
Teaching activities at University of Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli, Italy at Institutional website

Thesis co-supervisor

Master's Thesis in Mathematics:

  • Splines as activation functions for deep learning (student from University of Naples Federico II)

PhD Courses

A.A. 2021-2022:

Fundamentals of linear programming, numerical methods and applications, 4 Italian CFU (ECTS credits), for Doctoral Program in "Mathematics, Physics and Applications to Engineering” (XXXVII ciclo), Department of Mathematics and Physics, University of Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli".

A.A. 2020-2021:

Spline models for regression analysis, 4 Italian CFU (ECTS credits), for Doctoral Program in "Mathematics, Physics and Applications to Engineering” (XXXVI ciclo), Department of Mathematics and Physics, University of Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli".

Courses from academic year 2019-20 to the academic year 2021-22

A.A. 2021-2022:

§ Matematica Generale, 4 of 8 Italian CFU (ECTS credits), Master's Degree in Architecture

§ Numerical Methods for Data Analysis, 6 Italian CFU (ECTS credits), Bachelor's Degree in Data Analytics

§ Mathematica, 4 of 12 Italian CFU (ECTS credits), Bachelor's Degree in Environmental Sciences and Biotechnology

§ Calcolo Numerico 1, 3 of 12 Italian CFU (ECTS credits), Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics

A.A. 2020-2021:

§ Numerical Methods for Data Analysis, 6 Italian CFU (ECTS credits), Bachelor's Degree in Data Analytics

§ Operational Research, 6 Italian CFU (ECTS credits), Bachelor's Degree in Data Analytics

§ Mathematica, 4 of 12 Italian CFU (ECTS credits), Bachelor's Degree in Environmental Sciences and Biotechnology

A.A. 2019-2020:

§ Numerical Methods for Data Analysis, 6 Italian CFU (ECTS credits), Bachelor's Degree in Data Analytics

§ Calcolo Numerico 2, 4 of 8 Italian CFU (ECTS credits), Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics

Teaching activities at University of Naples Federico II, Italy at Institutional website

Thesis co-supervisor

Master's Thesis in Mathematics, at Department of Mathematics and Applications “R.Caccioppoli”, University of Naples Federico II:

  • Sulle proprietà di convergenza di alcuni metodi del Gradiente;

  • A numerical approach to vegetation pattern formation models;

  • A regularization approach to image denoising using gradient methods;

  • RBF-based schemes for solving source-type flows in well-hydraulics.

PhD Courses

A.A. 2018-2019

Numerical Methods for Data Analysis with Python, 4 Italian CFU (ECTS credits), for Doctoral Programs in "Food Science" (XXXIV ciclo) and "Sustainable Agricultural and Forestry Systems and Food Security" (XXXIV ciclo), Department of Agricultural Science, University of Naples Federico II.

Courses from academic year 2016-17 to the academic year 2019-20

A.A. 2019-2020:

§ Mathematics for Economists (Module 2): Linear Algebra and Linear Programming for the Advanced Master in Agricultural Economics and Policy.

§ Mathematics, 9 Italian CFU (ECTS credits), Bachelor's Degree in Agricultural, Forest and Environmental Sciences, Department of Agriculture.

A.A. 2018-2019

§ Mathematics, 9 Italian CFU (ECTS credits), Bachelor's Degree in Agricultural, Forest and Environmental Sciences, Department of Agriculture.

§ Mathematics for Economists (Module 2): Linear Algebra and Linear Programming for the Advanced Master in Agricultural Economics and Policy.

A.A. 2016-2017

§ Mathematics, 9 Italian CFU (ECTS credits), Bachelor's Degree in Agricultural, Forest and Environmental Sciences, Department of Agriculture.