
Photos from Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory, Chile. The big dome holds the Blanco Telescope currently equipped with the Dark Energy Camera (DECam) for the Dark Energy Survey.

Me. I'm a ghost. (Playing tricks with long-exposure photographs.)

Center of our Milky Way Galaxy. Blanco Telescope on the left.

Bottom Left: Milky Way. Upper Left: Large Magellanic Cloud. Above dome: Small Magellanic Cloud.

Blanco Telescope opening at sunset.

Blanco Telescope and the Dark Energy Camera (at top, in black).

Dark Energy Camera (in black).

Clouds are an astronomer's bane, but make great photos otherwise.

My friendly host! (at bottom, a bit to the right)

The fox enjoys the view too.


Life's about hanging on.

Mountains for miles.

The dorms at the end of the world.

Beautiful sunset. (But I'm 0/38 in seeing a green flash.)