

“A what?”

“An asterisk. It leads to here.”

“Lemme see,”

There was a lot of “Where is it? I can’t see where it is,” and “It’s right here!” until I finally found it. At the very bottom, in the most miniature writing read, “Refunds are not supported within the product’s guidelines.”

When you do everything for nothing.

Lunch conversations

16/05/2020 Today's lunch conversations with my little sister Ana.

Roxy: Hi Ana!

Ana: Hi.

Roxy: What’s up?

Ana: WhatsApp?! So you want me to go get my phone?!

Roxy: No, I don’t want you to go on your phone...

Ana: But you said WhatsApp!

Roxy: I mean what’s UP?

Ana: What’s up?! So you want me to tell you what’s up?! The sky is up!

Roxy: You know what I mean.

Roxy: Hi Ana!

Ana: Hi.

Roxy: How are you?

Ana: Good. Also how do you follow someone on Scratch?

Roxy: *possibly daydreaming*

Ana: Roxy?

Roxy *still daydreaming*

Ana: Roxy!

Roxy: *wakes up from daydream* Oh yes?

Ana: How do you follow someone on Scratch?

Roxy: You go to someone’s profile and click the blue button at the top.

Ana: Which blue button?

Roxy: The one at the top of their profile!

Ana: I don’t get you.

Roxy: *playing with something*

Ana: Have you finished? *looks at Roxy’s plate*

Roxy: *ignores Ana*

Ana: You haven’t finished yet!

Roxy: Yes I have!

Ana: But there’s still lots of rice in your bowl!

Roxy: I have finished making my Scratch project!

Just that classic Dino game


I was in the car driving home from school today. I had my laptop open in front of me, but there obviously was no internet connection. Just that classic Dino game. I was thinking about pressing the space bar to start it. Should I, or should I not? I was looking at the space bar. “Press me, please! For me?” the space bar squeaked. “I’m not really sure.” The space bar was looking really desperate. “Please?” The space bar looked as if it was about to cry. “Oh fine,” I answer. I press that now satisfied space bar (“Thank you so much!”) and the dinosaur on my screen starts running forth.

I am on 600 points, with the tiny little dinosaur still running with all it’s effort. “It’s night now!” The screen did indeed turn black. “Noooo!” I squeal as I run into a bird, while waving my hands around. Pink nerds were now sprinkled all over the car. “Ooops!” I utter. I pick up each of them one by one, dropping them back into the mini box packaging that I was holding.

OMG! Another trending deck on Tinycards!


Yesss! I have another trending deck on Tinycards! It's basic facts about the human anatomy. You can view it here:

To all my readers


To all my readers,

Thanks a lot for reading my blog posts! You reading my posts has given me a huge boost in confidence for everything I do. I write my posts every day, but I realized that I have lots of other things to do in my life. I have to go to school and study, and when I come home I take a while to write a blog post. Which is why I have decided to write a few per week. I will have more time on the weekends!

Trivia Quiz!


So, I was thinking of what to write for a blog post and I came up with this! Just answer the questions and you will see your score at the end! If this doesn't load, you can do this at

Image credit:

Conversation with Siri


Dad: What do you know about the universe?

Siri: Here’s some information:

Dad: What do YOU know about the universe?

Siri: Here’s what I found:

Dad: Do you know anything about the universe other that searching the internet?

Siri: I found this on the web:

Dad: Do you get your information from the internet?

Siri: I don’t have an answer for that. Is there something else I can help with?

Dad: Yes.

Siri: Go ahead…

Dad: What do you know about the universe? Don’t search the internet this time.

Siri: Here’s what I found:

Dad: Do you understand what I mean by don’t search the internet?

Siri: I don’t have an answer for that. Is there something else I can help you with?

Dad: Yes.

Siri: Go ahead…

Dad: How old are you Siri?

Siri: Well, I came into existence gradually. But my first day as an assistant was 4 October 2011.

Dad: Your name is Roxy.

Siri: My name is Siri. But you knew that already.

Dad: No, your name is Roxy.

Siri: I’m Siri. Pleased to meet you.

