Round Area Rugs

Mistake to Avoid When Choosing Interior Rugs

Home décor and styling is a process that is done with love and affection as home is where your heart is. We take a lot of pain to make sure that everything in our house reflects our personality, suits our needs and looks incredible. When styling the interiors, area rugs play a huge role in not only accentuating the whole look but also making sure everything ties together seamlessly. A well-appointed rug makes an instant statement, though it is hard to nail it. If interior rugs are curated and placed thoughtfully, they have the ability to peel away the attention from everything else in the room. A single, bold and large design element like round area rugs can look different, attractive and unique in any setting.

Rug buying for your interiors is not your monthly shopping; you have to be prepared, decisive and cohesive about your choices. A wrong rug can have adverse effects on the look of your décor, making it look disjointed, fragmented and haphazardly put together. Some people buy rugs once in a decade and some once or twice in a lifetime, so be sure to make a good choice. I know before choosing the right rug one needs to think about a lot of factors, which can be daunting, nerve-wrecking and overwhelming. Tulsa rugs offer a wide range of rugs, an affordable price point and an irresistible variety of rugs for your interiors.

Making mistakes and learning from them is an old, boring and money wasting way. In this article we have all the don’ts lined up for you so that you avoid the pitfalls of rugs selection. Here are all the mistakes you need to steer clear from while choosing interior rugs.

1. Wrong Sized Rug

No mistake is graver than choosing a wrong size rug for any room of your home. At first it may seem a simple and mindless task but it’s not. Every room of the home has special requirements that need to be fulfilled in order to make the rug look well placed. The worst case is when the rug is smaller than the actual requirement. For the living room, a perfect sized rug would be the one that is anchored by the front legs of all the furniture of the conversation area. Another option is to buy a rug large enough that all the furniture sits on the rug itself. A round area rug looks every elegant and sophisticated in living rooms.

For choosing the right rug for a dining room the thumb rule is that the rug should easily accommodate not only the dining table but also all the chairs even when they are pulled back. Another important room of the home is the bedroom and choosing the right size rug for this area is crucial as this room provides us comfort and solace so it must be perfect. In order to achieve that buy a rug that is either large enough that your bed sits on it or it still shows 6-8 inches from all sides or opt for a small, rectangular runner type rug and place it on either side of the bed. You can also choose a rug that can be placed in front of the bed, anchored by its front legs, extended till the dresser or any other furniture piece.

2. Impractical Rug According to your Lifestyle

Given that rugs are a décor element and they should look pretty, beautiful and nice but they should also be practical. Placing a fur or shag rug under your dining table is highly impractical as food bits can get trapped in it and it would need a high level of maintenance. Going for a Persian antique rug for a living room that is used on a daily basis would mean ruining the rug, so think about your lifestyle and functionality of the rug in order to save yourself from rug shopping again and again.

3. Buying Rug Later into the Decorating Process

Rugs have such dominance in your décor that if you buy a rug after you have finalized every other thing it could have horrendous consequences. Area rugs must be your second or maybe third element of décor. Preferably, choose the rug at first but if you like a furniture piece or have already conceived a theme, then you can also choose the rug according to that.

4. Holding back

A common misconception about rugs is that they should be downcast and somber. Well rugs aren’t carpets; they don’t have to be boring and muted. You can play with patterns, prints and out-of-box material in order to enliven your décor. Don’t hold back when choosing a rug. Be creative and go for rugs that aren’t just there. Rugs should attract and consume the attention of the guest and elevate the whole look of the décor.


Rugs are the new carpets of the interior décor, so make sure you make a stylish statement with them. Avoid the above mentioned mistake and up your rug game.