Robotic perception and Situation Awareness in real-world applications (RoSA)

ECMR'23: Workshop on Perception and Situation Awareness (RoSA) 

Robotic Perception for Real-world Applications

The aim of the RoSA Workshop, as part of the ECMR 2023 conference, is to bring together researchers, professionals, policy makers, stakeholders and experts in perception, situational awareness, sensing, deep learning and applied machine learning to discuss current and future challenges of robotic perception and situation awareness systems, emerging technologies in multimodal perception, and the role of perception (single or multimodality) in real-world application domains (eg, autonomous robots, field robotics, agricultural robotics, applied robotics). The RoSA theme is Robotic perception for real-world applications. The key scientific and technological objectives of the ROSA workshop are to discuss ongoing and promising challenges and opportunities (during the keynote speakers’ session and the Posters’ session) related to the following areas:

• Deep and multimodal perception systems applied to mobile robotics in general, aerial robotics, agricultural/field robotics, autonomous robotic systems, and related applications.

• Calibrated, probabilistic, explainable, interpretable, multimodal perception to increase reliability of robot systems.