The creation of a round robin tournament is a common topic in a Google search of the subject, and there are a myriad of different levels and complexites demonstrated. I decided to make a calculation model that would make this easy to do.

Thanks for this spreadsheet and I understand how it works. However I am looking for a round robin spreadsheet scheduler for tennis doubles parings. Individuals sign up and then are randomly paired with a partner to play, for example, 6 to 8 games. The Round Robin is completed in a few hours. I realize that all players will not get paired with a different partner, nor can they play against every other pairing as the number of games it would take would far exceed the allotted time. I would just take the pairings, for example, of the first 6 rounds (weeks in your example). Please let me know if this is possible. Thank you.

Round Robin Excel Spreadsheet Download

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This free user-friendly template is designed for 9 players and 2 Pickleball courts, allowing you to efficiently organize your tournament. The template provides designated cells where you can easily enter the names of the 9 players participating in your Pickleball tournament. You can assign players to the two available Pickleball courts. The template ensures a balanced distribution of players across both courts. The template generates the comprehensive round robin schedule, ensuring each player competes against all others exactly once. As the matches progress, you can conveniently record the scores in the provided cells. The template is designed on Google Sheets, which is free and accessible to all. You can clone the template for your own use or share it effortlessly with other participants or organizers.

If you already have round-robin tables, we recommend converting them to replicated tables if they meet the criteria outlined in this article. Replicated tables improve performance over round-robin tables because they eliminate the need for data movement. A round-robin table always requires data movement for joins.

A replicated table does not require any data movement for joins because the entire table is already present on each Compute node. If the dimension tables are round-robin distributed, a join copies the dimension table in full to each Compute node. To move the data, the query plan contains an operation called BroadcastMoveOperation. This type of data movement operation slows query performance and is eliminated by using replicated tables. To view query plan steps, use the sys.dm_pdw_request_steps system catalog view.

Hi Oscar,

I found this during my searches for finding a "perfect" scheduler of round-robun tournament, and i have to say this is closely to perfection.

The only thing I can remark, is that system home-away is not so accurate, even in your example, Player 3 plays 2 times away (round 5 and 6) and Player 10 2 times (round 8 and 9), and exemples still there are, with Player 7...

Maybe a round robin tournament could not be perfect, regarding home-away matches ?

Round robin distributes data equally across partitions. Use round-robin when you don't have good key candidates to implement a solid, smart partitioning strategy. You can set the number of physical partitions.

Is it possible to sort 2 columns based on the second when the second is using counif? I am tracking wins in a round robin badminton tournament and use countif to look for winner's names in a different column. I would like for the count to automatically sort when the winner column is updated.

This may or may not help. If not, it didn't take long to whip it together. Here are double-round robin pairings for a tourney with 4, 6, and 8 players:

(In each pairing, the first number is White.)

I am actually looking for a program or spreadsheet that can when the players' names are inputted, tells me who plays who in each round (with each colour), and then I can put in the result, and then shows me a cross table.

I have Input Excel file which contains Case details along with assigned to team name.

In second sheet we have team member list available and need to assign cases to respective team members in round robin method.

The Support team will often recommend using the Formatter Lookup table to create round robins. The Lookup table works really well for simple cases where you don't have too many folks in the list and you wont be adding them very frequently, but it's not great for more complex cases.

I'm trying to start a golf league at work, and I need help creating or finding a spreadsheet to keep track of scores and schedules. Here is how we would like the league to work, we'd like to do individual match play each week, with a round robin schedule, each hole is worth 2 pts, and I'd like to do 85% of handicap.

A full set of rounds is pre-prepared (as in a round robin) but the next round to be played is determined by the availability of players. This procedure minimises nonplaying time and can allow the faster players to fit in extra games.

Scoring is time consuming and prone to error if carried out manually and so software has been developed which makes the scoring very simple and fast - see sample output. In addition an XL spreadsheet is available which generates the round robin rounds.

We have converted our Printable Football Squares into Excel Spreadsheet Templates! Below you will find 9 different Square Templates designed with Excel. The excel files allow you to easily change the team names, fill the squares with participant names, and type the numbers in the top row and left column. Once the fillable spreadsheet is complete you can save the file to share online or via email!

Use of the Betting Tracker Worksheet is conditional upon you reading and accepting the Terms of Use for Australia Sports Betting. Basically, it is a condition of use that you do not rely upon the information and resources provided by this website when placing bets. Please verify everything for yourself. It is also a condition of use that you do not make this spreadsheet, or any variant of it, available elsewhere. If you wish to tell others about this spreadsheet, please share the following URL:


An ultrasonic attenuation-versus-frequency curve can serve as an "ultrasonic signature" which may be correlated with microstructural properties of interest such as grain size in metals or porosity level in composites. Attenuation also plays a role in ultrasonic inspections and is consequently a key input into many inspection simulation models. A web-based self-tutorial on practical attenuation measurements is under development. The focus is on pulse/echo immersion measurements made using a broadband transducer to deduce attenuation within the transducer's useable bandwidth. Two approaches are considered: one using a calibration specimen having a known attenuation curve, and one without. In the first approach a back-wall (BW) echo in the calibration specimen is compared with a BW echo in the test specimen. In the second approach various BW reverberation echoes in the test specimen are compared with one another or with a front-wall echo. The web-based tutorial incorporates three classes of materials. The first includes written documentation and videos describing the measurement setups, the data-acquisition and analysis procedures, and the underlying models use to analyze the raw UT data. Secondly, general purpose "stand-alone" data-analysis software is supplied that is designed to be used with any ultrasonic inspection system that can output A-scan data as a text file. This includes both FORTRAN software and Excel spreadsheet calculators that accept A-scan text data as inputs. Thirdly, we supply demonstration software where the data acquisition and analysis procedures are integrated with a specific class of commercial ultrasonic test instruments, namely those running UTEX Winpect control software. This paper provides an overview of the measurement methods and tutorial materials. We also present early results from round-robin trials in which selected metal and composite specimens are being sent to participating partners for attenuation measurement.

DWT organized data collection and analysis; JBS, AS, and CP developed and analyzed the round-robin experiment and described the sample QA/QC system; DC developed and tested SDMS system; LT calculated and analyzed MESP results; EW helped analyze the data and organize the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. 006ab0faaa

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