ROLLING Institute on Argument Structure

The ROLLING Institute on Argument Structure consists of 7 courses that will take place virtually over the course of 8 months between January and December, 2021. These are week-long courses from Monday to Friday. Additional courses will be offered

List of Lectures:

  • "Verbal argument structure" (by Artemis Alexiadou, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin - Leibniz ZAS)

  • "Argument structure across frameworks" (by Antonio Fábregas, Universitetet i Tromsø)

  • "Argument structure and lexical semantics" (by John Beavers, The University of Texas at Austin)

  • "The argument structure of psych verbs" (by Carles Royo, Universitat Rovira i Virgili)

  • "Argument structure and information structure" (by Ángel L. Jiménez-Fernández, Universidad de Sevilla)

  • "Argument structure and neurolinguistics" (by Linnaea Stockall, Queen Mary University London; Laura Gwilliams, University of California San Francisco) . It includes a Roundtable with Ellen Lau (University of Maryland), Alec Marantz (NeLLab-NYU), and Liina Pylkkänen (NeLLab-NYU).

  • "Argument structure and word formation" (by Elisabeth Gibert-Sotelo, Universitat Rovira i Virgili)

  • "The argument structure of unergatives across theories" (by Isabel Oltra-Massuet, Universitat Rovira i Virgili)

  • "Argument structure and quantification" (by Svitlana Antonyuk, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz)

Due to the Covid-19 outbreak and following the current safety guidelines established by the university, the courses will be conducted online on Teams.

The Institute is organized by the members of the Research Project "Argument Structure and Neurolinguistic Processing at the Lexicon-Syntax Interface: Unergative Verbs with Cognate Object or Obligatory Prepositional Object" of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (FFI2016-80142-P). Our project focuses on the theoretical representation and linguistic processing of unergative verbs. It seeks to analyze the various structures in which unergative verbs can appear and how they contrast with other parallel structures such as light verb configurations from both a theoretical and an experimental point of view.

Important Announcement: There has been a change of dates of the following courses:

1. The argument structure of unergatives across theories by Isabel Oltra-Massuet (New Date: To be announced .

2. Argument structure and quantification by Svitlana Antonyuk (New Date: To be announced).