I have created a button that is using the macro "create from template". However when that button is clicked, it takes me to the "All Updates" page for my space rather than creating a new page from the template I picked when creating the button. Am I missing something obvious?

The interesting thing is that I have 4 "create from template" macros on the page, 2 work perfectly and 2 do not work at all. Here is a screenshot of one that works perfectly - from what I can tell the setup is the same:

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@Jonathan Smith I just tried your suggestion - pointing the non-working button to one of the templates that is currently being used in the working button & I still see the same results. I also created brand new templates that are super simple (just a blank page and a tag) and that also did not work. I've re-created the macro from scratch and still nothing. I'm completely at a loss for this one. :(

@Sydney Loy Delete the non working button, create a new one (lower on the page), point it to a new (simple) template to confirm it works. If so, move it up to your desired spot and point to the desired template.

I've created a few custom templates that I would like to make a button for the team to create relevant pages from those templates. However my custom templates do not show up in the template list on the Create from Template Macro pop up.

From the Data pane, drag the newly created group field to Detail on the Marks card. Next, to make each territory appear as a single mark, you must also remove the related geographic field(s) from the view.

In a simple test, I tried to create a basic Conda environment, export that environment to a YAML file, and re-create the environment from the YAML file on the exact same computing instance.No matter what I try, the re-create step hangs up (fails) with no error message (timeout)

I have also tried multiple variations where I remove myenv before trying to re-create it using the same name (myenv). Folder permissions to the anaconda3/envs folder are 775 and there is no problem creating the environment. I have already updated, cleaned, and re-initialized Conda and have re-booted my instance multiple times.

Possibly a channel mixing issue. I see python and libuuid come from defaults (i.e., main, anaconda) channel, whereas everything else is Conda Forge. If you have channel_priority: strict, then any packages in conda-forge channel (which is given priority by the YAML because it is first), will mask any packages of the same name in the lower priority channel (defaults).

If you instead started from conda-forge to begin with, then everything should be fine. Conda Forge is entirely self-sufficient these days. Whereas Anaconda users often need to use Conda Forge packages to fill in the gaps. This practice (which is encouraged by Anaconda documentation with little warning about how problematic it is) generates a substantial portion of user issues.

The problem turned out to be a memory issue (as in, lack thereof). I was trying to do this on an AWS EC2 instance that was on the t2.micro free tier. This instance only had 1GB of memory (RAM) and buried in the feedback I got from the dmesg command (run from the terminal after the command failed) I noticed an "Out of Memory" line. I increased the instance size and the problem went away. Thanks for the help!

In the Create Names from Selection dialog box, select the checkbox (es) depending on the location of your row/column header. If you have only a header row at the top of the table, then just select Top row. Suppose you have a top row and left column header, then select Top row and Left column options, and so on.

You can create a template from an existing repository. Anyone with access to the template repository can create a new repository based on the template with the same directory structure, branches, and files. For more information about creation of a repository template, see "Creating a template repository."

You can choose to include the directory structure and files from only the default branch of the template repository or to include all branches. Branches created from a template have unrelated histories, which means you cannot create pull requests or merge between the branches.

I'm trying to create an archetype from an existing multi module maven project. For this, I change the directory to the root directory (where the root pom.xml is in) and issue a "mvn archetype:create-from-project". The build doesn't finish and I get the following error:

This goal reads your source and resource files, the values ofits parameters, and properties you specify in a.property file, and uses them to create a Mavenarchetype project using the maven-archetype packaging. If you buildthe resulting project, it will create the archetype. You can thenuse this archetype to create new projects that resemble theoriginal.

Custom properties allow you to replace some constant values inthe project's files with Velocity macro references. When a usergenerates a project from your archetype he or she gets theopportunity to replace the value from the source project.

We do not currently ship to P.O. boxes or APO/FPO addresses. Your order may be delayed if your shipping address is different from your billing address. (We use this additional time to ensure the security of your credit card information.)

Browse by change type: You can click on a popular CT in the Quick create area to immediately open the Run RFC page. Note that you cannot choose an older CT version with quick create.

Open the Run parameters area to see the configurations you submitted. Refresh the page to update the RFC execution status. Optionally, cancel the RFC or create a copy of it with the options at the top of the page.

Use either the Inline Create (you issue a create-rfc command with all RFC and execution parameters included), or Template Create (you create two JSON files, one for the RFC parameters and one for the execution parameters) and issue the create-rfc command with the two files as input. Both methods are described here.

Issue the create RFC command with execution parameters provided inline (escape quotes when providing execution parameters inline), and then submit the returned RFC ID. For example, you can replace the contents with something like this:

If specified and not undefined, an object whose enumerable own properties specify property descriptors to be added to the newly-created object, with the corresponding property names. These properties correspond to the second argument of Object.defineProperties().

Note that there are caveats to watch out for using create(), such as re-adding the constructor property to ensure proper semantics. Although Object.create() is believed to have better performance than mutating the prototype with Object.setPrototypeOf(), the difference is in fact negligible if no instances have been created and property accesses haven't been optimized yet. In modern code, the class syntax should be preferred in any case.

Link that opens Create from template view can be found in the project sidebar of every project (besides Template Repository). This feature works exactly the same as Create from template dialog.

 Create from template dialog

The first and the most recommended way to select a template is the Template Select rendered by the ITC app.

For example, while using Create from template dialog or Apply template dialog. Template Select

In the past, there was an option within Survey123 Connect to create a new survey based on other existing published surveys within your organization. It was different from the option to create from a Feature Service, in that it pulled the exact XLS form and configuration from that survey, instead of just creating a generic template of questions based on the data field types. This was incredibly helpful for IT/admins for troubleshooting purposes, because it allowed you to create a copy of other users' surveys and test solutions or workarounds without editing the originals.

If you need to submit data to the copy and want to keep things separate from the original layer, just open up the settings tab of the XLS file and remove the submission URL. When you go to publish the copy, it will create a new layer.

The issue is copying surveys from another user within the organization, not one of my own forms. So the 'Save As' isn't an option in this case, as you can't see other user's survey forms within Connect.

Well, if you have access to the form to see it at least, you can use /sharing/rest/content/items//data to download the package that includes the XLS file, and you'd be able to push a new form out from that.

Enter your store policies, or click Create from template to enter the default template. Use the rich text editor to add style and formatting to your policies, and to add links and images. be457b7860

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