On a wall at John Hopkins Oncology’s Department I noticed a board with quotes. Here is what one of the quote said:

“Not all of us can do Great things. But we can do small things with great love”. (Mother Theresa)

Good afternoon,

My name is Renee Cooper. Rossana and I met when Vincent and Sophie were at Greenbelt Nursery School. With their never ending generosity Rossana and Neil invited us to Vincent’s 4th birthday party at the outdoor playground. We liked each other from the beginning on. We had our European roots in common, had come to the States in the 90s, were married to american men, we both were mothers and lived in Greenbelt.

Over the years I had the privilege to get to know Rossana better and better. She was a very warm hearted person. Always busy, mostly thinking of others, seldom thinking of herself. She loved to throw parties and although Neil is a more quiet person the two of them opened their house for celebrations of all kinds. In particular I remember birthday parties, New Year’s Eve and July 4th parties. From now on for many of us July 4th will have a new meaning. I hope we will keep celebrating July 4th as the day of independence for the US together but I mostly look forward to celebrating Rossana’s life watching the annual fireworks knowing that Rossana’s life was filled with sparks and colors, celebrating her life, united if possible, as we are united here today - together.

Rossana and I enjoyed sharing time. Together we walked around Greenbelt Lake or trails at Greenbelt Park, usually with Alton, our dog. We drank Espressos at home, wine or an occasional beer at the New Deal, along with good music. At the beginning our kids played outside, later they often stayed with us to listen to music as well. We also shared the appreciation of food. Being italien, Gilda had taught her well, she always had plenty of food in the refrigerator and the tables were bending at parties - not to forget Neil’s venison stews.

Contrary to my personality… (I never used to question authority) I have learned from Rossana, who absolutely was the lioness watching over her cubs - with eagle eyes, to be the advocate of our children. Standing up for our children is our right and duty as parents. On many occasions I have asked Rossana’s advice and learned to step up in behalf of Nikos and Sophie. I became a Mama Bear because of Rossana - she made me a stronger mother.

And lately Rossana asked me to accompany her recent journey. Words are not my strength, the super power I was given is “touch”. I was invited to hug and hold Rossana, to apply Manual Lymph Drainage to help reduce swelling and massage with TLC (Tender Loving Care) to make her more comfortable. I feel extremely honored to have been able to be there for my friend.

“What kind of friend was Rossana to you?” I have been asked during the last days. ……”There is just one kind of friend…. The one with an open heart.”

“Not all of us can do great things

But all of us can do small things

With great love.”

Thank you.

Renee Cooper

I met Rossana and Neil in 2000 during a research cruise that we affectionately call “the cruise from hell”. Allow me to explain. The toilets, air conditioner, transmissions, autopilot, and the captain malfunctioned several times throughout the cruise. We were supposed to transit from Miami, Florida to the mouth of the Mississippi River, but never made it pass Marco Island, so not very far from where we departed. To make things more interesting, Rossana would wake up every morning with multiple insect bites, and she was the only one. She suspected fleas, but the crew angrily denied the possibility. The truth was exposed when we returned to port, and the dog of one of the crew members – a large dirty, hairy animal (the dog, not the sailor) jumped on board and made its way with great familiarity down to the sleeping quarters. Under normal circumstances, I would have declared this cruise a total failure and a monumental waste of time, except that I got to meet Rossana and Neil. I also have to admit that seeing Neil’s exasperation with the captain was very entertaining…. They would start to argue, and Rossana and I would just slowly walk away out of the danger zone….

Rossana, Neil, and I work in very similar research fields. We are interested in the color of the ocean. This could sound silly, but the color of a substance, in this case, the color of water, can tell you a lot about what is in it. So, understanding these relationships allows us to study the oceans using relatively simple field instruments, and most importantly, from space using satellites. Rossana’s work in this field was very important, as she focused on the relationship between chemical properties and color of a very interesting group of organic compounds found in natural waters. Over the years, Rossana became a very productive scientist, and her work has been cited over 2,700 times in the scientific literature. However, Rossana was not solely defined by her scientific work, for it always took second place to her family. The school and sports activities for Vincent and Giulia were never too complicated or too far away.

