Are The Diamonds You Are Buying Free Of Conflict?

What are conflict diamonds and certified conflict free diamonds? There are both legitimate and non-legitimate diamonds sold in the market. Traders sell legitimate ones in regular and controlled trades. The illegal ones are, however, sold in the black market. They may sell them in the general market with the disguise of legal ones.

The legitimate diamonds are therefore called conflict-free diamonds. And the illicit ones are called conflict diamonds as the conflict with the local, national, and international laws.

Why Are Conflict Free Diamonds Called So?

They use illicit diamonds to supplement war and terror funding. They sell them bypassing the radar of Interpol. They originate from countries that are continually in battle, especially an African country. They are also called Blood Diamonds for the very reason.

It is imperative to buy certified conflict-free diamonds. Buy them from a reliable source.

How Did The Conflict Diamonds Come Into Existence?

The Sierra-Leone civil war that began the 90s lasted for nine years. In the course of the war, over 75000 people died. People around the globe learned the brutal tactics of the rebellious groups like rape, torture, and murder. That is how the circulation of Blood Diamonds came to limelight.

Another instance of exposure was in the late 90s. The Fowler Report uncovered that the National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA) was circulating the illicit diamonds. The report had the whole list of countries and companies that were involved in the illegal trade.

How Does Your Purchase Of Conflict Diamonds Make Others Suffer?

By buying conflict diamonds, we may unintentionally support the sufferings of many innocent lives. People who caught up in the conflict suffer from life-threatening situations.

Secondly, thousands of men, women, and children are forced into slavery. They are not given proper equipment or even basic amenities like good food, clothing, etc. They are also subjected to rigorous and laborious works throughout the day. Hence it is better to buy certified loose diamonds.

The Solution Offered

Kimberley Process is the resolution offered by South African diamond-producing states. They held the meeting Kimberley, South Africa, in May 2000. They discussed measures of stopping the illicit trade and that buying diamonds was not funding violence. This comes handy when one needs to buy loose diamonds online.

As a result, the United Nations, the European Union, the World Diamond Council, Global Witness, and governments of seventy-four countries came to a mutual agreement.

They also introduced the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme (KPCS). It required that all members have to certify all the rough diamond exports have been produced through legitimate mining and are free of conflict. These results in GIA, AGS, IGI and EGL certified loose diamonds.

Every shipment must have certificates with details like where the diamonds were mined. Where the cutting and polishing were are done? Who all is involved, and where they are heading?

This procedure eliminates the possibility of involvement of outlawed people or even non-members.

This is why you need to go for such grading in loose diamonds for sale in Bridgewater NJ, and Bridgewater Township, New Jersey.

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