I have installed roundcube webmail on my debian squeeze box. I want to know can I allow editing of the sender address in roundcube ? If yes, then how ? I searched so many blogs, posts but I didn't find any related help from their. So any help would be appreciated.

When you've logged into RoundCube, go to your settings and you should see on option for Sender Identities. With this you can configure multiple, or change the default, sender so you can send from multiple accounts or email addresses on the one login.

Roundcube Address Book Download

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Hi Friends,

we are an Italian association and offer email and nextcloud sync services to our associates.

We would like to connect Nextcolud Address book to Roundcube address book, but server side, making sure that no user intervention is required.

I implemented roundcube mail as a mail manager on a virtual private server of mine.Everything works fine, but the address book import utility.After extracting the CSV file from my desktop pc address book, I follow the instruction to import contacts:address book, import, browse, import button.The procedure works until "browse". When I press the import button, it reloads the import page and no contact has been imported.do you have any experience about that? Am I missing anything in the roundcube config? Maybe a tmp folder where to upload csv, vcf files? Permissions?I have checkd and I have a tmp folder in the root of roundcube, set to 777.Users of my server are getting frustrated and really don't know what's not working.Thank for your preciuos help.


Now that carddav is working, i think i can drop the roundcubes native address book.

is mysql the only way to drop it? (afraid to do something wrong and mess up the db) quite sensitive.

have pinpointed the contacts table in roundcube. So do i drop the entire contacts ? 

afraid to do so. please help me!

*) Do you mean Roundcube 'carddav' plugin? What's your carddav server?

*) iRedMail doesn't enable global address book in Roundcube with SQL backends, so about "native address book", i guess you mean personal address book. Instead of drop it, i suggest you simply disable it in Roundcube config file.

About cardav_1 = could you give me an example of a full identifier of the Book? How would the link look?

I am using Roundcube CardDAV plugin. I have already pointed it configured to the correct addressbook link in the settings.

Default is just to tell roundcube which address book will be used by default. The plugin you are using must be configured to provide it, to roundcube the carddav book is no different than the regular one but managed by the plugin, by saying it's default, the add to contacts button will add to the carddav

i have the carddav plugin in my setting (with the same config settings that works on my phone)

its only on roundcube where the carddav data is not showing up in the addressbook.

guess i'll have to email the author. the link is below.

At the beginning i chose to use mysql to manage everything so I setted up Roundcube mail to use plugin globaladdressbook that work fine and store data on mysql db. 

Later i changed my mind, and i decided to use Roundcube with LDAP, with the hope not to lose the ability to have an admin account to manage the addressbook and do not let the other normal users to write on it.

I need some help to set up a Global Address Book on Roundcube+LDAP granting rights to write on the Adressbook to an admin account directly on the Roundcube UI.

What I did for the moment is disable globaladdressbook plugin and set up ldap addressbook on /var/www/roundcube/config/default.inc.php. 

I followed this guide ( _Config/Ldap) to create the ldap directory customizing the informations i needed (eg my domain, my rcuser password, etc).

Now I have the ldap entry for the addressbook on Roundcube but when i try to write on it, it says it's read-only addressbook.

When using the Roundcube webmail client you will have the option to use the Contacts option to save your email recipient information. The Contacts section is the address book for Roundcube. This article will walk you through how to manage the Roundcube address book by teaching you to add, delete and edit contacts.

You will see a login screen that asks for your email address and password. If you have any problems with logging into the email account, then click on Reset Password under the login button.

TLDR; "If you expect to receive important emails from a trusted email address it is worth whitelisting the address to make sure that emails won't be accidentally blocked by an overzealous email client."

You will need to replace Name, Email, Address, Phone, Notes, and Group with the display name, e-mail address, phone number, notes, and group of the specific contact. The values must be separated with the semicolon symbol (;), and the details of each contact should be entered on a separate line (row).

My issue is that the users of a created email account do not have direct control over the options of their account, that is, with the current configuration they cannot directly change their password from the webmail service or do other administrative activities on their account. However, if when creating an email account in Plesk I activate the "can be used to log in to Plesk" function, the user can use their email address and password as a user to enter on Plesk login to a limited panel of functions that allows them to do such activities I mentioned above, it even has the direct option on the panel of "Open Webmail" and these gets me to my question.

When you use this option, it sends you to the webmail service address with the following link " _user=usersaccount%40yourdomain.tld" and this takes you to the login page of RoundCube with the user field already filled with "[email protected]".

My idea is to change the index.php file of the webmail subdomain by one developed that imitates the Plesk login but related to webmail access, that saves the credentials on a temporarily cookie and also modify the link of the "Open Webmail" option to include the password field so that the user can directly to their account, giving the end user a feeling of an integrated platform, something similar to what is currently done in cPanel. Since currently, as it is, the Plesk login is at an distant address from that webmail login part and there is no relationship from RoundCube with the Plesk address that could give the user any hint that they can manage their account without the need for intervention from the server administrator, therefore, as the platform is developed until now, the option for the end user to manage their account directly is almost as if it did not exist.

This import procedure is based on an existing address book. Generally, this data may come from an older email client like Outlook or an exported file. Many clients will often have the option to export the address book. Horde supports multiple types of files for import that include:

If you don't specify a name, email you send will be seen by others as coming from your email address. If you want others to instead see email coming from your name, such as "John Smith" instead of " \n This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ", follow these steps to configure this setting:

If you type the same content at the end of every email, such as your name, email address, and phone number, you can save time by configuring this data as a signature. Email signatures are automatically added to the end of each email you send out.

If your plan offers unlimited email addresses, you can create as many mailboxes (i.e., POP/IMAP accounts) as you'd like. Each individual mailbox has a storage capacity of 500MB or 10,000 email messages, whichever comes first.

The output from the error log and the installer point right to what is causing the problems with adding a contact to the address book. After reading around on a few sites I found that a handful of people have had similar issues when upgrading roundcube, so my only assumption is this may have caused it when cPanel upgraded last. Either way, the fix is easy and all we need to do is repair the database.

Once an email address is added to the Safe Senders List, any message sent from that email address to your IAS email address will bypass the Institute's spam detection service and be delivered to your IAS mailbox.

Once an email address is added to the Blocked Senders List, any message sent from that email address to your IAS email address will be blocked and will not be delivered to your IAS mailbox.

To edit your address book in Roundcube, click the "Contacts" button in the main menu. By using the "Add" button on the screen that will open, you can add new e-mail addresses and other information (phone, address, note, etc.) about these people to the defined contacts. You can save the information you entered by clicking the "Save" button.

You can upload the existing address book to Roundcube with the help of the "Import" button. The "Import" button, which will appear when the add contacts window opens, allows address books (saved in vCard and CSV (comma-separated data) file formats) to be imported into Roundcube.

You can use the "Export" button to export the contacts in your address book in Roundcube. When you click this button, your contacts saved in Roundcube will be downloaded to your computer as a ".vcf" file.

Your address book and registered contacts that you previously created in Squirrelmail (sqrl.metu.edu.tr) will be copied to Roundcube after you log in to the Roundcube interface for the first time. However, after you log into the Roundcube interface for the first time, the address books in the Squirrelmail and Roundcube interfaces will continue to work independently.

Open Dovecot config file /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf (Linux/OpenBSD) or/usr/local/etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf (FreeBSD), find parameterauth_default_realm, set the domain name you want to allow user to loginwithout domain name part in email address. For example: 2351a5e196

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