After we met, I kept in touch with my new friends, and tried to visit whenever I traveled to DC for NASA business. Rossana would pick me up at the Greenbelt metro station, and we would meet Neil at some nice restaurant for a quick bite. Eventually, Mayra and I moved to Maryland and our daughter was born about a year later.

Rossana basically adopted us. She would make certain that we had some place to go to celebrate on holidays, like Thanksgiving, Memorial Day, and else… We went camping together with many of her other friends…She knew that we were alone, in a new town, and she included us in her life. As Mayra mentioned yesterday, most of the people we know in the area, we met because of Rossana. She did not have to do that, she did it because she was, above all, a good, caring person. And whenever we went to any of many parties in her house, we will see all these kids from the neighborhood going in an out with total familiarity. Whenever Mayra invited Rossana to meet in some place like the ice arena or a park, it was common for her to show up with more than her two kids and a couple of pizza boxes for those kids. Seems like we were not the only family that Rossana adopted. That was Rossana, the mother, the friend. And at the center of this whirlwind of a life were always Giulia, Vincent, and Neil.

I have been receiving emails from many friends of Rossana and Neil. I have talked to a few in person. They tell me things like “I am confused”, “I am dazed”, “I do not understand”, I am so, so sad”, “ I am heartbroken”. All these, natural emotions, as the passing of someone like Rossana has to break one’s heart. It becomes natural that one starts to question why things like this happen, especially when so many lesser people just continue to roam the Earth. But I think that it is not useful to dwell on that. It happened, it is irreversible. Instead I propose that we should dwell on those lucky times that we shared with her. The long dinners; the bottles of wine, cheese, and prosciutto; the scientific arguments - philosophical and political ones; our shared concerns about the kids; her laughter; her easy smile; the long discussions about how to avoid ticks after a camp from hell in southern MD during Memorial Day weekend; or about who will and will not do the dishes after a long party. You see, these are the things we should dwell on. The small stuff that really is the salt of life. Rosanna for all us in here was a mother, a wife, a friend, and a scientist. I hope we just remember those little things until our time comes.


Rossana, dear amica, I will never forget your smile, your sweet and attentive sights, friendship and love for your family and friends were so evident in your eyes, every day! We have been friends for more than 15 years and it is still very hard for me have been such a present and close friend in my life... you followed me into the DIVE adventure and I am extremely grateful for that.. you did it for me, for our friendship! You and I laughed at our quirk likes, such as our love for ricotta forte! I think you are now in a room next door. Please speak and tease me as you always have, do not use a different tone or voice.. I need it !

We will continue to laugh at what made us laugh.

As Augustine wrote: the link between us is not’s here !

Ti porto e ti porterò sempre nel mio cuore.

Con tanto amore, Maby

Rossana adopted me and my small family when we came to MD. Her friends became my friends, and she was my family for 14 years. She was at all Isabella’s birthdays, her First Communion, ice skating competitions, and theater presentations, even when I asked her not to bother. She always made sure that we would not be alone on holidays, and that Isabella had a familiar face in her life, other than her parents’, as she was growing up. She provided constancy to a family with no family around, and for that, I will always be grateful to her. We will miss her deeply. Rossana era un angelo.

Mayra Berrios

Rosanna was such a sweet, caring and thoughtful person. My kids and I loved going to her house. Her kitchen was full of love and goodies she shared with us. She always made us feel so comfortable as if we were in our own home. In addition, she was always ready for an adventure! Niagara Falls, NYC were some of our favorite trips together. Italy was next. I love you Rosanna and will never forget the love you gave to us all.

Lilly Novick

Rossa, per me non sei andata via..

Dormi solo un sonno sereno mentre il tuo spirito impiegabile vive nei nostri cuori e ci incita alla vita piena.

Quando saremo tra amici in felice compagnia, tu sarai con noi sorridente.

Quando saremo nel dolore, ci sarai vicino e di conforto.

Quando i figli saranno bravi a scuola, tu sarai lì fiera.

Quando saranno scoraggiati, sarai lì a sussurrargli nell'orecchio "dai forza, coraggio, che la mamma vi è vicino!"

Quando Neil si sentirà solo o stanco, ecco che il tuo sorriso gli riempirà il cuore.

Quando mamma e le sorelle si chiederanno il "perché" di tante cose, gli dirai "è perché ho voluto così.."

