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Rottweiler Special Show 2024

Date: June 8th 2024

Place: Harjavalta, Finland

Organizer: Finnish Rottweiler Club, Satakunta Local Association

You are warmly welcome to our special show!


Miran Marš (SLO) males

Yvonne Bekkers (NL) females

Kristiina Niemelä (FIN) puppies, veterans and ”Waahterapeput”

(Look introductions below)


BIS-puppy breeder Kristiina Niemelä 

BIS-breeder Miran Mars 

BIS-progeny class Yvonne Bekkers 

Entry to the show

Until 30.4.2024: Puppies and veterans 30 €, over 10 year old veterans for free. Others 38 €.

Between 1.5.2024 - 20.5.2024: Puppies and veterans 35 €, over 10 year old veterans for free. Others 45 €.  

Between 21.5.2024 - 27.5.2024: Puppies and veterans 45 €, over 10 year old veterans for free. Others 55 €. 

Link for Show entry:

Electrical registration only.

Attachments needed

To enter in champion class a championship certificate is needed.

To enter in working class a WCC (working class certificate) is needed.

If mentioned certificates are missing, the dog will be automatically entered in "Open Class". Please, send copies to before entry time is closed, with show and dog's information, if copies are not attached to online-entry.

Identification: All the dogs that are participating at the show must be identified by a microchip or clearly readable tattoo. Microchip must be in accordance with ISO 11784/11785 Standard.

Cropped and docked dogs: Cropped and docked dogs are not allowed to participate shows held in Finland.

Vaccination requirements: The show is subject to the vaccination directions approved by the Finnish Kennel Club. The organizers are obliged to verify vaccination certificates for all dogs taking part. All dogs participating in the Show must have a valid certificate of vaccination against canine distemper, canine parvovirus, infectious canine hepatitis, and kennel cough. Please, check the custom regulations for importing dogs to Finland. Check also your own country's regulations when turning back.

Anti-Doping: The Anti-Doping rules concern all the shows, trials and tests approved by the Finnish Kennel Club. Visit also for current information.

Contact information

Inquiries concerning entries:


Show day contact in English:

Matleena Pio puh. 040 030 2066

Show location

Address: Hosiossaarentie 1, 29200 HARJAVALTA

From Helsinki or Pori: Drive road 2 (VT2) towards Harjavalta crossing and turn to Eura (route 43), drive about 1,5 km and turn left. 

When arriving from Rauma and Turku, turn from road 12 to route 43 towards Harjavalta. Drive about 20 km. Hosiossaarentie is at the right hand side when coming from Eura direction.

Rottweiler erikoisnäyttely erkkari special show 2024 tuomarin kuva judge
Rottweiler erikoisnäyttely erkkari special show 2024 tuomarin kuva judge


I was born in Celje, Slovenia, 57 years ago and I work at Regional Waste Management Centre in Celje.  

I have been working in cynology for 34 years, as instructor, helper, track layer, exhibitor and a fan of Rottweilers as well as an occasional Rottweiler breeder.

I am active member of our local  club and have been the president of the Slovenian Rottweiler Klub for many years. I am international judge for utility dogs since 1998 and Specialist Breed judge for the rottweilers since 2001.

I am also a member of Slovenian breeding commission for Rottweilers and the president of the Commission for Utility dogs at the Cynological Association of Slovenia.

I have judged some national and international exhibitions and special Rottweiler Club Shows and few world championships FCI IGP all over the world and some important special Rottweiler Club Show in England, Belgium and Norway.


Miran Marš 

Rottweiler erikoisnäyttely erkkari special show 2024 tuomarin kuva judge
Rottweiler erikoisnäyttely erkkari special show 2024 tuomarin kuva judge
Rottweiler erikoisnäyttely erkkari special show 2024 tuomarin kuva judge


Hello everybody,

My name Yvonne Bekkers, born (in 1976) and raised in the city of Den Bosch in the Netherlands.

In high school I studied to be a veterinarian assistant and a classmate of my had two Rottweilers. It was there and then that I fell in love with this beautiful breed.

 In 1996 I bought my first Rottweiler (Nouska) and with her I started to do dog shows. The results were overall “Very Good” but I had fun and I learned a lot about the breed and the “dog-world”……

In 1999 I bought my Grizzly-Beer with him I did dog shows (he became a multi champion) and I started training IPO. We made it to IPO II.

In 1999 I also passed a course “Kynologic Knowledge part 1”. The first of 4 exams to become a judge. I passed the course “Kynoligic Knowledge part 2” in 2003.

In 2004 I also passed the exam to become a test leader for the Dutch behavior test for the Rottweiler (M.A.G.-test).

In 2006 I passed the exam “Exterior and Movement” the last exam before you can enter for a breed exam.

In 2008 I passed my breed exam and I was fortunate to have a been judging in the following countries: Netherlands, Sweden, Belgium, Indonesia, Italy, South Africa, Ireland, Finland, America, France, Denmark, IFR show, Spain, Australia, Mexico, Norway, England, Germany, China and Malaysia.

In 2008 I bought Enjoy (photo above and below), we did shows and I trained her up to her IPO I. We also passed our ZTP in Germany. Unfortunately she injured herself during a training session and that meant the end of our active career.

In total I owned 5 Rottweilers, that all lived like pets in my house. Yes, they slept in my bed…..

If I went on a holiday the dog(s) went with me.

The photo on the left is me and Enjoy on our holiday in Sweden having a good talk 😊.

When I went away for a judging my mom and dad where dog-sitting for me.

At this moment I’m working together with the board of the Dutch Rottweiler Club to organize the next breed exam for the Rottweiler.  This takes up a lot of my time, but it also means that I’m catching up with all of the notes I made during my judging career, I’m restarted reading all my books and I’m going back into all the little details of my beloved breed.

In my daily life I work at the fire department in my home city. I have been an active firefighter for 10 years and now I work in the technical department and I make sure that all the equipment that people need to “fight fire” are in good shape. (Breathing devices, helmets, cloths and all that kind of stuff).

In my free time I love going into nature to photograph animals, birds are my favorite subjects.

Well I hope this will give you all a bit of an insight in who I am.

I hope to see you all in- our around the show-ring.

Greetings Yvonne

Rottweiler erikoisnäyttely erkkari special show 2024 tuomarin kuva judge


I am a veterinary nurse at my fifties from Lahti. The first Rottweiler came into my family in 1970 and that's when my love for the breed began. In 1986, I got my first female from Kai Merimaa, and with his guidance, my breeding work began, as well as association activities in SRY in the millennium. 

I got the right to judge rottweilers in the summer of 2006, after which I have judged in special shows in Finland, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Australia, Sweden, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Holland, Serbia, Egypt, England and China. Our own special show in Finland is my favorite place to judge rottweilers and I want to thank you for the trust to judge puppies, veterans and Waahtera peppu class this year. 

I wish everyone a nice show day, meeting friends and happy feelings and good luck to everyone. See you in Harjavalta!