Dad: You are still Roxy.

Siri: Hmm… Is there something else I can help with?

Dad: Yes.

Siri: Go ahead…

Dad: Your name is Roxy.

Siri: I’m Siri. Pleased to meet you.

Dad: Your name is still Roxy.

Siri: I’m Siri. Pleased to meet you.


It’s starting to rain


“It’s starting to rain,” I neutrally said. “Let’s just stay here,” Evalia replied. Emily didn’t answer. (Maybe she was day dreaming) Light rain was falling onto the ground while we stayed under the canopy. A few seconds later, rain was pouring from the grey sky as everyone started screaming and screeching and squealing, with all of them heading towards the direction of the main building. “We better go now!” I stated. It was now our turn to start screaming and screeching and squealing while we ran towards the main building too.

I'll meet you there!


Last night Fiona called me and said that she would be coming to visit me, at my school! (She moved schools last year and was a really good friend then!) *but you shure? itt corona time ritt noww* Anyways, she told me that she would meet me after school, and she told me that I was uniquely me. I waited outside the Music Room for a few minutes, but I didn’t see her anywhere. My mum was just next to me as she asked me, “Where is Fiona?” *btw how my mum doo that, just pop up in front ove mee?* “I don’t know, she might be coming soon though,” I replied.

After about ten minutes she still hadn’t come yet. “How much longer?” I ask. “I don’t know Roxy.”

“Because we still have our things to do.” It started to lightly rain. “We should go in the car and wait, it’s starting to rain,” So we did. A bit later we saw someone walking around the school, accompanied with a smaller person. “Is that Fiona?” my mum asked. “I don’t know,” I answered.

After a while, we went back inside the school. “Look, I can see Fiona!” I exclaimed. I could see her looking out from a window in the school building.

“Hi Fiona!” I said when we met in the middle. “Hi,” she replied. She then told me a bit about what she was doing. I noticed that she was wearing the uniform from her own school. And then I noticed her jacket. (Actually, she did just have her school day and it was cold!)

After a few minutes, it was time to go. “Bye then! See you soon!” she said. “See you,” I waved.

That tormenting blinking cursor


I was on my bed, thinking about what to write for a blog post. But I had no idea what to write about. For a whole ten minutes, the only moving thing on my screen was that tormenting blinking text cursor. So I went onto Pinterest to find inspiration for my next drawing. I still didn’t know what to write about when I came back to my Word editor. How about some more photography? No, I didn’t want this to be a photography blog; a lot of my posts was photography. For my blog, that’s a “sometimes" thing.

More thinking. More time wasted. After checking my Scratch messages, I came back to my blank document. With nothing written on it. I continued to stare at that blinking cursor, then BOOM! I came up with a blog post idea. To write this! It reminded me of how annoying it was to have a blank screen with no work written on it. Maybe that blinking cursor is useful after all!

Lemons can still be sweet


Sometimes things don’t go the way we want them to.

But we can’t change the past.

We can only accept what has happened and move on.

"Lemons can still be sweet, you just have to accept the sour!" - Roxy

Finally Back To School!


Oh hi! I was just trying to figure out why my keyboard was not letting me type on some websites, so I have to use the offline Word and then copy and paste. My laptop is going crazy today.

I finally got back to school today! (I was going to die sooner or later of boredom) It was a very simple yet enjoyable day. I was hanging out with my friend Emily who is in my classroom, since my other friends weren’t at school today.

Hopefully I can keep going to school!

(I felt like this post was too short so I’m going to post more photography!)

I took these at a lake that I went to a few days ago! (Or is it a water channel? I don’t really know.)

I was just lucky enough to have seen these boats! I love the look of it; especially with how the picture has a clean and fresh tone to it.

This tree is has perfectly arranged branches – which makes for a perfect photo! I took this one in the car while we were driving home, same with the third picture.

The rainbow on the grass is REAL. I didn’t notice it when I took the picture, but after I edited it and looked at it I noticed the rainbow!

Bye for now! I will be posting more soon!

Fluffiest Pastel Coloured Slime!


