
The aim of this book is to lower the bar of entry into algebraic geometry. As such, it is written to be accessible to students with a basic understanding of rings and ideals, with a preliminary chapter reviewing the relevant ring-theoretic concepts in the context of polynomial rings. The majority of the book is focused on the interplay of algebra and geometry in the setting of affine varieties. This includes complete proofs of Noether normalization and the Nullstellensatz, as well as a chapter on dimension theory and a chapter on tangent spaces and smoothness. It also contains several chapters on projective and quasiprojective varieties.

The book was completed in June 2024, and we are currently seeking a publisher. Please feel free to send us feedback if you use the book. 

Papers  (student coauthor, [20xx] = year of arXiv submission, hyperlinks to arXiv)

Lorentzian fans [2023]

International Mathematical Research Notices, 22 (2023) 19697-19742

Mixed volumes of normal complexes [2023]

with Lauren Nowak and Patrick O'Melveny

Discrete and Computational Geometry (to appear)

Pseudostable Hodge Integrals [2022]

with Renzo Cavalieri, Joel Gallegos, Brandon Van Over, and Jonathan Wise

International Mathematical Research Notices, 19 (2023) 16200-16225

Tropical fans and normal complexes [2021]

with Anastasia Nathanson

Advances in Mathematics, 420 (2023)

Matroid psi classes [2021]

with Jeshu Dastidar

Selecta Mathematica, 28, 55 (2022)

Polynomiality of factorizations in reflection groups [2020]

with Elzbieta Polak

Canadian Journal of Mathematics, 75 (2023) 245-266

Topology of Z_3-equivariant Hilbert schemes [2018]

with Deborah Castro

Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 25 (2019)

Localization and mirror symmetry [2018]

Contemporary Mathematics, 763 (2021) 43-65

Wall-crossing in genus-zero hybrid theory [2018]

with Emily Clader

Advances in Geometry, 21 (2021) 365-384

The genus-one global mirror theorem for the quintic threefold [2017]

with Shuai Guo

Compositio Mathematica, 155 (2019) 995-1024

Genus-one mirror symmetry in the Landau-Ginzburg model [2016]

with Shuai Guo

Algebraic Geometry, 6 (2019) 260-301

Sigma models and phase transitions for complete intersections [2015]

with Emily Clader

International Mathematical Research Notices, 15 (2018) 4799-4851

On GW/DT and Ruan's conjecture for Calabi-Yau 3-orbifolds [2014]

Communications in Mathematical Physics, 340 (2015) 851-864

Donaldson-Thomas theory and resolutions of toric A-singularities [2014]

Selecta Mathematica, 23 (2017) 15-37

Wall-crossing in genus-zero Landau-Ginzburg theory [2014]

with Yongbin Ruan

Crelle's Journal, 733 (2017) 183-201

Cyclic Hodge integrals and loop Schur functions [2014]

with Zhengyu Zong

Advances in Mathematics, 285 (2015) 1448-1486

Crepant resolutions and open strings [2013]

with Andrea Brini and Renzo Cavalieri

Crelle's Journal, 155 (2019) 995-1024

The gerby Gopakumar-Mariño-Vafa formula [2012]

with Zhengyu Zong

Geometry and Topology, 17 (2013) 2935-2976

The loop Murnaghan-Nakayama rule [2012]

Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, 39 (2014) 3-15

Localization and gluing of orbifold amplitudes: the Gromov-Witten orbifold vertex [2011]

Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 366 (2014) 1587-1620

Open Gromov-Witten theory and the crepant resolution conjecture [2011]

with Renzo Cavalieri

Michigan Mathematical Journal, 61 (2012) 807-837