Tully Rotary

Join our Google Meet:  https://meet.google.com/ycc-gkqk-gnt 

Meeting & Events Schedule*:

Thursday, May 2 Breakfast Meeting 7:30 am TUCC

Guest: Literacy Coalition of Onondaga County

Thursday, May 9 TBD

Thursday, May 16 Assembly Meeting 7:30 am Google Meet

Saturday, May 18 TREES Golf Tournament 9:00 am Registration

10:00 am Shotgun Start

Thursday, May 23 Business Backstory 5:00 pm Springside Farm

Monday, May 27 Memorial Day Chicken Barbecue 9:00 am Tully Masonic Lodge

Tuesday, June 4 Board Meeting 7:30 am Google Meet

Thursday, June 6 Breakfast Meeting 7:30 am TUCC

Guest: Ashley Short; Nick's Ride 4 Life

Thursday, June 13 Assembly Meeting 7:30 am Google Meet

Thursday, June 20 Business Backstory 5:00 pm Mudboils w/ Bill Kappel

Saturday, June 22 Citizen of the Year dinner TBA The Loft at Vesper Hills

Thursday, June 27 District Picnic TBA

*Please contact Suzanne or Mary Ann with questions

APRIL 2024

30 April 2024

Board Meeting

In attendance: Bob B, Bob C, Pete C, Gordie, Mary Ann

reviewed Business Backstories coming up

Youth exchange: Kelly and Mary Ann have expressed interest in taking this on

Donation doubler:

District grants:

Week of May 6th:

Multi District Conference


TREES distribution:

Global Grant:

Idea for consideration (Gordie):

Money (Gordie):

Paul Harris Fellow:

Sign Up Sheets for events:

Flag exchange?

Meeting adjourned at 8:16 am

11 April 2024

Today’s Meeting is brought to order by Dave Sandwick

Happy Dollars for

Suzanne and Mark Drumm announcing the engagement of their daughter Adrienne.

Dave Perkins who combined business with pleasure on a trip to Denver where spent 

   Time with daughter Emmi

Pete Cardamone experienced the eclipse in Skaneateles with his daughter and fellow Rotarian

    Hal Brown.

Card Drawing by Becky Seltzer for Hal Brown.  Winner !

Bob & Bob New Business

Revenue from basket sale goes to the Tree Program

Bob Burns introduces Chris Weiler, Caretaker of the Tully Cemetery

Chris discussed his appointment resulting from personal and business contact with Bob Fairchild.  Their relationship grew and Bob eventually asked if Chris could help him with the paperwork side of his job as Cemetery Superintendent.  Chris agreed to this position which includes Lot Sales, Funeral Scheduling, Special Projects & Public Relations.  

Chris and Bob also would like to recognize Sue Cullen for her assistance with daily cemetery work.  In particular Chris mentioned that Bob and Sue restored 116 old monuments last year 

One of Chris’s first actions was to place permanent markers on Veteran’s grave sites.  This would be in addition to the annual flower placements on Memorial Day.   Chris started a “Go Fund Me” page for this project and quickly accumulated adequate dollars to purchase all of the markers (photo is attached).  Nancy Porter assisted the campaign by transferring photos and service records from community Veteran Records to the Friends of Tully Cemetery FaceBook Page.  This information was only available due to the thorough records, kept over the years by Eleanor Preston and Nancy Porter at Tully Historical Society.  

The Veteran Marker project has quickly generated interest for veterans in neighboring cemeteries of St Leos / St Patricks churches as well as the Vesper Cemetery.   Chris is working with Ed Wortley and Jill Northrup to accumulate names and conduct a similar program.  They have already identified nearly 70 additional Tully Veterans.  

Bob Burns also mentioned Megan Barnes from Hamilton who restores headstones and researches deceased biographies for families.  She conducts public presentations on these topics and could be a possible speaker for our Club.

Chris closed his comments with a summary of cemetery details

Plot Cost is $950

Burial Cost is roughly $800

There is ample growth room for plots on the North side of the Cemetery

Tully Cemetery is entirely funded by plot sales, volunteers and donations 

Todays meeting adjourned at 8.15 AM

Minutes are submitted by Del Wayne

3 April 2024

In attendance: Bob B, Bob C, Mary R, Ella Pollock, Brier Huggins, Kelly, Becky, Pete R, Suzanne, Gordie, Jim, Pete C, Del, Dave S, Lydia, Dave P, Mary Ann; Guest Rachael Russell

Meeting called to order at 7:30 am

Happy dollars; 50/50 raffle Rick R, Queen of Spades still in the deck; 6 cards left

Review of Dates

Golf Tournament: please start asking for donations of gift basket or other raffle items

Brier: 2nd year, We Care Packages, Otisco Pancake breakfasts; Junior NHS scholarship winner

Ella: 2nd year, does anything she can, but likes the Mountain Goat run the most

Rotary Foundation presentations: Dave P - Paul Harris Plus 4; Pete C - Paul Harris major donor pin; congratulations!!

District training on Saturday @ VVS: Lydia, Gordie, Dave P, Pete, Bob B and Mary Ann

Global Grant: some controls that are in place are putting us in a holding pattern due to the hosting club not having the minimum number of participants in the club as defined by the club (not the District)

Rachael Russell, MPH; Onondaga County Health Dept Lead Poisoning Prevention Program:

Four way test

Meeting adjourned 8:20 am

MARCH 2024

21 March 2024

Meeting called to order 7:30 am

In attendance: Becky, Dave S, Dave P, Suzanne, Bob B, Bob C, Gordie, Alice, Patricia Kinney (Alice’s sister), Del, Lydia, Natalie, Kelly, Mary Ann


Mary Ann and Jim were called for card selection; no winner; Dave S showed the Queen of Hearts still in the deck! Six cards left!!


Business Backstory at Cortland Byrne Dairy next Thursday, March 28 5:00 pm


TREES: lots of new people on the list; hopeful the distribution day will be Sat, April 20th


Eclipse on April 8th


Citizen of the Year: 


Global grant: 


Scholarship grant: reminder that applications for next year are due April 1st.


Gordie’s mission trip to Israel: 

Four Way test; meeting adjourned 

7 March 2024

In attendance:  Bob B, Bob C, Jim A, Dave P, Del, Mary R, Becky, Kelly, Pete C, Devin, Gordie, Rick, Mary Ann

Guests: Peter Tague, Lucy Wright, Andy Pollack, Wesley Chambala

Meeting called to order 7:32 am

Happy dollars

Interact: Lucy, Andy, Wesley introduced themselves and told us why they are involved

Reviewed dates

Peter Tague from Songview Financial: 

Four way test; meeting adjourned at 8:21 am


15 February 2024

In attendance:  Lizzy, Dave S, Pete C, Bob B, Dave P, Lydia, Del, Bob C, Alice, Mary R, Becky, Suzanne, Gordie, Hal


Happy Dollars, Hal Brown, Ace of Hearts


TREES update: 600 out of 750 spoken for; plan to distribute on Sat, April 20th – same day as Earth Day highway clean up


Dates: Business Backstories: need one for March


Mail: thank yous from Mothers and Children in Crisis, Project Linus, Samaritan Center


Citizen of the Year nominations: campaigns for 4 people; closes on Feb 28th


Eclipse: April 8th; possibility of club event that day; Pete offered that his daughter, an astronomer, will be in Tully and might be leading a program at Tully Free Library


Hosting an exchange student: Bob C asked about host families – do we have any lined up? We have to file “intent to look” form for host families; club obligation for giving student a stipend each month, assign a counselor, involve student in events with Rotary and Interact, attend regional events or sponsor a local event


Bob B introduced Lizzy Martin: 3rd generation Rotarian; 15th year anniversary; will be President (name change from District Governor) of CNY Rotary in July;


Four way test: meeting adjourned 8:18 am

February 1, 2024 Assembly Meeting  7:30 AM TUCC

Bob & Bob New Business

Induction of Becky Selzer as our newest member

Becky is sponsored by Mary Rapp & membership chair Lydia Aris

Bob Burns read the powerful Rotary Responsibilities script

            Becky was warmly welcomed by the club

Upcoming event dates by Suzanne Drumm 

    2/15  Lizzy Martin contributions 

2/22  OCWA Backstory - Marcellus Plant 5PM

                      Lead by Pete Murphy 

3/07    Summit Financial presentation by Pete Tag

3/15 Shamrock Shuffle 5K Road Race or 2K Fun Walk

7/11 Southern Hills Preservation Corp speaker Natalie Demoski

Trees & Citizen of the Year report by Dave Perkins

44 people have signed up for 597 trees, out of 725 trees total. 

Dave encourages club members to promote the remaining seedlings

Distribution Day is scheduled for 4/20 at the Pavilion behind the Municipal Bldg

Bob Cooper calls attention to the positive Rotary image thru this program


2 recommendations have been received for Citizen of the Year so far.

Discuss with the Tully community for others deserving consideration


Donation Doubler Matching Gift program

            13 Club members have contributed to five different charities so far.  

Please continue to contribute via Zelle for matching funds from Rotary 

Next Donation Doubler will be for CNY Land Trust

             “Activities” on the Rotary site will identify potential charities

Service Projects by Devin Shay

             Spring cleanup day of Rt 11 and the expanded zone to be scheduled

Membership by Lydia Aris

Southern Hills Preservation Corp is a possible new corporate member

Lydia reviewed Corporate Member dues at only $60

Bob Cooper calls attention to building a list of Tully organizations for other 

                    possible Corporate members

Guest Speaker - Ed Wortley Sr.

Ed spoke emotionally about his appreciation of the Rotary experience

            Especially regarding the recent Veteran’s Day pie event at the Otisco VFD

            Recognized Hal Brown for his leadership as well Mary Ann Murphy, John &

                  Mary Rapp, Bob Cooper, Pete Cardamone, Peter & Kelly Reppenhagen,

      Heather in the kitchen and surely many others.

 Ed was very moved by the young student’s appreciation of the Veterans and 

       their special kindness to Vets with lifelong issues

 Closed by saying “We cannot do enough for our Veterans”

Ed recalled his time as President of the Tully Rotary.  He was especially proud of the Recycled Bicycle Project and the help of community members highlighted by Ray Cates and Dan Johnston

Called out special affection for 

Nelson Reppert, Pastor at TUCC who “changed my life”

Jim Austin who prepared and sent Tully Newsletters to troops overseas

Dave Horn who was the “Best Speaker guest at Rotary”

Hal Brown, “a consummate leader”

Francis Fitzpatrick for his “pride of workmanship”

Betty Fairchild, Bill Cadwalder, Bill Buck, Pat Quinlan, Dan Porter,

Beth Bartholemew, Gary Heyman, Walter Grunfeld

Ed Wortley obviously loves every citizen of Tully and knows every name.  We were honored to hear his words of appreciation and wisdom


11 January 2024

Google Meet Meeting Thursday Jan 11, 7:30 AM

Drawing was won by Bob Cooper,  King of Hearts is a great card but not the winner

Bob Burns reviewed activity on upcoming dates:

Samaritan Center Event Mon Jan 17 at 230

   Still encouraging carpooling

5 Rotarians so far are firm.  Still need a few more up to 8

  6 Interact are confirmed. 

Peter cautions that Interact participants need to be age 14 or older

Thursday Jan 18 backstory will be a Nightingale Mills Hardware

5:30 PM  Kelly is the primary contact at NMH

Board mtg coming up Feb 4

Next Assembly speaker is Ed Wortley

Speakers are set thru June 2024

District Picnic Event is set for June 27 as we evolve to CNY Rotary from 7150

Gordy Howard reminds us that the Global Grant needs to be completed

Gordy suggests revisiting Lucky 13 Beef as a backstory

Gordy also offered a presentation on his recent trip to Israel.  

We are all very interested.  Suzanne to schedule

Dave Perkins updated the Tree Seedling giveaway.  

32 Participants and 422 trees of the total 475 have been ordered 

All have been spoken for before any promotion beyond our website

Suggestions are made to limit requests to smaller numbers for more participants

Bob Burns suggests getting more

Peter Cardamone asks TR to consider membership in the Enviromental Sustainablilty Action Group lead by Chuck ???? at the New Hartford Rotary

Citizen of the Year has had light activity.  Needs more promotion to gain nominees.

Press release has been sent to Tully News for publication on the 3rd wk of January

Bob Burns will also get it out on social media

Membership.  Becky Seltzer will meet soon with TR Executive team for her new member interview.  Planning to induct in the February Assembly Meeting.  Welcome Becky !!oo

Google Meets worked successfully today as we step away from Zoom

Needs a common invite for each weeks meeting

4 January 2024

In attendance: Devin, Dave S, Dave P, Pete R, Kelly, Suzanne, Alice, Pete C, Bob C, Bob B, Mary Ann, Del, Jim; Guests Conrad and Steve from Cortland Rotary


Meeting called to order at 7:33am; happy dollars; Pete R’s name was drawn – no luck ☹


Bob and Bob:



Reminder from Dave P about donating to Project Linus and Mothers and Children in Crisis with deadline on Monday, Jan 8th



Samaritan Center Jan 15th; 2:30-5:00 pm

Business Backstory Thu, Jan 18th at Nightingale’s Tully Lakes ACE Hardware at 5:30 pm

TREES meeting today and will order seedlings this week; plan to order 500


Treasurers: Jim and Dave – hope to move from QuickBooks to Wave to save on costs (Steve from Cortland recommended Quicken Premier; pays $80 per year; will share with Dave P)


For Presidents Elect Kelly & Suzanne:




Save the date: Thursday, June 20th – touring the mudboils, rugged terrain, have to sign a waiver, don’t go if you can’t get in and out


Four way test; 8:20 am meeting adjourned



7 December 2023

7:30 called to order


Happy dollars; 50/50 drawing for Jim Austin; no win this time



Slate of Officers for 2024-2025:

Co-Presidents: Suzanne & Kelly

Co-Treasurers: Jim & Dave P

Secretary: Mary Ann

Sargent at Arms: Dave S

Executive Secretary: Pete C

Membership Chair: Lydia

Public Image: ???

Interact: Mary R & Kelly


Please consider officer candidates, yourself included, for our next meeting

Guest speaker: Paul Porter, Director of Stewardship of the CNY Land Trust & Water Quality


6th largest land trust in NY including the newest of 54: Perkins Woods at Little Tuck (Dave’s family’s land in Otisco


Reviewed different land acquisitions around Onondaga and Oswego Counties and subsequent work to preserve the land, create pollinator meadows with seed mixes specifically created for the soil in those areas (handed out seed mix info)


To seed 11 acres, it costs $7,000!!!


www.omri.com – will tell people exactly what to order for the area


Get involved:

Join and become a member

Volunteer stewardship

Organize partnerships




Earth Day walk on April 20, 2024 – let Paul know about school groups and scout groups that might want to join


Larian – constantly working on eliminating evasives so the bees can do their work; plans to prep South Meadows for a pollinator meadow

5 December 2023


Board meeting minutes


In attendance: Pete C, Dave P, Kelly, Bob B, Suzanne, MAM, Bob C


Reviewed meeting dates for this week and next


Update for Samaritan Center for serving a meal on MLK Day: penciled in for dinner; would like to make this an annual for Rotary and Interact


Need info for Linus Project (blanket donations at Christmas)


Revisited idea of giving a donation to guest speakers of non-profits


Interact update: great effort by Interact with FFA for pie making for Veterans; separated coins for Pennies for Polio; planning on Samaritan Center in January


Discussed cleaning up the church where our Rotary stuff is in the corner


Discussed allowing other groups using the church using the monitor we purchased for our purposes; many items discussed from signing out the equipment, needing cords and remotes, batteries for remote, an extra remote and cords for our own use, who at the church or from Rotary will be responsible for coordinating use?  Suggested making ad hoc group to discuss how to make this work: Bob B, Bob C, and Dave P



7 December 2023


7:30 called to order


Happy dollars; 50/50 drawing for Jim Austin; no win this time


Bob and Bob:

Slate of Officers for 2024-2025:


Please consider officer candidates, yourself included, for our next meeting

Guest speaker: Paul Porter, Director of Stewardship of the CNY Land Trust & Water Quality


6th largest land trust in NY including the newest of 54: Perkins Woods at Little Tuck (Dave’s family’s land in Otisco


Reviewed different land acquisitions around Onondaga and Oswego Counties and subsequent work to preserve the land, create pollinator meadows with seed mixes specifically created for the soil in those areas (handed out seed mix info)


To seed 11 acres, it costs $7,000!!!


www.omri.com – will tell people exactly what to order for the area

Get involved:

Join and become a member

Volunteer stewardship

Organize partnerships




Earth Day walk on April 20, 2024 – let Paul know about school groups and scout groups that might want to join


Larian – constantly working on eliminating evasives so the bees can do their work; plans to prep South Meadows for a pollinator meadow

Meeting adjourned with the Four Way Test @ 8:27 am



16 November 2023

Meeting was brought to order by Bob Burns at 7:33 am with the Pledge of Allegiance. 


Dave Sandwick asked for happy dollars and Bob Cooper picked a losing card for the draw.


A guest and possible member Becky Seltzer was introduced to the members.  She was asked to describe herself and her reason for interest in becoming a member of Tully Rotary.


Mary Ann Murphy needed to leave early for an 8:00 am meeting so we asked that her business get address first.

1.       December 9th  Christmas Party meeting at the train station starting at 4:30 pm.   Need help setting up at 4:00 pm.  Would like a sign up for food so there isn’t multiple of the same dish. 

2.      Peace Family- sign up pretty much complete.  Need to get gifts to Mary Ann no later than the 14thth or at the party - they can be dropped off at her home.


Bob Burns continued meeting sighting future dates:

1.       December 5th- Board meeting

2.      November 30th  Business back story at Watson’s Nursery on Sentinel Heights road in Lafayette.  5:00 pm

3.      December 7th is a face to face meeting at the Tully United Community Church- Breakfast at 7:00 am with meeting to start at 7:30.  Paul Porter of the CNY Land Trust is the scheduled speaker.

4.      Tully Turkey Trot- Tully Public Library fund raiser event.  Tully Rotary is a sponsor this year.  The event needs volunteers- Thanks Giving Morning- Please contact the Library


Kelly Reppenhagen discussed the pie making event help the previous Friday at the Otisco Fire Barn.  Approximately 140 pies were made.  Kelly elaborated on how well the Interact and the FFA kids worked together to get the project completed.  Hal Brown showed the kids how to make pie dough.  Mary Ann Murphy rolled up her sleeves and dug into the work load as usual. 


Speakers and Business back stories are needed to fill out the 2024 Rotary year.  Please discuss any possible opportunities with Suzanne Drumm.


Gordon Howard briefly discussed the Kenya Tree project status and expressed his concern about potential spending of Philanthropy funds for Club Operations.  Dave  Perkins discussed the budget that was created in June for the year and that funds were being manage accordingly. 


Bob Cooper made note of the new multi-media TV and accessories that were purchase to be used by our presenters at face to face meetings.  He noted that the TV was budgeted for in the 2023-2024 budget under Operations/Pubic Image category and the purchase was approved by the board during the September board meeting.  The TV with accessories cost approximately $720.00 which was more than the board approved not to exceed but well within the PR budget for the year. 


A treasury balance was not available for this meeting. 



The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 am with the four way test used as the closing. 

2 November 2023


In attendance: Rick, Devin, Pete C, DG Elise, Bob C, Jim, Gordie, Suzanne, Alice, Kelly, Pete R, Charlie, Lydia, Mary, Bob B, Dave P, Dave S, Mary Ann, Del


Called meeting to order at 7:30 am


Happy Dollars; Lydia chose 3 of hearts; Rotary coins/candy; $5.00 donation to the Rotary Foundation


Bob B welcomed ADG Charlie Smith and DG Elise Hereth


Date reviews:


Bob had people review the projects they are on the lead for: TREES, Global grant for planting trees in Kenya, Highway clean up, Interact, Scholarships, Recruitment efforts, Atlas/Dictionary giveaways, Books for the World


Bob C introduced DG Elise Hereth


Elise: Create Hope in the World is the theme from Rotary Int’l President Gordon McInally


Presentation of a check for the Rotary Foundation, donation made in Elise’s name


Four way test


Meeting adjourned at 8:25 am



October 31, 2023


Board meeting

Discussion about $5.00 per member donation; could be put into one amount as a donation on behalf of the club; Pete will discuss at our meeting on Thursday; MAM will send email to ask members to bring money this week


Check for Rotary Foundation this Thursday; Dave will talk to Jim about it


Committee Reports:


TREES – re-establishing monthly meetings


Global grants – Gordie:

Looking for final approval

Want to demonstrate that a person can come up with an idea that can have lasting effects for 50 years!

Asking to send travelers to Kenya who can come back and tell the impact

Suggesting that the money comes out of the general operating costs

Gordie put all money info into an email that reports

Travelers will have to do their own legwork on travel documents, understanding the tasks necessary for travel once in Kenya, etc.

Lydia and Jim are considering going

District (using Foundation money) hasn’t supported a global grant for more than $8,000, but we are being offered $13, 200 (shows the value of the grant mission), plus $10,000 from the Foundation for a total of $23,200

Will not pay for members to travel, so our local contribution will have to come out of our TREES budget

Money to Kenya in January to plants trees in April

BoD voted to spend $11,000


Pete - Pasta dinner is all set


Mary Ann will have final numbers for Apple Festival at Thursday’s meeting


Suzanne: need places for Business Backstory and speakers for meetings


Resource committee:

Would like to get a handle on who we contribute to and why

1.     When we have speakers from non-profits, should we make a donation to their cause?

2.     Do we donate to the Kettle Lakes group?

3.     Do we donate more than $200 to the Tully Turkey Trot? Yes

Dave suggested that we consider using those funds for our matching funds program

BoD voted for $100 to each non-profit

Will backfill for Kettle Lakes and Women and Children in Crisis


Pete suggested that Tully Rotary pay for the Rotary Magazine to be delivered to the library; $12/year


Meeting adjourned 8:27 am

October 26, 2023

R. Cooper recorder


Meeting opening at 7:34 am with the pledge of allegiance

Weekly card draw:  Alice Spier’s name came up- Dave Perkins drew for Alice


We were reminded of the board of directors meeting on October 31st at 7:30 am via zoom.


Pete Cardamone supplied a copy of volunteers schedule for November 7th Spagetti Dinner

Pre-orders to be taken and delivered to Meadows Apartments in the village


Cooper requested committee reports:  No committee reports were given


At approximately 7:45 am our speakers Christine Larkin and Mary Jensen presented a presentation regarding the non-profit organization “Mothers of Children in Crisis”. 


The presenters had indicated that Syracuse was poorly represented in recent State Government sponsored discussions on drug addiction conditions within the state. 


The organization focus is on Addicted mothers who have children which makes attending rehabilitation difficult.  The organization hopes to create a temporary housing facility for addicted mothers to stay with their children while progressing through rehabilitation.


The presentation ended at 8:20 am and the meeting was adjourned using the “Four Way test”.

19 October 2023

Meeting called to order at 7:32 am

Drawing: Pete Cardamone ace of spades

Guest speaker Diane Darwish Plumley who explained Family Court and answered our many questions

12 October 2023


Meeting called to order at 7:30 am


Dave S, Jim, Bob C, Pete C, Kim Cameron, Charlie, John Masters, Del, Suzanne, Kelly, Devin, Dave P, Deb P, Bob B, Mary R, Mary Ann


Drawing: Mary Ann 4 of hearts


Happy Dollars; Rotary coins


Co-Presidents Bob and Bob:


Reviewed dates (also listed above):

Highway clean up

Zoom meeting

Election day pasta dinner

DG Elise Hereth


John Masters & Del Wayne: Five sun valley maples trees planted on Meetinghouse Rd; John expressed appreciation to Rotary and Del’s leadership; Del recognized the Tully Town Highway Dept for their excellent work and efforts



o   ESRAG efforts focused on microforesting


Dr. Kim Cameron: topic – plastic pollution

o   Huge problem in our country

o   Plastic is in everything, even our car tires

o   40% of the plastic in the world is single use

o   Only 6-8% gets recycled

o   Forever plastics leach into our food (plastic wrap)

o   We are just finding out how detrimental plastics are to our bodies and environment

o   Plants creating “nerdles” that are in the waterways, etc

o   Being sued for exhausting their annual nerdles in only two months


Four way test; meeting adjourned at 8:30 am

3 October 2023


Meeting called to order at 7:34am. 

There was discussion about the Global Grant being prepared by Gordon H. Gordon was out of town but David P. Reports that the grant process is moving forward. This grant would be in conjunction with the Rotary club in Bungoma, Kenya and involve the planting of thousands of avocado trees. 

The board members present reviewed the upcoming dates for meetings and events. 

Election Day pasta dinner on 11/7 

There was discussion about an election day pasta dinner. Peter C. Has made preparations with the school kitchen, the National Honor Society and Interact. Event will be on 11/7 from 3:30pm - 7:30pm. Rotarians needed to help staff in two hour shifts. 

Robert C. Stated that he will be meeting with the new Resource Committee to discuss our current finances. Discussion will focus on how money is spent and how money is raised. 

There was discussion about some new ideas on fundraising including the possibility of outsourcing the cooking at the chicken bbq in May. 

There was also a suggestion made by Rotarian Andrea M. about sponsoring or co-sponsoring a 5K or 10K running event as a fundraiser. Members discussed becoming involved in existing events like Turkey Trot. 

Meeting adjourned at 8:14am 


21 September 2023

In attendance: Bob B, Bob C, Hal, Suzanne, Pete C, Mary R, Dave S, Dave P, Del, Kelly, Mary Ann

Meeting called to order 7:34 am

50/50 Bob Cooper; better luck next time!

Community Day $154.00 in donations


Interact update from Mary R:


Legacy grant committee


Apple Festival


Financial report


Global grant


Clarification of Dates

Four Way Test; meeting adjourned 8:13 am

7 September 2023

Meeting called to order at 7:30am


We reviewed a schedule of upcoming events to include the Business Backstory at Darling Hill Observatory.  Dave P. Reported that the weather forecast is iffy and the date may change.  (It was determined later to postpone the event) 


There was a brief review of the Legacy Grant proposal and the Global Grant proposal.  It was determined that we would proceed with the purchase of five large Maple trees for Meetinghouse Rd. Despite the fact that the Legacy grant has not yet been approved.  The Global Grant committee has met and is proceeding with their work on the fruit tree project in Kenya.


There was a brief discussion about Tully Community Day on Sept. 16th.  Rotary will have a tent, table, new banner, new pamphlets, flower seed packets, and a raffle of battery operated lawn tools.  Volunteers still welcome.


Our guest speaker was introduced.  Elizabeth Balfour is the Education Coordinator for the CNY Lyme and Tick-borne Disease Alliance.  The organization is a non-profit group.  Elizabeth spoke about:

Ticks:  What, Where, How, When


Tick Removal

Signs and Symptoms

Support and Treatment




There is a support group for Lyme disease at the Jamesville Dewitt Library that meets weekly.


