Roman numerals (I, V, X, L, C, D, M) form a numeral system that was used in ancient Rome where letters represent numbers. They remained in use until the late middle ages in Europe. This is in contrast to Arabic numerals which is the moden numeric system used throughout the world (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9). Our tool above allows you to convert Arabic numerals to Roman numerals.

Roman numerals are not commonly used in this day and age, but there are some limited scenarios where you might encounter them. You can use our Roman Numeral Generator for these different use cases. Commonly, Roman numerals are used on invitations, clock faces, and for the annual Super Bowl name. They were also used in royal titles to demark which king or queen was which.

Roman Numerals Generator

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Thank you for your excellent reference work. I find Roman numerals are also used in Bible Commentaries from the 1800s; the Book is followed by the chapter, which is listed as a Roman numeral, followed by the verse, which is listed as an Arabic number. This site is extremely useful to me for looking things up.

This calculator is helpful if you are designing jewelry or a tattoo with Roman numerals. You can enter number dates and translate the date into Roman numerals. A Roman numeral tattoo might also have dots, periods or dashes separating the month, day and year. Some Roman numeral tattoos have both an underline and overline connecting the string of characters.

I am trying to generate dictionary values of roman numerals, but I am really stuck in designing my for loop.In my problem, you have an input called values. For each distinct letter in the input, it corresponds to a roman numeral. In the example below, A=1,B=5,C=10,D=50,E=100,F=500,G=1000 etc.Thus,the letters of the input are just like the roman numerals, I,V,X,L,C,D.I want to create a function where you input a string of any length and each distinct letter corresponds to a roman numeral which is put into a dictionary

SUP people. I'm doing random number generator but it is like lottery. With one press on the button i generate 7 diffrent numbers. My problem is how to make them that there are diffrent number and there cant be any numbers that are the same. Thanks for responds!

Open up the Galaxy script and go to the CreatePlanetData method. Where we set the name of the planet, we currently get the Star name and then concatenate that with a number. We want to keep the Star name bit but change it so the number displays as a roman numeral instead.

Are you looking to convert a date into Roman numerals? Whether you need to translate a specific date or create a stunning piece of jewelry or tattoo design, understanding how to convert dates into Roman numerals is essential. In this article, we will explore the process of converting dates into Roman numerals, providing you with the necessary knowledge to undertake this task with ease.

I often have to generate random Roman numerals so I created this simple online utility that does it for me. It lets you generate however many random Roman numbers you need from the given range. It works in the browser and is powered by alien technology from the future.

This random Roman numeral generator works entirely in your browser and is written in JavaScript. Generating random Roman numbers is similar to generating random integers (in decimal base). First, the program parses the range options start and end, and the count option that controls how many numbers will be printed in the output. Then, it starts a random number generation loop that runs from 0 to count. In the loop, it randomly picks an integer number from the range [start, end] using the formula num = Math.floor(Math.random() * (end - start + 1)) + start. Then, it converts the random number num to a Roman number by calling the function toRoman(num) from the roman.js library. This library parses a regular number and assigns Roman numerals I (1), V (5), X (10), L (50), C (100), D (500), M (1000) to digits in the correct order, so that, for example, 4 is correctly represented as IV and 9 as IX. Each picked Roman number is then pushed to the output array. If the "Show Decimal Numbers" option is enabled, then the num value is also appended to the Roman number. By default, the "Allow Repeating Numerals" option is enabled, which means the same numeral can be picked multiple times. If you need to generate only unique Roman numerals, then disable this option. When it's disabled, the generator makes an additional check to see if the num was already picked. The picked values are recorded in the seenNums = {} object. When a new num is pushed to the output array, it's being recorded as seenNums[num] = 1. This way only those nums that pass the seenNums[num] === undefined check get added to the output array. When the loop ends, the formed output array gets converted to a string by calling the function join(separator) and this string is then printed to the screen.

This random roman numeral generator was created by me and my team at Browserling. Behind the scenes, it's actually powered by our web developer tools that are used by millions of people every month. Browserling itself is an online cross-browser testing service powered by alien technology. Check it out!