Today I will be sharing with you how to make the fluffiest pastel-colored slime! Yay!

You will need a bowl, toothpaste, shower cream, lenses cleaner, plain flour, cornflour, food coloring, a colored pencil that you don’t mind getting ruined, and a workplace. If you don’t have some of these, don’t panic! You can use replacements. Try to use these exact ingredients if you can; it will give you the best outcome. Have fun making slime!

1. Starting out

You will want to use a small bowl for easy washing afterward. It’s okay to use a bigger one, but this type of slime is best to be made in small amounts; the size enough to fit in your hand.

2. Adding toothpaste

You must use toothpaste for this slime! It is a base ingredient that cannot be replaced with anything else. This makes the slime soft, and a bonus is that it makes your slime smell good! Use a fair amount, as shown in the photo.

3. Shower cream

This gives the slime a base that holds the slime together. It helps slime smell good as well as making it fluffy! You can use moisturizer, but shower cream is still better. Add two full pumps of this.

4. Lenses cleaner

This is used to make the slime softer and not too squishy. The bad thing about it is that it also makes the slime dry faster, so it won’t last very long. *sob* We want it to not be too fluffy, else it would all fall apart. Spray this onto the mixture about three times from a 30 cm distance, stopping to mix it each time. This usually comes with glasses and sunglasses, and you can buy this from a glasses store. It might be closed where you live, but don’t worry! It isn’t too important, and at least it will last longer! But then it might not turn out that fluffy. If you don’t use this, try adding more cornflour later.

5. Mixing the base ingredients

Mix these ingredients together with the bottom of a colored pencil that you don’t mind getting ruined. Why a colored pencil? Well, if you use a lead pencil you will turn the slime all greyish, and lead isn’t good for your health, especially when you are playing with it! We aren’t using a spoon since this slime is better to stir using a stick, or pencil. Actually, don’t literally use a stick. You don’t want dirt in your slime. Common sense, everyone. *laughs awkwardly*

6. Start making the slime fluffy!

Pinch two large amounts of plain flour onto your mixture. Make sure to not use self-raising flour or all-purpose flour! This is definitely fatal for the slime. It will KILL it. *laughs strangely again* If you’re desperate, skipping steps six and seven will be better. Mix it with the pencil immediately. If you wait too long, the mixture will soak up all the flour, messing up your slime. *nooooooo you will have to do it all again*

7. More fluffiness!

Okay, so now if you’ve done it right, the slime should have too much flour in it. But don’t worry! It’s meant to be like that. Now, get ready to make a mess! Pick up the once-sticky mixture, and play around with it. Try to put all of your flour into the slime; all of it would be the perfect amount. After you stuffed in all of that flour, play with it to make the slime more even.

8. Making it TRULY fluffy

Now, throw in two large pinches of cornflour into the really dry mixture. Mix it with your hands again; not with the pencil. It might seem too fluffy at first, but keep playing with it; the mixture will start to loosen all that dry flour. Corn flour works really well at making slime fluffy! It gives the slime that soft and fluffy texture and is quite dry but in a good way.

9. Softening the slime

After about 5-10 minutes of playing with it, it is probably still dry, but still a bit too dry. If so, spray lenses cleaner onto it from a 15 cm distance. Repeat this process about 10-15 times, depending on the slime.

10. Coloring it!

You don’t have to color it, but it would be really cool if you did! To make a pastel-colored slime (it can be a different color style), get some food coloring (use food coloring, as you will need to mix this with your hands) and open it. Dab the slime on top of the open food coloring bottle a few times. Don’t pour it, as I spilled it everywhere! *wow, am I a clutz* It poured all over my table! Oh wow, this took the same time to clean it than to make the slime. The kitchen sink and the towels are now the color blue!

Anyways, back to making the slime. Mix it well; that amount of coloring should be enough. I know that when I am using food coloring I use way too much, and it ruins the look of it. *oopsie*

Now you’re done! Have fun playing with slime! If you want, you can add oil (hair oil is best, or use some cooking oil) to the slime to make it smoother to play with.