Thanks to Lydia A. For recording the minutes.  Donna O. Was recognized as a member of TAG who was in attendance today.


Meeting concluded.

5 September 2023

Present:  Peter C., Dave P., Bob B. Robert C., Suzanne D., Kelly R., Hal B.


Review of upcoming events, dates and times:

        9/7  7:00am  Breakfast meeting - Lyme disease

        9/16  9-2  Tully Community Fair

        9/21  7:30am  Assembly Mtg. - Zoom

        10/3 7:30am  Board of Directors

        10/7&8  Apple Festival

        10/12  7:00am Breakfast Mtg. - Plastic Pollution

        10/19  7:30am  Assembly Mtg. - Zoom

        10/21  10am  Highway trash pickup

        10/31  7:30am. Board of Directors

        11/2  7:00am   Breakfast Mtg. With District Governor



Grant has been submitted but we need to get additional details from Kettles Lakes Assoc. on budget. We have been waiting to purchase the large maple trees for Meetinghouse Road because that cost was included in the Legacy Grant.  Peter will check with PDG Jerard to see if we can get the trees in the ground before Winter.



We have reserved spaced for the event.  MAM will supply the tent.  We have tables and chairs.  We have a new banner and new brochures.  We have flower seed packets to give away.  We will be raffling a set of Craftsman lawn tools…battery power string trimmer and leaf blower.  The raffle will be free to enter.  Dave P. Will prepare a QR code to use for entries.  We have adequate staffing but could always use more help for setup and tear-down.



On hold for further discussion.



Dave P. Showed a PP presentation explaining the details for the large global grant to plant fruit trees in Kenya.   Money to fund the project will be from several sources.  It is hoped that the grant will be submitted this year and begin in 2024.


10 August 2023

In attendance: Bob B, Bob C, Suzanne, Alice and Husband, Dave P, Dave S, Kathy, Charlie S, Del, Pete C, Kelly, Lydia, Hal

Pledge, happy dollars, 50/50 drawing: Kathy Vernay, 7 of hearts


Kettle Lakes Association President Colleen Zawadzki presented on the issues that have arisen for the Kettle Lakes due to weeds, invasive species, storm runoff, zebra mussels, etc. Colleen's presentation was included in an email on Wed, August 9th later in the evening that you may review any time to see the entire presentation. She discussed possible solutions that would require grant money. $5,000 and $10,000 options were included.

How can we help? Physical labor? Art/Ecology projects with schools? Education with pamphlets and signs?

Colleen discussed the membership of the different associations for each lake and collectively for the Kettle Lakes

Bob C recognized Charlie as our Assistant District Governor and thanked him for joining our meeting

Four way test

Meeting adjourned at 8:27 am

3 August 2023

In attendance: Bob B, Bob C, Dave P, Mary, Del, Pete C, Kelly, Suzanne, Jim, Rick, Hal, Devin, Alice (and her sister Peggy), Kathy V, Ben Bibik (guest speaker)

7:30 am Pledge and invocation

Happy Dollars


Upcoming events


Guest speaker - Lieutenant Ben Bibik



Meeting adjourned at 8:35

1 August 2023 Board Meeting

In attendance: Bob B, Bob C, Dave P, Suzanne, Pete C, Hal, Mary Ann

Finances/Budget overview:  

Calendar Review (updated on website)

Board authorized Bob B and Bob C to purchase a monitor and portable stand as a new projection unit not to exceed $500.00 total for both

JULY 2023

11 July 2023

Board of Directors meeting


Present:  Robert Cooper, Robert Burns, Peter Cardamone, Lydia Aris


Meeting called to order and it was apparent that we did not have a quorum to conduct official business.  Discussion followed on the following topics:


Board of Directors:  Who attends BofD meetings? 

Club officers, Committee chairpersons, Past Presidents, anyone else invited by the board to attend.


Should we change the BofD meetings to a different date/time to accommodate those who have conflicts?


Committee Assignments:  Committees gather and then make recommendations to the Board of Directors.  After BofD approval, the recommendations go to the general membership for approval.


Suzanne D. Has volunteered for the Programming Committee.  Lydia A. Has volunteered to be Membership Chair and also expressed a desire to help with the Kenya project.


Interact:  What role does Tully Rotary play in the Interact group?

Discussion that the Tully Rotary and the Interact group should have a closer relationship and interaction. 


Budget:   Discussion of the proposed 2023-24 budget for Tully Rotary prepared by Dave P.  Further discussion to follow.


Meeting adjourned.

6 July 2023


In attendance: Bob B, Bob C, Dave S, Dave P, Mary, Del, Pete C, Kelly, Suzanne, Jim, Rick, Mary Ann; Guest: Drew Kessler, Rotary Zone Director, Hudson Valley & Treasurer, Rotary International


Jim shared a balance sheet as of July 5, 2023; discussed break in club dues in the event Rotary International doesn't charge for club dues


7:30 am Pledge, prayer, God Bless America


Lots of happy dollars including: we are one of three Rotary groups in our area that earned a Rotary Citation for meeting our goals for the last year; Suzanne drew the Queen of Spades!!!!


Reminder: Music in the Park (Cornerstone Park) on July 23rd from 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm featuring our very own Bob Cooper!


Presidents Bob B and Bob C; the gavel was passed from Suzanne to them; thanks for everything we accomplished under Suzanne’s guidance!

Drew: Regionalization is a big thing for Rotary International this year; realize that we can do things differently on a global level with the same goals based on tenets of the Four-Way test. CNY Rotary is at the forefront of making changes keeping clubs vital and active


Bob2 handed out information for their vision for their year;


Bob2 would like to join in on committee meetings so please let them know when they are happening


Hal suggested that we get feedback to Bob2 individually about committees we'd like to be on so they understand our personal interests


Four-way test


Meeting adjourned at 8:23 am

JUNE 2023

In attendance: Bob C., Pete C., Bob B., Del W., Lydia A., Kelly R., 

Meeting called to order at 7:30am. 

Review of upcoming events: 

Meeting adjourned at 8:15am


MAY 2023

Board of Directors Meeting - May 30, 2023 6:30pm 

* Scholarships - Peter C. Provided an overview on the scholarship applications received and the decision by the BofD to award scholarship amounts to the recipients. 

* Upcoming June Events - The board members reviewed upcoming dates of club activities. 

* June 17 - Highway trash pickup 

* June 23 - Changing of the Guard * Old Fly Farm Business Backstory 

* Books For The World - Peter C. Gave us an update of the project. Tentative date for packing and moving books at June 12th. Assistance is needed by Rotarians. 

* Golf Tournament - Bob provided an overview of the May 20th golf tournament. 

68 players. Weather cooperated. 

Tully Rotary raised approx. $2100. 

Thanks to all who helped and contributed. 

* Memorial Day BBQ - Peter C. Provided an overview of the BBQ event. 

*200 chicken dinners sold out quickly. Tully Rotary raised approx. 

*$1600 although a few bills have not been submitted. 

* Global Grant Proposal - Gordy H. 

*Gave us some details about a global grant proposal in cooperation with the Bungoma, Kenya Rotary Club. 

*The project involves the purchase and planting of thousands of avocado trees in Bungoma. The board voted to continue planing and await further details. 

4 May 2023

In attendance: Bob B, Pete C, Gordie, Dave S, Devin, Dave P, Bob C, Jim, Mary, Rick, Lydia, Alice, Mary Ann, Del

Guests: Alexa Shay, Diego from Spain, Adel from Khazakhstan , Ty - outgoing student from West Genesee

Happy dollars

Bob B started the official meeting:

Proud of the work we did to honor Larrian Johnston, 2023 Citizen of the Year

Golf Tournament: need baskets for raffling off as they generate more money than the golf itself; get them to Bob ASAP

Highway Clean Up: successful again this April

Memorial Day Chicken Barbecue: need a grill master, suggested that we table talk on this for a committee

Boy Scouts: food pantry box outside TUCC

Mountain Goat run: need more volunteers this weekend

Baskets at TUCC: raffles up for grabs

Devin introduced Diego Iglesias who presented on the history of Spain, the importance of soccer, national food items and bull fighting and the landscape.

Adel presented on the geography and landscape of Kazakhstan (bigger than Texas), it is an independent country (from Russia); national food items, differences between the cities and countryside

Four way test; meeting adjourned 8:36 am

APRIL 2023

6 April 2023


Del, Bob B, Bob C, Lydia, Alice, Pete C, Dave P, Jim A, Kelly, Suzanne, Devin, Kathy, Gordie, Rick R, Guests:


Happy dollars


Important dates in April:

20th Business Backstory @ Dutch Hill Maple @ 6:00 pm

22nd earth day – highway clean up @ 10 am @ TUCC

27th Citizen of the Year dinner; 5:30 pm happy hour; 6:00 pm dinner

29th Trees distribution


Important dates in May:

20th golf tournament

30th chicken barbecue


Kettle Lakes Storm Response presentation by Tarki Heath and Tom Spagenberg


·   Storm events in 2021 prompted concerns for contamination of springs and wells for drinkingwater, road closures, threat of waste water treatment plant failing

·   Survey results: concerns for septic issues, water quality for recreation

·   Prevention, mitiation, immediate/coordinated response

o   Weather monitoring

o   Threat communication protocols

o   Education on septic systems

o   Drinking water from wells

o   Neighborhood watch

o   Water quality monitoring


·   Aquifers

·   Dye testing

·   Depth of wells

·   Water systems


Grant info: Gordie updated that we can apply for grants and have the scholarships as a back up


Four way test


Meeting adjourned at 8:21 am

4 April 2023


Board meeting


Suzanne, Bob B, Jim A, Pete C, Dave P, Gordie, Mary Ann


Shoes picked up; expecting a check


Interact; Deb Cox will be taken off as signor on NBT account; Mary Rapp needs to be put on; Kelly Reppenhagen can be co-signor


COY: committee meeting after breakfast on Thursday, April 6th; only 12 people have signed up so far; will push on social media again;


Adopt a Highway – Earth Day, Sat, April 22nd at 10:00 am at TUCC


TREES committee – meeting Wed, April 5th; trees distributes Sat, April 29th


BB: Dutch Hill Maple, Thursday, April 20th; 6:00 pm


Golf Tournament: Bob will put out another blast in April; he emailed all of the people who participated last year; need to check the PO Box; it’s not too early to think about raffle prizes


Chicken barbecue: We need a grill master; Devin may want to lead the project; need to determine the number of chickens we want to grill; Pete will check with Bill Coffin


Books for the World: Tully Elementary has books; Jen Newton said National Junior Honor Society needs community service hours; Pete is waiting to hear back from Mike O’Brien about Tully JSHS; Jim needs direction on when to pay for the pallets we’ve already done


Scholarships:  we need to get the checks to the school so they can cash them for us to have canceled check for getting the payment out of the Foundation; we’ll send money and if the school doesn’t use it, we’ll ask for the money back; we can reallocate to other schools if necessary


Donations to Umoja & Tanzanian school: matching donations: $250.00 is the amount we’ll match for both of these projects and then moving forward, we will do $250 matching for all donation projects


Grant Training: Gordie & Bob C are qualified to be our club’s official grant writers and overseers; we need to put proposals for next in by May 1st.  Ideas: something for the corner in the village OR the Samaritan Center’s paper products (must be environmentally appropriate). Max is $5,000 ($2,500 each from Foundation and club).


Adjourned 7:17 pm

MARCH 2023

2 March 2023

In attendance: Suzanne, Pete C, Devin, Kelly, Pete R, Kathy V, Bob C, Bob B. Dave P, Jim, Gordie, Deb, Del, Alice, Mary, Lydia and Richard

7:30am - Bob B called the meeting to order. 

Happy Dollar: Several members shared.

Induction of Kathy Vernay - Suzanne officially Kathy to our Rotary Club. 

Suzanne reminded club members about this Saturday’s event with the Skaneateles Sunrise Club. Registration is still available. 

Business Back Story - Next week Earth2Soul will host our Club.

Suzanne introduced our guest: Sarah Gamble.

Sarah talked with the club about how news is being consumed today. Her role is in Marketing and Advertising. 

Some highlights from her presentation include:

*The Newhouse family now owns Advance Local Media. They own this and many other media groups. Sarah discussed Syracuse.com, NYup.com(travel) and The Post Standard.

*Print Readership and Revenue has been on the decline. 

*News is now more readily available - A recent story was shared with the public within 9 hours where in the print media world it could take 24 hours to 2-3 days to read a printed story. 

*Data from 2000 to 2020 shows more than a 50% drop in newspaper circulation and revenue.

*Readership of Syracuse.com: audience numbers were through the roof with COVID.

*In 2013 the business model “flipped” to a “digital first” company.

*On the sales side of a digital business: analytics, metrics, and goals to be met now apply to writers. Trending stories are closely  monitored and those articles not being read are “moved down” the page. 

*Syracuse.com is the most viewed website offering people news and the information the people need to know and engage with. 

*Current viewership is 50% locally (Onondaga County & nine surrounding counties) and the other 50% is across the country. 

*Subscription costs for the Post Standard have increased and printing of the paper is now in Harrisburg, PA. 

*The Post Standard building has been sold to VIP Structures.

*Most staff work remotely.

*Many club members asked questions throughout the presentation. Sarah suggested that our Club continue to use the Tully News, but also submit articles to Syracuse.com and she will be providing Bob B with a contact. 

*Sarah ended her presentation with the mission: Our media company is a better place when we make our community a better place.

Suzanne thanked Sarah for her informative presentation.

Suzanne led the 4-Way test and then adjourned the meeting at 8:30am.


28 February 2023

Board meeting:  Suzanne, Bob C, Bob B, Dave P, Pete C, Hal, Mary Ann

Membership:  potential member Thomas Davison will attend this Thursday's meeting

Request:  Amy Kida from Earth2Soul has asked if Rotary would consider purchasing an AED for her clients

COY:  Nominations end today; committee decides; if we are agreeing on the recipient, then Bob C will ask the person to see when a good date for the dinner will be; Pete needs info for Paul Harris award;

Scholarships: Pete has the format; $1,000 each for Tully, Fabius-Pompey, LaFayette; we will receive $1,500 from a District grant so we have $3,000 total

TREES: Dave P gave a summary of where we are with requests for trees; we have about half of them promised; Tully News did not include it in the February issue so Bob B will contact Ben Bibik in the hopes it gets into the March issue

Samaritan Center:  Amy's final word was that they only do sandwiches from their kitchen, but Bob C will check back to double check because Gordie was told it only had to be a Health Dept approved kitchen such as TUCC

Tanzania project:  Jim is supposed to send out a club invoice for donations; matching up to $250.

Books for the World:  Hal wants to wrap up the project and get the latest books on their way.


31 January 2023

Board meeting: Suzanne, Pete C, Bob C, Jim A, Dave P, Mary Ann, Hal

Atlas distribution: Fabius Elementary 3rd and 5th grades; Feb 15th @ 1:00 pm

COY: 3 total; 1 has numerous nominations; due by Feb 28th; no need to meet on Thursday 

TREES: lots of orders have come in but we are not close to maxing out; not sure on the date of delivery which will give us the date for distribution; goal of 600 trees this spring

Shoes collection: will pick up mid to late February

Speakers for meetings:  We need more or else Suzanne will come up with games to play :) Suggestion to put something on social media or in the Tully Newsletter to solicit speakers

Samaritan Center: We can resume making sandwiches as long as we use a Health Department approved kitchen; Bob will call SC for more information on when, how often, etc.

Tanzania global project: Hal - looking for a building for protection for children and education; suggesting that we give strong consideration to donating money from our club to help with the finances; Suzanne will bring it up at the next meeting that we can do a matching donation drive up to $250

Nominations for offices:  Still need President Elect for 2024-2025.  Anyone? Anyone?

Youth Exchange: District has 8 students going out this summer

5 January 2023 

Pledge of Allegiance, Prayer by Jim Austin, Singing of God Bless America; Happy dollars

Lydia's name drawn to pick a card in the 50/50 - Jack of Hearts

Samaritan Center 1/16 2:30-5 Dave stated he got 10-11 Rotary volunteers

Citizen of the Year - nomination forms will be sent out soon. Suzanne will send an email out for members interested in being on the COY committee.

New Member induction ceremony at next in person meeting 2/2 - Alice, Kathy, and Del

TREES - tree order planned to go in today


Rick Rarick from Matthew 25 Farm in Tully

- Started as a Non-for-Profit 15 years ago

- Volunteer based organization

- They distribute food to several food pantries including the Samaritan Center

- Since the pandemic, it has been very difficult to get donations/volunteers. They have not been able to grow as much food as before.

- They also are able to glean thousands of pounds of apples from area orchards.

- There have been several non-for-profit farms that have used Matthew 25 as a template which they are very proud of.

- They also will provide classes on gardening/farming

- New this year -> they will grow and sell hay to fundraise.

- Tully Rotary is planning on putting a group together to volunteer at some point this summer.

- Rick stated that they really need people to spread the word about the farm. 

submitted by Lydia with many thanks from Mary Ann :)

 January 2023

Board Meeting:  In attendance:  Suzanne, Pete C, Dave P, Bob B, Bob C, Jim A, Mary Ann

Discussion regarding breakout of dues:

Global Project info from Lizzy

Guest speakers:

Shoe drive:

Atlas distribution done in December

Samaritan Center on MLK, Jr Day:


Future Projects:


Meeting adjourned 7:30 pm



Tully Rotary Club

December 15, 2022

Matt Gallo of Finger Lakes PRISM

HWA presentation


“Hemlock Wooly Adelges”

Dave Sandwick chose his own name: No joy with his pick of a card!

Matt gave in the chat for reporting invasive species:

Here is the link to the presentation

Here is the link to the Survey

Attendance via zoom: 

Matt Gallo, Finger Lakes PRISM at Hobart William Smith College

Bob Burns

Suzanne Drumm

Gordie Howard

Kelly Reppenhagen

Dave Perkins

Dave Sandwick

Bob Cooper

Alice Spiers

Lydia Aris 

Hal Brown


Unknown observer “JJP” (asked a question about pesticides in the chat?)

Bob Cooper will request Jim write a check to Samaritan Center for $250 for the meal we will serve (be there at 2:30pm on MLK day, Monday January 16, 2023). 

Dave P will help sign up Rotarians, Mary Rapp will recruit Interactors. 

1 December 2022

In attendance: K Reppenhagen, P. Reppenhagen, S. Drumm, D. Perkins, P. Cardamone, D. Sandwick, M. Rapp, B. Burns, J. Austin, D. Cox, A. Spier, K Vernay, H Brown, L Aris

The meeting was called to order at 7: 30 by Dave Sandwick. Followed by the Pledge and song, God Bless America.

No speaker today. Matt lives in Rochester and is going to do a Zoom meeting in two weeks. 

The Christmas party is next Saturday, Dec 10 at 4:30pm at the Train Station. It’s a dish to pass and BYOB. Bring PEACE Christmas gifts.

The Shoe Drive is a success as we’ve met the goal of 1000 pairs. There are 40 bags of shoes. We’ll meet at a date TBD to load the truck. Suzanne will get the date/time to us.

There is an upcoming training for the grants process. Pete can share the link to the Dec 8 training called Grants Management Seminar. This training is annually required prior to submitting a grant. We’ve received a grant annually for scholarships since 2017. Be thinking of ideas for a Global grant. We’ve already committed to three grants for Tully, 

LaFayette and Fabius.

We are merging the district in 2024-25. 

We have the atlas distribution at Tully Elementary School on December 19 at 1:30pm. Optimist Club, Pompey Lions, and Rotary representatives will be there.

Project Linus: Bob update: Group of people that make blankets for children supported by monetary donations. We’ve participated in the past two years and donated to PEACE/St. Leo’s.  There is a need for 39 blankets for St. Leo’s/PEACE. Bob will pick up the blankets this week.  Rotary has provided an annual donation to help support this drive. Jim will send out a link for Project Linus and Foundation donations.

Do any of our new members have questions about Rotary? Dave asked Kathy why she is back in Rotary. Kathy is involved in other organizations in the town/village and sees potential for collaboration. Kathy shared that communities are required to have a comprehensive plan for the village. We haven’t had one since 2005. The plan covers items that the community wants to be considered for the future and Kathy feels a collaboration with Tully Rotary can be beneficial.

Pete shared information about the Library renovation grant.Tully Rotary has previously donated to a past project. The library has applied for a grant to cover 75% of the expense. Should Rotary consider a grant to help support this?

Alice is here after an invitation from Lydia. She’s new to the area and new to Rotary and wants to be involved in a service organization.

Bob shared that we will be ordering trees soon for the TREES project. What areas should be considered where we can plant trees? Bob offered to Kathy to consider the question, are there areas in the town or village for trees? Hal asked if there is a consideration for ordering the American Chestnut tree in pairs. Dave asked Hal to let the TREES committee know more information about where his daughter obtained the trees. Bob explained the TREES project and potential future plans.

Samaritan Center volunteering on January 16 from 2:30 - 5:00 is scheduled. Interact is also invited to volunteer. Rotary will pay for and serve the meal. 

Holiday party - Del Wayne would like to join Rotary and will attend the party. Lydia suggested we show the new member presentation at the party. Jim suggested we also provide a link so new members can watch on their own time. 

Business Back Story - Dave explained it to our new members. We have January scheduled:  Among the Mountains.

Four Way Test

Meeting adjourned at 8:32am


17 November 2022

Discussed election of next year's officers; needs to be done in December; need to have President Elect either nominated 

Pasta dinner was a success; over 150 meals; donations covered the costs of production; thanks to Hal for the donations and Pete C for being the lead on the project

Pie making was also a success.  155 were made and delivered to vets around the area

PEACE family will be sent out soon; gifts can be brought to our holiday gathering; tentative date is Dec 9th, but Mary Ann will send out a form asking for best dates for members; $225 to rent the Train Station; we will take donations and the balance will be paid out by the club

New member: Alice Spier; need to do fireside chat

Distribution of Atlases:  Tully Elem auditorium on Dec 19th from 1:50-2:30 pm

Shoes: almost at our goal; ask family over the holidays!

December guest speaker:  Matt Gallo, Finger Lakes Institute

3 November 2022

In attendance:  Suzanne, Bob B, Jim, Lydia, Rick, Kelly, Pete C, Dave P, Kathy V, Andrea, Bob C, Hal, MAM. Guest Barb Kohberger


7:30 Dave called the meeting to order; happy dollars; Mary Ann drew 2 of clubs




Pasta Dinner: list of volunteers contained in the minutes below


Shoes:  close to our goal; almost ready to wrap up


Foundation:  November is Foundation month; Pete can do forms, Jim can do PayPal, our goal is to have 100% from the membership; reminder that the money goes to grants and we have been awarded grants for the last 10 years in a row


Barb Kohberger:  Coordinator of Family South Resource Center at PEACE, Inc., 26 years, lives in Tully, married with several children and ten grandchildren



Business Backstory: need one for March, rest of the months are good to go


Four way test; meeting adjourned at 8:17 am

Election Day Pasta Dinner - Tully High School November 8, 2022:

Rotarian Volunteers Times  – 7:00 PM workers please assist in final clean up

Pete Cardamone Project Lead

Alice Spiers 5:30-700 kitchen line shift (standing in for Lydia)   

David G Perkins 5:30-7:00 cash box shift          

Dave Sandwick 3:30 set up      

Debora Cox 5:30-7:00 kitchen line shift      

Devin Shay open back up

Dee Cardamone 4:00 pm Decorations & dining room student workers

Gordie Howard 5:00 pm Deliver PRE-ORDERS TO THE MEADOWS

Hal Brown 7:00-7:30 Donations and kitchen clean-up crew lead

Jim Austin 4:00-6:00 cash box set-up

Mary Rapp 4:00 pm SHOES set-up, dining room student workers

Kelly Reppenhagen 4:30-6:00 kitchen line shift – back up after that          

Mary Ann Murphy 4:30-6:00 kitchen line shift – back up after that          

Pete Reppenhagen 5:30-7:00 kitchen line shift      

Suzanne Drumm 4:00-5:30 SHOES set-up, kitchen line shift     

Tully Rotarians not on this list: Please come, enjoy dinner & meet our guests to promote Tully Rotary projects in our community.


20 Oct 2022

In attendance:  Suzanne, Pete C, Dave S, Dave P, Jim, Gordie, Lydia, Hal, Rick, Alice, Mary Ann

Suzanne called the meeting to order; pledge, Suzanne and Mary Ann drew cards - no winners; happy dollars

Apple Festival

Spaghetti Dinner



Samaritan Center:

Business Backstory:

Dix Family fire:


Suzanne closed meeting with Four Way Test

respectfully submitted, Mary Ann Murphy

13 Oct 2022

In attendance:  Suzanne, Bob B, Bob C, Dave P, Pete, Lydia, Jim, Hal, Mary R, Pete R, Kelly, Gordie, Rick, Charlie, DG Jerry Seguin; guest: Alice Spiers

Bob B called the meeting to order, pledge, happy dollars, Rotary coins

Hal: RBFTW Oct 23rd packing

Suzanne: October 11th was our 33rd anniversary of Tully Rotary

Shoe Drive:

Veteran’s Day

Business Backstory: Wednesday, Oct 26th @ 5:00 pm at Lydia’s vet practice 

Election Day spaghetti dinner:

ADG Charlie

DG Jerry:

Suzanne closed meeting with Four Way Test

respectfully submitted, Mary Ann Murphy


6 Sept 2022

Board meeting minutes from Dave Perkins (thank you!)

respectfully submitted, Mary Ann Murphy

1 Sept 2022

In attendance:  Suzanne, Pete C, Charlie S, Lydia, Dave P, Dave S, Pete R, Mary, Bob B, Deb, Rick, Jim, Mary Ann; guest speaker Carrie Green

7:30 am called meeting to order, pledge, Pete C chose 6 of hearts for Annabeth

Pete updated the club on the Youth Exchange process and timeline as it stands 

DG Jerry Seguin will be at our Oct 13th breakfast meeting; it is important that all club members attend this in person meeting as a show of support for Suzanne and DG Jerry

Mary Ann will change club meeting reminders to arrive on Mondays; for breakfast meeting weeks, expect to see a Google Form to complete that will ask for members to state their intentions about their attendance that week; Nancy would like a number for planning the breakfast

Guest speaker Carrie Green from the Alzheimer's Association located in East Syracuse:

Meeting adjourned at 8:20 with the four way test

respectfully submitted, Mary Ann Murphy


18 Aug 22

In attendance:  Suzanne, Dave S, Dave P, Devin, Pete C, Mary, Kelly, Bob B, Mary Ann, Jim, Bob C

7:30 am called meeting to order; pledge; no happy dollars; Suzanne chose the 3 of hearts

Shoes Committee: decorate boxes; it will be nice to spend time with the Interact kids; official kick off at Community Fair; flyers going out; putting boxes around town; runs for 6-8 weeks; specific process for packing shoes into bags;

TREES:  Kathy Vernay has asked for the Interact and Rotary groups to help plant trees this fall; Kathy may rejoin Rotary; discussed possibility of meadow work; Dave P will work with Donna Evans Orr to see if we can combine forces for the South Meadow

Apple Festival: Mary Ann is project leader and will start going to meetings every Tuesday starting in September; Jill Northrup leads it the Tully Ag Advisory Committee

Election Day Spaghetti Dinner: mostly donations; kitchen requirements has Tully staff doing much of the work cooking the food; need Interact to help; face time with the community; Tue, Nov 8th

Tully Community Days:  Rick Reed is the project lead; need volunteers to be at the table; TREES banner; Shoes box, poster, flyers; Hal is sponsoring music; Bob suggested raffling off an electric lawn mower; others suggested perhaps a snow blower too; we'd have to sell tickets at other events to make it worthwhile

Dues:  discussion about making sure members know what the dues are up front; Bob can put something in the membership packet; can also include a summary sheet with a breakdown of the numbers

Highway Clean Up:  Bob proposed Sept 10th, but the date is flexible; if we can get some Interact kids, it's doable; Suzanne will put it on the calendar

Citizen of the Year:  let's shoot for April so it's earlier in the year; start process and collecting nominations in January

Business Backstory:  ClearPath for Veterans; Sept 22nd at 5:00 PM; October will be at Lydia's animal hospital

Youth Exchange:  Pete will let us know when the District begins discussions about the program

8:10 am Four-way test; meeting adjourned

respectfully submitted, Mary Ann Murphy

11 August 2022

In attendance:  Suzanne, Deb C, Mary R, Dave S, Bob, Rick, Dave P, Pete C, Pete R, Kelly R, Devin, Lydia, Hal, Jim, Mary Ann; Guests:  Kathy Vernay, Donna Evans Orr, Del Wayne, Dave & Mrs. Carlson; Guest Speaker: Sam Quinn, ESF’s Restoration Science Center


7:45am Dave Sandwick called the meeting to order; Lydia drew the 4 of clubs; happy dollars; turned meeting over to President Suzanne


Sam’s email is saquinn@esf.edu if anyone has further questions or wants to discuss their own property


8:45 am Meeting adjourned 

JULY 2022

5 July 2022

Board Meeting:

Reviewed Hal's service projects report 

Adopt a Highway – Bob Burns – Schedule? Next up at TUCC – 10 am, Saturday July 23rd.