The Roman numerals kata is a simple programming exercise. You should implement conversion to and from Roman numerals. This always struck me as the ultimate case for example-driven development, but I must also admit that I've managed to get stuck on the exercise doing exactly that: throwing more and more examples at the problem. Prompted by previous successes with property-based testing, I wondered whether the problem would be more tractable if approached with property-based testing. This turned out to be the case.

When modelling a problem with property-based testing, you should attempt to express it in terms of general rules, but even so, the fundamental rule of Roman numerals is that there are certain singular symbols that have particular numeric values. There are no overall principles guiding these relationships; they simply are. Therefore, you'll still need to express these singular values as particular values. This is best done with a simple parametrised test, here using 2.1:

As you can see, this simple test expresses the relationship between the singular Roman numeral values and their decimal counterparts. You might still consider this automated test as example-driven, but I more think about it as establishing the ground rules for how Roman numerals work. If you look at the Wikipedia article, for instance, it also starts explaining the system by listing the values of these seven symbols.

This property uses FsCheck (2.2.4). First, it expresses a range of relevant integers. For various reasons (that we'll return to) we're only going to attempt conversion of the integers between 1 and 3,999. The value romanRange has the type Arbitrary, where Arbitrary

When used with Prop.forAll, the property states that for all values drawn from romanRange, the anonymous function should succeed. The i argument within that anonymous function is populated by romanRange, and the function is executed 100 times (by default).

The particular expression states that if you call toRoman with i, and then call tryParseRoman with the return value of that function call, the result should be equal to i. Both sides should be wrapped in a Some case, though, since both toRoman and tryParseRoman might also return None. For the values in romanRange, however, you'd expect that the round-trip always succeeds.

The fundamental idea about Roman numerals is that they are additive: I means 1, II means (1 + 1 =) 2, XXX means (10 + 10 + 10 =) 30, and MLXVI means (1000 + 50 + 10 + 5 + 1 =) 1066. You simply count and add. Yes, there are special rules for subtractive shorthand, but forget about those for a moment. If you have a Roman numeral with symbols in strictly descending order, you can simply add the symbol values together.

The function genSymbols has the type int -> char -> Gen. It returns a generator that produces a repeated string no longer than the specified length. Thus, genSymbols 3 'M' is a generator that draws random values from the set [""; "M"; "MM"; "MMM"], genSymbols 1 'D' is a generator that draws random values from the set [""; "D"], and so on. Notice that the empty string is one of the values that the generator may use. This is by design.

Using genSymbols, you can define generators for all the symbols: up to three thousands, up to one five hundreds, up to three hundreds, etc. thousands, fiveHundreds, hundreds, and so on, are all values of the type Gen.

You can combine all these string generators to a single generator using Gen.sequence, which takes a seq. In this case, the input is [thousands; fiveHundreds; hundreds; fifties; tens; fives; ones], which has the type Gen list, so the output is a Gen value. Values generated could include ["MM"; ""; ""; ""; "X"; ""; ""], [""; "D"; "CC"; "L"; "X"; "V"; ""], and so on.

This is a bit of work to ensure that proper Roman numerals are generated, but the rest of the property is tractable. You can use FsCheck's Prop.forAll to express the property that when tryParseRoman is called with any of the generated numerals, the return value is equal to the expected value.

Now that you have expected and actual values, you can assert that these two values must be equal to each other. This property states that for all strictly descending numerals, the return value must be the sum of the constituent symbols.

The principal rule for Roman numerals is that of additivity, but if you only apply the above rules, you'd allow numerals such as IIII for 4, LXXXX for 90, etc. While there's historical precedent for such notation, it's not allowed in 'modern' Roman numerals. If there are more than three repeated characters, you should instead prefer subtractive notation: IV for 4, XC for 90, and so on.

The subtractive function is implemented with a gen computation expression. It first uses a let! binding to define that a singular minuend is a random value drawn from minuends. As usual, Gen.elements is the workhorse: it defines a generator that randomly draws from a sequence of values, and because minuends is a string, and the string type implements char seq, it can be used with Gen.elements to define a generator of char values. While Gen.elements minuends returns a Gen value, the use of a let! binding within a computation expression causes minuend to have the type char. e24fc04721

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