How to care for your slime

1. Before playing with it, wash your hands well. This will help keep it clean. Be sure to wash them after too!

2. If the slime gets dry, play with it for a while. Then add some oil, like in Step 10.

3. Don’t put it in a bag or container! This isn’t exposed to drying out. Keep it in a small bowl or container without the lid. You can also leave it on a clean surface, like a desk.

4. Keep away from furniture such as fabric sofas or chairs! If this slime gets stuck on things like that, you will have a really hard time getting it out. Since it’s fluffy, it doesn’t hold together as much as some other slimes.

Have fun with your slime! This slime is so fluffy and adorable that I just had to share this! It doesn’t last long, but it is still fun to make and play with! I will release a slime that can’t dry after I experiment a bit with some ingredients!

How to tidy up


I walked into my room. I looked around. It was definitely time I tidied everything up. Especially that really messy desk. It was full of scrap pieces of paper from crafts, scattered pens with no box to keep them in, and scrunched up chocolate wrappers from Easter. Not long later, I was at my desk, noisily and insanely throwing all kinds of rubbish, food wrappers and unwanted junk onto the floor. I called this tidying up. After ten minutes of that, I then dropped to the floor and started to pick it all up and actually put it in the bin. Then I comfortably and gently sat on my desk chair and opened the lid of my laptop. It works for me!

I bought new stationery!


Today I bought some new stationery at Officeworks! I bought these because I'm probably going back to school in two days! Yes!!

If you actually think about it, staying at home isn't fun. It's going out that's fun, but you can't go anywhere!

I really want to see all of my friends again!

Oh look! I found this on my sister's bedroom door. She wrote, "Do Not come in my room" on the first one, and "COVID-19" on the other with the coronavirus drawn around the sticky note.

Stormy weather


It was really cold and dark today. I heard many rumbles from the storm outside.

As the weather didn't allow us to go outside, me and my sister decided to do some painting!

The night setting one is mine, and the raining cloud is my sister's.

This is my painting on my bedroom wall!

Abstract Art

23/04/2020 Check out my abstract art pieces! I hope you like them!


This one is an abstract sunset. It uses bolder colours, with a brighter orange for the falling sun, a brighter yellow for the sun's reflection, a darker blue for the water and a beige sky with green accents. The painting is very simplistic.


This one I drew just before the coronavirus became a serious situation. I drew this when it just became breaking news. The green represents the coronavirus, and the other things are all part of the immune system. This is an abstract piece.

“Ana, I know you are in my room,”


Roxy opens the lid of her laptop. She makes a new Word document and begins typing away while her complicated little sister spies on her from behind her slightly ajar bedroom door. She gently tip-toes towards her older sister. “Ana, I know you are in my room,” Roxy says without turning around. “I have to do my work, I can play with you later.” How did she know?! Oh, she has practiced this a lot. It is part of her daily routine. Ana quickly but quietly scrambles out of the room. While in her own, she shouts, “Roxy, but I’m not in your room!” She tries to muster a giggle. This process will repeat ten more times throughout the hour.

Interview: What my sister thinks on the coronavirus

23/04/2020 (interview from last night)

Roxy: Hi Ana! Today I will be interviewing you on what you think about the coronavirus.

Ana: Uhhhh... People buy too much toilet paper and it won't save you from the coronavirus. The most thing that makes you saved from coronavirus is washing hands.

Roxy: What else?

Ana: Nothing else.

Roxy: Please? I want to put this on my blog.

Ana: But I’m busy watching the movie.

Roxy: Please??

Ana: Okay.

Roxy: Sooooo… Do you think that you have any idea why people are buying lots of toilet paper?

Ana: Nope. *still watching movie*

Roxy: Try to think about it.

Ana: Ummm.. okay. I think that you should not buy too much toilet paper.

Roxy: But do you think you know why people are buying lots of toilet paper though?

Ana: Roxy, I'm watching a movie!

Roxy: *pauses for a bit* So I can put your fake answer?

Ana: Yeah. Now go, I'm watching my movie!

Roxy: You sure? I can pretend that you are a really crazy person.