Business Backstory – ACTIVE -- Dave Perkins, Project Leader. Bob Burns scheduled for, July 28 at Old Fly Farm – Address: 1433 Hills Rd, Fabius – off Rte. 80 (Farm Share community ag support– in Fabius – ~6pm on 7/28-TBD).


Planning for Upcoming Projects –

President Suzanne’s Service Plan & Goals for the year? – TREES, re-engage with Youth Exchange if Rotary

International is on board, More Service Events


T.R.E.E.S Project -- ACTIVE – Dave Perkins, Bob Burns, Suzanne, and Devin Shay

Activity planned for the 2022/2023 Rotary Year? Find new Places & partners? Parks & Finger Lakes Land Trust


Pollinator and Butterfly Gardens   -- INFORMAL -- A spinoff from T.R.E.E.S.  – Suzanne Drumm will contact -- No formal project activity planned. TAG may be interesting in partnering with us on this project.


Dictionary/Atlas Project – Tully, LaFayette, Fabius -- 4/22/22 –  Pete and Ed Kupiec, TES Principal, and Rosemarie Bush. Project restarted successfully at 3rd & 5th grades. Lafayette 1/3 check received. Pomoey Lions? Pete will Call


Rotarian CNY Books for the World – ACTIVE –Pete Cardamone, Mary Ann Murphy, Mary Rapp, Deb Cox, leading.  We are unsure when Texas will be accepting shipments. Indications are it will be during the 2022-2023 Rotary Year. Pete to advise. Contact needed with Tully school principals for interest. Mary Ann Murphy.   


Citizen of the Year – 6/22/22 – Lydia, Project Leader –6/22, Wed 5 to 8, at the Loft.  CRITIQUE……...

The event was well planned and highly successful.  Approximately, 80 people were in attendance. The room layout worked surprisingly well. The presentation of the colors and the Star Spangled Banner was an inspiration to all in attendance.  Comments? Will we pick a date for 2023? – fall for nominations & ceremony?

Scholarship Program - Mary Ann and Pete Project Leaders – Five graduation scholarships awarded. Dave and Robin Sandwick made the presentation to LaFayette Senior. Tully handled the presentations. District Grant Application made for 4 scholarships for 2023.


Golf Tournament –5/21/22 –Saturday, May 21, 2022 at Vesper Hills – Bob Burns, Project Lead. CRITIQUE……..

Very successful, netted around $2500 for TREES program. May 20, 2023 next year’s date,

Memorial Day BBQ – 5/30/22 -- Fundraiser for Scholarship Project – Pete Cardamone and Hal Brown, Project Lead, very successful, netted around $2300 for Scholarship program. Yes – future plans.? Mon May 29, 2023?

Hal Brown, Service Projects –Notes by PFC

Meeting Sequence effective September 2022-2023:

1st Thursday - in person with breakfast at 7:30 am at Tully United Community Church (no Zoom option); get there early to collect breakfast; meeting will start at 7:30 

2nd Thursday - Service Project or no meeting

3rd Thursday - Zoom meeting at 7:30 am

4th week of the month - Business Backstory; day of the week may vary

Meeting adjourned 8:50 am

JUNE 2022

16 June

In attendance: Lydia, Pete, Dave P, Dave S, Suzanne, Jim, and Hal

Meeting started at 7:30 AM. We opened with Pledge of Allegiance, followed by Happ Dollars, and the Card Draw. Dave P drew a 10 of spades.

COY - 

1. Run through at the Loft 7 pm tonight. 

2. Members should meet at 4 PM at the Loft on 6/22 to set up everything before 5 PM

3. Jim will send out an email to attendees asking for payment, along with a Paypal link.

4. We quickly went through COY planning spreadsheet

Clothing Order from GraphTex:

Deadline is 6/18. LA will email out one last time to members for orders.

Discussed meeting schedule for July. Suzanne had sent out an email survey to see what members wanted for meetings. She will decide after she gets more responses. She is planning on having a changing of the guard/meeting at her house possibly second week in July.

Four way test. Meeting adjourned 8:05

MAY  2022

May 10, 2022

In attendance:  Lydia, Pete, Dee, Dave P, Mary Ann, Rob Hughes, Brad Corbin, Annabeth Hayes

Tully School District budget presentation and Tully Free Library budget presentation

Need to find a time to meet for Citizen of the Year

Apparel - need 10 hats orders and 10 new vest orders in order to get the proposed pricing; order form complete and will be sent in; Jim can set up PayPal for us or people can pay by check at delivery

Changing of the Guard:  DG Dana wants info that highlights our club's accomplishments for the evening - what are our top three??  Please give Lydia input

Four Way Test;l Meeting adjourned 5:40 pm

APRIL 2022

April 27, 2022

In attendance:  Pete, Dave S, Robin Sandwick, Bob B, Bob C, Rick, Mary, Dave P, Mary Ann, Knapp

Lydia called the meeting to order at 5:05

Lydia thanked everyone who helped with the roadside clean up and TREES distribution, especially our Interact group and the FFA members

Thursday, May 5th - Business Backstory at Heuga's; we will need to give them a number

Apparel orders - Lydia needs input for orders; vests for sure; gray hats; we have to order at least 10 to get specific prices

Golf Tournament - May 21st; proceeds for TREES; 7 or 8 teams that are paid (expecting more), 

Guest Speaker Dave Knapp:

Four way test; Meeting adjourned at 6:22 pm

Respectfully submitted, Mary Ann Murphy

Tully Rotary

Meeting Minutes for 4/15/2022

Submitted by R. Cooper

In Attendance: Suzanne Drumm, Peter Cardamone, Richard Reed, Nancy Chawgo, Robert Cooper, David Perkins, Mary Rapp, Hal Brown

Discussion on Dave Knapp-  no contact with regard to a meeting date as per Peter C.

May 11th Meeting at Library- in rear conference room- snack requested

Foundation Dollars- Ukrainian relief:  Approx.  $650 dollars from club member.  Club will match 

1/2 dollar per member dollars- approximately $1,000 dollars going to foundation from Tully Rotary

April 22nd  1:30 PM  Tully Elementary presentation of dictionaries to 3rd Graders in auditorium-elementary??  Set-up at 1pm   49  3rd graders,  short Rotary Presentation,  then dictionaries

Pete’s Rotary slide-show

April 23rd Tree Give away – Also Clean-up day  

Clean-up at 10:00 am   Trees at Tully Church- estimated time 10am to 12 pm (at present)

50 White Spruce arriving 4/15.  20 called for,  there rest being preserved for hand out on 4/23.

Memorial Day Barbeque  

Hal meeting w/ planning participants 4/21/22

Chickens to be ready approximately 10:00 am

Start fires approximately 6:30 am

Discussed shortage of bean and alternative side orders- Settled on Bush brand beans due to ease of preparation,  250 to 300 halves being cooked- same number of bean sides and potatoes to be prepared

Lydia is putting together an order for Tully Rotary apparel to Graph-Tex- local supplier

A full catalog of products will be introduced- More to come

Citizen of the Year-  No discussion

Mary Rapp needs additional volunteer support to participate in the 10 Mile Goat Run.  Organizers will contribute based upon club’s participation.  Funds go to local Interact group.  Please contact Mary.  Date of event:  May 1st from 8:15 am to 11:30 am  Thornden Park- Syracuse near pool.

Need 12-15 people; presently has 6 volunteers

Possible opportunity for Interact later in the year for service at Preble, Rte. 81 rest area.   Planning/hoping for Labor Day weekend.  

Golf Tournament-  Still need sponsors for the event.  Peter to dig up list of last year’s sponsor participants.  

Scholarship Program:  Application submitted for 2023  Program limit for this period reduced to $2,000.00  Tully Rotary has submitted for 2 Grants down from 3.  

Business Back Story-  Club has been performing since 2018

Next scheduled event:  Clear Path – Dog training for Veterans,  

Date:  May 25th

Time:  6:00 pm

Chittenango Location

Meeting Closing:  6:20 pm w/ 4 Way test

Assembly Meeting 4/7/22

Attendance: Bob Burns, Bob Cooper, Pete Cardamone, Peter Reppenhagen, Dave Perkins,

Dave Sandwick, Hal Brown, Lydia Aris, Jim Austin, Mary Rapp, Suzanne Drumm, and Rick


We opened with the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by Happy Dollars, and the Card Draw

(Suzanne Won!!)

Lydia spoke to Tyler at Huega’s. We are confirmed for May 5th at 6:30pm. Here is the link to

the sign up sheet:



Tell all of your friends!

Pete met with Ed Kupiac about the upcoming presentation at the Elementary School. The Atlas

& Purpose Character assembly will be on Friday, April 22nd at 1:30pm. All are welcome. Mary

has a group of Interacters who will speak to the group about service above self.

Bob Burns once again implored our members to volunteer for the 2nd annual Golf Tournament

at Vesper Hills Golf Club. He also reiterated that the raffle prizes are where we earn the most

money for our TREES project. So, please hit up anyone you can think of!

Mary had the great news that she has 11 volunteers to help with the Mountain Goat practice this

Saturday. She still needs helpers for the actual race on May 1st from 8-11 at Thornden Park.

Come pass out beverages and cheer the competitors on!

Jim confirmed that all of the scholarship checks were cashed.

Pete will get the grant written up for next year.

The Chicken BBQ on May 30th was discussed. Suzanne will look into acquiring the necessary

ingredients and the pricing. Mary is concerned about the beans. She cannot find Grandma

Browns around anywhere. We may need to substitute another side. Hal will be the grill master.

We concluded with the 4 way Test.

April 5, 2022 Board Meeting

In attendance:  Lydia, Bob B, Hal, Pete C, Suzanne, Dave P, Jim, Mary Ann

Dictionary/Atlas Project:  Need people to attend the day they are handed out

Ukraine: Jim will send email that we are closing out the matching donation

Memorial Day Barbecue:  American Legion is in charge of festivities; Nancy will contact Pete if there is anything to talk about with regards to the barbecue; $12.00 chicken w/ sides; Mary will do beans; we can do potatoes at the Masonic Lodge; Suzanne will work with Mineo's for prices; MAM will donate water and it will be added to each meal; we need a grill master!!; Hal will check with Chris White; Pete has a list that he will share with Suzanne; containers for beans and potatoes and foil for chicken need to be ordered

Grants: Global for Gordie's project will not be done this year due to Gordie's absence; a scholarship grant needs to be considered: motion to do scholarship grant by Pete, seconded by Mary Ann, $2000 for the club and matching $2000 from the grant to be split among Tully, Fabius-Pompey and LaFayette schools; motion passed


Finances:  Jim moved some money from savings into the TREES account to keep from collecting penalties; $5725.00 in savings, $2480 for golf tournament. $3459 in TREES; $4038 in checking

Highway Clean up:  Sat, April 23rd at 10:00 am; meet at TUCC

TREES distribution:  immediately following Highway Clean Up

Golf Tournament:  Sat, May 21st; get raffle prizes!!! THIS IS WHERE WE MAKE THE MOST MONEY!

Business Backstory:  Heuga's on Thu, May 5; Lydia will contact Tyler to confirm this information

adjourned 7:21 pm

MARCH 2022

March 23, 2022

In attendance:  Lydia, Pete, Suzanne, Bob B, Rick, Dave P, Devin, Mary, Hal, Mary Ann

5:03 pm Lydia called the meeting to order; pledge

Ukraine:  Jim set up a PayPal link for contributions; will do through Rotary Foundation

Fireside Chat:  If you haven't RSVP'd on the Google Form, please do so by Monday at 12:00 pm OR let Mary Ann know if you are having trouble with the form; Bob has been in contact with Jim to make sure that the membership folders are ready for Bob C and Rick; slides running in the background for people to watch; rotate about why we each joined Rotary and its importance to us;

Memorial Day BBQ:  Hal put out a list for all things needed to make a successful event; Lydia, Suzanne and Dave P unable to attend; Lydia will follow up with the person in charge

TREES: we have a few trees left; next steps will be discussed at their meeting tomorrow; pick up for recipients on April 23rd at TUCC after highway clean up; Interact will take delivery of their trees on April 15th; Dave P will email Deb C and Mary to see how to help handle this

Youth Exchange:  Pete reported that Phyllis in our District said the District isn't doing it, but that he spoke to the Binghamton person who said a Tully student can go with their District; Lydia wants permission from the District; MAM is concerned that if Denise is unable to see this through right now, that we should wait for the District for 2023; others agreed that we will wait for 2023

Samaritan Center:  MAM will check to see if there is something we can restart for helping them

Suzanne's presentation: slides for the pollinator project; link is here.  Look at the link in the presentation for the collaborative Rotary project; it doesn't cost anything to join! Thanks, Suzanne; it was very interesting!!!!!!  

5:58 pm four way test; meeting adjourned

March 17, 2022 

In attendance:  Pete, Suzanne, Bob B, Bob C, Dave S, Jim, Rick, Mary Ann, Mary

7:30 am Lydia called meeting to order; pledge; Mary Ann drew 10 of hearts for Dave P (sorry, Dave)

Rotary Foundation for Ukraine:  Lydia asked Jim to set something up through our PayPal; voted to spend club funds to match $1 for every $2 up to $300; Suzanne made a motion and Pete seconded it; Lydia will pass this along to Dana J for the District

Atlases at TES:  49 students in 3rd grade; presentation on Positivity Project to show how Rotarians help the world; Purpose is the character trait we'll be geared towards; 3rd grade can be in the auditorium and a livestream can be sent out to the rest of the classrooms; Fri, Apr 8th or Fri Apr 22nd; need dates from Mary and Deb for Interact presence

Finances: checking $9,889.00; PayPal $3,480.00, apple fest around $3,000

TREES: we have a waiting list!

Citizen of the Year meeting: please plan to stay after next week's Wednesday meeting; Hal will coordinate with Mark Guttendorf regarding a speaker from Boy Scouts in Gordie's absence

Pete updated on upcoming training for president-elect

Golf Tournament: reminders that we need raffle prizes; hole sponsorships ($100)

Memorial Day:  chicken barbecue? can Devin be the grill master? Perhaps we can get Interact involved again to do sides like potatoes? Front lawn of Masons or TES?  Mary Ann prefers Masons due to proximity

RSVP to Fireside Chat:  please complete the Google Form even if you do not plan to go; a reminder email will be sent early next week

Four-way test

8:20 am meeting adjourned

March 9, 2022

In attendance:  Lydia, Bob B, Rick, Pete C, Mary R, Mary Ann, Hal

5:05 Lydia called the meeting to order, pledge

Support for Ukraine: We all should have received an email from Dana for supporting Ukraine through the Foundation; Shelter Box is a possibility, but not necessarily what is needed; we can have Jim set something up in PayPal so that we can make a club and personal donations through the Foundation; Mary is working with Interact to support our local Ukrainian church through donations for toiletries and other items; Mary will send an email to our club with info

Global grant with Kenya: on hold while Gordie tends to a family issue; it is a huge undertaking and Gordie has the experience to deal with it

TREES: the number of trees requested is undetermined due to the way the spreadsheet asks for requests; the committee is going through the list of orders and calling people to make sure we know how many trees are needed per person; some of these people will be invited to our social gathering at ONCO on March 31st so they can learn more about Rotary

Fireside Chat:  

Public Image Webinar:  Bob attended on Monday; a lot of talk about clubs developing their own website and Facebook page (yay! we are already doing this); Roc City Rotary Club is an exemplar (roccityrotary.org); 

Golf Tournament:  Saturday, May 21st at Vesper Hills at 9:00 am; it's not too early to hit up local businesses for donations of door prizes and hole sponsorships; we need to hang up posters as well

Butterfly Garden presentation: Hal reported that it went well; thanked his daughter Erin and Suzanne for their efforts; 

Four way test

5:57 meeting adjourned

March 3, 2022

In attendance:  Lydia, Suzanne, Bob C, Jim A, Bob B (the other Bob), Gordie, Dave P, Pete, Richard, Mary Ann

7:32 Lydia called the meeting to order; pledge; Bob C drew the 2 of hearts

Lydia reviewed items from the Board meeting: 

Gordie: Board agreed that we'd managed our project with Kenya through the TREES project; reminded us that we have to think about money in the budget that we have now and still need to raise to meet the needs of a commitment to a global grant

Citizen of the Year meeting following this meeting

adjourned 7:51 am

Board meeting March 1, 2022

In attendance:  Lydia, Pete, Gordie, Suzanne, Bob C, Bob B, Rick, Dave P, Jim, Mary Ann

Discussed new membership materials for Bob C and Rick; Lydia would like the information for our club description updated; will consider doing "Rotary Minute" where members tell the club a little bit about themselves; spread out among weekly meetings; Fireside Chat on Thursday, March 31st at 6:00 pm at ONCO (once Lydia makes contact with owners to verify); Pete will update the slideshow and send it to the new members; Dave has Rotary coins; MAM will check for pins; Rotary minutes for those in attendance; induction of new members; spouses welcome; invite social media followers; MAM will send Google Form with reservations due by Monday, March 28th

Citizen of the Year - Paul Harris with club points for Paul Thompson

RI Dues:  paid several weeks ago; Pete will check to see why it's not showing up

Global Grant:  Gordie - if we are going to manage this as part of the TREES project, he will talk to the TREES committee and report at the next meeting

District Governor Nominee 2024-2025 is Lizzy Martin

Ukraine:  Bob - should we consider some way to help; discussed ShelterBox or other ways; discussed chicken wing night at Elm Street or matching donations; Lydia said we can decide this on Thursday

7:17 pm meeting adjourned


Wednesday, February 23, 2022

In attendance:  Pete C, Paul T, Dave P, Suzanne, Gordie, Lydia, Richard, Bob C, Hal

5:00 pm President Lydia called the meeting to order; Pledge

Citizen of the Year planning continues; Wednesday, June 22nd, 5:00 pm cocktail hour; 6:00 dinner; there is a form on tullyrotary.com to sign up for the dinner

TREES committee is using the project as a way to speak to people about joining Rotary; there seems to be some interest; about 400 trees promised to community members; go to tullyrotary.com to sign up if you want some trees

Business Backstory:  owner of Donut on a Stick seems interested

Golf Tournament: for the most part, the same as last year; $380.00 per foursome

Scholarship: Pete will contact the schools to let them know that we need to know the winners in May to write the checks for the purpose of fulfilling the grant procedures; Pete needs about 6 readers; there is one so far; Pete explained the rating process

Memorial Day Barbecue: Monday, May 30th; Pete has the list of items needed to be purchased; need advertising, grillers, fire starters, etc; start thinking about how you can help that day!

Dictionary (Atlas) Project: Pete will follow up with Ed Kupiec @ TES

Books for the World:  we have a pallet that can take more boxes

Adopt-a-Highway clean up:  Saturday, April 23rd @ 10:00 am; meet at TUCC

Paul Harris Award:  CONGRATULATIONS to Dave Perkins for earning his 3rd!!!!  Presented by Lydia; Pete explained it: Rotary Foundation is our charitable organization; people with meritorious contributions earn this award; comes about with regular donations when one reaches $1,000.00; sometimes it is reached by an individual or others donate their contributions to an individual the club believes is worthy

Bungoma Partnership: a good segue from the Paul Harris award - money comes from there to fund global grants; Gordie has been in touch with Peter, their President; they need to do a needs assessment before we can learn how we can help them in the future; we front the money from our club and get half of it reimbursed back to the club once the grant is executed and paperwork submitted

Butterfly garden at Austin Park: Hal explained upcoming meeting to explain the importance and need for these gardens; project appears to be getting kicked off and implemented; Suzanne will present what she has learned about them at our March 23rd meeting

Bob Cooper: five minute presentation to introduce himself to our club; Bob has been self-employed in the construction business, done property inspections, worked for Verizon putting up cell towers, played in his five-piece band, currently working to bring high-speed internet to rural areas, installed electric car charging stations, he and his wife raised their children whom they are very proud of and currently travels with his wife when they can get away

Four-way test

meeting adjourned at 6:07 pm

Thursday, February 17, 2022

In attendance:  Suzanne, Pete, Devin, Dave S, Dave P, Richard, Charlie, Bob B, Bob C, Mary Ann, Hal, Gordie

7:30 am President-Elect Suzanne called the meeting to order

Pledge, Mary Ann drew the 4 of hearts, Happy Dollars including -

Citizen of the Year will meet after next week's Wednesday meeting

District 7150 enrollment is down (it is everywhere), so it is likely we will be part of another district

District Training: April 2nd in-person @ VVS high school, new officers should attend

From Dana Gerrard: Vera House presentation on March 1st that we've been invited to attend; Vera House is hurting due to the pandemic at at time when there is an uptick in domestic violence

PETS: Suzanne is attending these trainings via Zoom and finds them very informative

Skaneateles Parks: Hal will be meeting with someone who is helping with a butterfly garden; would like us to consider a partnership; Suzanne will be a part of it and Charlie would like to know

TREES committee is meeting after this meeting

Four-way test

meeting adjourned 7:54 am

Thursday, February 3, 2022

In attendance:  Bob B, Pete, Suzanne, Dave S, Dave P, Jim, Lydia, Mary Ann, Hal

Pledge; Suzanne drew the Queen of Hearts

Business Backstories Confirmed:  Clear Path for Veterans in Chittenango, Thursday, May 25th @ 6:00 pm; also considering new owners of Donut on a Stick in March

District Newsletter info: golf tournament - presentation to other clubs, flyer, connection to TREES project

Potential new club member: Richard Reed

TREES Project:  trees on order, created list for groups who might want to plant trees; send Dave, Bob or Suzanne names of groups who might be interested; met w/ FFA who indicated that their interest is more hands-on with helping to deliver and/or plant

Citizen of the Year:  Paul Thompson, June 22nd, @ The Loft at Vesper Hills, 5:00 pm drinks w/ dinner to follow; need a speaker; Lydia considering doing a basket for Paul; we've also done a Paul Harris Award

Scholarship materials:  Pete and MAM, need to contact the schools

Dewitt Rotary Club: no Mother's Day Pancake Breakfast so doing a basket sale instead, soliciting help from other clubs

Eastern Farm Workers: 1) Winter survival campaign 2) Tamale event for Super Bowl Sunday - we can participate in some way; Dave will get info out to us

Four-way test; Meeting adjourned: 7:56 am

Citizen of the Year Committee met after the meeting


Wednesday, January 26, 2022

In attendance: Guest speaker: Ryan Woodruff (Canine Program Director) and Mary Gero from Clearpath for Veterans, Pete, Suzanne, Gordie, Deb, Charlie, Dave P, Mary Ann, Lydia, Bob B

5:06 PM Pledge of Allegiance and Lydia introduced our guests. 

Clearpath has a multitude of programs that serve Veterans and their families. Ryan started with a short video about the Canine program. Ryan then shared a slide show. The Canine program started in 2011. Dogs are trained in a two-year program from approximately 8 weeks to 2 years. A "service dog" is professionally trained. After placement, the working life of the dog is followed by the program. There is a focus on the importance of behavioral health. Program overview: three-month three-phase curriculum. There is a puppy development program. Five dogs come in every six months; two to three are successful in the program. Typically in the industry, the dogs are labrador retrievers or similar, but there is not a breeder restriction.  It costs at least $38,000 for the life of the program for each dog. There are Community Canine Fostering Program and Puppy Ambassador Program components. This program is APDI accredited. Service dogs are protected under law. ADA (American with Disabilities Act). Service dogs in training are not allowed the same access of a fully trained program. There is a service dog named Rotary in our community as a result of Rotary being involved in the program.  This program relies on donations and grants. In NYS, 33 counties are currently part of the program and by 2023 the program hopes to expand to the entire state. Within 2023 - 25 years, the goal is to expand to a national program. Ryan left materials with Lydia about the program. He also said that he has dogs ready to be paired with Vets right now. Get in touch with him. 

Other Business - No May 11 meeting at TUCC unless it's in a classroom. The backroom of the library is an option as well for the TCS Budget presentation. 

5:51 pm - Lydia closed with the 4-way test.

Thursday, January 20, 2022

In attendance: Pete, Bob B, Dave S, Deb, Gordie, Lydia, Bob C, Jim

Lydia called the meeting to order at 7:33 am. 

Dave S did the drawing. Bob C's name was drawn. Bob picked the nine of hearts.

Lydia and Bob C continued to discuss through email his opportunity to be President-Elect for 2022 - 2023 year. Bob B was also considering co-chairing with Bob C. Lydia officially nominated Bob C and Bob B to be co-President-Elects. Pete seconded the motion. All in favor.