Ci rivediamo presto Rossa! Fino a quel momento cercheremo di essere coraggiosi come te.


Rossa, you haven't really left us..

You are only sleeping a peaceful sleep while your unbreakable spirit lives in our hearts and incites us to live fully.

When we'll be happily among friends, you be there with us smiling.

When we'll be sad, you'll be close by to comfort us.

When the kids will do well in school, you'll be there proudly.

When they'll be discouraged, you'll whisper in their ear "come on, you can do this, mamma is with you!"

When Neil will feel lonely or tired, he'll think of your smile and that will fill his heart.

When mamma and sisters will ask "why" for this and that, gli dirai "..that's how I wanted it.."

See you soon Rossa! Until that time, we'll try to brave like you.

Annarita Mariotti

Rosanna made everyone feel welcomed and cared about. She put in a lot of hard work to support public education and the community of Greenbelt, but she always made it seem fun and worthwhile which made others join in the effort. Everyone benefited from her inclusive and loving spirit. When I think about Rosanna, I always remember her as leaning into a conversation and listening and talking in a way that was an invitation to make a caring connection. Her life can be an inspiration to all of us to be kind, love each other, and work together to make the world a better place.

Beth and Bill Novick

Cara Rossana,

Te ne sei andata silenziosamente,all`improvviso, come un fulmine a ciel sereno lasciando tutti, marito figli adolescenti sorelle e mamma costernati e devastati. Ed infine noi amiche, consigliere insieme a te delle DIVE.

Ti conoscevo da poco, ma mi hai fatto subito simpatia. Quando ci siamo incontrate la scorsa estate al primo meeting del nuovo Consiglio direttivo delle DIVE, ed io sono arrivata in ritardo al vostro tavolo come una furia avrai avuto di me una pessima impressione. Poi mi sono scusata perché ho incrociato il tuo sguardo sorpreso e incredulo.

In altre occasioni ho constatato che il tuo comportamento era quello di una persona dolce e nello stesso tempo divertente e spiritosa dedita sopratutto ai figli, al marito ed al lavoro, e mi dispiace che una volta ti ho quasi rimproverata perche non potevi essere presente ai meeting dell`Assemblea.

Ora provo un gran rimorso perché penso che non ti rivedremo mai piu. Io pregherò per te, mentre tu da lassù luogo di pace e di luce proteggi chi hai tanto amato.


I processed the visa for Rosanna to come to ESSIC. Upon her arrival she walked into my office with the brightest smile. She walked over to me and gave me the biggest hug to show her appreciation. She and I became good friends furing her time at the University and after I retired. She shared her wedding and birth of her 2 beautiful children with me. She always showed so much love for her family and for others. The last time I saw Rosanna was at my house for a Xmas party with me and other colleagues. I am so happy I had that opportunity to be with her. The last time I spoke with her was May, we were trying to meet before I moved to Florida. However, we didn't meet, I knew in my heart if she could, she would have made it happen. We both were busy, she at NASA and I was packing to move to Florida.

Neal, Vincent and Gulia your wife and mother will always be with you. God will help you get through this dark journey. As I will, remember that beautiful smile she always carried with her. I truly wish I could be there with all of you, I will continue to keep you and the rest of her family in prayers.

With all my love, Linda Carter

Dearest and sweet Rossana: Emanuela, Valentina, Alessandro and Andrew celebrate your life today. Fourteen years ago, I sat down with you, jut a few weeks after Vincent was born, to visit with you and your mom from Taranto. We were new moms, thrilled and a bit scared too. Luckily, your mom was there to make things easier (and make us laugh, too!). I have the fondest memory of your smile and warmth those days, sitting together and chatting about our new lives as mothers, in a new home away from home. You have always been caring; and welcoming; passionate and sincere; persistent and inclusive with friends; fun to be around; devoted mom and, active, always "on the move" organizing events; friends' gatherings and camping trips. Your children looked at you like the rock of the family. You were there for them, always. I could count on your unconditional friendship and support, too. Last month, we sat down together and shared a quiet, sweet dinner in Baltimore. We chatted like in the old days -- when we had our first born -- and we remembered some fun camping trips together. Your humor and optimism; your no-nonsense made me feel content and comfortable. You were my hero that night. For your friendship and for your love and warm, broad smile: I thank you. I have been blessed to know you. I love you, always.

