

~ For Graduates!

Course (kôrs, k rs) n. “Onward movement in a particular direction; progress”

This Men’s Weekend Course is intended to change the behavior of men and Ensure that Men Live the Values of the Men's Weekend. The Courses are a unique environment where graduates of the Sterling Men’s Weekend revisit the material they were exposed to in their Men’s Weekend. The course is a path for your life.

Revisit Your Men’s Weekend with Your Men!

Purpose of the Men’s Weekend Courses:

To study, integrate, and master the philosophy, teachings and principles of the Sterling Men's Weekend so that men become better fathers, sons, brothers, friends, and husbands on their way to becoming the man they always wanted to be. And to leave no man behind when we encounter one who has become lost or disoriented on his journey, or is simply searching for something more.

The Fall 2021 semester will start in August and end in November. The duration of the Men’s Weekend Course is eight, 3 hour, sessions and the cost is $125.00 USD. You are allowed to miss only one session in order to continue attending and graduate. However, the first and the last sessions must be attended from start through completion and if you are late to either of those sessions you will not be permitted to continue.

The Men’s Weekend Courses will be held on Zoom Mon - Thurs from 7:30pm to 10:30pm in the east and west coast applicable time zones. The first session starts the first week of August 2021.

Minimum Enrollment is 20 men by the start of session one for each course. For Registration and information details, email: and you will be emailed a flyer with all the relevant details and links.

Registration for this semester is handled online: Print a copy of your registration and have it with you while attending the courses.

Registration link: but email before you register so that you do so properly.