Committee Reports: 

Citizen of the Year - Lydia would like to plan Citizen of the Year for June 22, 2022 with a back-up date of Thursday, June 16, 2022. This would take place outside at The Loft as confirmed by Suzanne.  Jim did note that this is the middle of the golf league and members may not be available. 

Project Linus -Rotary raised $200. Their site is down. Bob B volunteered to pick up the check and hand-deliver the check.

T.R.E.E.S. - All Rotary members should be seeking locations and community members who are interested. Dave P is working on an order form that will be posted on the website. Pete volunteered to attend the next town meeting. TAG, Tully FFA, and Rotary are working together on this project.

Atlas program - Pete hasn't heard from Fabius and Pompey and hasn't yet reached out to Tully Elementary School.

Meeting dates and presentations - Pete proposed 5.11.22 as a date when the School Administration can present the Budget vote at TUCC. He also suggested we invite Dave Knapp to a future meeting as we've done in the past. Lydia is confirming Clear Path for Vets for next Wednesday with a presentation by Ryan.

Lydia will be out of the country for the 12/17 meeting. Lydia will talk with Suzanne about chairing that meeting. Pete thinks we should meet and if Suzanne isn't available, Jim will chair the meeting.

Pete and Gordie attended a District grants meeting on the 18th. The award max will be $2000. Thirty clubs attended that meeting. There is a lot of money for Global Grants. Jim suggested we also have members attend the Global Grants meeting.

Gordie asked if he could discuss with Kenya School to do a possible $30,000 project opportunity. He is attending a Board meeting this morning with the New Hope School.

February calendar dates need to be put on the website and Lydia will confirm future dates with TUCC.

Discussion of May meetings - There is a BBS scheduled for Thursday, May 5 at the Alpine.

Four-Way Test and adjourned at 8:08 am.

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

In attendance: Mary, Gordie, Deb, Lydia, Pete, Jim, Bob C, Hal, Bob B, Dave P

5:05 Pete logged in at TUCC. 5:07 Jim led us in the Pledge of Allegiance. 

Hal brought up the Positivity Project request from TES. Could some of the Interact kids be part of the presentation. We are unsure of the format. Pete is thinking possibly a broadcast assembly. Pete will check with Pompey Lions and Optimists to confirm proposal and Ed for usability this spring for grade 6.

Citizen of the Year - Lydia is attempting to set up a meeting this Friday for committee members. This meeting agenda is to identify tasks and then request help from members. Jim is asking for consideration for April 27 and not early in the month. 

T.R.E.E.S project - There is a small group meeting. All trees are ordered. This week's agenda is to determine how to get the word out and how to track locations. Bob talked to TAG members to think about how to utilize the trees. Bob went to the Otisco Town Board meeting this week. They are building a walking trail in the Otisco Town Park with potential paved walking trail. He let them know that if they're interested in planting trees for the project let us know soon. He didn't get a commitment yet. FFA will also be involved. Is the school and/or town of Tully interested in accepting trees. We'll use this as a PR tool for ordering from the community. Individuals will get 1 -2  trees and others with larger acreage will get more. Bob will talk with Emily from ClearPath again to see if they use the bushes for pollination. Hal suggested the Interact and FFA kids create a video about the T.R.E.E.S. project to promote it including their involvement. 

Business Back Story - The first one will be May 4. April will be Citizen of the Year. Is there one for February and March? Bob has a list of possible organizations/businesses. Check Dave's email for access to what he's put together to date. Mary will contact Heritage Hill for a date. We attempt to do the fourth Thursday of the month in the evening when possible. 

Golf Tournament - May 22, 2022 The price and menu will be determined. There are already teams signed up. It was $80/person for the first event and may go up $10 this year. Bob stated that he plays in $100 per tournament. Bob has advertised the event in the district newsletter. 

Scholarships - Mary Ann and Pete will make contact with the counselors to identify timelines. We are committed to giving five scholarships this year. The check is written to the school scholarship fund in mid-May to show it's been spent for the grant. $2500 from District grant and $2500 from the Club. 

Memorial Day BBQ - Hal recommended Devin take the lead for this project and will talk with Devin. Pete will take the lead on purchasing chicken in consultation with Suzanne. Minneos was a better price in the past. Pete will talk with the Masons about using the chickens.

*District Grant meeting is required for us to write one this year. The meeting is virtual on January 18 at 7pm. Our club must have one person in attendance. 

*Lydia shared with Pete that she's working on having ClearPath for Veterans.  Jim will talk with her to see if they would welcome our club as visitors to discuss their program. 

2022 - 2023 Officers 

President - Suzanne Drumm

Co - President Elect/President Nominee - Bob Cooper and Bob Burns are considering it.

Sergeant at Arms - Dave Sandwick

Treasurer - Jim Austin

Secretary - Mary Ann Murphy

Interact Advisor - Mary Rapp

*4 - Way Test  and adjourned at 5:47pm

Thursday, January 6, 2022

In attendance: Bob, Deb, Suzanne, Charlie, Pete, Dave S, Gordie

7:30 - Suzanne led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Dave S did the drawing. Denise C drew the 2 of spades.

Lydia, Dave P and Jim joined the meeting. Several people shared Happy Dollar experiences.

Annual meeting 2022 election of officers. Suzanne will be President. We have no nominations for VP. Motion to vote on positions as long as all people not in attendance agree. Pete made the motion and Suzanne seconded it. **Deb withdraws from the position of Secretary.

Bob wrote an article for social media/website and shared it with the officers. Please send Suzanne any event pictures that can be used on the the website. 

Committee reports: See Hal's report here.

Financial - Jim shared that we're doing well. Apple Fest and FFA need to be paid. He'll continue to print monthly balance sheets.

T.R.E.E.S committee update: More than 350 trees have been ordered and will be ready for pick-up in Cortland in April. Interact has also ordered 50 free trees that will also be arriving in mid-April. 

Charlie shared information about RCAT. More info at rcatnow.com. Check it out. 

Books for the World update - The Baldwinsville Rotary Club donated money for an entire pallet to be shipped. 

The Atlases are in the hands of the Tully Elementary third grade teachers. Principal Ed Kupiek asked about possibly adding additional grades. He also asked if Rotary members would be interested in doing a presentation on purpose/service in April for the Elementary School's Positivity Project.

Golf Tournament committee will be meeting later this month.

Scholarships - FYI...The grant deadline is before graduation. Memorial Day BBQ has always funded this project. 

Business Back Story - Lydia suggested we begin again in May with possibly Song Mountain as our first location(late April/early May). Dave P provided Charlie with a brief description/goal for this initiative. 

**Next meeting - Wednesday, January 12 @ 5:00pm at TUCC or zoom.

Ended meeting with the 4-Way Test. 

Adjourned 8:10am

Tuesday, January 4, 2022 - Rotary Board Meeting

Discussed club officers for 2022-2023; Pete will send Lydia the full list to address at Thursday's meeting; several members said they will retain their positions if that is the will of the club

Bob offered to put a blast on social media and our website as a message from our president, advertising our accomplishments and goals while encouraging membership; will also send to the Tully News; Bob prefers to keep it to one page so it hits the highlights; add photos to the website

TREES committee is working with FFA students at Tully and looking for a partnership with TAG

Pete brought up a request from Tully Elementary to do a presentation on service for the Positivity Project; Lydia asked if anyone is willing to form a committee to do the presentation; Pete mentioned a few ways we can do this; Lydia suggested that perhaps Annabeth can help; Hal can as well

Mary Ann shared that Terri Murray asked for a letter of support for a grant for Music in the Park; Lydia agreed; MAM will contact Terri



Thursday, December 16, 2021 - 7:30am zoom

In attendance: Lydia, Pete, Bob B, Dave S., Deb, Suzanne, Jim, Bob C., Hal, Gordie

Guest: Jane Milano, Donate Life and Donna Dunn

Lydia called the meeting to order at 7:31am. 

Pledge of Allegiance

Dave S and Robin did the drawing. Devin is the winner for today. Lydia drew his card for him. No winner. Lydia introduced our guest, Mary Jane Milano. Donate Life: The Gift of Life Donation

There are 57 Organ Procurement Organizations (OPOs) in US and 4 in NYS. They are Federally designated. The two transplant hospitals in this region are Strong and SUNY Upstate.The need for organ transplant donation is urgent. There are currenlty 859 patients waiting regionally for organs. Donna Dunn shared her story about her 21 year old daughter who married in 2007. She was hit by a car five days later and was unresponsive and Donna's family didn't hesitate to donate her body upon death. She saved four lives. The family has met Mary's liver recipient. There is now a scholarship in Mary's name supported through Dominick's Restaurant's owner, the liver recipient, given to an early childhood education major. 

Why is Donor Registration so important? If no registration is completed, your legal decision makers can make a donation decision if there is no registration. UNOS maintains the national transplant donor list. There are seven criteria that are considered when an organ is available. In NYS anyone 16+ can register to be a donor. To here is no upper age limit. If you registered prior to 2008, you should rejoin the registry. There is an ability to limit the organs/tissue that you donate by completing additional paperwork. If you designate for transplant and research, your organs will first be used for transplant. 

There is also a "Whole body" program. You'll need to contact a medical school. There is a living donor program as well, for people to donate specific organs to family members/friends. You would need to make a directed or anonomous donation through a hospital. 

Each year 58,000 tissue donations provide lifesaving and healing tissues for transplant. Corneas, tendons, heart valves, veins, skin, bones and birth tissue all can be donated to promote healing and save lives. 

There are many myths around organ donation. There is no upper age limit, so you're not too old to donate. Your health at death determines what organs/tissues can be donated. No major religion forbids donation. 

To sign up, you can do so with your license registration. You can also go to PassLifeOn.org to quickly register. On the NYS the voter registration form there is a space to register. New York State Donate Life Registry is the best place to document your wishes. Thank you Mary Jane and Donna for sharing.

Books for the World packing update: All books have been packed and wrapped. Two filled and one partially filled boxes remain at the HS. There is one final pallet. Shipping costs have recently tripled. Jim said he is ready to pay for three pallets. Hal asked if the Baldwinsville Rotary Club was still going to send a check for half of a pallet cost. Pete will contact them to confirm the expense.

Pete welcomed Bob Cooper to our Club. He needs to withdraw from the DeWitt Club prior to becoming part of our Club. Bob Burns, Membership Chair, is his sponsor. Pete made a motion for Bob to become a member of our Tully Rotary Club. Jim seconded the motion. All in favor. 

Jim asked that people not leave checks in his home mailbox. Please call ahead or send it via our Club's PO Box 91.

We ended with the Four Way Test. 

Meeting is adjourned.

Thursday, December 2, 2021 - 7:30am zoom meeting

In attendance: Bob, Dave S, Dave P, Charlie, Deb, Suzanne, Gordie, Pete, Mary, Lydia, Jim, Hal

Suzanne called the meeting to order at 7:33am.


Dave did the drawing. Bob's name was drawn. J of Hearts was picked.

Happy Dollar - Suzanne's daughter Lexi and family are moving back to Tully. Charlie recognized the TREES project and Suzanne shared that they met with FFA who is on board with the project. 

Committee reports: 

TREES - Justin Heavy will join us with FFA next week. FFA will be investigating types of trees.

Financial - No changes. We have one member that needs to pay dues. The interim scholarship report is now due. Pete and Lydia will submit.

BFTW - Interact has a $200 donation for a pallet. Baldwinsville Rotary will donate 1/2 of a pallet cost for books packed this weekend. Bob, Pete, Hal and Gordie will be in Baldwinsville to pack 15 boxes of books to finish a pallet. The boxes will be dropped at the JSHS loading dock and the Tully staff will load the pallet and wrap it.

Project Linus - Bob asked if the club could make a donation to the group through Paypal. Last year our club donated $250 to continue to buy material for the project. Gordie asked if our club wanted to donate the money to our club so we could make the blankets at our meetings. JoAnn Fabrics is a partner in the Linus Project. Hal and Pete suggested we first donate the $ to Project Linus and then begin a fund to support our participation in making blankets as a Club. Jim will send out a Paypal donation request. JIm will also send out a Foundation donation request.

Citizen of the Year project - Lydia, Hal and Dave Perkins will be the team to get this project going. April 21 is the anticipated date with a back up of April 7. The date needs to be confirmed with the recipient and venue.

The Christmas party at the Battles' home is Saturday, December 10. The JSHS choir may not be in attendance. The TUCC staff are also invited. 

The next meeting is Wednesday, December 8 at 6:00pm at TUCC double classroom or virtual.

Interact - Lydia sent an email to Deb and Mary about an international gaming project. The group is working with PEACE this month to bake, pack and deliver Christmas baskets to The Meadows. Mary is also leading a new project to provide weekend lunches to the most needy students in our community. She's working with PEACE and the school to identify families. Pete has information about other local projects and will get Mary the information.

Dictionary project has moved to an Atlas program. Pete is bringing the Atlas over to the school to get teacher feedback. 

January and February dates will be put on the Google calendar.

Lydia and any interested club members are invited to a meeting regarding a regional grant.

Four way test and adjourn


Attendance: Bob, Lydia & Pete at TUCC and Dave S, Gordie, Hal and Jim via Zoom

Wed 11/17/21 5 PM

1. Pledge

2. Drawing - Dave Perkins' name was drawn but he did not get the Queen of Spades

3.Committee reports:

        Financial - Jim really needs the rest of the Apple Fest invoices so he can pay them. Until then he can't give an accurate report.

         TREES - Bob gave a short summary b/c Dave is out of town. Next big club decision is what kind of trees we want to buy for planting. Gordie gave an update on the school in Kenya. They have started receiving significant amt of donations. They will have enough money to buy land and trees.

          BFTW - Mary Ann Miles from Baldwinsville contacted Rotary that she has books to donate. These are her late husband's  books. He was a collector of History Books. Club decided that a group will go to her house and pack the books. A date has not been set yet,  but hopefully early Dec.

4. Lydia brought up 2021 Interact Awards - should somebody be nominated by the club? Pete will get more info and give it to Deb and Mary. The nominations need to be submitted by 12/1.

5. Lydia brought up the Clear Path Veterans Program - It is about service dogs for veterans that have PTS. She will get more info. Could be a great small service project.

Next meeting - Thur 12/2 7:30 AM and it will be strictly virtual.

Four Way Test

Meeting adjourned.

respectfully submitted, Lydia

10 November 2021

In attendance:  Pete, Suzanne, Dave P, Gordie, Mary Ann

Suzanne shared her thoughts on RLI; she learned a lot about Rotary that she hadn't learned before; 

Books Project: unfortunately, the books from TES were discarded; we need 12 more boxes of books to complete the pallet; the partial pallet is being held at the school; Pete will forward the list of books we can take to everyone

Next meeting:  Wednesday, November 17th at 5:00 at TUCC with a virtual option for those who prefer it

3 November 2021

In attendance: Suzanne, Gordie, Deb, Pete, Mary Ann, Dave S, Jim, Hal, Lydia, Bob, Dave P

*Pledge of Allegiance

*Dave S did the drawing...Gordie's name was drawn. K of Hearts was picked

Recommended that Dee set up an Exchange Student video call with our group. We'll possibly video tape it to assist in informing current HS students, especially grade 10 students.

*Service Projects report by Hal

-Books for the World packing on Tuesday, November 9 at 4:45pm

-This Saturday is Adopt a Highway Clean-up at 10:00 am. This will be the final clean-up of the year.

-T.R.E.E.S. - Hal is asking for a short write-up for information about local project(s). Dave, Suzanne, Bob and Devin have been meeting every other week and will provide the club with an update of what's happening.

-Business Back Story - From January - April we do not have any businesses lined up. Lydia shared that through the winter we will not be doing the BBS. Lydia proposes a restart in March. We have one business secured for May.

-The Chili Cook-off - Will Rotary participate this year? This will not happen at the school and we'll therefore, not be participating.

- Banners at the Church - Some of the Rotary banners have been put back on the wall.   Mary Ann does have a few banners that she'll get back to the Church. It's recommended that the wall is a meaningful eye-catching display to advertise Rotary for others that use the same space. Contact information should be displayed.

-Dictionary Project - AnnaBeth ordered a box of Atlases to share with the teachers. Inside Rotary book plates are ready. Pete will share with LaFayette and Pompey to determine if they want to share these with their buildings.

-Citizen of the Year - We are not going to solicit new ones. We will do last year's nominee recognition this spring. We need to pick a date and location. There is a recommendation to change the venue from Orchard Valley to the Loft. 

-Lydia requested that the calendar be cleaned up to reflect the various meetings including TREES meetings

-discussed probable meeting times (Lydia will verify and get an email out to the membership):


21 October 2021

In attendance: Suzanne, Dave S, Deb, Pete, Dave P, Hal, Gordie, Lydia, Jim, Charlie, Bob

Bob Burns' name was picked for the drawing. He picked 6 of spades.

Guest Speaker: Guest Jessica Eckerlin

Suzanne introduced Jess. She's been keeping bees for this year. She talked about:

*Life cycle (worker bees, one queen and up to 1,000 drone bees), importance of polination, and an introduction to Beekeeping. 

Honey Bees have a task throughout their life cycle. Honey bees are responsible for 80% of pollination. In the past year, we had a 39.3% loss of hives in NYS. This rate is increasing over time due to additional pressures put on the bees. To help: restore habitat, use safe pesticide application, safely remove bees and become a beekeeper. 

She finished her presentation with fun facts....556 workers and 2 million flowers and a total of 55,000 miles to make a pound of honey. The average honey bee makes 1/12 of a teaspoon of honey in her lifetime. Bees visit 50 - 100 flowers during each collection trip.

Other business: November 3 and 17 - 7:30

am meetings will now be at 5 pm. Noon meetings will continue. This will be a trial for the first and third meeting at 5 at the church.

District Conference - October 24 is official World Polio Day. On October 29 there is a Polio conference that evening. Tully Rotary is scheduled at 3 pm to talk about our partnerships. ClearPath has their own table. Emily will attend. Dave P will lead the group conversation. Our club will highlight Books for the World, Adopt a Highway, and the Trees project. We will need a $50 door prize. Pete shared we used to make up a basket of local goods. Pete will ask Dee to do this. They are also asking for a $25 grocery card for Afgan refugees. Lydia will be getting one and collecting any others from our club to bring to the conference.

Bank Account - Jim said Dave, Suzanne and Mary Ann need to sign a document for Dave to have access to the bank account.

Committee Report - Hal thanked Pete for attending the Dewitt meeting. We had a great response to our Books for the World project. We still need to pay for four pallets. Interact will be discussing this at our Sunday meeting. Deb will recommend the payment. Pete is hoping to get one sponsored and is asking for the golf tournament proceeds to be considered to be borrowed until funds can be raised to cover the cost. This will be a Board meeting discussion on October 26. Pete will also ask for donations at the conference to support a pallet purchase.

Our meeting ended with the Four-Way Test

13 October 2021

In attendance:  Suzanne, Pete, Dee, Dave P, Bob B, Lydia, MAM, Hal, Carl Lamanna (guest/prospective member)


Guest speaker:  Justin Heavey, ESF Environmental Sustainability


Justin defined sustainability; emphasized the relationship between the environment, economics and ; ecological footprint – the amount of resources used by everyone on Earth; many challenges that stress the environment; many ways to make a difference – think globally and locally, understand your ecological footprint (there’s a quiz!), become eco-literate, understand the impact of consumption, make small changes you feel good about, help others who are more directly impacted; NYS is pursuing extremely aggressive climate legislation (felt to be most aggressive in the country); ESF has been involved in sustainability for over 10 years with regard to their equipment, vehicles, etc on campus; really looking to make campus a zero waste campus; Justin took questions and helped us think about our TREES project, Bungoma bamboo project, ClearPath Energy solar power partnership, and our own homes’ energy use; Onondaga Earth Corps is a community environmental organization that Justin can help connect us to them; we should consider certain trees and avoid others such as non-native trees; Fabius-Pompey HS is (was?) trying to create an arboretum; Justin described a mass planting event that he participated in; Justin will be a resource for anyone who wants to contact him any time.


Packing for Rotary Books for the World:  plan on Oct 14th at Tully Junior Senior High School at 6:00 pm; Deb is coordinating the Interact kids, Mary Ann is coordinating with the School District


Highway clean up:  looking at Saturday, October 16th or November 6th at 10:00 am


Election Day Spaghetti Dinner:  worth it? Have to consider the logistics of taking orders, fulfilling them, getting them out to buyers


Next weekly meeting is Thursday, October 14th at 7:30 am IN PERSON! at TUCC or via Zoom


Board meeting for November is Tue, October 26th at 6:30 pm at Tully Free Library or via Zoom


23 September 2021

In attendance:  Bob, Suzanne, Pete, Jim, Lydia, Dave S, Dave P, MAM, Hal, Mary

9 September 2021

In attendance:  Jim, Gordie, Pete, Dave P, Mary R, Suzanne, Bob, Dave S, MAM, Hal 

2 September 2021


Note: There will be additional emails regarding current project calendars for Adopt a Highway, Golf Tournament. Books for the World, Apple Festival, Dictionary Project, and the Christmas Party, on a project by project basis. 


Hal Brown for Mary Ann Murphy


19 August 2021 @ 7:30 am at Tully Free Library or via Zoom

In attendance:  Dave S, Suzanne, Bob, Gordie, Pete, Lydia, Jim, MAM

adjourned at 8:31 am

12 August 2021 @ noon via Zoom

In attendance:  Dave P, Dave S, Bob, Pete, Gordie, Devin, Suzanne (and Harvey), Mary R, MAM; guests:  David Khasidy, Greg Herring, Don Cole, Paul Thompson, Emily ?

REMINDERS:   Gathering at Battle's on Saturday, August 21st from 2:00 - 6:00; Business Backstory at Amberations on Thu, Aug 26th at 6:00 pm!

JULY 2021

22 July 2021 @ noon via Zoom

In attendance:  Pete, Dave P, Suzanne, Bob, Gordie, Mary Ann

15 July 2021 @ 7:30 via Zoom or in-person at Tully Free Library - speaker Pete Cardamone

In attendance: Lydia, Gordie, Bob, Dave S, Pete, Jim, Hal, Mary Ann

Pete presented on the Rotary Foundation using a slide show

From Lydia:  Sonny Battle has graciously offered their home for a gathering on Saturday, August 21st from 2 pm to 6 pm; Lydia and Mary Ann will coordinate.

8 July 2021 @ noon via Zoom - guest speaker Bill McConnell

Bill spoke about items the Town of LaFayette is currently working on:

We discussed Music in the Park.  MAM emailed Terri Murray to find out which Sunday between July 11th and August 8th will be Tully Rotary's to sponsor.  If it's this Sunday, Bob and MAM will attend and set up a display.  Pete will check to see if there are brochures at the church for us to use.

1 July @ 7:30 am in person at Tully Free Library or via Zoom - Assembly

in attendance:  Lydia, Dave P, Dave S, Jim, Suzanne, Bob, Mary Ann, Andrea, Gordie

Happy Dollars; Jim drew the Ace of diamonds


29 June @ 6 pm Board of Directors

In attendance: Pete, Gordie, Bob, Mary Ann, Dave, Jim, and Lydia


Assembly meeting Agenda for Thursday, July 1 - 

*TREES (Tully Rotary Ecological & Environmental Sustainability) Initiative - 

*Finances - Our Membership team (Dave S, Suzanne, and Bob) recommended the purchase of a low-cost website option. Suzanne has started to work on it with help from her son, Logan. The hosting is $4 per month and has been prepaid by Suzanne for the next three years. Logan is willing to help us learn how to load content to as few pages as possible. For example, "about us", history of Rotary, Projects, calendar, and "gifts/donations". Bob will ask Hal to draft a few paragraphs about the history of Tully Rotary. 

*Project Summary Report from Hal - see report here.

24 June @ noon speaker- John Morgans, Cotton Inc.

In attendance: Dave P, Pete, Deb, Gordie, Lydia, Hal

Company Overview - We are a not-for-profit organization spending $700 million-plus on advertising and defending trademark 8/10 consumers recognize our company

Environmental research - Many areas of focus, a few being: seed breeding, ag engineering, 17 acres on campus but we need more. We sponsor research around the country. 375 projects funding of 11 million dollars this year. We provide technical support for companies working and using cotton. One project is Pure Press  - wrinkle-resistant environmentally friendly bi-products that don't use formaldehyde like so many others. We use a variety of platforms for advertising: television commercials - promotion in addition to the digital space 15 different websites cotton hosts for trade and consumers. We are active on social channels. In addition, we use consumer research: shopping habits, buying trends - info is put together for trade shows and throughout the industry in private meetings with retailers and brands.

Sustainability activities- For more than 30 years mission to reduce water consumption and increase yield. 35 years with help we've been part of the reduced environmental impact...greenhouse gas emissions, land use to name a few. 

The continued push on microplastics....plastics in the ocean... all fibers shed through the laundry that makes its way into wastewater and the ocean. We look at the degradation of our product compared to other materials: after 240 days 77% degradation of cotton compared to polyester that has 0% for the same time period. In fact, it takes 80 - 100 years for polyester to reduce. 

Laser etching machine - There are many harsh chemicals and lots of labor to change denim. We can now design fabric and have the same effect with substantially reduced chemical use and labor.

Emerging technologies: in the last 3 -4 years, we have developed a cotton picker.  A cotton picker is required for cultivating the cotton. John asked us how much one would cost knowing there is one major manufacturer, John Deer. Hal took a great guess at $400,000. One machine actually costs $900,000 - 1 million and used only three weeks to pick the cotton. They have started to develop a piece of equipment that substantially reduces cost. 

Recycling cotton waste to create non-edible sugar is a new technology that is being developed to create fuel to power some or all of the plant instead of using electricity. 

Sustainability programs - Achievable Goals for 2025 have been determined. The circulatory economy is ramping up so lots of products don't go to landfills. He also mentioned the Blue Jeans Go Green program. Many companies are helping to support this program. Another initiative is Cotton LEADS collaborative with Australia.  Cotton's goal to elevate awareness among brands, retailers and manufacture about responsible production efforts will continue. 

He talked about Cotton initiatives that are shared on the Cotton Today website. Research and papers of best practices are also posted to help to continue to improve sustainability. Cotton is also using podcasts to get their word out. 

What can we do?.....check the label to make sure you know what you're buying, and buy natural fibers. Dave P - How do cotton producers become members? Act of Congress(one of 23 commodities programs). How can we organize and promote a local project (TREES) for our club?  Establish commitment and work over an extensive period of time. We need to understand who we want to attract and then meet those needs. TV, social and digital platforms should be used, for example, Cotton, Inc has identified women 18 - 34 who buy cotton the majority of items for their household projects and family clothing. We target that demographic. Hal - 1.2 million Rotarians with a major focus of attention is RI. Pete - You mentioned Australia - How did they get hooked in? John said the regulatory and projection systems are similar.  Our standards are very well aligned.

