
"What's in a name? Purchases and Sales of Financial Assets as a Monetary Policy Instrument," pdf, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 55: 1507-1533. Link to published version:

"Term Premium Variability and Monetary Policy" with Timothy S. Fuerst, pdf, The Oxford Handbook of the Economics of Central Banking (2019): 406. Link to published version:

Policy Analysis

"Inflation forecasts based on money growth proved accurate in 2021, though generally unreliable" with Tyler Atkinson (Dallas Fed Economics post)

"State and local governments rake in surpluses after pandemic" with Fang Yang (Dallas Fed Economics post)

"An Economic Analysis of the Elimination of the Individual Income Tax in Mississippi " with Josh Hendrickson (full paper)

Working Papers

"Bond Pricing and Business Cycles with Central Bank Asset Purchases" (full paper)

"Commercial Bank Balance Sheet Composition and Monetary Policy Transmission" (full paper)

"Easing for Whom? Central Bank Asset Purchases and Household Inequality" with Robert Lester and Kevin Rinz (full paper)

"If it were a snake, it would have bitten you: Money in the New Keynesian Model" with Joshua R. Hendrickson (full paper)

"The Effect of Fiscal Programs with Money Financing and Yield Curve Control" with Jonathan Rawls (full paper)

"Monetary Policy Interactions: The Policy Rate, Asset Purchases, and Optimal Policy with an Interest Rate Peg" with Isabel Gödl-Hanisch and Jonathan Rawls (full paper, revise and resubmit)

"Optimal Monetary Policy with an Occasionally Binding ZLB and Central Bank Asset Purchases" with Mikheil Dvalishvili (full paper, replication files)