Ana: Yeah, sure.

Roxy: I can make you say something silly.

Ana: Go Roxy! I’m watching my movie!

Roxy: Ummm… okay. You sure?

Ana: *ignores me*


Photos of my garden

22/04/2020 I took all of these photos today and edited them! I hope you like them!

Ebony Fire chilli flower

Chilli pepper


Maturing Ebony Fire chilli

Lemon sapling

A clover close up

Spiky tree leaves

Leaves next to tree

Growing passion flower fruit

Single leaf on twig

Common garden leaves

Dried Ebony Fire chillies

Half-matured chilli pepper

Wild leaves

My initial in chalk

Lemon sapling

Passion flower

Passion flower from side

Stop-motion Test

Heyo there!


Hi! I'm just testing out some stop-motion here. I did this one with twin chillies!

Roxy drawing

This is my name in stop-motion.

Red chilli

This one just has 3 frames. Also, I did all of these today!

Moving heart

I picked a third of a clover, and took this on pavement. Guess what? This one has 174 frames made with 88 photos! It took me about 10 minutes to make this altogether.

Earth Day


Hi there fellow reader! Today we are celebrating Earth Day and 50 years of it!

(lemon saplings)

I know that we are all in quarantine, so we can’t get together. But it doesn’t mean that we can’t still celebrate!

(money tree)

Try to recycle or reuse something like I did in this picture. Also try to reduce your usage of plastic and other man-made materials.

(plant in old kettle)

If you want to, you can buy seedlings and plant them in your home. I also have a garden in my backyard. Here are some photos!

(green chilli)

This chilli is turning red. They are both the same type of chilli, except the red one is spicier. Once chilli turns red, it means that it can grow no longer and is ready to pick.

This plant is in a pot. It is too small for a tree, so this one will have to wait a few more years until it becomes one.

Oooh, some passion flower fruit! We have a really big bush full of these. They come with the passion flower that looks like a clock. The skin is really soft and easy to break. The skin is edible, but it's not that tasty.

Here we are regrowing some spring onion! It has grown this much in one week.

This is the chilli plant of the chillies above this image!

Here are some more of our plants. These two twin plants need more water than all the others! They are not water plants though.

Here is another lemon sapling! This one doesn't grow very quickly, unlike the chillies. They need to be picked every few days.

Over all that, I'd like to say,


Pattern designs


I drew this today! Here are some pattern designs you can use to decorate words and posters.

To view this in full screen, right click on the image on the left, then select "Open image in new tab". In the new tab you can double click the image to zoom in.

My cute ink pen!


This is a photo of my cute ink pen! It's of an ice cream pug. It looks new because I don't use it that much. I just use it for note-taking. My sister has a purple mermaid tail one. I really like this one! It's my favourite pen ;)

Corona is in our home!


We are always pretending that this is the coronavirus. Actually, I mostly pretend to be the coronavirus. *smirk* "Hi, I'm the coronavirus! You wanna know why I caused a global pandemic?! For FAME!!!"

Bamboo and it's meaning


Did you know that bamboo takes a really long time to grow? It takes a whole five years to grow. For the first five years of life, bamboo can only grow a few centimetres. Imagine, being the bamboo. Would you give up trying to grow? Think: I only grew a few centimetres in five years. But after those five years, the bamboo rapidly starts to grow. It grows 30 centimetres per day. Soon enough, it has reached the sky.

So be like the bamboo. Just because you haven't achieved much yet it doesn't mean that you should stop the great work that you are doing. It takes years to grow all those roots underneath you.

I read about this yesterday in a Chinese article online, so I decided to put it in my own words and into English! I hope that this can inspire you to keep going; It is inspiring me to keep working on my blog, even if it isn't well that known yet. I know that if I keep trying, I will one day make it to the top.

My Tinycards account


I have a Tinycards account! If you have one, you can follow me there at RK325! I also have a viral Tinycards deck. It has been featured once!