Tully Rotary - Tuesday is the BOD meeting? Topics? Hybrid meetings. Lydia can't do Thursday noon meetings. Can someone else do them? She'll share zoom for nonprofit organizations. Business Back Story is going forward. Dave will host one meeting a month and BBS could be the other. Lydia will get the link to the recording of how the district suggested zoom meetings for us to preview before the BOD meeting. Pete has access to the District zoom meetings. Pete said the District will allow our group to use their zoom access. Pete will work with Annabeth. 

Books for the World - Books and boxes are in the back room of the library that need to be packed. Maybe we can do it at/after the July 3 meeting.

1 7 June @ 7:30 am - Bob Burns - membership and recruitment

In attendance: Bob, Dave P, Deb, Pete, Suzanne, Gordie, Lydia, Jim, Hal, Andrea, and Bill Conole

This will be a working session this week and future 3rd- week meetings. Strengthening Your Membership is the title of his presentation. About a year ago, Suzanne and Bob met with Dave Sandwick and prepared a list of suggestions: 

1. Re-educate the public about the work of Tully Rotary and Rotary International - Achieved (Facebook, Linked-in) Lydia suggests we link the FB account to Instagram. Pete believes we have local energy and resources(people in our community) who can be encouraged to bring ideas to our club, especially with our new added focus of the environment and sustainability. Other suggestions: change our FB cover page often and share info in other FB groups.

2. Increased use of social media and development of an active website. -Achieved social media presence but need a website developed and possibly paid support. Club Runner has an option for website development. 

3. Increased presence by Tully Rotary members at community events/sporting events. -Achieved! Bob and others represented Tully at Covid testing events and Milk Giveaways in LaFayette and Fabius. We will also be participating in Concerts in the Park this summer. We could invite prospective members to our morning meeting and offer free breakfast.

4. Increased presence of Tully Rotary in surrounding towns south of Route 20. -Achieved! Are we in competition with other civic groups? We partner with the neighboring groups for the dictionary project. Can we partner and focus a membership campaign.

5. Develop visual aids for community events...posters, flyers, logos, clothing to help identify ourselves. - Not Achieved. Could we create business cards? There's an expense with creating flyers, etc. How about a few happy hour events?

6. Consider giveaway promotion items for community events...pens, etc - Not Achieved

7. Continuation(when possible) of Business Backstory events - Achieved!

8. Encourage speakers at meetings to join Tully Rotary! - Achieved!

9. Reach out to other local service groups for membership (LaFayette Optimists, etc)

10. Continuation of Zoom meets that may be more convenient for your professionals - Achieved! How can we adjust our meeting schedule to accommodate younger professionals?

10 Overall goals: to increase membership by five each year - Not Achieved.

*What's next...

*Return of in-person or hybrid meetings?

*New membership categories - Associate and Group

*Prospective member list & Prospective group members

*Letters mailed to prospective members

**Continue social media presence

*Stationary and business cards used for mailings

*Continued community presence 

3 June @ 7:30 am - Assembly meeting

In attendance: Suzanne, Dave P, Dave S, Mary Ann, Deb, Lydia, Jim, Bob, Andrea, Gordie, Hal

Happy Dollar: Gordie pulled the Q of hearts. We are now down to 12 cards

Please keep Pete in your thoughts...He's at Crouse. He worked with Dave P prior to the Chicken BBQ to assure everything was ready.

BBQ follow-up - Net income of $1649. This was not as much as election day, but we had no sponsors and less donations for this event. Here is an overview from Jim. Things to consider for the next event: 

Membership - See Bi-Laws draft here. Thanks to Gordie for putting this together. This should be voted on in July. Bob is working on a draft document with names/addresses of potential new members.

Budget overview - Gordie has provided an updated document here. Please review and get your thoughts to Lydia. The Board of Directors has the same dues for 21-22.

Meetings beginning July 1 - Things to consider: 

Strategic Plan - Set a Big Club goal for the long-term goal of applying for a $30,000 Global Grant. Our Club will need to raise $10,000. We currently have two ideas:

Concerts in the Park - Rotary will sponsor the four concerts. We'll need a volunteer at each Sunday event in August. The Rotary member will help set up and clean up. The volunteer will also introduce the ban and talk a little about Rotary. Mary Ann will create a sign-up.

Citizen of the Year - Paul Thompson will be recognized this year with no new nominations. A committee needs to be created to plan this event. In the past, it's been at Orchard Valley. All locations in the area should be considered. A date, time, and all details to be done need to be identified. Who wants to chair this committee? 

Adopt a Highway event is Saturday, June 12 at 10 am. Please plan to come help. We'll meet at the Meetinghouse Road Church parking lot. It should take about an hour of your time. 

Golf Tournament - Suzanne and Bob have identified a tentative date of September 20. We'll have an update next week.

Chili Cook-Off - We may restart this event and involve the School clubs. More info to come.

Lydia's term as Rotary President begins July 1. She'll be attending a District Membership meeting on June 7 and bring back ideas.

Maryann ended the meeting with the Four-Way Test.

1 June @ 6 pm - Board of Directors meeting

Attendees: Gordie, Bob, Mary Ann, Hal, Lydia, Dave

BBQ update



In-person meeting proposal



27 May @ noon - Tarki Heath & Colleen Zawadski - Kettle Lakes Association

In attendance: Suzanne, Deb, Dave P, Bob, Mary Ann, Dave S, Gordie

The presentation is called: Common Concerns and Collaborative Solutions 

The four kettle lakes in the association are Little York, Crooked, Tully and Song Lakes. There are concerns collectively as well as individually. The lakes were formed at the same time as the finger lakes. The finger lakes flow north and "our" lakes flow south. The salt mining process actually had a negative effect on the lakes. The legacy of phosphorus.... There has been a decrease, but it's legacy remains because it's still bound in the setiment. Our planet warming, more severe rain events and less ice also negatively impact the lakes. Invasive plant and animal life have come in through other continents and are aggressively negatively influencing the ecosystem. There are some initiatives to improve the lakes. We are working with farmers and soil & water districts. We also have Keyholing legislation in Tully and Preble that prohibit increased use by others on personal property. There are grants that provide funding for additional resources, ie: lake stewards to monitor  boats that come in and out are cleaned before leaving the areas. Through the State Association, lakes are testing for a variety of materials. They have a collaborative with SUNY ESF. We are all about Outreach and Eduction. We host them at the a variety of local locations. We cover a variety of topics, ie., ticks. We love to have walking trips. We've continued to have virtual presentations. ie., Kettle Lakes sharing sessions. This group is a Not for Profit. All are welcome to join the Kettle Lake Associations through membership levels beginning at $10. We have a FB page and website. They ended the presentation with beautiful photos of the flora and fauna around the lakes. Photos included: fish, birds, trees, flowers, creatures and outstanding communitites. 

Questions/thoughts...we can help post some of your requests/needs on the Rotary FB page. Check out their FB page: COFOKLA (Cortland Onondaga Federation of Kettle Lake Assoication, Inc). They also promote some Rotary events on their page. :) 

Other: Chicken BBQ - moving grills Friday. Great list for day of. Charcoal will be dropped off Monday morning. We're doing pretty good. 

20 May - Stove Team International Video presentation

In attendance: Dave P, Dave S, Gordie, Suzanne, Hal, Deb, Bob, Mary Ann

This is the presentation we watched. Please take the time to watch it. It's a great program started by a Rotarian and linked to our goals focused on the environment. 

StoveTeam International

StoveTeam is a nonprofit organization started by a Rotarian in Eugene, Oregon that facilitates the placement of safe, affordable, fuel-efficient cookstoves in collaboration with local communities to support families and protect the environment. StoveTeam's innovative model for assisting entrepreneurs in Latin America has won numerous awards for creating local employment while improving health and reducing air pollution. To date, local projects started by StoveTeam in Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Honduras and Mexico have produced more than 78,000 stoves, improving the lives of more than half a million people and preventing nearly one million tons of CO2 from entering the atmosphere.

Forest Resener

Forest is a musician, environmentalist, and wilderness enthusiast. As the Operations Director for StoveTeam International, Forest is excited to raise awareness for the issue of open-fire cooking, while continuing to create innovative solutions that maximize the efficiency, reach, and scalability of StoveTeam’s programs.

13 May - Guest Speakers: Tully CSD Superintendent Rob Hughes and Business Administrator Brad Corbin and Tully Free Library Director Annabeth Hayes

In attendance: Deb, Mary Ann, Dave P, Dave S, Pete C, Bob, Lydia, and Gordie

Mary Ann introduced Rob and Brad who are sharing the Tully School Budget and Annabeth who will share the public library budget. 

Rob: Highlights....Most information has been shared through the Knight Insight. The budget that is proposed supports all existing academic, athletic, and co-curricular opportunities. For the first time, we're using reserves this year to account for severance payment for end-of-year payments to retiring staff. 

The District is receiving three types of stimulus grant money. During the 2020 - 2021 Cares Act funding is being spent for pandemic-related items, ie., filtration system, PPE, cleaning supplies. It's anticipated that there will be additional stimulus money over a three-year period, however, this is not accounted for in the general budget because we don't have all the details at this time.  

Brade Proposition I: 2.04% increase (four areas: contractual salary, health insurance increase, employee retirement benefit increases, and special education services.

Proposition II library - Library offers reduced in-person and curbside services. Highlights: 2019 and 2020: 30,000+ items checked out in 2020. 54.000 visitors in 2019 with a 20% increase in five years. Increase in 33% with library card utilization. Virtual events have been put in place in 2020. Hot spots are now available to borrow. The after-school program continues through grant funding. Turkey Trot continued (virtually this year). Asking for a 5% increase. Focus on in-person and outreach, maintenance, and personnel costs. This is $9,000+ increase. 


How do we access Hoopla online services? Accessed the same as overdrive through a Tully Free registration and account. 

SU grant? It came through the TES librarian. He worked on the grant. It's about invention through stories using STEM and literacy skills. Outdoor activities will take place this spring. Students read a book and create an activity. 

Tax Levy: We are currently below the tax cap at a 1.7% (177,000) 

BOE: There are three open seats; three candidates on the ballet: Vito, Mourey, and Wortley. Write-ins are welcome.


The purpose of employee retirement benefits. Reserve for retirement is for payment to retiring staff to cover one-time sick day payouts. 

Are you still purchasing buses? Two or three years ago the bus lease proposition was placed in the general budget. Now there is little impact on the overall cost for moving from one lease to another every five years. Costs associated with the maintenance of our fleet are now substantially less due to the leases. 

How when and where do we vote and how to get the word out? The vote is Tuesday, May 18 begins at 6 am and ends at 9 pm. The vote will be at the Elementary School. Go in through the north entrance(library side). The vote will be in the gymnasium. 

What provisions are made for write-in Board Member seats? There are three spaces on the ballot for a write-in. All handwritten votes will be manually counted. Absentee ballots have been sent out as requested.

Other: Chicken BBQ - Suzanne will be ordering 250 chickens. Minneos and Cortland Produce are the same price. Suzanne will be ordering through Cortland Produce and have it delivered to Vesper. Mary Ann will pick it up on the morning of the BBQ. Randy will be starting the grill at 6:30 am. The Masons will allow the use of the grills. They'll be set up in front of the Masonic Lodge prior to the event. Bill Coughin strongly suggests a prepay. We can use a similar process to Election Day. The cost will be increased to $9.00 from $8.00. Pete will seek volunteer donations prior to the event and suggests a donation jar on the day of the event. We'll use charcoal through Tully Building. We need to have a meat thermometer and hot soapy water near the chicken. 

In-person Rotary meetings are anticipated to begin July 1. We should make some concrete plans for a meeting start date. Lydia will put together a plan for starting this with/without food and with a remote option. FB Live or zoom meetings are an option.

4 May - Board of Directors meeting

In attendance: Dave P, Bob, Pete, Gordie, Mary Ann, Deb, Lydia, Jim


Goal Status


Associate membership

Recruiting update

PR Update

Finances – Jim was not in attendance. The BOD recommends a second account signer for our club finances. Dave P is recommended to fill this position as the exiting President. This needs to be voted on at this week’s Assembly meeting. There was a discussion about a 3-part budget process (Operations/fundraisers/Philanthropy). As a Club we’ve not had the budget presented in this manner. Dave P will share a draft format of the 2021 budget in this format.

District Grant - Deadline is May 1. Our club hasn’t written one this year. There may be a date extension. Our Club should consider submitting a grant for the annual scholarships. There should be draft documents

from prior years.

By-Law Approval – Everyone should have received the

updated by-laws from Gordie in April. They can be amended to accommodate the addition of an Associate membership.


Earth Day Summary – All three areas were well cleaned. Overall, it was a great event.

Memorial Day BBQ– This is a manpower-intensive money-making event. Things to consider: Who will take the lead on this event? What’s the current price for chicken? Will CraigClemons be involved? Will we do just chicken or add side(s)? Should we consider hamburgers/hotdogs instead? For future events, should we consider a food truck, ie., Limp Lizard is a 50/50 profit? What should the chicken price be? Amber has increased their price to $13. Can Randy and Ed be involved? More discussion should take place at Assembly this week.

BFTW – Deb has been emailing Ed. No date set at this time. 

Environmental focus – This will be our unifying focus for 21 -22. We’ll continue with Adopt a Highway, Earth Day, and possibly a tree planning event.

Other Topics:

Lydia - We need to vote on the District Budget. We had a discussion about not clearly understanding how it’s been developed. Lydia will get additional explanation and report back to the group prior to a vote. This is new to ask the membership and has typically been voted on during a Presidents’ training opportunity.

The District Governor wants to attend a club meeting prior to October.

Music in the Park $100 donation: This should be on Thursday’s agenda for approval. We could have promotional info at an event. We should attend one night and talk about Rotary.

Lydia - Rotary Literacy Grant – Is this something we should consider. Check out the April District Newsletter for more information. 

Bob – He and Suzanne have been talking about a Rotary Golf Tournament. They’re meeting on Wednesday to discuss the possibility of an 8/15/21 event. All District Clubs could be invited. Anticipated $1000 profit. Jim shared that golf tournaments had taken place in the past. Many clubs have done them. He’s not sure about attendance. Should all community members be invited to play? 


22 April - noon Speaker: Kay Locke

In attendance: Mary Ann, Dave P, Deb, Bob, Devin, Dave S, Gordie, Deb, Andrea

Kathryn introduced herself and her husband, Willy. She grew up in Homer. She's out to prove we're all connected. She now has 12 Homer classmates all on her tree. She's made several genealogy books for relatives. She's provided her email address: kathrynlocke50@gmail.com. Download a free genealogy program to log all information. Family Tree, Reunion for Mac($99) and Family Tree Maker(PC based - $90); and family.org. Several research sites for free: famlysearch.org, fultonhistory.com,findagrave.com, and googling names using whitespages.com.  Another helpful tool is the "relationship box that shows a pictorial representation of relationships. She shared experiences/stories of travel to cemeteries, libraries, and church offices to gain additional information. Kay also works and shares information with other family members. Check your email for the documents that Kay sent to our membership. 

Other: We chatted about the final touches on Saturday's Earth Day clean-up. We will all meet at the Quality Inn at 10 am. We'll divide into three groups and get started. If you're interested in cleaning near the water, please wear tall boots...It'll likely be muddy. Bob will park at the Meetinghouse Rd Church and head south for a mile with people cleaning on both sides of the road. Deb will be at the Quality Inn area cleaning behind the buildings to the corner as well as along Route 11. 

herself15 April - noon: Speakers Interact Officers

In attendance: Mary Ann, Deb, Bill Conole, Dave P, Dave S, Gordie, Bob, Pete, Interact Officers: Emily Cox, Emma Bielecki, Carly Bastedo, Nicki Edinger, and Jaden Teeter

The Interact Officers shared their Interact year in review and presented their 12th $1000 check to help with Polio eradication. 

Here is a summary of their presentation.

Polio Check and End of Interact Year presentation to Rotary - April 15, 2021


Volunteer Year in Review

·      Summer

o   Tully Action Group (TAG) – South Meadow Trail clean-up

o   Onondaga County Milk giveaway (LaFayette)

o   Onondaga County Milk giveaway (Fabius)

·      Fall

o   Tully Action Group (TAG) – Cornerstone Park mulching

o   Blanket Drive (project by Jaden & Emma)

o   Rotary Chicken BBQ

o   Pennies for Polio

·      Winter

o   PEACE - Christmas basket packing

o   PEACE – Christmas basket drop off at the Meadows

o   Samaritan Center Basic Needs Donation Drive (project by Robyn) – in collaboration with the Tully Junior-Senior Class

·      Spring (anticipate)

o   Earth Day clean-up

o   Books for the World

o   (Hopefully) Rotary Chicken BBQ

o   Tully Junior-Senior High Grounds clean-up


**Eight of the above projects are new this year

**Due to COVID, we were unable to do many additional projects (at least 12 dates) and unable to make Samaritan Center sandwiches that typically total close to 2000/year.


·      held via Zoom

·      We had speakers who shared experience with high school recommendations/thoughts, college and career information

o   John Morgans – Vice President for Administration and Assistant to the President, Cotton Incorporated

o   Mary Rapp – Registered Nurse and kidney transplant recipient

o   2021 Tully Junior-Senior High School Seniors

o   PowerPoint presentation of Ivan Chetambe (accomplished speaker & graduate of Living Word HS in Kenya)

Polio Check Presentation

·      Although we had to do things a little bit differently and not talk with our community members when we dropped off the donation slips, we are grateful to our small community for once again allowing us, for the 12th year in a row, to present a check for $1000 to Rotary International to help with the efforts to eradicate Polio.


·      As the Interact officers (who all happen to be seniors) we’d like to sincerely thank Rotary for supporting the Interact club. Collectively, the eight senior class club members have accumulated hundreds of volunteer hours of service in our time with Interact. Without you, we wouldn’t have had the same opportunity to have had the amazing opportunities, leadership responsibilities, and have the ability to provide this level of service. Thank you!

Q & A: Dave P asked what could Rotary do the make the Interact Club even better. One member said it's been an amazing experience. Dave also shared info about Rotaract in college. Pete asked if any of the officers have been in the club since junior high school. Two members have. 

Other Business: Earth Day clean-up update...We're all set to meet at the Quality Inn parking lot at 10 am.

Chicken BBQ (Mason's) - Health Dept did check-in. They needed to add a hand washing station, sanitizer, and gloves. The Mason's used wood chips and this appeared to be a lot more work. Dave P asked Pete to create a procedural document for future Chicken BBQs. Bob asked if Rotary was supposed to reseed the town lawn after our Election Day BBQ. Nobody had an answer for that. Bill Conole's term is up as Assistant Governor. He thanked our club and said he'd continue to drop into our meetings. Charlie Smith will be taking his position. 

8 April - noon: Speaker Bill Conole

In attendance: Bill Conole, Deb, Devin, Dave, Suzanne, Pete, Dave S, Mary Ann

Bill Conole - I became interested in Harriet Tubman because a friend wrote a book about her aunt. I wrote to them and asked them to present to the Skaneateles Rotary meeting. She lived 40 years in Auburn. She freed 70+ slave friends. She was a great Abolitionist and critical of Abe Lincoln. During the Civil War she was a nurse and cook. She was a spy and guided and led an operation to free 750 slaves(only female to do that).

She was born a slave in 1822. She was brought over on a slave ship. As a teenager, a white man didn't like the way she looked and threw an iron at her face and hit her forehead. She suffered TBI and a scar that is visible in many photos of her. She was very petite (5'2"). She was strong spiritually, mentally, and physically. She married John T, a freed man. She had received a manumission (legal papers entitling her to freedom) status. Her master initially ignored her when sharing her manumission papers. She was angry and wished ill upon him. That evening he died of a stroke. After that, she went north, but her husband, due to danger, did not. She walked 100 miles to safety. She then decided to go back and met with her husband. He had remarried because he didn't think she'd ever return. She was heart-broken. She decided to take another group of people to go north again. She ultimately went back 13 times to free people. If captured, you'd be beaten/maimed or killed, if caught. The Bondsman would primarily use them as an example of their attempts to leave. She traveled at night and was guided by the north star. The trip would take at least five days to as much as weeks to complete. She had tremendous ingenuity. She used the winter months for her escapes due to the long nights. She would escape on Saturday evening because on Monday morning the newspaper would alert the Bondsmen. She used disguises and traveled in swamps and streams. "I am in charge and you'll follow my direction". She carried a revolver. If someone stated s/he'd leave to go back, she would let him/her know that they are moving forward or not leaving the area at all because of the need to keep the other group members safe from capture.

She had great religious faith. She used spirituals to inform possible travelers using codes of upcoming trips north. The more escapes she had, the awards for her captured increased. She believed she was saving souls.

Later in life, she was used as a spy in the Civil War. She'd go behind the confederate lines in disguise and bring back maps.

The Seward family was greatly influenced by her. Her family was given land in Auburn and there is now a  Harriet Tubman museum. She died in 1913. She received her first pension in 1891 after being denied several times.

Her legacy: She was the most renowned for the Underground Railroad. She was the only one to go back repeatedly to bring out more slaves.  "I've never run my train off the tracks".

This summer, August 11, 2020. My friend Michele was on the cover of the NY Times with her mother, in a lead article about the great life of Harriet Tubman. There continues to be a controversy with the 20 dollar bill. There's been a movement to replace Andrew Jackson with Harriet Tubman. Brittany Cooper recently wrote an editorial stating her opposition to this change. She didn't believe Harriet would have wanted to be on it based on how poorly she and other slaves were treated and that it would be an insult to her.

1 April - 7:30am: Assembly meeting

In attendance: Deb, Bob, Dave P, Dave S, Pete, Gordie, Devin, Mary Ann, Hal, Jim, Suzanne

50/50 raffle: New deck; 16 cards; Deb Cox picked 6th from the right; Ace of clubs

Bi-Laws vote: For a quorum we need 1/3 of membership to vote. We have 8 members in attendees today. We voted and approved the new Bi-Laws. We discussed the concept of an "Associate member" for our group. This is not specifically listed, but "other member" is listed and not forwarded to RI.

Financial: Jim's recap: Checking $1400; PayPal $1622; and savings $1695. We'll get reimbursed for 1/2 of the Kenya project and Jim owes a check. The check to the Linus group for blankets also needs to be sent. Now that we're billing quarterly(happy dollar, food pantry and 50/50) and not meeting at the church $80/meeting) we are making money and, therefore, no deficit. It is one less service project by not providing to the church. When meeting in person, we were losing $25/week. Other ideas, Sweet Basil is offering at no cost their location and we would order off the menu. Elm Street may also offer an option in the evening. We could also talk with the church about not having a breakfast. Could we have a club fee to cover the space and not just the people who actually go to the meeting. Other clubs use this model.


Memorial Day Chicken BBQ: We'll wait to see if we have a barbecue. The Village may host a parade. All spaces are being reserved, but no details are secured. We have until the last week of May.

We closed the meeting with the 4-way test.


30 March 6pm - Board of Directors meeting

Attendees: Bob, Lydia, Pete, Mary Ann, Jim, Dave

25 March 12:00 pm meeting speaker: Jed Walsh

In attendance: Bob, Deb, Devin, Dave P, Pete, Dave S, Suzanne, Lydia, Mary Ann, Bill C., Gordie, Hal, and our guest, Jed. 

Bob introduced our guest, Jed Walsh. Jed is the program manager for Onondaga County Dept of Water Environment Protection (WEP) focused on green infrastructure.  This week is World Water Day.  https://www.worldwaterday.org/  Jed will talk about steps that Onondaga County is taking to save water, specifically the Save The Rain project.   https://savetherain.us/  We encourage the kids through Baltimore Woods to notice and engage with them to keep them as pristine as possible. We also run the Rain Barrell program and hope to kick back into gear this season with the MOST. Jed shared a presentation with us.  You can find it here.

Q & A - Pete shared a project experience from 2009 - 20012/13 with OEC.  Jeb shared OEC is no longer focused on rain barrel projects, but on maintenance projects.

Dave S asked about a picture of a species in Onondaga Lake, the alligator gar. It's not an alligator gar, but a longnose gar. There are 53 species of fish in Onondaga Lake. 

Devin shared a bit of information on the Great Lakes project. Jed wasn't aware of it and asked for more info. 

Bob asked if there are any projects that our small group could get involved with. Jed shared "Think globally, act locally"! The #1 area of focus should be clean-ups. He also mentioned the Mud Boils. Jed will get us a contact at OEC. Rain Barrel projects are also on the rise and a project to consider. 

18 March 7:30 am meeting speaker: Ivan Chetambe

In attendance: Devin, Gordie, Bob, Dave P, Deb, Dave S, Ivan, Pete, Suzanne, Mary Ann

Gordie introduced Ivan. Ivan is an accomplished speaker and a graduate of Living Hope High School in Bungoma, Kenya which Tully Rotary Club, with the help of a district grant and Bungoma Magharib Rotary Club, provided much-needed new textbooks for the roughly 85 students. Ivan is an outstanding example of what Living Hope High School is doing to enhance peace in the world, educate the underprivileged, improve the lives of many and make the world a better place. Ivan is a college graduate who came from a life of living on the streets without support from family or government services.  He intends to do post-graduate work at the United States International University and become a diplomat. 

Ivan shared his story through a presentation. His presentation is here

Q & A: 

11 March noon meeting speaker: Mary Rapp

In attendance: Dave S, Mary Ann, Dave P,  Mary R, Gordie, Bill Conole, Deb, Suzanne, Steve Rapp, Lydia, Pete

Mary started off with introductions. Her brother-in -aw joined the meeting. Steve is Mary's husband's younger brother. This is a story not just about Mary, but about the community, family, friends, and our health care system. Three years ago Mary's health was appearing worse. She had had arthritis, but was not feeling well. The MD prescribed prednisone, but it didn't help and Mary continued to deteriorate. She was struggling to do things in her nursing career that she did daily. The doctors thought it was based on increased inflammation. She then ultimately was told she was in renal failure and taken off all medications. She was bleeding out through her organs. Within 48 hours she was told she had a rare autoimmune attacking her kidneys. She was put on a chemotherapy drug and plasmapheresis through the RedCross. Her body didn't readily respond. She came in at 12% function and lost her gains to 6%. She then started dialysis. She had full-day infusions three times weekly. Mary's turning point was when one doctor talked about having a transplant. She went through a referral process. She started at Upstate with a workup blood work, x-ray, etc. She found she was eligible and hooked up with a case manager by July of 2018. By October Mary received a call that she had two donors. She had a live donor match. This transplant typically lasts 12 - 20 years and is most successful. Having to acknowledge being in need was a humbling experience.

