

These are ‘missions’ that will populate the map of Seneca City, with varied objectives and tasks, along with unique storylines, challenging the player to make the right call at the right time. Cases are accepted in a bundle, a so-called "caseload", which consists of a number of cases. They are offered by case officers. The different cases are as follows:

General Case Mechanics

Through careful reading, you will be able to give your agent the edge they need to come out on top, as there will be clues to help you ascertain which stats will be most useful for the case as you progress through and are faced with challenges which correlate with your agent's stats, or if not, can potentially be supplemented by gear cards.

Action Points are deducted from the agent when accepting cases. The distance from the selected agent to the case determines the total amount of action points required.

Once a case is opened the agent roster appears at the bottom of the screen. Each agent's stats are shown, giving you an overview as to which agent is best for the job.

Case Tiers

Contracts have 3 different tiers of difficulty which are denoted by color. White is Tier 1, Blue is Tier 2 and red is Tier 3. The tier difficulty is defined as an increase in the challenge but also an increase in potential rewards.