Ronald Phillips Explains How Mining Companies Can Observe COVID Prevention

Mining companies should understand that their workers face a significant risk of contracting COVID. Yes, the number of recorded infections has stabilized. However, Ronald Phillips emphasizes that your miners could still get sick if you don’t observe the proper prevention protocols. Remember: they spend hours in enclosed vehicles and spaces which may have poor ventilation. Although COVID prevention protocols vary from industry to industry, mining companies can expect the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to require the following:

Active Screening

Employers need to screen their on-site workers. Ask them to undergo scheduled antigen testing and immediately isolate employees that show signs of COVID. Remember that mining camps have limited ventilation. Letting in even just one sick employee could quickly lead to a mass infection.

Transportation Assistance

Ronald Phillips encourages mining companies to provide transportation assistance, especially in isolated locations with limited public transit systems. You don’t have to pick everyone up from their houses. However, provide alternative transportation systems so that your workers don’t have to in vehicles with nonemployees who may not be subject to testing and screening.

Personal Hygiene Stations and Cleaning

Ensure that your workers have access to soap and water, in addition to comfortable masks where they are indicating. Miners spend hours sharing high-touch tools and surfaces, so constant cleaning is helpful to prevent the spread of COVID and other communicable diseases.

Physical Distancing

Physical distancing isn’t possible for many workers in mining, but office employees can be offered opportunities to work remotely, especially if they aren’t feeling well.

Bottom Line

Feel free to draft unique guidelines for your company. Review global and local restrictions, then see which ones would benefit your workforce the most.

Also, Ronald Phillips encourages mining companies to stay updated on their local COVID prevention guidelines. Society’s regaining a sense of normalcy. However, deliberately overlooking health and safety protocols does nothing but endanger your on-site mining professionals.