Steve: He initially was told from Upstate that he wasn't a match. They switched to Strong Memorial Hospital. He had to start the donor process again at 49 and in good health. He started the retesting process. Tests included: flow test, blood tests, and then quickly scheduled a two-day Strong Memorial testing, including more blood work and a stress test. Steve heard from his coordinator he was, in fact, a match. An additional Psych/Social evaluation was also included. February of 2020 was the initial date and then COVID impacted the scheduling process. In April of 2020, they received a call for a May transplant procedure. May 19 was the transplant. Steve had a 7-hour surgery (a little complication with three arteries instead of one into the kidney). I had to prepare myself psychologically, spiritually, physically, and emotionally. After 9 months, I'm almost back to normal with the exception of stamina. Strong Memorial was wonderful with answering all questions and clarifying details/expectations. We both went home three days after surgery to our very wonderful supportive families. I'd do it again. At the end of the day, I'm a better person for having had this experience. I'll have more lab tests to assure my kidney is in good shape. Hydration has been a big change and needed increase for me and listening to my body. No regrets. 

Mary: Each facility has its own match criteria. She had referrals for other hospitals (one per state). She was listed on UNOS and open to having any type of transplant. Due to Covid, family members couldn't enter the hospital. Zoom was used to include family in all conversations. Mary is now feeling better now than she has in 15 years. She no longer has a large ziploc full of medications. She has a whole new lease on life. Mary is now looking into being a spokesperson for donors. The more educated I became, the more empowered I felt. Mary has had NO issues since her surgery. She had to lose 50 pounds prior to surgery and continues on her wellness journey. Mary has not seen a single medical bill and Steve is also covered through her medicare program. Steve, if ever needed, would be placed at the top of the donation list due to his donation. "My level of gratitude for life and ability to prioritize all that's important in life is at a whole new level". 

Mary would love to share her story to make those connections is how we can help others. Her contact information is: 

email: jrapp126@twcny.rr.com

cell #: 315-569-3026

home # 315-696-6353

Mary's Facebook donor website is here.

Here is an article found on Rochesterfirst.com about Mary's story.

4 March 7:30am Assembly Meeting

In attendance:  Dave P, Dave S, Bob, Gordie, Pete, Deb, Devin, Jim, Suzanne, Mary Ann, Bill C

Dave S started with 50/50 raffle. Dave P's name was drawn. Dave won the raffle...Congrats! 


Gordie - Bylaw changes, Constitution and Goals update

Bob - Membership - We'll now have a "Group Membership" added to our club. Bob was thinking of small businesses that can't afford the full membership fees. Larger companies could also be added in this area, if needed. Another area of membership is "Associate member". This would not be recognized as RI, but would be a local membership. We need to do some research for this consideration. Gordie will contact other clubs to get their ideas to then consider this option and get back to us. This may be for new members only. One question for our club to consider is: What does the Club have to offer members for their membership fee? Interact activities will all be open to Interact parents as well as all Rotary members to provide opportunity for conversation and recruiting. :) 

Devin: Earth Day in April - Tully is on the District's involvement in the Earth Day project. Onondaga Creek, north of Tully and Butternut Creek as areas for us to dedicate our time to clean up. Devin will make a plan for these locations.  Deb will reach out to Sally Green about Earth Day to ask about plans and coordinate help with the town/village clean up efforts.

Bob - Adopt a Highway - All paperwork is submitted to the state. We may possibly do this event in conjunction with the Earth Day Clean-up project. Interact members will also be encouraged to participate.

2 March: 6:00pm Board meeting

In attendance: Gordie, Dave, Bob, Lydia, Pete, Deb, Mary Ann


Finances - Jim - absent

Membership - Bob

Service - Hal's Service Report 

 Jim needs to follow-up with the Kenya project. 

Gordie attended the Foundation seminar on Saturday to satisfy the club requirements.

Lydia attended Saturday and did the President Elect break-out session with Pete presenting. 




25 March 12:00 pm meeting speaker: Jed Walsh

In attendance: Bob, Deb, Devin, Dave P, Pete, Dave S, Suzanne, Lydia, Mary Ann, Bill C., Gordie, Hal, and our guest, Jed. 

Bob introduced our guest, Jed Walsh. Jed is the program manager for Onondaga County Dept of Water Environment Protection (WEP) focused on green infrastructure.  This week is World Water Day.  https://www.worldwaterday.org/  Jed will talk about steps that Onondaga County is taking to save water, specifically the Save The Rain project.   https://savetherain.us/  We encourage the kids through Baltimore Woods to notice and engage with them to keep them as pristine as possible. We also run the Rain Barrell program and hope to kick back into gear this season with the MOST. Jed shared a presentation with us.  You can find it here.

Q & A - Pete shared a project experience from 2009 - 20012/13 with OEC.  Jeb shared OEC is no longer focused on rain barrel projects, but on maintenance projects.

Dave S asked about a picture of a species in Onondaga Lake, the alligator gar. It's not an alligator gar, but a longnose gar. There are 53 species of fish in Onondaga Lake. 

Devin shared a bit of information on the Great Lakes project. Jed wasn't aware of it and asked for more info. 

Bob asked if there are any projects that our small group could get involved with. Jed shared "Think globally, act locally"! The #1 area of focus should be clean-ups. He also mentioned the Mud Boils. Jed will get us a contact at OEC. Rain Barrel projects are also on the rise and a project to consider. 

18 March 7:30 am meeting speaker: Ivan Chetambe

In attendance: Devin, Gordie, Bob, Dave P, Deb, Dave S, Ivan, Pete, Suzanne, Mary Ann

Gordie introduced Ivan. Ivan is an accomplished speaker and a graduate of Living Hope High School in Bungoma, Kenya which Tully Rotary Club, with the help of a district grant and Bungoma Magharib Rotary Club, provided much-needed new textbooks for the roughly 85 students. Ivan is an outstanding example of what Living Hope High School is doing to enhance peace in the world, educate the underprivileged, improve the lives of many and make the world a better place. Ivan is a college graduate who came from a life of living on the streets without support from family or government services.  He intends to do post-graduate work at the United States International University and become a diplomat. 

Ivan shared his story through a presentation. His presentation is here

Q & A: 

11 March noon meeting speaker: Mary Rapp

In attendance: Dave S, Mary Ann, Dave P,  Mary R, Gordie, Bill Conole, Deb, Suzanne, Steve Rapp, Lydia, Pete

Mary started off with introductions. Her brother-in -aw joined the meeting. Steve is Mary's husband's younger brother. This is a story not just about Mary, but about the community, family, friends, and our health care system. Three years ago Mary's health was appearing worse. She had had arthritis, but was not feeling well. The MD prescribed prednisone, but it didn't help and Mary continued to deteriorate. She was struggling to do things in her nursing career that she did daily. The doctors thought it was based on increased inflammation. She then ultimately was told she was in renal failure and taken off all medications. She was bleeding out through her organs. Within 48 hours she was told she had a rare autoimmune attacking her kidneys. She was put on a chemotherapy drug and plasmapheresis through the RedCross. Her body didn't readily respond. She came in at 12% function and lost her gains to 6%. She then started dialysis. She had full-day infusions three times weekly. Mary's turning point was when one doctor talked about having a transplant. She went through a referral process. She started at Upstate with a workup blood work, x-ray, etc. She found she was eligible and hooked up with a case manager by July of 2018. By October Mary received a call that she had two donors. She had a live donor match. This transplant typically lasts 12 - 20 years and is most successful. Having to acknowledge being in need was a humbling experience.

Steve: He initially was told from Upstate that he wasn't a match. They switched to Strong Memorial Hospital. He had to start the donor process again at 49 and in good health. He started the retesting process. Tests included: flow test, blood tests, and then quickly scheduled a two-day Strong Memorial testing, including more blood work and a stress test. Steve heard from his coordinator he was, in fact, a match. An additional Psych/Social evaluation was also included. February of 2020 was the initial date and then COVID impacted the scheduling process. In April of 2020, they received a call for a May transplant procedure. May 19 was the transplant. Steve had a 7-hour surgery (a little complication with three arteries instead of one into the kidney). I had to prepare myself psychologically, spiritually, physically, and emotionally. After 9 months, I'm almost back to normal with the exception of stamina. Strong Memorial was wonderful with answering all questions and clarifying details/expectations. We both went home three days after surgery to our very wonderful supportive families. I'd do it again. At the end of the day, I'm a better person for having had this experience. I'll have more lab tests to assure my kidney is in good shape. Hydration has been a big change and needed increase for me and listening to my body. No regrets. 

Mary: Each facility has its own match criteria. She had referrals for other hospitals (one per state). She was listed on UNOS and open to having any type of transplant. Due to Covid, family members couldn't enter the hospital. Zoom was used to include family in all conversations. Mary is now feeling better now than she has in 15 years. She no longer has a large ziploc full of medications. She has a whole new lease on life. Mary is now looking into being a spokesperson for donors. The more educated I became, the more empowered I felt. Mary has had NO issues since her surgery. She had to lose 50 pounds prior to surgery and continues on her wellness journey. Mary has not seen a single medical bill and Steve is also covered through her medicare program. Steve, if ever needed, would be placed at the top of the donation list due to his donation. "My level of gratitude for life and ability to prioritize all that's important in life is at a whole new level". 

Mary would love to share her story to make those connections is how we can help others. Her contact information is: 

email: jrapp126@twcny.rr.com

cell #: 315-569-3026

home # 315-696-6353

Mary's Facebook donor website is here.

Here is an article found on Rochesterfirst.com about Mary's story.

4 March 7:30am Assembly Meeting

In attendance:  Dave P, Dave S, Bob, Gordie, Pete, Deb, Devin, Jim, Suzanne, Mary Ann, Bill C

Dave S started with 50/50 raffle. Dave P's name was drawn. Dave won the raffle...Congrats! 


Gordie - Bylaw changes, Constitution and Goals update

Bob - Membership - We'll now have a "Group Membership" added to our club. Bob was thinking of small businesses that can't afford the full membership fees. Larger companies could also be added in this area, if needed. Another area of membership is "Associate member". This would not be recognized as RI, but would be a local membership. We need to do some research for this consideration. Gordie will contact other clubs to get their ideas to then consider this option and get back to us. This may be for new members only. One question for our club to consider is: What does the Club have to offer members for their membership fee? Interact activities will all be open to Interact parents as well as all Rotary members to provide opportunity for conversation and recruiting. :) 

Devin: Earth Day in April - Tully is on the District's involvement in the Earth Day project. Onondaga Creek, north of Tully and Butternut Creek as areas for us to dedicate our time to clean up. Devin will make a plan for these locations.  Deb will reach out to Sally Green about Earth Day to ask about plans and coordinate help with the town/village clean up efforts.

Bob - Adopt a Highway - All paperwork is submitted to the state. We may possibly do this event in conjunction with the Earth Day Clean-up project. Interact members will also be encouraged to participate.

2 March: 6:00pm Board meeting

In attendance: Gordie, Dave, Bob, Lydia, Pete, Deb, Mary Ann


Finances - Jim - absent

Membership - Bob

Service - Hal's Service Report 

 Jim needs to follow-up with the Kenya project. 

Gordie attended the Foundation seminar on Saturday to satisfy the club requirements.

Lydia attended Saturday and did the President Elect break-out session with Pete presenting. 



25 February noon meeting: guest - Peggy Brown

In attendance: Dave P, Deb, Gordie, Bob, Dave S, Suzanne, Hal, Bill C, Pete, Mary Ann

Hal introduced Peggy, his wife and proud supporter of Rotary. She's a 30 year experienced tax preparer and licensed by the IRS to do tax returns. She takes 32 continuing education hours annually to stay current with tax law. 

Peggy shared information through a presentation. She has 1300 clients; 30% have children. **Here  is a link to her notes. Peggy said feel free to share her information.

A couple highlights...

Other items: 

*Rotary Central has asked that we have no in-person meetings through June 30, 2021.

*Interact is sponsoring (with Class of 2022) a donation drive from March 1 - 12 for the Samaritan Center Basic Needs Closet. Kinney Drugs and both school buildings will be collection sites. The flyer is here . Please share. 

18 February noon meeting 

Present: Dave Perkins, Bill Conole, Bob Burns, Lydia Aris, Mary Rapp, Paul Thompson, Pete Cardamone, Dave Sandwick, Mary Ann Murphy

Bob Burns – membership worksheets for the club to look at as a whole; two main areas:

1. How does the club identify prospective members?

2. How does the club introduce Rotary to prospective membership

Lydia – over the summer, perhaps we can be together outdoors at her house to reconnect

Bob – reminder that Suzanne has reserved Vesper Hills for a golf tourney in late August; plan to invite the District

11 February noon meeting speaker: Norm Andrzejewski 

In attendance:  Dave P, Deb, Bill C, Lydia,  Suzanne, Bob, Gordie, Dave S, Pete, Mary Ann, Jim

Dave P introduced Norm. He is the CEO of Operation Northern Comfort project. He's also worked at NY Health Department. In 2006, Norm went with 13 other people to assist with the storm Katrina recovery efforts in New Orleans and Mississippi. Since then he's taken 61 more trips. He's taken 2500 people for trips including local HS and college students. For example, the Marcellus girls soccer team has taken 4 - 5 trips and LeMoyne College kids went for 6-7 years.to assist with efforts to rebuild communitites. Norm shared photos of teams working to rebuild homes/structures. The groups also planted 10,000 trees. They've also worked on other houses in Syracuse (100+ projects) and the surrounding area. The group has also worked with Arise to build over 50 ramps to provide accessibility to homes. 

The group's major fundraiser is an annual  Crawfish Festival in Clinton Square. Although it was cancelled last year, they may need to do a drive-through event this year. So many people have offered to volunteer for these projects. There are over 200 volunteers we count on annually for this event. We did a 15 language event for a couple years. If you could speak in 15 languages you would win a prize. We also have a macot dance contest, craft vendors and more. 

We decided, in October 2020, to make 500 desks in our "Desks for Kids" project. Many people new to the group have volunteered. We are now over 700 desks and have an additional 300 desks requested. The group may exceed 1000 desks. Norm shared a video of this project. In addition, community members have donated gently used desks as well. There are 60 core people working on this project and 40 of them are new members.

The next project may be chairs/study area items, ie., lamps for the kids. We continue to look for ideas to continue to support the community.

Operation Northern Comfort's website address is www.operationnc.org. There's information there for how to make contact for volunteer opportunities. There is a working board of 25 members. Most members regulary "work" weekly. There's about 50 people in the next "ring" of volunteers to call upon for response. The final group is 200 volunteers for larger events like the Crawfish Festival.

4 February Assembly Meeting 7:30am

In attendance: Dave S, Pete, Bob, Suzanne, Gordie, Dave P, Deb, Devin, Mary Ann, Jim, Hal

2 February Board meeting 6pm

In attendance: Dave P, Bob, Suzanne, Pete, Lydia, Mary Ann, Deb, Jim, Gordie, Hal

  January Presidents' note


The members of the Tully Rotary Club welcome the new year with wishes for prosperity and health for all.  We achieved many goals in 2020 despite the pandemic and we look forward to continuing to make our community better in 2021.

Like many civic organizations, the past year has changed the way we conducted business.  For health and safety reasons, we stopped in-person meetings and began virtual meetings.  We continued to have outstanding guest speakers and learned more about local businesses.  Our Rotarians took initiative to begin working with other organizations to distribute food and milk to needy local families.  Our Tully Rotary Interact teenagers raised money to help end the scourge of polio which is still a threat in many countries.  The Tully Rotarians raised money and secured a grant to purchase workbooks for school children in Bungoma, Kenya.  In December, Rotarians and Interact teens helped prepare Christmas boxes of food, clothing and blankets for local families in need.

We are excited to continue our work in 2021 but we need your help.  The Tully Rotary Club is seeking new members to help us continue our work.  We need people from Tully, Lafayette, Fabius and Otisco to help us make the future brighter for our area.  Membership is a small commitment of time.  It is said that “many hands make light work” and we believe that.  

If you are interested in helping us with our work as Rotarians, contact the Tully Rotary Club at by email at: tully.rotary@gmail.com 

Wishes for a prosperous new year,

Mary Ann Murphy

David Perkins


28 January noon meeting speaker: Nancy Chawgo

In attendance: Dave P, Suzanne, Devin, Pete, Deb, Gordie, Dave S, Bill Conole, John Masters, Guest: Nancy Chawgo

Rotary Business - Dave reshared information on Operation Northern Comfort. He's build five desks and plans to drop them off at the Nation school. He's also going to Baldwinsville to pick up an additional 15 kids. The area schools are in need of a total of 34 desks. Contact Dave if you'd like to build a desk or two. 

21 January 1pm meeting speaker: Aaron Sumida

In attendance: Suzanne, Dave S, Dave P, Mary Ann, Deb, Gordie, Devin, Lydia, Pete, Bill Conole

Other Rotary business: Feb 27 meeting is the new member, club officer and any other Rotary member potentially interested in future leadership. Our next Board meeting agenda will include new year officer discussions and ideas. 

14 January Meeting 12:00 Speaker: JP Gleason

In attendance: Mary Ann, Bob, Dave P, Deb, Dave S, Devin, Suzanne, Gordie, Hal, Pete 

Bob introduced JP Gleason. He's an award winning nationally and internationally certified fundrasing executive. He's helped to raise more than $5 million. He's developed fundrasing programs for the United Way. He has a long history in fundraising and with Rotary, as well. JP shared John McGraw is buried in one of our cemetaries. He was the manager of the NY Yankees and got Babe Ruth to play for the Yankees. 

JP has been in Rotary for 32 years in Rochester, one of the largest clubs in North America. They raise money for their own charity (a camp for children with disabilities). JP asked:

We need to communicate our goals to the area residents. Special events are a big platform for fundraising, but don't raise that much money. If you'd like to raise $100,000, ask someone for the money. We need to THINK BIG! It's been JP's experience of getting big gifts is not about just the folks with big homes, big boats, etc. We should consider everybody in our community. His Rotary sent out a request for donations and also included a request for moneyfrom your will.  He told the story of a man who donated $25 annually and then in his will to Rotary. When the man indicated he would donate money in his will, JP then went to visit him. They received thousands of dollars from him. 

JP would suggest that we buy a list of all people in our Rotary area. We would send out a letter sharing what we do, have done, and want to do and ask them for a "gift" (not donation) to stay in our community. That idea resonates with a lot of people. In the letter, also add a "box" and state I have remembered the Tully Rotary in my will. 

Unemployment is high, but most people are employed and have an income. He believes that everybody will likely be getting another check for $2000 and not everyone will need this money. Consider giving some/all of it to the Tully Rotary for doing good work in our community. 

Something else to consider would be special events. When COVID ends, people will want to attend special events and do things. We could plan these now.

Gordie commented. He appreciates JP's ambition to shoot big. I believe telling people what we do with gifts, requires our specific planning and accountability for a large project. He also reminded us about Tully Rotary not wanting to be a checkbook club and maybe we can get better at asking for gifts.

JP said, the only person who can ask for a gift is for those individuals who have already given to share their gift in a request for additional funds. This helps with credibility for the project. 

We could canvas the resident list to identify potential gift givers. Always have two people go together to visit projective gift givers. "It's not the money it's the mission!" 

Devin asked if including a member drive in a new project is a possibility. JP has no experience with this, but believes post-COVID will be a good time to recruit new members.

7 January Assembly Meeting 7:30am

In attendance: Dave S, Bob B, Dave P, Suzanne, Dave P, Gordie, Jim, Devin, Deb, Hal, Mary Ann


5 January Board Meeting

In attendance: Hal, Mary Ann, Bob, Lydia, Dave P, Gordie, Deb


All goals have been updated in the dashboard. The leadership goal has been eliminated as we don't have a member attending any conferences

Gordie needs two pieces of information: # service projects and # of members invovled those service projects. Hal will follow-up and get that information.

Bob, Dave and Mary Ann have a tomorrow evening meeting with Jeff Livingston about joining our club. Bob also sent an article to the Tully News. Dave sent it to the Business Backstory group email as well as to each of us. All members should also send out the invitation to join our Rotary Club to friends and family. 

Service Project report 1.5.21 

Gordie said the school in Kenya should be going back to school in January. He has receipts for the books already purchase. Bob asked about insurance for the DOT project. We have Rotary sponsored insurance. We need to complete a form to identify the project. Gordie thinks it's liability versus medical coverage. Bob said DOT paperwork specifically states Workers' Compensation insurance.

Lydia is awaiting information on how to prepare to be the next Club President. Dave anticipates all meetings may be virtual this year. Committees will need to continue to be staffed. Is there anything new and interesting that we could do next year. Lydia asked, is there an all inclusive list of committees with current status. This information is on the Rotary website. Dave continues to emphasize the positive impact and need for involvement of all members. Hal also shared we need members to use their good communication skills and knowledge of our projects and information about our club. Gordie shared a couple of things on planning in December to secure the next two Presidents of the club as well as other Club Officers and Committee Chairs. Rotary has a detailed check list for Presidents as well as a resource book. Cheryl Matt is a good resource for information and upcoming training. Gordie will also look at the Bi-Laws and Constitution to identify any possible changes. 

Assembly meeting this week - Our goal is to review the small group meeting information about how to engage some members who haven't been able to attending meetings. We'll each reach out to our small groups and encourage attendance, especially this week's Assembly meeting. Could we make one of our meetings a virtual Business Back Story? Another idea is to join other area club meetings in lieu of having one of our own meetings. As a start, Hal will follow-up with Skaneateles and Marcellus to ask about this idea. 

10 December Presidents' note:

Two big requests this week: 

First, please invite your friends and join us this Thursday for Mr. Paul Marron, Director of Business Development at Tully Hill Treatment and Recovery. This will be an interesting review of the facility and kind of a Business Backstory event ... something which due to privacy concerns could never happen before, but with virtual meetings it’s easy to do. Make every effort to make it to show respect to our speaker who is taking time out of his busy day for us. 

Also, if your team hasn’t already, please meet to discuss how we can make our speaker programs better. Please send me the notes of your conversation and we can discuss the results at January’s Assembly meeting. Thanks and see you on Thursday!

17 December Speaker: Vitaliy Bedrodnov, Founder of Rotary Childrens Fund Organization and Coordinator for International Cultural Exchange Program GoldenGates Host: Dave P/Deb

In Attendance: Dave P, Deb, Devin, MaryAnn, Guest, Vitaliy Bedrodnov, Gordie, Dave S, Pete

Dave P introduced Vitaliy. We received an email several weeks ago from Vitaliy introducing his program. He was born in Kazakhstan, Soviet Union and attended Music college in Russia. Started this group in 2003. This program is Inspired by Rotarians, Funded by Rotarians, and Run by Rotarians. He referenced the 4-way test, and added a fifth question...

We raise money on one tour to allow the next group to tour. Rotary clubs, individuals, RF, Walmart, Mercedes, different universities all sponsor our trips. We use a 15 person van and trailer for bags, instruments, etc. We also use some of our funds to donate to Rotary Clubs who have needs. Over the years, we've raised $100,000. We're currently working with a club in the Ukraine for medical procedures for newborn babies(See My Mom project).

Most of our students have english as a second language through Miami University. Although the experience is fun, but so many things can happen that makes the trip difficult(vehicle trouble, illness, injury). The show must go on and our students are exhausted, but will have this memory for the rest of their lives. We use social media to share our work. See links below.

Questions: Covid impact? There are a few groups prepared, but they are standing by for now. We are hoping for end of August with a group from Belarus. We plan six months in advance. 

How are you organized around the world? We have relationships with different organizations associated with Rotary. 

Do you have trouble getting Visas for the kids? Yes, all the time. We need to connect with Senators, but I don't remember a time when it didn't go through. 

Contact information: 

Tully Rotary Business: Please consider Rotary International donations. 

10 December Speaker: Paul Marron, Director of Business Development at Tully Hill Treatment and Recovery 

Host: Bob

In attendance: Devin, Gordie, Jim, Bob, Dave P, Dave S, Suzanne, Deb, Mary Ann Murphy, Bill C, Pete, and guest: Paul Marron. 

Paul has been at Tully Hill for just over 8 years. He graduated from St. Bonaventure University and Boston College. He has extensive experience in healthcare administration, contracting, marketing and development in Central New York.

Paul shared that Tully Hill has been in existence for 30 years. It is the only free standing facility in the state. It's a private non-profit; not government sponsored. We have a lot more say in who is admitted. It started out as a Syracuse Union of Electrical workers facility with a financial start-up and has had a long standing relationship with IBEW relationship.  

A general population is admitted in a total of 50 beds. We have 10,000 - 12,000 annual referrals. We've been running at about 50% capacity this year due to COVID. We have certain qualifications for admission, many of which are set up by the insurance company. As of January 2018, Tully Hill now assumes the risk of bringing someone into the facility. After 14 days, an insurance company then becomes involved.  

What do we do? We provide two levels of service: medically supervised detoxification and medically monitored intensive rehabilitation. This is about a 22 day process. We've been open daily throughout COVID with no cases or closure. We get patient referrals from all over the country. Most referrals are from all borders of our state. We've had a strong brand over the years. The patients have done well after they leave us. The patients play a big role in their success after they leave. We are starting to follow (@30, 60, 90 days and at a year) patients after their care at Tully Hill. Two of three patients are staying clean. We do have patients who return several times before they're able to become stable. We are set up to work with patients who need longer term care and set up those services in other long term care facilities. 

We've invested heavily in technology in recent years. We now have telehealth services. Our in-person family day program is on hold due to COVID. Family involvement is huge with our program. We've created videos we use now for this process to keep high family engagement.  We also have a new website. It's a level 5 website at www.tullyhill.com. We are on Twitter, FB and LinkedIn and market our brand that way. It's less expensive and easier. We do a lot of advertising to supplement our referral process. We've had some downsizing due to COVID. 

We have specialty programs. These are run by people who are most experience clinicians/clinical directors. We work with uniformed personnel and professional personnel. Their needs are different, ie, PTSD. We need 5 patients of each group to run effective groups. They receive 8 specialty meetings each week. They, however, live and eat with the general population.

Questions: Have there been more referrals through pandemic? Yes, but the patients are looking a bit different with most coming in with non-alcohol concerns. They are staying longer in detox and needing more medical support. We currently aren't taking patients outside of NY.

What staff do you have? We have 53 full time staff for 30-33 current patients. By law we have to have a medical director, nurse director, NPs, RNs, LPNs. We have a full time chef  and have licensed social workers. We don't like the staff to patient to be more than 1:3 (currently it's less). We have a 16 hour day of required treatment activities. 

Do you have any suggestions on how we can grow Rotary and get the word out better? I'm a member of the Lion's Club. I helped them get the word out. We started a website for them. They were able to do a couple events to accelerate their presence with support of their State organization.

3 December Assembly meeting

In attendance: Pete, Bob, Andrea, Dave S, Dave P, Hal, Mary Ann, Jim, Mary R, Deb, Jim, Dave P

Of the things we think, say, or do:

1 December Rotary Board meeting

In attendance: Gordie, Dave P, Bob, Deb, Hal, Mary Ann, and Pete


Presidents' message 11/24/20

Hello fellow Rotullians (as Dave’s mom would call us): 

First of all, I hope you’re able to enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday and reflect and re-energize! We also have a bit of a homework assignment for you all. 

