Traditional Illustrations

Fully detailed scene illustrations done traditionally on paper or canvas, featuring characters and/or objects of focus, elements of scenery integrated into the piece, and an immersive background.

Traditional illustrations have a variety of mediums that can be specified, with examples of each shown below. When commissioning traditional illustration work, you may specify what mediums resemble the product you want most. I'll also need a detailed scene description of what you'd like, an explanation of what idea you want executed, character references for any characters included, and the mood you way to it portray as a whole.


My Series of Psychology Concept Illustrations - Mixed Media

(Sharpies, Alcohol Markers, Pastels, Sharpies)

(Pastels, Acrylics, Colored Pencils, Pens)

(Pens, Highlighters, Pastels, Markers)

(Alcohol Markers, Sharpies)

(Prismacolors, Pens, Markers)

(Alcohol Markers, Pens, Opaque Marker)

(Alcohol Markers, Pens, Sharpies)

(Printer Ink, Pastels)

(Acrylics, Sharpies)

(Sharpies, Pastels)

(Colored Pencils, Sharpies, Acrylics)

Illustrations by Medium

Watercolor and Acrylic


(Watercolors, Sharpies)

(Watercolor + Pen & Ink Illustration)




Charcoal, Pen and Ink, Pencil

Charcoal Study

Verver - Pen and Ink

Pencil Illustration


Recreation of a Photo in Pastel with Geometric Shapes

Sweets Study


Hand Garden