Emanuela Montanari

Rossana and I first met when our kids were in preschool together. We became closer when our kids were on the same soccer team. Rossana was the team’s loudest cheerleader! She also served as an assistant coach and always lent a helping hand. Having kids in the same class for most of elementary school, we bonded. Whether it was griping about an assignment we thought was inappropriate, making sure our kids’ grades were correct, or helping with Write-A- Book; we always had something to chat about. Rossana was such a fun loving person. She enjoyed hosting parties and Italian Bingo at Christmas time. My kids loved going to Rossana’s house. She had all the treats and would generously offer them! Rossana helped me immensely after the birth of my fourth child. She often offered to give my kids a ride home from school or take them to Wizards games to get them out of the house. One summer day, she asked me if we wanted to join her, Neil and the kids at the beach. I declined because my youngest was about 6 months old and we had a teenage relative in town. Rossana did not hesitate to offer to take the older kids, relative included! This past Labor Day weekend, Rossana and I were both out with our kids on Saturday night. We ran into each other, as did the kids and had some nice quality time. At the end of the evening, Rossana did not want us to walk home alone. She and Guilia tracked all the way back to our house with us; totally bypassing the much shorter turn to their own house. That’s just the kind of person Rossana was; never thinking twice about looking out for others.

Thank you, Rossana for showing us what the true definition of a “super mom” is. We will never forget the bright energy you brought into every room. You will always have a special place in our hearts.


Johanna Moore & family

The things I will most remember about Rossana are her laugh and her fierce love for her family. She was a remarkable person who will be remembered and missed by all of us who knew her.

Melinda Brady

My husband and I ran into Rossana not long ago while taking a walk around the lake at Buddy Attick. We hadn’t seen each other in a good while but picked up where we left off like old friends do. Our day was so much brighter after that exchange, which was simply the case after being with Rossana. She was a connection to Italy for my husband. She helped normalize the ups and downs of motherhood for me. We will always remember her great laugh, her bubbly spirit, and her soft and welcoming touch with our children. We are saddened by this loss. Our hearts go out to Neil, Vincent, Giulia, and the rest of the family and friends. We will always hold Rossana in our hearts. Rossana, thank you for blessing our lives.

Tammy Colandrea + Family

I had the pleasure of getting to know Rossana when Giulia was dancing with me as part of the Greenbelt Dance Studio program at the community center. We would often chat a bit when she picked Giulia up from rehearsal as well as around town at the co-op or the New Deal when ran into each other around town. I was always grateful for Rossana's words of encouragement during busy times of year at the studio. She was always willing to help out as needed, and it meant a lot to have her support especially in the early days of the dance program when I had fewer resources and staff. I am so thankful that I had the opportunity to get to know her. I grieve with our entire community; her passing is a loss to so many who were known and encouraged by her.

Angella Foster

Rossana was an amazing mentor and was a great support to me in graduate school. She was the type of person that always had a positive view of things and never got discouraged. She always had a way of lifting my spirits and re-energizing me when I most needed it. I learned so much from her, she will be sorely missed.

Carmen Cartisano

I will always be grateful for her insight, support, and guidance. She has helped shape my graduate career for the better and made me into a better scientist. I have learned so much from her. Rossana was an amazing mentor and friend. She will be missed.

Marla Bianca

She was very nice. She was very generous. She would always take Giulia’s friends everywhere and she even let us sleepover which most parents don’t let people do. She was very hardworking and supportive.

Atabong Foretia

I am so shocked and saddened by the passing of Rossana. She made me feel like a friend immediately. She was always smiling, friendly and had the cutest laugh. She was such a vibrant ball of energy, and such a loving, devoted and fun mom. I cherish the times we had and will miss her greatly.

Kathy Smith

Sorry to miss Rossana Memorial, we are now in Taranto, Puglia, Rossana’s native Land. We are praying for Rossana’s Family, for Victor & Giulia, in Talsano Church. We will miss Rossana, the smiling, happy woman we had the fortune to meet.

She will never die in our heart. Rest in peace. Hugs to all of you.

Fiorenza & Gianpiero