Speakers are an important part of Rotary - letting us learn about potential projects, engage with the Southern Hills community, recruit new members, and keep up to date. Part of the responsibility of every member is to host speakers to attend our meetings. Over the last two years, members have invited on average two speakers, but the averages don’t tell the whole story. Some of our members have invited the majority of our programs; in fact, the top five members have invited 70% of our speakers. And seven members have not hosted a speaker in the last two and half years. Obviously we need to get more members involved - to share the load and to ensure we have a range of speakers that most benefits our club. 

At last week’s meeting, we decided it was worth discussing this topic in smaller groups to see how we can jump start our speaker program. With that in mind, I’ve assigned you each to a small discussion group to talk about how to improve our meetings and speaker program. Your homework for the next week or so is to meet with your team and talk about how we can make our online meetings and speakers more useful for you, us, and the world. 

We can talk about your conclusions at our next Assembly meeting next week, but in the meantime, we hope you and your family have a happy and healthy Thanksgiving!

Team A: Sandwick, Dave         Aris, Lydia         Austin, Jim

Team B: Murphy, MaryAn  Berkeley-Hitt, Ed Mourey, Andrea

Team C: Drumm, Suzanne   Howard, Gordie     Reilly, Brooke

Team D: Cox, Deb   Brown, Hal             Cardamone, Denise

Team E: Burns, Bob       Kublick, Jan           Cardamone, Pete

Team F: Perkins, Dave   Rapp, Mary               Shay, Devin

Here are a few questions to start the conversation:

As they say, Yours in Rotary Service, 

Dave and Mary Ann

Co-Presidents, Tully Rotary


Join online for “An Evening to Experience ShelterBox”

An Evening to Experience ShelterBox


8:00 - 9:00 PM ET **If you weren't able to attend, below are some highlights. This event was recorded and can be accessed.

Kerri Murray, ShelterBox President, introduced and hosted the event. Katherine, a  Response Team member, shared they are celebrating 20 years. Response Team members are trained over an extended period of time to be able to get on the ground and help families. Each member is a volunteer. There are currently 104 million displaced people in the world today due to disaster or conflict. ShelterBox started on the simple premice of what is needed when there is no shelter. Shelter is the first step in recovery. Since COVID 19 additional supplies have been added to provide individual shelters to protect families. Aid has been provided to Syria, the worst humanitarin disater, for over a decade. Relief Aid is one partner that has worked for years with ShelterBox. Lake Chad Basin in Africa, although not in the news, is an area of devastation. Current work is to move families out of shelters and into their own spaces to help reduce the spread of Covid. Brittney Woodrum, a Shelter Box Ambassador, raised just under $85,000 for ShelterBox. She hiked for 70+ days to raise the money. 1.6 million people in over 100 countries have received Shelter Boxes over the past 20 years.  The 2020 ShelterBox Global Humanitarian Award is presented to Rotarians all over the world. More than 1000 people are at this virtual event. The goal is to raise $250,000 for this event. Donations will also be accepted after the event. By the end of the event, $269,510 was raised to support ShelterBox.  In April 2020, there was a category 5 cyclone in the South Pacific. Later Day Saints Charities reached out to ask if ShelterBox could help. The families are so appreciative of the help and supplies. ShelterBox will continue to support disaster and conflict areas around the world with the help of all donations!

You're all invited to a virtual Multi-District event Tuesday November 24th.

Let’s stay connected virtually!

Meet Jennifer Jones, RI President Nominee Rotary Year 2022-23, who will be the First Female President in RI History.

Let's raise some money for The Rotary Foundation.

And join us in recognizing our distinguished clubs who earned Foundation Awards during the Rotary Year 2019-20

REGISTER NOW on the District 7150 website Events Tab. Poster Attached.  

Poster - MD Foundation Event 2020.pdf

November President's Message and Meeting Minutes

President's message:

Please like and share our BBQ pictures on Facebook. It helps others see what we do! https://www.facebook.com/groups/tully.ny.rotary 

19 November meeting

In attendance: Dave S, Dave P, Bob, Mary Ann, Deb, Jim, Gordie

Christmas Basket - Could we pull people in from other organizations to help. Bob shared information about a project. Project Linus is a group of volunteers who make blankets for needy children. They need help with distribution. Bob contacted Cheryl Paccia. She said she'd would love to help with this project through the PEACE Christmas basket distribution. She provided Bob with details of what will be needed. Rotary could add a special note in the packages. Deb will work with PEACE to identify how Rotary and Interact can be involved. 

Guest Speakers: About a third of our members have organized most speakers over the past few years. Should we assign people? Could we have a brainstorming session about things to consider when selecting speakers? Speakers can be from anywhere in the world. There really hasn't been any qualifications for the speakers we have at our meetings. Zoom can offer opportunity for different speakers. We need to support the speaker when we have them. We need to encourage attendance on dates when we have speakers. Supporting the speaker also involves having questions, thoughts to discuss with the speaker. Gordie shared they used to have a little gift to speakers. Is this something to consider? The sponsor could write a personal note to their speaker. Deb will create stationary to use. Should our members take time to share about themselves so we get to know each other better as a group. Dave will send out a list to who was in attendance today to have us each contact other members to discuss new speakers.

2020 Interact Awards competition from RI  - Deb will put together pictures and an overview of the work from our Pennies for Polio events the last 12 years and review requirements for submission. 

We ended the meeting with the Four-Way Test.

5 November Assembly meeting

In attendance: Bob, Deb, Maryann, Dave P, Dave S, Suzanne, Devin, Gordie

50/50 raffle: The winner is Dave S! Dave drew a Jack of Clubs. We have 12 members in the drawing. 

Chicken BBQ: Suzanne will submit the receipt for the chicken. She's donating all other supplies. 

Finances: There are some deposits waiting to submit. Jim will work to complete an online submission of taxes.

New Events: Suzanne asked if there has been a golf tournement with Rotary. It hasn't been done in a long time. This is something to look into.

Dictionary Project: Can Dee get us an update? 

2021 Officer Elect positions will be discussed at our December meeting.

Christmas: PEACE basket donations and adopt a family will continue this year through Rotary.

Shelter Box - There is an evening virtual meeting next Thursday night. Dave P. will send us the link. 

Rotary Citation: Gordie gave an update. The citation is quite different this year. It gives goal ideas. Our club creates goals and then if achieved, we receive a citation. Gordie took the lead. Maryann and Dave will review the information he provided tonight. 

3 November Board Meeting: 

In attendance: Jim, Bob, Deb, MAM

Today's BBQ went well. All sold out by 4:00. Total cash deposits for $2350.00; $420 paypal pre-orders; $150.00 donations and then additional tips $26.00 Suzanne will provide expenses to Jim

Jim - Quarterly dues total - $693.20 has been collected 50/50 is at $120.00 paypal: no change from last month except for $200 deduction for BBQ start-up plus addition of $1622.36 paypal total; of that $420 is prepaid BBQ. 

Bob - He attended Rotary membership webinar through Rotary International last week. Suggestions for invites aren't viable during COVID. They emphasized prospective members should be put into the RI website, but not necessary.

Hal - by report:

November 2, 2020   Service Project Report to Tully Rotary BOD    

Hal Brown, Service Projects Chair

October President's Message and Meeting Minutes

Presidents' Note 10/20

We’ve had a string of great speakers at our last few meetings - and this week should be no different. This week we’ll have a special guest - Peter Simiyu, the President Elect of the Bungoma Kenya Rotary Club - which we are partnering with for our school books Grant project. Please make every effort to make the lunchtime meeting; if you haven’t made a Google Hangouts call and would like to try it out; feel free to contact me for a practice session, or just join in. It’s quick and easy!

After Peter’s talk, we’ll check up on our Election Day BBQ fundraiser. If you haven’t, please sign up to help anyway you can. 

Finally, thanks to all of you who have invited a speaker. We’ve learned something from every meeting. And having good speakers helps our club learn more about how we can serve and make the world a better place. To those who haven’t yet, please do. Speakers can come from all over - Rotary leadership, local businesses, government officials, connected clubs, or just an interesting person. Ask someone or two to join us - even if it’s just for a quick Q&A session. See you this Thursday!

Chicken Barbecue Sign-up - We need help! Please sign up to help with our biggest fundraiser this year. We will also need grocery bags to pack the chicken and sides. Interact students will also be asked to donate grocery bags. We'll need 250! 

Double click the link below for the sign-up sheet.


15 October Guest: Paul Suits of Suit-Kote Host: Suzanne

In attendance: Dave S, MaryAnn, Suzanne, Bob, Deb, Dave P, Gordie

Suzanne introduced Paul. She's known him for 30+ years. Paul has 4 boys ages 19-25, graduated from Homer HS and SU. He's been with Suit-Kote for 27 years and also owns Moxi Properties. He's currently working as a consultant as the SuitKote equipment manager. 

Paul presented "The History of Suit-Kote". The company is 99 years old. His grandfather originally worked in Watkins Glen and eventually bought it. It started as a general contractor business and his grandfather in 1946ish got into the liquid asphalt business, originally working off of rail cars. The business was moved to Utica. In 1954 it was named Central Asphalt. In 1961 the company created Cortland Asphalt. Paul's father, in Cortland, moved part of the company to Central NY. In 1968 there was a need for an aggregate source. Oneonta had a storage facility for the company. In 1975, the company kept growing and we needed more storage facilities. We put one in Norwich. In 1976, we bought out Eastern Road Materials Coppers division. In 1982, the Suit-Kote name was created to cover all locations. Suzanne's daughter helped as a consultant with a lot of the facilities. In 1992, Jamestown was purchased. In 1995, two facilities were created in Pennsylvania. All projects in PA are by State and not County. In 1998 we acquired access to the Polkville Rail Terminal. This system gave us the opportunity to use the Rail taking vehicles off the road. In 2000, we bought RC Billings & Knights Settlement. We had another opportunity to buy another company in 2000. We got out of the blacktop business and wanted to stay in the Emulsion process. In 2005, we put up another facility in Belmont and Meadville area. In 2010 we came into Oriskany and put in a storage facility. We run 10,500 gallon loads on 81 and thruway to be efficient to get supply to municipalities. 95% of Suit-Kote is municipality work. In 2012, we had the opportunity to purchase Barden Homes facility in Preble. We needed the room and this worked for us. In 2014 we had the opportunity to buy a water terminal in Tonowanda. This was a great lakes terminal. We then brought in barges with our materials. In 2016, we put a couple storage facilities just south of Pittsburg, PA. In PA, we  haul smaller loads than in NY. In 2017, we shut down the Rochester facility and moved to Caledonia which put us in the center or our western NY market.  From there, we are trying to get our footprint in all four corners of PA. Present Day - The company has expanded its market areas to include: NY, PA, CT, MA, NH, VT and Canada.

Suzanne asked how to make asphalt. Paul shared it comes off of crude oils. It looks like coffee, goes through refineries and distillation process taking out unwanted oils. At the bottom of the tower is asphalt cement. It was initially a waste product, but is now sold. This is the base product for the business. 

MaryAnn asked about Route 80 project. She's curious about planning. Per Paul, it's based on the size and type of project. We try to put together a 10 year plan, but with funding, the timelines are adjusted accordingly. 

Dave S asked, what's done with the milling debris? Paul said they stockpile, crush it, mix with new stone and reuse it. We can also recycle it to bring it up to a current year binder sometimes on the spot where the road is milled.

Rotary Business: Chicken BBQ - Hal, Bob and Suzanne will be meeting soon. Deb shared, per Bill Coughin, we need styrofoam containers/lids (4 oz & 16 oz). Bill shared that the Masons use Mineo's and Sysco for purchasing.

Presidents' Note 7 October

This week is a lunchtime meeting and we have Steve Bailey town justice as our speaker. Next week will also be a noon meeting with Paul Suits of SuitKote who will discuss his business as our guest. If you haven't recently hosted a speaker with the club, please do. It's an important way for our club to stay in touch with the community and the world. 

And thanks to the team helping organize our Election Day chicken BBQ fundraiser. Great job organizing this new event in this crazy world. Many of these kind of events have been successful, so we can be too. We don’t have many opportunities for fundraising, so this one’s important. Stay tuned for how you can help out!

8 October Guest: Steve Bailey, Tully Town Justice Host: Suzanne

In attendance: Suzanne, Mary Ann, Bob, Hal, Gordie, Deb and Dave P

Suzanne introduced Steve. He's from the Buffalo area and did his graduate work at SUNY Cortland. He started as a teacher in Tully in 1982 and has been the Town Justice since 1985. In 2005 he retired as a teacher and then began to drive bus for Tully. He also started a few side businesses as well. He is currently a bus dispatcher for Tully Schools in addition to being one of the two Tully Town Justices. 

Covid impact: Law and Order has been put on a pause since mid-March. For example, the Tenant Safe Harbour Act: If a tenant had a job before the pandemic and pandemic impacted his income then there can be no eviction. Vehicle and traffic tickets came to almost a standstill and is just coming back now. 

In NYS you don't need to be an attorney to be a Town Justice, except in Nassau County. There were no primaries when Steve first ran for the Town Justice position. There was barn caucus. It's an interesting job that keeps Steve on his toes. Steve had no court clerk to start. The Town Court office was on the corner of Lincoln and Douglas St. 

We are moving to a centralized arraignment process. We will no longer be called after 5pm, the arresting officers will bring them to a sitting town judge in a city court. 

We've had a lot of things occur in out town. We had a murder. Route 81 corridor has sting operations in our area. Steve has had middle of the night calls for warrants. 

In the early 90s there was a new Act: Alcohol and Beverage Control Act (ABC Act).We had 30 Tully kids all given citations to come to court. We arraign all cases, but don't process all. 

The most exciting part of the job is doing weddings. Initially the town justice could only do town and county marriages and now they can be done in entire state. Some adjacent states, ie: Conneticuit allow NY justices to perform weddings. At the time of his son's wedding, he didn't think he could marry him in Norfolk, but NJ did allow Ministers. He explained his situation to a city court clerk in NJ.  Steve was allowed a one day dispensation to be able to marry his son. Steve thanked the clerk with a Tully gift basket. Tully is her last name. 

There was another case about 20 years ago. There were two tigers living in the barn in the town of Tully. They came from a traveling carnival. The farmers daughter was dating a carnival employee. The tigers were going to be put down so they kept them in small cages in a barn. The DEC arrested them. The law says that the court determines what to do with them. By chance, the Parade magazine had a picture of Tippi Hedren and the Southern California Preserve for animals that are being retired. The ad had a phone number. Steve was in the process of leaving a message and she picked up the phone. Over the course of a month she helped him find a home in Arkansas for the tigers. She sent Preserve information to Steve. He did a fundraising event for her foundation in his classroom. The penalty for having the tigers was to pack up the tigers in trailers and move them to Arkansas.

This will be Steve's last four year term. 

Questions: Have you ever been affraid? Once, a defendant appeared in my court for felony assult. He came into my court in the middle of the night covered in blood. I knew him. He continued to ask me if I knew whose blood was on his clothes. Within a few days of release, I'd wake up in the mornign and find several beer bottles smashed on my front steps.

Rotary business: Chicken Barbecue - Deb will contact Bill Coughin about styrofoam containers. We'll clean the potatoes prior to Election Day and cook and pack them at the Pavilion on Meetinghouse Road. Beans will be brought over to the Pavilion prior to 11am.

1 October Assembly Meeting

Attendance: Dave P, Dave S, Devin, Bob, Hal, Gordie, Suzanne, Pete, Jim, Deb, Mary Ann

Chicken Barbecue - We'll serve meals only. We will cook at the church, Mason's or Fire Dept. Pete has the signs ready. Pete will hang in the Post Office, on the Vet bldg. The poster will say 11 - 5/or sold out. Ed Wortley has posted signs for us at school. Hal, Suzanne and Bob will get us a spreadsheet of jobs "to do" for all of us to sign up for what works. We will need a lot of people to set up pits ahead of time. The school has typically used a tow motor to help. We;ll need two pits and the warmer and wood chunks. Jim is talking to Tully Building about charcoal. They typically deliver it on a pallet and pick up left over charcoal. Has anyone reached out to Randy D? Pete will ask if the date will work for him to help with set-up.  We will do pre-sale. Jim/Bob will add a link on our new FB page with pick-up time noted. Pete will add pre-ording info to the poster. Should we also have pre-order in person for those who don't use PayPal? Suzanne will add the Chicken BBQ to the News for the event schedule. Pete will send out the edited poster to us asap. Please review and get feedback to Pete.

Happy Dollar- Hal - Tell Jim to look at PayPal.I finally figured it out.  (This is Jim's Happy Dollar as well. ) Dave P won again this week. K of spades was drawn. 

Committees - 

We ended the meeting with the Four Way Test

September President's Message and Meeting Minutes

9/22 Presidents' Note

This week we’ll have our lunchtime meeting with Deborah Glisson, who will talk to us about the upcoming Rotary Leadership Institute session on Saturday, September 26, 2020, via Zoom (9 am to 2 pm). RLI Part I is for first-time attendees, and Parts II & III are for those who have attended the previous Part(s) in the past. Our club pays for your attendance, so consider signing up. It’s a great way to get new ideas to make our club better - and what we do even more valuable. 

Also I don’t know if you saw this in the Rotary news, but Jennifer E. Jones makes history by becoming the first woman named Rotary president-nominee, to which I say, about darned time! We heard Jennifer speak at the District Conference last October in Oswego and she’s scheduled to be president in the 2023-24 Rotary year. She’s very articulate and I think she’ll be an amazing leader! 

Even if you attended last week’s meeting, take a look at Deb's notes on last week’s speaker, Marilyn Uhl, and how our District Grant is helping change the lives of some great kids in Kenya. Amazing to hear! 

Finally, here’s an inspirational quote from Lucius Annaeus Seneca, a Roman polymath from the time of Nero, some 2,000 years ago. The happy life is not to be found in pleasures or possessions, wrote Seneca. It is a life spent in pursuit of virtue, of learning what is the right thing to do and then doing it -- no matter how many people do otherwise. We may live to old age or die young; we may be healthy or sick, rich or poor: These are matters of fortune beyond our control. We control only our own thoughts and actions, how we conduct ourselves and how we treat others. So treat each other well, and join us at this week’s meeting!

29 Board Meeting

In attendance: Dave P, Jim, Deb, Bob, Gordie, Mary Ann, Pete

Finances: No change since last month. No new checks written or sent out. Jim will send out a bill for October's Happy Dollar. Jim will reach out to Brooke about adding her to the bank account. 

Membership: Bob set up a new Facebook page "Tully NY Rotary Club" because ours was taken down. Bob asks that everyone invite friends/family, and add pictures and Rotary information. Deb will highlight speaker info with a pic when possible. There is also a Linkedin site for those who use that platform.

Service Projects: See Hal's report below. Highlights:

September 28, 2020   Service Project Report to Tully Rotary BOD    

Hal Brown, Service Projects Chair

Future grant idea:

24 September Guest PGD Deborah Glisson 

In attendance: Dave P, Bob, Jim, Suzanne, Dave S, Pete, Devin, Gordie, Deb, Hal, Bill Conole(guest), Deb Glisson (guest)

Pete introduced Deb, Prior District Governor from Marcellus in addition to other committees/Officer positions. She's involved in Rotary Leadership Institute(RLI). This is not Rotary International, however they support RLI to improve knowledge of Rotary and collaboration. RLI wants to help all Rotarians be able to lead in any event. With the Institute, we rely on materials we have that tell a lot about what it is and how it operates. We like people to attend sessions. For the past eight years its been at Verenon Verona Sherrill HS. Our District, this Saturday, is serving as a pilot for North America and Bermuda. Its running via Zoom from 9 - 2 with breaks, lunch and sessions. All of the same information will be covered. The sessions are led by facilitators who pose questions for the group to discuss.  We were able to have a variety of facilitators from around the Northeast this year. Levels 2 & 3 are more details around the same topics. All materials will be electronic and able to be downloaded.

Level 1 Sessions:                                                    

Levels 2 & 3 build on the above topics and Graduate level will focus on the idea of Diversity. 

We hope for future networking following the event. All participants are encouraged to speak. Our hope is that participants will leave with ideas for thier club. 

Deb G shared that Jim and Pete are premier facilitators. They always receive great compliments. Pete has gained many connections with people in other clubs. Jim believes all Rotarians should attend at least Level 1. It's the most valuable Rotary learning experience. Saturday's event is closed, but there are openings in the virutal Harrisburg event in October. There will likely be another event in November. 

Tully Projects: Dictionary Project - Tully Teachers were reluctant to take a print book. Annabeth has those books. The grade three teachers would like us to come to discuss Rotary and make books optional and the remainder would be donated to Books for the World. LaFayette and Fabius are still interested in accepting Dictonaries for thier students.                                          Chicken Barbecue- We need to start figuring out who can help with prep and day of activities. We'll be contacting all members to get involved. We can get charcoal for half the price through a Loft vendor. Craig Clemons will be our go to guy. Tully Building typically donates time and resources. We'll get a letter to them. They've typically transported charcoal and take back what's not used. Suzanne asked if prepayments are possible. That is possible. Chicken could be wrapped in foil in lieu of insiultated bags if we need. We do have the bags donated this year. Mary Rapp has done baked beans in the past. Four ounce cups are used for packing. 

Next week is Assembly at 7:30. All Committees will be discussed. 

17 September Guest Marilyn Uhl - Director of Living Hope High School in Bungoma, Kenya

In attendance: Gordie, Bob, Deb, Devin, Janet Joslyn (guest), Dave S, Dave P, Sandy Binotto (guest), Suzanne, Katie Adkins(guest), Mary Ann, Pete, Jim, Hal, Marily Uhl (guest)

Gordie introduced our guests, Marilyn Uhl and Sandy Binotto of the Living Hope HS in Kenya. Marilyn started the school with absolutely nothing and is now educating about 100 students. Sandy narrated a video that was shared. Marilyn shared that Rotary has been a partner from the beginning. The mission team was greeted by all of the students. Within the mission team was a medical team, construction team and religious people. A construction team built 5 classroom. They've had seven computers donated. One student is now a teacher and getting his masters degree. Another is the Principal of the Building. Soccer equipment and uniforms were also donated. Student graduates are attending college all over Kenya in a variety of programs.

Marilyn and Sandy also shared: Over the past nine years, teams have gone to Africa. An application process and team meetings prepare all members for the trip. Everyone alive is welcome. We take your gifts/talents and learn a lot. We now have 89 students. Kids are teaching each other during COVID. Some stayed because they live here, others stayed to help with a variety of needs. We are and have been supported by individuals, churches and other organizations for the past 11 years. We look for sponsors for individual students. Our Buckets of Hope project is the distribution of buckets filled with food, soap, personal items for 2-3 days. Donors are always needed. The kids and community here have changed because of our school. We hire local people to help support both the individuals and our school. We have better food security, better education, people who are open to new things, and personal finances are much better. Hundreds of student apply annually and it's a privilege to attend school. We touch the students and they touch the Mission team members.  

Gordie: If you haven't been to a third world county, the work that's been involved in starting this school is not imaginable. The students did lots of the work in building with the 10,000 bricks. Wood fired stoves were used for all of the kids. They have planted dozens of trees now intended to be wood for the fires on their own land. Soccer fields are "mowed" with a machete. The graduates of this school contribute to the Kenya economy.

Tully Rotary Business: Chicken Barbecue is the best solution for Election Day. It will be held at the Town Pavilion, if possible. Suzanne is making lots of contact for all that needs to be done (permits, equipment, chicken, etc). A lot of pieces have to fall into place for this to happen. We're going to rely on Jim and Pete with their experience. Make sure someone contacts the fire department for the "grill". Pete has info on money spent in prior years. Jim's info from his church. ($1.59/lb for chicken) Pete said it's great to get donations for the ingredients to offset costs.

Speaker schedule: We have an opening for next week. Please let Suzanne know if you have a guest

Interact: Live meeting next week to prep for Pennies for Polio and discussion of potentially doing a virtual fund rasing event to support them as their pancake breakfasts are cancelled through December. We could add Pennies for Polio at the Election Day Chicken Barbecue.

RLI: Saturday, Sept 26. Info is being distributed today. Cost is $25. More details comining. Great event for all who haven't been or haven't been in awhile. Pete will contact Deb Glisson to speak to us next week. 

We ended with the 4-Way Test.

10 September Guest Dr. Timothy Creamer - Otisco Lake Preservation Association (OLPA)

In attendance: Bob, Dave P, Deb, Gordie, Dave S, Suzanne, Jim, Pete, David Knapp(guest)

Bob introduced Dr Creamer, President of OLPA. There is a concern and hard work directed at water pollutant and invasive species.

OLPA Mission: To preserve the health, beauty and welfare of our lake, not only today, but for future generations. Lake data: 6 miles long and 70 feet deep. It's the primary water source for SW Syracuse area; serving 340,000 residents and customers. 18 million gallons/day taken from lake by OCWA through a gravity throw process to treatment plant. An additional 3 million gallons for Nine Mile Creek. All Finger Lake lakes are very different and different entities. 

OLPA Established initially in 2009 to focus on how to control weed growth. It's a no membership group and contribution based club. Moratoriums were adopted by all towns surrounding Otisco Lake to stop Fracking. 2014 -started to look at invasive species ID and control. 2020 primary issue has been focusing in on Native plants.

OLPA has a long list of partners (ie., surrounding local businesses, Towns, County, and State agencies) who have helped in different ways to provide service to and preservation of the lake. 

OLPA Accomplishments: 

Near term goals: 

Future Vision


3 Sept Assembly meeting 

Attendees: Dave S, Jim, Suzanne, Bob, Pete, Dave P

Board Meeting Minutes September 1, 2020

In attendance: Hal, Mary Ann, Bob, Deb, Dave, Jim, Pete

Finances: See Jim's report below

Tully Rotary Club balance sheet as of September 1, 2020


  Current Assets


       Checking Account                    705.17

       PayPal                                        755.22

       Petty Cash                                   77.79

       Savings Account                      1695.09

Total Checking/Savings                  3877.57

Total Current Assets                      3877.57

TOTAL ASSETS                                 3877.57



     Opening Balance Equity          12,036.03

     Retained Earnings                     -3,061.52 

     Net Income                                  -5,096.94

 Total Equity                                        3877.57

TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY           3877.57

Membership :Packets will be ordered. We continue to have some members who haven't paid dues. In November, they'll receive a final notice of payment. If they do not pay, they will no longer be a Rotary member. We'll continue to promote Happy Dollar quarterly payments. 

Membership: Dave and Bob had a good Zoom with Janet who provided lots of information. In the past we've paid for a couple members to attend RLI. We have new members who haven't done it yet. Bob does need a current list of all members. That can be found on Club Runner. Dave will work with Bob to make sure his list is accurate. 