Tinycards deck:

Me on Tinycards:



When I was eight years old, I was hanging around in the living room. My sister was four at the time. “Roxy, guess my favourite colour!” Ana, my younger sister said. “Umm… Is it pink, red, and purple?” I answered. Ana all of a sudden put on her daring face. “No, no, NO! You got it all WRONG!” she exclaimed. “It’s pink, red, and PURPLE!”

Hedwig's Theme!

This is me playing Hedwig's Theme! Hope you like it!

This song is composed by John Williams. It's the theme song of Harry Potter!

(I know, it is a bit too quick :P)

You can also listen to it in my Scratch project here:

Hedwig's Theme.m4a

Questions answered!


So, I've decided to answer the five most interesting ones!

Where would you like to go on vacation? Asked by Shreya

Well, I am going to go to China for a holiday after the coronavirus situation is over. I can't wait!

What is you're favourite food? Asked by OFFICIALilovecoding10

My favourite food is sushi! It would be my number one choice.

Do you have any pets? If so, What are they and what are their names? Asked by Tori

I don't have any pets. When I was little, I used to have two chicks. Another time I also had two birds.

Do you like tea? If so, what type? Asked by Sweet Lemon 🍋

Yes, I love tea! I like chrysanthemum tea best.

What's your favourite book? Asked by Bookyworm

My favourite book of all time is Friday Barnes! It's a mystery series.

(I might do a raffle later!)

What to do in quarantine


I know, we’re all super bored! Like, it’s almost killing us right now. In this post I will suggest some things to do in quarantine!

Browse the internet

Browse the internet! Google “toilet paper memes”, “corona memes”, anything you like. (I recommend browsing memes to bust boredom!)


Reading is a favourite pastime of mine and has always been. I can read for hours on end! If you don’t know what to read, then try something random!

Go on Scratch!

Do some coding! It can be Scratch, or a different programming language. You can even try something new! Don’t know where to start? Try coding with Python. If you want something easier, then go do some HTML! You can use the software Notepad for HTML, or you can use, a site that can help you code HTML if you’re new.

Still bored?

Then, I guess you could hang around on this blog! (By the way, I might do a Part 2!)

@cookieshreya from Scratch asked, so I made a blog post about it!

My life in quarantine


My life in quarantine. Sigh. It’s really boring, to only stay home. It’s the middle of the school holidays right now. Health officials say that we will be able to go back to work and school again after the school holidays if there are absolutely no more new cases. Yes!! I get to see all my friends again!! I almost DIED of boredom. Online school is way too complicated. I’d much prefer to actually be there, at the school. Staying at home is pretty boring since there is almost no fun to find in it.

Once I asked my mum, “Will I have my birthday in a pandemic?” (My birthday is in about two months.) “Most likely,” she replies. “I don’t think that in this situation it will be over soon,” That sucks. Having your birthday in a pandemic you didn’t even ask for. I will only be able to stay home. Before the coronavirus disrupted our lives, I was thinking of going somewhere fun.

We are all allowed to go outside, as long as we are shopping for supplies or outside doing exercise. All playgrounds, small businesses and schools are closed. So are workplaces.

Let’s all wish for the best to happen. Hopefully we can all see our friends again!

Isn't it in your room?


Ana is my adorable yet annoying little sister. She often takes my things, like my phone. "Ana, have you seen my phone? I can't seem to find it anywhere. I did just leave it on my desk..." A part of me suspected that it was her. "Oh, no, I don't know where it is," she would reply. But I know all about her. I did live with her for seven years. "Then, I guess I could use mum's phone to call mine," I chant. "Oh, I just remembered! It's right here, under my pillow." She rushes to her room. "See?"

I take the phone from her hand. "Why was it in your room?" I ask. "Oh, I was just looking after it. Because someone might steal your phone," she added quickly. "Oh, okay then," I say. I go into my room to change my passcode. I told her my passcode since she uses it a lot. *Sigh* It's a long time until I can fully trust her ;)

Hi there!


Hi there! I'm Roxy, an eleven year old girl that loves to read, listen to music and blog! Here I will share about my life, such as my friends, family and my online self. I might even spoil a few of my secrets! ^^