Bob and Dave had a conversation about redesigning the "Rotary wall" at the church to help increase promotion of the club and encourage recruitment. Should we look into a bigger presence on social media? Dave and Deb post events of FB for Rotary and Interact. 

Service Report: September 1, 2020   Service Project Report to Tully Rotary BOD    

Samaritan Center – Brooke Reilly, Mary Ann Murphy, and Dave Sandwick- On Hold, to date, I have not seen any kind of feedback from the Samaritan Center (re:  Request to Brooke to contact the Samaritan Center)

Business Backstory – Dave Perkins -- On Hold, no action. 

Wreaths Across America (possible new project -- Tom Billard)  -- On Hold, no action.

Monetary Donation -- School in Kenya – Gordie Howard Request – This is not a Service Project, but has required a major contribution of club funds, with no further involvement by our club members.

I would point out that, when our club originally formed, we were not to be a, “checkbook club”, but a hands-on, member involved Rotary club. It was thru member involvement that the club would be strengthened.  This is an operating philosophy that ought to be discussed, or at least be considered when determining where we distribute OPM (Other People’s Money) that we have been given stewardship of, thru the community’s generosity at our various fund raisers.

Environmental Sustainability (ESRAG) – Re: January presentation by Chuck Tomaselli  -- Tully Rotary Club is an active member of District 7150, ESRAG, currently, I am acting as a temporary liaison. I have asked 7150 ESRAG to include Devin Shay on their distribution list, as a preliminary for him to take on liaison duties.  

Election Day Spaghetti Dinner  -- There seems to be a general feeling that spaghetti won’t work for a drive-up event, but a chicken BBQ may be a possibility. This does beg the question, what other options are there? At this point, an action team/committee should be formed to identify the project and a plan of action.  I’ll get started on forming one.

Dictionary Project – Third Grades – Tully, LaFayette, Fabius  -- This project could  be the start of Tully Rotary,  getting back in business. Pete advised we will need to address an unfortunate misunderstanding of the program by the Tully Elementary teachers, who refused to have their students receive dictionaries, last year. Therefore, I am requesting the Board of Directors to determine if our club should continue, or put on hold, or terminate the project.

In-Person Meetings  --  I request that this be an item of business for the BOD. Nancy Chawgo feels that we can restart in-person morning meetings that would be in conformance with current protocols and social distancing norms.  Right now, school is restarting, and this is not the time, but we should determine what needs to be happening for us to return to in-person meetings.                                                                                                        Hal Brown, Service Projects Chair 

In person meetings will begin when RI authorizes it as well as request when local memberst voice their support/or not for in person meetings. We also need permission from the church prior to starting. 

Chicken barbecue thoughts...most events in the past few months have been much smaller(about half the size) we do on Memorial Day and they are making a profit. Jim knows the details in doing a smaller barbecue because of his experience. It's much easier to do a drive through event. Could we use the TUCC church lot or a town trail on Election Day? 

August President's Message and Meeting Minutes

Presidents' Message 8/26/20

Fun meeting this week. Dee will lead a discussion to catch up on previous Youth Exchange kids. Who knows, we might even have a guest from a far away place, so please show up and support them. 

And, don’t forget to pay your quarterly donation jar PayPal. If you do it by next week’s meeting, Dave S will put your name in the proverbial hat for our first 50/50 drawing. And send Deb a Happy Dollar thought to let us all know what’s going on in your life. 

Finally, don’t know if you saw that the Rotary Foundation has set up a peer-to-peer fundraising platform called Raise for Rotary - it’s now live online. This new tool allows people to easily create fundraisers that support The Rotary Foundation, and U.S. members and donors will start to see more promotions in September. Raise for Rotary is a custom-branded platform that’s integrated with our existing online giving system. This makes it easier to create a fundraiser that supports specific Rotary causes, such as the areas of focus, fighting polio, or disaster response, and it expands our reach on social media. Might be interesting to use in conjunction with one of our projects. 

Meeting Minutes August 27, 2020

In attendance: Bob, Deb, Devin, Gordie, Dave S, Dee, Dave P, Jim, Pete

Guests: Laura Hildebrand and Lucia Chacana

Dee introduced our Youth Exchange program and our two guests for today. She also had comments from Amelia who wasn't on the call. First question, how did youth exchange impact who you are or how you handle yourself?  

Laura - The biggest thing it did for me was I wanted to challenge myself to do new things I was "closed". I didn't say yes to a lot. I said yes to milking cows and joining FFA. I tried a lot of things that I'd never have done before. I came home a much better person. It made me more determined in all that I do. The American school system is way more competitive than Denmark. It can be fun. I use that when I go into projects. I stayed with the Currie family. I was able to go to the NYS Fair and being part of FFA. I went to Wisconsin for a cow show. I was able to check in as an international guest with extra snacks. :)  

Lucia - I had a little bit of an idea because my brother went on exchange too, but we had different experiences. It made me be determined to do what I wanted to do. I felt like I was able to accomplish anything. Everything seemed easier when I came home because I had to step up my game in the US and when I came back home. 

Amelia from Taiwan- She shared two experiences. What made me feel/think definitely was my third host family, The Ball family and volunteering at the Samaritan Center with Rotary. I didn't know if I could finish a PIG assignment on Abortion because it had a lot of medical terms. The Ball family helped me so much. Challenges can be fun. I tend to think and feel more. I think communication is very important between student and host family. After the Samaritan Center , I learned not to waste food and cherish everything/resource sI get. I encourage others not to waste as well because of the need of others. 

Dave P - Lucia lived with Dave's family. We had our first ever international event for ice skating. She invited many other International students and they brought food. We had so much snow when she arrived from Argentina. She tried to snow shoe on her first day.

There is no current exchange in both Denmark and Argentina. Brazil is also struggling so no travel into Argentina at this time from anywhere in the world. I've heard that Argentina is having the largest quarantine in the world. We were the last Province to get a Corona Virus case. In general, we are doing good. The health system is collapsing, of course, but handling it ok. In Denmark, travel is restricted both in and out of our country. We were a bit under control and in the last couple of weeks, there has been more spread.  Laura is back at school. I'm at a film festival right now that I made with Lucia. We just started to wear masks about a week ago. 

Dee asked about political impact: 

Laura - No political impact in Denmark. We just hear about Donald Trump. Lucia - In Argentina, there are a lot of fires around the country in the mountains provoked by humans for no reason. and some are out of control. There are many marches around the country due to the impact on our natural resources. 

Question from Dave P - Is there anything we should promote Exchange in a Covid world? Using Technology is a great way even though time zones can make it difficult. Being aware of what's happening around the world is good. 

Question from Deb - Why Exchange? - for Lucia it was about moving out of my comfort zone, to find myself, and explore. For Laura - What should motivate people is curiosity, learning a new language, making new friends and exploring new places. 

Question from Pete - Do you get to use your English at home? 

Laura - When I do work with exchange students I do, but also in Denmark we have subtitles. When we study the text is in english. When I talk with other exchange students we also speak in english.

Lucia - I studied english translation for three years. I've now started a theatre course of study. I want to keep practicing because I don't want to lose what I've learned. 

Happy Dollar Thoughts

Dave P: I'm happy for the NYS Park system, since it's let my wife and I get a little time out of the house and away from the computer, and it's a chance to use my crazy roof top tent on top of my Subaru.

Deb C: I'm happy for my two grandsons, Liam (almost 3) and Henry (15 months) who are visiting this week! Although they are non-stop and I'm exhausted, they are just so happy! We are never at a loss for smiles and laughter.

Bob B - I’m happy to be celebrating my daughter's birthday. Proud as heck of the smart and responsible woman she has become. 

We ended the meeting with the Four Way Test

Meeting minutes  August 20, 2020

In attendance: Dave P, Dave S, Bob, Deb, Suzanne, Jim

Happy Dollar and 50-50 raffle dues are now needed. We'll start with a drawing at next week's meeting.

When using Google Meets, please make sure to use a google account. Both Safari and Chrome platforms work. 

Our guest speaker wasn't able to attend so we'll reschedule for September.

Presidents' Message 8/18/20

You may have noticed that Jim has sent out invoices for our typical meeting fundraising, which we’re now doing virtually and including the whole club (rather than those lucky enough to attend the meetings). This means your donations will support the food pantries and club expenses, and you’ll be automatically entered into our 50-50 raffle and you don’t need to be present to win. Feel free to send Deb your weekly Happy Dollar thoughts, since this is one way we can stay in touch with what’s important in the lives of our club; it’s another reason to read the club newsletter. 

You may have noticed in the note from RI President, Holger Knaack that August is Membership and New Club Development Month. This is the perfect time to celebrate and recognize the amazing work of Rotarians and Rotaractors around the world. Share the gift of Rotary by referring a prospective member at rotary.org/join.

Thanks to Bob Burns for organizing our involvement with the Milk & Produce Giveaways. The latest was this Tuesday at the LaFayette Apple Festival Grounds. Bob can give us details on how it went at this week’s meeting. 

Speaking of which, we have another early morning meeting this week - unlike our in-person meetings, you can sleep in and attend in your pajamas, if you want. We’ll start at 730 sharp - and will be using Google Meet. You might want to download the app on your phone. 

Meeting Minutes 8/12/20 @ noon

In attendance: Dave P, Dave S, Jim, Suzanne, Bob, Gordie, Deb, Hal, Bill, Pete

Jim - Gordie asked that a $5000 check be sent for the books. We will have just over $1000. Church barbecue went well. Easier to do pre-orders and curbside pick up. We had more orders than prior events. There is a much cheaper option for purchasing supplies than Cortland. Hal suggests we aim for the Election Day spaghetti supper. We would be in conflict with the Masons for a chicken barbecue, but he thinks if we're not in conflict with other groups, it would work. Randy D and Pete C would need to be involved to help with a smooth transition. He thinks one good fundraiser this fall. Dave wonders if we should do a chicken barbecue on Election Day.  Gordie shared that Otisco has been successful with chicken barbecue's as well. Same with LaFayette. Jim likes the meatball sub instead of spaghetti for take out. Without access to an approved kitchen, the spaghetti dinner will be tougher to take place. Gordie suggested we contact the contributors to the spaghetti dinner be offered the opportunity to help with a chicken barbecue. Hal will take the lead on the change to Election Day Chicken Barbecue and start contacting those who've previously been involved.

Fran Williams was not available for today's meeting. Suzanne is going to talk about her businesses, The Loft Golf Course and Restaurant. She's going to talk about Covid impact!  Covid shutdown happened at a good time for a golf course, but there were so many new rules to follow. We submitted a safety plan for each part of our business (golf course and restaurant). Suzanne checked the State website due to limited information being provided. She now receives daily emails from Cuomo. The Golf Pro did the affirmation, etc for the golf course, ie., masks, signage, daily health log for employees, sanitation logs for the bathrooms. In the dining room they didn't have to move furniture, but alternating tables are "closed" and, therefore, reduced capacity. Outside seating has been very popular. We spread our tables out and put out picnic tables down below. Families love the picnic tables. Kids can play in the grass. We have had an increase in the restaurant business with reservations. This helps with appropriate staffing and food demand. We've been nervous about the Health Department showing up because of unclear rules and we did have a surprise visit from the Health department. Thankfully, we had only violations with new Covid requirements. The tavern is a very large foyer right now due to social distancing requirements. Our chef is now smoking meat outside. One difficult piece of these changes is the owness on the business owners/employees to "police" social distancing and mask wearing. For the most part, people follow rules and are respectful. Business has been good, but we've also had increased costs due to masks, sanitizing of all areas, etc. Most golf tournaments and the two weddings we had scheduled have been cancelled this year which will also have a financial impact. Thanks so much Suzanne for the tour!

Other business: What do you think of moving to Google Meets. There is no time limit. Dave will give it a try. 

What do you think of the Happy Dollar and 50/50 raffle on a quarterly basis. Pete mentioned it to a few other clubs and they thought it was a good idea. Everyone can send an email message to Deb. She'll post the happy dollar thoughts in the meeting minutes. Dave S will figure out how to do the raffle. We'll do them one time per month. Pete thinks Happy Dollars will help with the fellowship part of the meeting. Jim will invoice $12 monthly ($3/meeting) in advance through PayPal. We ended with the 4 Way Test.

Follow-up from a guest speaker...

Dear Mary Ann, 

I hope this finds you and your club well! I wanted to update you on a few items since my visit with you. 

Alzheimer's Dementia Rotary Action Group (ADRAG): 

Walk to End Alzheimer's 2020 is moving forward, and this year, Walk is EVERYWHERE — on every street, trail, and treadmill, and in every neighborhood. While we can’t gather in large groups - we ARE WALKING.  We are walking safely as individuals, families, and teams. While so much has changed this year, one thing hasn't - our commitment to fundraise and End Alzheimer’s.  As part of a collaboration between the Alzheimer's Dementia Rotary Action Group, ADRAG decided to become a National Team for the Walk to End Alzheimer’s where we provide a branded team page for any Rotary club to register under. Rotarians do not need to be a member of ADRAG to register under this group page, and although this is a National effort, your participation in Walk and fundraising will support the local Alzheimer's Association Central New York Chapter. Attached is a flyer with a little more information, and if you are interested in participating in or learning more about Walk, please let me know and I can connect you to your Walk's Staff Partner.   We could do a Club to Club competition! 

Below is information regarding several items that came up as interests by your membership during my visit.   

Alzheimer's and Other Dementia Research: 

The Alzheimer's Association is once again hosting their annual global conference for international research professionals. The event was scheduled for Amsterdam this year but due to the ban on large events and limited international travel, the event is being held virtually this week. Because it is virtual all Alzheimer's staff and volunteers can attend this exciting event. I would be more than happy to send a summary of what I learn regarding strides in current dementia research. 

Volunteer Opportunities:

In addition to our standard volunteer roles, we have added several virtual volunteer roles, 

please let me know if you have any interest in more information for any of these items. 

With kindest regards, Pamela 

Presidents' Message 8/12/20

Happy Wednesday. This week we have a lunchtime meeting. We’ve adjusted our calendar to include morning and lunchtime meetings; we hope one of these will fit in your schedule!

Hal is revitalizing his Service Committee with Devin and Brooke joining. Here is his updated report from last week’s Assembly meeting: Service Committee Report. We look forward to the team's recommendation for projects this fall, including a revitalized Dictionary Project and the 7150 District Environmental ESRAG project. 

At last week’s meeting, we discussed bringing back some traditions of typical Rotary meetings. One thing we miss out by not having a morning meeting is the opportunity to donate to food pantries with our Food Jar and also the ability to share Happy Dollars. Based on our discussion, I propose we collect a quarterly donation from members - $3 per week to cover a 50/50 raffle, Happy Dollar and Food Jar donation. Jim will send an invoice at the start of each quarter, we’ll include Happy Dollars at the weekly meetings (or virtually in Deb’s newsletter). 

Finally, many of us have asked ... “when can we get back together?”. Obviously our #1 concern is to keep our club (and those we interact with) safe. I did check in with Cheryl Matt, D7150 Governor, who said “ The District will not be putting together any in-person meeting guidelines. It's up to every club to follow the NYS and health dept. guidelines for masks, social distancing, etc. As a District Governor, we were guided by our Rotary Zone Coordinators to do all our official visits via Zoom, phone or other virtual means. Too many chances of exposure. In fact, Rotary International staff have all been told to do all their meetings virtually through the calendar year. Individual clubs have to make their own decisions. And most every club is using zoom right now for their meetings.” We’ll keep an eye on the situation.

Presidents' Message 8/5/20

Hi Rotullians, as Dave P’s mom Rachel would call us. This week we start our new schedule, where the first meeting of the month is a 730 morning meeting on Thursday. We’re reinstating our Assembly meeting on the first Thursday of the month, where all members are expected to attend and participate. It’s the monthly meeting where we plan our next steps. Please make every effort to attend. And if you lead a committee, please prepare a short update on current status, future projects, and questions for the group to discuss. 

If you haven’t already, please contact Suzanne about your speaker - as we move to get a consistent and interesting schedule of talks for our other meetings. If you don’t pick by the end of the week, you will be assigned a date; if you haven’t found one recently, expect to be tops on the list. 

Finally, don't forget about the Youth Exchange Committee’s first Welcome Home online event in honor of all the exchange students who represented our district overseas this past year this Wednesday at 6pm.The students who were abroad this past year have had more challenges than most of our past Youth Exchange classes. These students were brought home at a moment’s notice and ripped away from a host family and country that loved them and to whom they did not get to say good-bye. All the same, they have created memories that will last their lifetime and provide special insights and skills that will help us navigate the trying times we face. This will be a memorable evening for all viewers as we share in the experiences of our returned exchange students who have represented this district and the United States abroad this past year - and will surely be an uplifting, emotional, and inspirational evening. Here’s the link for event: 


August 6, 2020 Assembly meeting 7:30am

Attendance: Dave P, Dave S, Suzanne, Deb, Hal, Bob, Pete

Dave would like to bring back some protocols of typical Rotary meetings. Should we make time for Happy Dollar, 50/50 raffle and food pantry donation? All three will cost each member $3 per each Assembly meeting with a quarterly payment through Pay Pal. If you aren’t in attendance, please email Deb your Happy Dollar thought and it will be included in the minutes.  Dave S will do card selections at the assembly meetings monthly.

Service: Hal provided notes for all of our current projects. Service Committee Minutes Hal is specifically looking for a club member to be part of the 7150 District Environmental project. We also talked about options for a spaghetti/meatball sub dinner as a drive through option on Election Day. Is there a member who wants to take a lead on this project? Hal would volunteer to work with Devin as the service committee to work with the Rotary member who wants to take a lead on this project. Hal recommends and believes it could be a new member since it’s a new project. Dictionary project may look different, but is possible in a different format. Dave thinks this could be a great PR opportunity to share our story and purpose. Could it also be combined with a fundraiser opportunity with both events?

 A number of members had trouble logging into zoom through the newsletter. Everything in the newsletter has been updated. Please let me know if you continue to have trouble. Thanks. Deb

August 4, 2020

Tully Rotary Board Meeting Minutes 6pm

In attendance: Dave, Deb, Hal, Jim, Bob, Pete, Gordie


Review last meeting’s minutes:

Hal asked for clarification about the potential for in person meetings. We could look into what other clubs are doing. Dave will talk with Cheryl Matt to seek guidance about the District. Pete shared how Greene Rotary Club did a chicken BBQ with a different process. Jim shared the process how the church is having their chicken barbeque this weekend. Jim will get us feedback after the weekend. ) Hal shared his experience working with Skaneateles. Simple protocols with one way directions work well. 

New schedule begins this week (7:30AM and 12:00PM alternating meetings. 

 In the Rotarian there was an example of how to run virtual meetings similar to in person, ie., Sergeant at Arms, happy dollar, etc. Dave likes the idea for everyone to pay “happy dollar” whether they attend or not. If not available to attend, then their thoughts will be shared in the minutes so we all stay in touch. Jim suggests send it quarterly not weekly to limit the number of Paypal transactions.

Service Report: Eastern Farm Workers plan would like our financial support for back to school supply project. Gordie has a list of supplies based on his church’s work with the same group. Hal will work with Jim, Devin and Bob to put together a proposal. Historically we have supported back to school supplies with Flo Williams in Tully.  PEACE does all the legwork.

We will work with Interact students to help with Rotary projects. Pete asked about Samaritan Center access. Dave with check with Brooke. Rotary donated $550 during COVID. Spaghetti dinner is another fundraiser we need to think about as a possibility. There is no school that day. Typically, this fundraiser breaks even. Last year we did have several donations. Could we still do a ShelterBox donation through a Virtual Fundraiser asking for community support. Hal would like to see us do something that shows this is an event to highlight Rotary. How about meatball subs instead of spaghetti dinner?

Finance report: Savings: $6595 PayPal $1065 Regular Checking $3790 Apple Fest $1800 This includes most checks having been checked. All Rotary International dues have been paid. We are missing membership dues for two members. 

Grant Update:  Things seem to be in good shape. Gordie has asked the School Director to speak with us. One issue is that we are paying for book covers and there may be a delay due to International mail delays. Everyone is working well together.

 Membership: no discussion…ran out of time. Membership meeting minutes were sent to Board for review and comment.

July Presidents' Message and Meeting Minutes

Presidents' Message:

This week we have Rotary District 7150 Governor 2020-2021 Cheryl Matt attending our Zoom meeting to talk about our district goals for the year. It’s a very important club meeting, so please make every attempt to attend. Our lunchtime Zoom meetings are quick and efficient, so easy to fit into the workday. Please reach out if you have questions on how to use Zoom; we’d be glad to give you a quick tutorial. 

Also Tully was one of the 2019-20 ShelterBox Heroes and only 4 clubs attained that distinction in our District, so we’re part of an exclusive club. Tom Deuson, our local ShelterBox rep (he's from Henderson Harbor near Watertown) will be with us as well as PDG Randy Wilson.

Finally, starting in August, we’ll be adjusting our meeting schedule to better fit the schedule of those who can’t do a morning meeting. Harkening back to our old schedule, the first and third Thursdays will be morning meetings from 730-8. The second and fourth Thursdays will be lunchtime meetings from 12-1230. And the fifth Thursday, when they occur, will be a break week, so no meeting. 

As we adjust to our new reality, please think about how we can make our club more effective - at a time when the world needs Rotary more than ever.  Hope to see you on Thursday!

Meeting Minutes:

We welcomed guests John Masters, Tully Town Supervisor and Cathy Goodwin, Tully Town Councilor to our meeting to discuss the solar  projects in the town. With New York State’s goal of 70% of electricity by the year 2030 to come from renewable energy sources, the State  has offered a variety of solar incentives for residential solar projects up to larger scale projects. The town created a solar law covering regulations for installation and use of solar equipment and reviewed plans from other nearby communities prior to formalizing their law. The town approved three Tier 3 community solar projects named for the property owners: Potter North (North Rd), Potter South (Rt 11 South) and Drumm (Rt 11 South). The two south projects are adjacent properties. The  capacity of each project is five megawatts, which according to the developer, provides enough energy to support the town.  The town also created a law that allows the town to enter into an agreement with the property owner or applicant to receive a Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILOT).  The PILOT is in effect for 15 years and escalates annually. With community solar,  anyone that pays an electric bill can sign up and subscribe to a share of the community solar, at no cost, to receive a small discount on the generation portion of their electric bill. Local advertising to assist in sign-up will be posted throughout the community. For more information, please contact the Tully Town Board. We greatly appreciate their time in sharing this project with our Rotary members.     

Discussion for meetings in the immediate future: We will continue with Zoom meetings for July and August. We also discussed how to engage others who aren’t able to attend noon meetings. Beginning in August, we will alternate meeting times as follows:

**When you are assigned to find a speaker, and are unable, we ask that you share something, a “Rotary minute”. This can be any topic of your interest around Rotary including committee information, future events, thoughts/ideas to share with the club. 

Financial Report: 

We are currently waiting on approval for the Kenya project grant from Rotary International.

July 9 Rotary meeting:  in attendance – 9 members

We welcomed Lizzy Martin today. Lizzy just concluded her Rotary year as the Baldwinsville Rotary President. She is also a past secretary. In addition, she is the District 7150 PR Chair, Website Editor and Publisher. She shared her screen with us to do a virtual tour of our District 7150 website as well as the Rotary International website. There are a tremendous number of resources available to all members. Please take the time to wander through these sites. All Rotary members have access to both websites. You had an ID and password created for you on our District 7150 page (Rotary7150.org) using the email you provided to our club when you first joined. Club Runner is the platform used for this site. Take a look at your profile and update any and all information that you would like included. You have the ability to “lock” any information that you would like to keep private on your account. All information that you put into this site will automatically sync to Rotary International. (Rotary.org) Please create an account at RI (Rotary.org) if you do not already have one. You can select both your ID and password for RI. Please let Deb know if you have questions. Thanks Lizzy for sharing with us today. 

We will continue with Zoom meetings through the end of August. See the schedule above for dates and times. Suzanne will be your contact for guest speakers. Each member should be thinking of someone they could contact to be a guest to present to our club. 

July 16, 2020:  in attendance 8 members

Kate Fitzpatrick, Town of Otisco Historian, joined us today. She got involved after researching the Town of Otisco for over 20 years. She started with the Fitzpatrick family.  She worked with Jane Baritell on the Munson monument project. There are many town records that have a lot of missing data. Prior Historians passed away and records were held by the family, but she hopes to get them. There are some assorted records that have been stored in the Town Building. All information has to be logged and categorized. Tax and Census records have been found back to 1888. Many families have been coming forward to share records. An 1868 map of Otisco Lake has been located.  She is looking to have “markers” approved, one specifically for the Causeway on Otisco Lake. She has worked with the Tully and LaFayette Town Historians as well as NYS Historical Groups to be able to complete all accurate documents. A 1912 Water fountain in front of the Otisco Presbyterian Church was exciting to find as one of the only in the area. Kate has received a $10,000 grant to preserve the documents in her office. She has received two years of flag donations (5000 flags) to mark every veteran graves in Otisco and Amber. She has had a Tully Boy Scout group and FFA members help identify graves as well as provide other specific data. She will have each grave appraised. She is starting to write grants to get work done on the stones. Kate educates people on the preservation of their materials. No gloves when opening materials because they cause micro-tears. Materials can be scanned or donated to the town. She can also assist with family tree development. Kate has many town and church records to help families. Newspaper.com is a private service with information back 300 years to also help. Local Church records are now being updated. If we need any help, Kate is glad to assist. Feel free to get in touch. Thanks Kate for joining us.

Q & A

Interact members will be happy to help with any projects. 

Bob found an 1873 map in his garage of the county identifying individual residents who lived there at the time. Kate is working to preserve the areas of the map that are salvageable and share other towns.

Is there a cost for services that Kate provides? No charge for Otisco 

Role differences between town Historian or Historical Society? Two different governing boards with differing rules/laws. Historical Society is generally a group of volunteers who assist the town. Otisco does not yet have a Historical Society.

July 23 

Rotary District 7150 Governor 2020-2021- Cheryl Matt attended our Zoom meeting to talk about our district goals for next year. Tom Deuson, form ShelterBox, presented our Hero Award (our third year donating $1000. Tully was one of the 2019-20 ShelterBox Heros and only 4 clubs attained that distinction in our District. ShelterBox has helped 1.5 million people in the 20 years its been in existence, covering 300 disasters in 97 countries. Syria has been the longest running disaster, where they’ve helped 55,000 families since 2012. 

We discussed helping the Eastern Farmworkers, who are organizing a back-to-school project  -  an important one for needy kids in this COVID world. Devin will check in and see how we can help. 

Finally, Mark Matt (Cheryl's husband and chair of the grant committee) was at the meeting. He confirmed that our grant application for textbooks for the school in Kenya was approved for the full amount. 


Object of Rotary

The Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in particular, to encourage and foster: